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Beast: A Steele Riders MC Novel

Page 5

by Steele, C. M.

  “I have friends—if you get my drift.”

  I chuckle, fixing my cuffs before adding, “I have friends and they call me Beast for a reason. Now, unless you want a formal complaint made against you, stay away from me.” He takes a step back, and I get onto the elevator. Who the hell does that asshole think he is? I don’t know, but I’m sure as fuck going to do my research.

  In all my years, I’ve never had a lawyer outright threaten me before. It’s almost comical that he thinks I’m that easy to back down. I give a call to Cyber, pulling in a favor. “Sure, I’ll get everything on him by tomorrow.”

  “Good. Thanks.”

  When I walk into the bar, I hear Jackson ask, “And who are you?” My blood instantly boils, turning to the steam I swear is coming out of my ears. I don’t give a fuck if he’s the VP of the Steele Riders and Boomer’s brother. I’ll kick his fucking ass.

  Boss answers, “This is Mary, my new hire.”

  “And off fucking limits,” I snarl stalking toward the bar, giving Jackson a warning glare. Friend or not, if he makes a move, I’ll butcher him.

  “Beast, beer?” Mary says, narrowing her eyes at me. She looks surprised to see me—pleasantly surprised.

  “Yes, my sweet felony.” Fucking, hell, I’m asking for trouble. A deep blush slips over her face. She’s fucking beautiful with her long black hair in a thick braid hanging over her shoulder, looking good enough to eat. My cock throbs against my zipper. I’m glad I slipped on my suit jacket after getting out of my truck. My dick imprint would be on display otherwise.

  “What are you doing here? It’s only twelve.” A level of suspicion crosses her face as she slides the beer to me. Does she think I don’t trust her, and I’m checking up on her? I guess that’s what I’m doing, but that’s not why. I need my fix. I have to see her. More than that, I want to taste her. From head to toe, I want to lick every inch of Mary.

  “He took a guilty plea,” I answer, knowing I’m so guilty of lusting after my poor, sweet woman.

  “That’s awesome. Congrats.” The bubbly way she says that goes straight to my balls. I picture coming home to tell her I’ve destroyed another defense and getting that sexy smile tossed my way. I’m holding the beer tighter than is smart, but I can’t fight this hunger for her.

  “Thanks.” I take a long drink from the bottle and set it back on the table. The distraction of Jackson arguing with Penny helps me cool the burning need. I take the scene in and know that Jackson’s got it bad for his client.

  Penny and I haven’t met officially, but now is not the right time to make introductions. From what I can see, Jackson’s about to flip her ass over his shoulder. And yep, she’s upside down and being carried out of the bar.

  “Another one bites the dust,” Boss says, chuckling and cleaning up their drinks from the bar.

  “Absolutely.” I turn back in my chair and stare at Mary. “How’s it going?”

  “It’s okay. I’m not sure I’m cut out for this, but Boss has been sweet about it.”

  “Sweet?” I bite out, whipping my head toward Boss. He’s drying some glasses, but he lifts his hands as if I’ve got a gun pointed at his ass.

  “Relax, killer. She’s old enough to be my kid.”

  She smiles at me, calming down the jealousy. Double-teamed, I relent and drink the rest of my beer.

  “So, don’t you have to spend more time on the next case?”

  “Not yet. First, we have to get the sentencing phase of the trial over with and then I can set up the depositions this coming week, but I’m not going to trial for another month We have to check the calendar and schedule it. There’s so much to do from one case to another and every defendant has their day in court, so the calendar can be really full.”

  “Nice.” She fidgets, biting her bottom lip, waiting for me to say something else, but I can’t stop staring at that mouth of hers. I miss kissing her.

  Boss clears his throat and says, “Mary, can you wipe down the tables for me?”

  “Yes, sir.” She keeps her eyes on me, not moving for a few more seconds before pushing away and doing as Boss asked.

  Boss looks at me and then leans down to whisper, “She’s sweet and killer behind the bar. She’s managed to learn most of the tricks in two days. She’s not familiar with the cocktails, but the beer is all we really want her to handle right now. The only downside is how attractive she is.” He watches my face, judging me and my motives. “Every red-blooded available man has tried to make a pass at her. I grumble something about her being my niece, which sends some of them running.”

  “Keep these fuckers away from her,” I snarl, grinding my teeth so hard that I could swear I hear a crack. There’s no denying that she’s mine in my eyes even if I have to wait.

  She comes back, and I slide my hand around her waist, pulling her so that her body is trapped between my legs as I sit on the stool. “Sweet Felony, I need to go and get some shit done, but I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  “Okay.” She looks away, focusing her attention on my suit jacket. I tip her chin to look up at me, seeing indecision in her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” I ask with my voice gentle.

  “Yes.” She nods vigorously, and I don’t believe her.

  “Am I pushing you too far?” I don’t want to overwhelm her with my crazy possessiveness.

  “No, but you know we have to keep our distance.”

  “I understand, but I can’t stop stealing just a touch.” It hits me hard that I’m the one who can’t act like an adult in this situation. I have no damn self-control, and it’s disappointing.

  “See ya later, Beast.” She pushes away from me and moves behind the bar, wiping her hands off on the bar towel. I take one last look at her as she works, but she doesn’t lift her head up, so I get up to leave, and as usual, I peek through the reflection to take in her beauty one more time without her knowing.

  I step out into the sunshine and feel a sense of emptiness. My phone rings and I see it’s Spencer. As soon as I’m in my SUV, I hook it up to my vehicle’s Bluetooth. “What’s going on, Charles?”

  “I’m seeing how it’s going.”

  “It’s fine. What else? I know you’re not calling just for that.”

  “Serrano got the judge to release him on bail.”

  “What?” I roar, braking too hard, causing eyes to land on mine. I pull off to the side, parking in front of the local grocery store.

  “He’s getting out today. He’ll still have a monitor on him, so it’s not like he can get to her, but I wanted to give you a heads up.”

  “Fucking shitty judges,” I grumble. Clearing my throat that suddenly feels like a frog is stuck in it, I say, “Fine. I’ll keep her protected.”

  “I knew you would. Talk to you later.” He ends the call, and I slam my head against the backseat.

  Boomer sends out a text reminding everyone that we’re having a get together at the clubhouse tonight. Riders and family only. I get a second text from Boomer. You know Mary’s welcome as well.

  I want her to come, but at the same time, I don’t. There are way too many prospects that’ll be there that are her age or slightly older. I’ll end up killing one of them if they even flirt with her, but I have to go because I need to talk with the guys about Serrano.

  * * *

  I prepare for the party with my vest on, wanting to bring Mary with me, but there’ll be too many questions about her background and our relationship that I can’t answer.

  When I come out of the bedroom, I see Mary reading. I don’t want to interrupt her, but I can’t go without saying goodbye. “Mary, I’m out. I’ll be back later. Don’t wait up for me and don’t try to leave. I’m going to lock down the house.” I haven’t told her about Serrano because she doesn’t need the extra paranoia. Instead, I turn and walk out without waiting for her to reply.

  I feel like a total dick for leaving without her. As soon as I pull into the clubhouse, I’m beyond irritated at myself and at her. Why did she
have to come in and fuck up my world by being everything I could ever want and someone I can’t have.

  Sensing my mood, Wrench hands me a beer. I don’t even wait to polish off the bottle. I toss it in the recycling bin and then go grab another. It’s going to be a long and miserable night.

  “Slow down, or you’ll be smashed before everyone gets here.”

  “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me,” I mutter, finishing another. All I can think about is what Mary’s doing right now. Does she hate me for not bringing her? Probably.

  Chapter 7


  The day went from wonderful to terrible. When Beast showed up at the bar, I had to change my panties, and when he pulled me into my arms, I knew they were ruined. Now, I’m watching him drive away to a party that I’m not welcome at. My heart feels like it’s in my stomach as I think about what he’s doing without me. I’ve heard and read what happens at parties like this with a bunch of bikers. They have a lot of names for the women who come to fuck the bikers for beer and more. I want to throat punch any clubhouse whore who comes near Beast. He’s supposed to be mine. Although, today I pushed him away, reminding him that we can’t be together and leaving him available to every slut around. God, I feel like shit. My stomach churns as I picture him banging one of these bitches on the side of the clubhouse or in his SUV.

  “Whatever. Get a hold of yourself. You’re not in love with him.” I shout out the words, but I know that they’re nothing but lies. No matter what I tell myself, I’ve gone off the deep end. I’ve fallen for Beast, and it hurts to the depths of my soul that he can just detach himself from me and bang anything that walks.

  I continue to mope around the house, avoiding the kitchen because as silly as it seems, I feel like it’s where he and I became something more than just a handler and his assignment.

  Hours pass by, and I’m home alone. I can’t stop thinking about how hot he looked when he slipped on that Steele Rider vest. I had to dry my lips and change my panties. It’s so sexy the way he goes from hard as stone, don’t mess with me DA to this dark, Beastlike biker in his fully patched up vest. My body forgets for a moment that I’m upset, and I crave his hands on mine all over again.

  I lay back on the sofa, turn on the television with a large bowl of popcorn, and put on a romantic comedy. By the end of the movie, I hear Beast pulling into the gate. I click it off and clean up my mess before he makes it to the door. He opens the door to see me washing the bowl I used. He’s a little tipsy, but there’s something in his eyes that screams regret. I refuse to ask why because I don’t want to know that he’s been with someone tonight.

  “You’re still up,” he sighs as if he hoped I’d be asleep already. I wonder if there’s a woman by the front door waiting to sneak in his room. I know the party is probably for more than the Riders, and he’s just itching to hook up with the easy bitches that show up for men like him.

  I shove him away. Maybe it’s for the best. “I don’t have a bedtime. Excuse me,” I say as I push past him. I get the faint whiff of perfume off his clothes, answering my own question. “Goodnight.” It’s the only thing I can say without breaking into tears.

  “Goodnight, Sweet Felony.” The strong stench of booze hits my nose, and I’m too pissed to even think straight.

  “The name is Mary.” I storm into my room and slam the door. I can’t take this any longer. I really have to figure out what’s going to happen. I didn’t see anyone at the front door or in the living room, but that probably means he already nailed the bitch at the clubhouse.

  “Mary? What’s wrong?” I hear the thud of his forehead pressing on the door.

  “Nothing. You’re drunk. Go to bed.” I walk into the guest bathroom and close the door loud enough for him to hear and maybe get the hint to leave me alone. I get ready for bed, washing away the tears that have stained my face.

  For the next hour, I sit on my bed, thinking about how I’m going to make it through the day and how I’m going to be able to even see Beast without losing it. I pick up my suitcase and flip it on the bed. Loading it up with my clothes, I stop and try to figure out how I can get away without Beast knowing. I sit on the bed and grab my phone. I can’t contact my former co-workers because it’s too dangerous. Twirling it in my hands, I wonder if it’s a smart idea to call Detective Spencer.

  It takes me another ten minutes before I build up the nerve to call.

  “Hello?” His voice is hoarse from sleep, and I feel like a jerk for waking him up.

  “Detective Spencer, sorry to bother you. I forgot it was so late. I’m wondering and I know this is a huge deal, but is there a way you could move me somewhere else?” I get that what I’m doing is rash, but I have to get away from him before I get any deeper. Hell, I’m already too deep, but I can’t handle the heartache that’s going to come.

  “Why? Is something wrong there?”

  I sigh because I hadn’t thought of a reason for such a logical question. “It’s complicated. Let’s just say that I don’t feel safe here.” My heart’s the only thing that’s not safe here. I hate Beast—that bastard. Do they fuck the women and pass them around? Eww. I’m so damn disgusted that I can’t think straight.

  “Okay. I’ll come and get you first thing in the morning.”

  “Can you be here at ten? That’s when he’s going to be gone.” He’s supposed to do something with Boomer. I know that because he told me when he picked me up from work last night. It’s probably my only way out.

  “Sure. I’ll move you somewhere safe,” he says a little clearer than before, but I’m sure he’s ready to go back to bed. “Be waiting in the front yard for me.”

  “I will. Goodnight.” I hang up and then finish packing my bags before setting them aside.

  I set the alarm on my phone and pass out for the night

  * * *

  I’m grateful I packed my things last night because I woke up late. Apparently, I set the alarm for nine PM instead of AM. I look at my watch, I see it’s almost ten in the morning. Using the bathroom and brushing my teeth, I do one last look over the room to see if I’m missing anything.

  Once I’m sure, I step out of the room and peek out the window. I see that Beast has already left, making it easy for me to get out of the house undetected. With my two bags over my shoulder and my suitcase handle in my left hand, I walk down the stairs and move toward the front. It feels like the longest walk ever. Maybe it’s because I’m worried that Beast is going to stop me or maybe because I hope he does. “Stay strong. You can do this,” I mutter.

  I’m almost to the iron gate when a hand steels around my waist, and another hand slides around my mouth with something strong-smelling in it. I fight, kick, and scream, but it doesn’t work, and I’m quickly losing steam. Suddenly, everything begins to go dark.

  Chapter 8


  I wake up groggy and feeling like shit, but not because I drank a lot. No, because I gave Mary the wrong impression. Before I could explain what happened, she smelled the body spray Morgan accidentally got me with last night. The reason I drank too much is partly my feelings for Mary, but also Serrano, the man she was about to testify against was released on bond. I’m sure he could easily find a way to come after Mary, ankle monitor or not.

  Once I’m fully awake, I can hear her rustling around in the house. I check my phone, and I see a message from Spencer, alerting me that Mary wants to be picked up and he’s on his way.

  “Over my dead body,” I growl out, slipping on some clothes quietly to stop her from going. The thud of her suitcase hits the floor, and then I hear my silent alarm. She’s left the house, but that’s not her who made that sound. It’s coming from my gate. Shit. I grab my gun from my holster and run outside just in time to see some bastard wrap his arms around her, one on her face. I’m there in a second because the stupid fuck is weak and doesn’t realize her weight is going to be heavier now that she’s passed out. As she falls to the ground, I aim right at the fucker, putting a bullet
in his chest.

  I’m down to them in a few steps, scooping her up in my arms and kicking the fucker onto his back. I’m not surprised that it’s Serrano, but he’s surprised to see me as he gasps for air. The stupid piece of shit won’t have time for the medics to arrive. “You touched my wife. Now you pay.”

  Carrying Mary back into the house, I set her on the sofa. From the smell on her face, I know he’s given her a strong dose of Chloroform. I have to get her a washcloth and try to put it on her head while getting Doc over here as soon as possible. Needing to get this dead body out of my front lawn, I call Law. “Hey, I have a dead son of a bitch in my front lawn. It’s a legal shoot, but I need you.”

  “Understood.” He knows that if I wanted to make this go away without the cops, I would call Boomer to get the Riders over here, but he’s fled the jurisdiction and committed several other crimes the second he stepped onto my property. Just minutes later, Spencer pulls up to my front gate. I want to kick his ass for letting Mary think that she could get away from me, but all that matters is she’s safe where she belongs.

  “Wow, holy shit!” he hollers, jumping out of his car and staring at the body on the ground. I open my gate and let him in to help me with this bastard. He moves closer and examines Serrano, who’s dead. “You nailed that fucker. I guess there’s no trial needed, but I have to call it in.”

  “Go ahead. The Steeleville Sheriff is on his way right now.”

  “Where’s Mary?” He’s not taking her from me no matter what she told him. I’m not letting her out of my sight.

  “In the house. I need to get back to her.”

  “Please tell me she’s okay.” He says it, but he’s busy looking down at Serrano and checking him for weapons.

  “He drugged her and tried to take her out of here. I think he wanted her to end up missing unable to testify,” I add as we both stare at the dead body.


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