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Garrett: A M/m BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 1)

Page 6

by Shaw Montgomery

  The boy pointed to the couch. Then moved to sit on a chair that was adjacent but Garrett was having none of that. Garrett sat down on the couch, but he wasn’t going to sit by himself. “I think this will work out best. You are very nervous.”

  Taking Wyatt’s hand, he gave it a little tug. The sub could have easily pulled away, but he blushed and allowed Garrett to steer him into his lap. Once he had the sexy boy settled, he took Wyatt’s hands in his, bringing them around to his back.

  The change in Wyatt was dramatic and immediate. His breathing evened out and Garrett could feel his muscles relax. Everything about him seemed to calm. He looked down at his lap, then peeked up at Garrett through the longest lashes. Not quite flirting but it made Garrett fight for control of his cock.

  The boy was too sweet. Garrett tried not to moan at how perfect it all felt. “This is much better.”

  Wyatt’s cheeks pinked a little, but he nodded.

  “If I do something to make you uncomfortable, I expect you to tell me. I know we haven’t discussed limits or expectations yet. If I go too fast, then I’m going to require you to tell me. That’s our first rule. Is that clear?”

  Wyatt seemed to relax even more and this time he didn’t just nod. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Sir is fine for now until we discuss it. Even Garrett is okay, if that’s what you’d prefer.”

  “I…I…um…I’d like to use Sir for now. As long as it’s just us, of course.”

  “That’s perfectly acceptable. You may even call me that when my family is around. They’re all in the lifestyle as well. I’m not going to brush over the dynamics of our relationship like that unless it’s what you want.” Garrett was curious to know what Wyatt would say. His wasn’t the most conventional family.

  “So…Like…So everyone in your family is into BDSM?” Wyatt’s expression was so cute. The shocked confusion made Garrett want to kiss him.

  “Yes. My brothers are all into BDSM. Even my parents were before my father passed. No one has brought anyone serious home yet but they wouldn’t expect me to hide it. They also wouldn’t expect you to push down your natural inclinations. That’s what some of the nervousness in the office was about, right?” Now that he was starting to get a better feel for what Wyatt needed, the idea made sense. If he leaned towards the more lifestyle end of the spectrum, then he had other needs that weren’t being met.

  Wyatt squirmed a little and looked down at his lap again. He tugged the hand that was still restraining his arms behind his back. But it didn’t feel like he was trying to get loose, more like he was testing to make sure Garrett was holding him tight. His words came out low but not nervous. “Yes. I didn’t want to look ridiculous but sitting in the chair was hard. It didn’t feel right. Not with you there.”

  Garrett wasn’t going to guess what Wyatt meant, even if he thought he had a pretty good idea. “What would have felt better? What did you want to do when you came into the office?”

  Wyatt peeked up again and his expression looked a little skeptical. Like he wasn’t sure if he should answer the question. Garrett took the hand that had been resting on the couch and moved it to Wyatt’s leg, giving him a little squeeze.

  “I wanted to kneel.” Again, not nervous but quiet and maybe a little curious. He probably wanted to know where the conversation was heading.

  Garrett wasn’t sure where they were heading. All he knew was that he was finally starting to learn what made Wyatt tick. It was fascinating and Garrett wasn’t going to let the conversation drop just yet.

  “You wanted to kneel while we were talking?” Garrett tried to sound as neutral as he could. Then he waited for Wyatt’s response. He wanted to be perfectly clear. No guessing.

  “Yes. Sitting in the chair wasn’t comfortable.” Then he took another deep breath and continued. “Knowing you were a Dominant and one that I…that I liked made it difficult.”

  Garrett gave him another little squeeze and tried to be just as honest. “I found those meetings very difficult as well. I kept wanting to touch you and help you relax but it didn’t seem appropriate at the time. Unlike some people I could name, a certain sexy sub, I had no idea you were into the lifestyle.”

  He gave Wyatt a little grin when the boy glanced up, blushing again. “There wasn’t a good way to bring it up and then it just felt more awkward…” Wyatt shrugged obviously not sure how to explain it.

  “A simple, Ben and Conner recommended you would have sufficed. I would have gotten the hint and you wouldn’t have had to say anything more specific.”

  Wyatt sighed, then hunched over. “But then you might have mentioned me to them and they might have mentioned that I had a little crush on you and then I would have died right there the next time I came in to pay a bill. It would have all been very messy.”

  Garrett didn’t fight his smile. Wyatt was so cute, even obviously mortified. “Did we meet before? I can’t remember talking to you at the club. That’s where you saw me, right?”

  “We didn’t meet exactly. I was with someone else a couple of years ago, when you were introduced to my previous master. You were polite, but we didn’t talk. When he left the country, I decided not to follow. I saw you a few times at the club but I didn’t go out of my way to get your attention. Then you stopped coming as often. Ben and Conner said that business had picked up so much you were really busy.”

  “Ah. That makes sense.” At least, a little. If the sub was too shy to come up and talk or even to walk by and flirt a little, Garrett might not have noticed. He typically didn’t go after subs that didn’t seem to be interested.

  There also had to be more to the story. Already, he could tell that Wyatt didn’t give his submission lightly. If he decided not to move with his previous master, he must have had a good reason. Garrett decided it wasn’t something he was going to press right now, but he wasn’t going to push it aside completely.

  “So Ben and Conner knew that you liked me, huh? They didn’t say anything about it.” He was going to have a talk with those two.

  “Yes, but I begged them not to say anything.” Wyatt was still clearly embarrassed at how the conversation was going.

  “I wish you would have. I thought you were sweet and cute the first time you came into the office. You’ve sorely strained my control over the past year.” Garrett decided to test the waters a bit. “At some point, I think you might need to be punished for that.”

  Watching Wyatt look over to the spanking bench in the corner, Garrett felt his arousal surge. There was no way a sub who had a personal spanking bench would hate it. Wyatt started biting his lip, and they were close enough that Garrett could see his pupils get wider. Someone really liked that idea.

  It took Wyatt a minute to be able to respond but finally, he managed a breathy, “Yes, if I was…if I was bad then you’d have to, Sir.”

  Garrett tightened his grip on the sub and gave him a little wink. “Oh, I think I’ll have to. You’ve given me no choice, boy.”

  A low moan escaped Wyatt and Garrett felt his legs tighten. Looking down, it was easy to see the sub’s erection pushing out against his pants. Wyatt didn’t mind that idea at all. Garrett had to remind himself they weren’t going to rush things.

  A naked spanking over the bench would be rushing things.

  However, a clothed spanking over his lap wouldn’t be. It was all a matter of perspective.

  They both got a small reprieve from the growing sexual tension when a timer started going off in the kitchen. Wyatt blinked a few times then his brain seemed to clear. “Timer…Oh, the timer. I’ve got to finish the rest of dinner.”

  Garrett gave the sub one last little squeeze and released his grip on the boy’s arms. Taking his hand off Wyatt’s leg, Garrett gave him a smile. “I can’t wait to see what you’ve made. I’m starving.”

  Wyatt gave him a sheepish grin. “Good. I might have made too much.”

  Helping Wyatt off his lap, Garrett followed him into the kitchen. The wonderful smells were even better in he
re. It was almost like he was walking into a nice restaurant. Something about the smells made him think of juicy steaks and fried potatoes.

  “Smells incredible.”

  “Thanks. I like to cook.”

  “I don’t mind cooking but I never seem to have enough time during the week. And on the weekend, I usually end up at one of my brothers’ houses grilling out or something like that. My mother made sure all of us were functional and could cook, but there are only so many hours in the day.” He loved his job but between regular business hours, extra time with clients who couldn’t come in during traditional hours, and other assorted meetings with local business groups, his day was sometimes incredibly long.

  “I can understand that. With trying to get the furniture for the club done, I haven’t had much time either. I’m finally starting to feel like I’ve got a handle on it, though.”

  “I hope they haven’t been driving themselves crazy trying to get it ready. I’ve been meaning to take a day off and go up to see the new location. I haven’t made the time. They’ve offered to give me a tour when I finally make it up there. Have you seen it?”

  Wyatt nodded as he bustled around the kitchen stirring pots, mixing things in small white bowls, and heating up a heavy skillet. Garrett was curious, but he wasn’t going to question the cook. In his family, if you drove the person making dinner nuts, even by asking too many questions, you’d end up getting the burned pieces or the smallest portion. He didn’t think Wyatt would do that to him, but he wasn’t going to take the chance.

  Sub didn’t mean pushover.

  “It’s nice. The same kind of feel as the one in D.C. but more open. They’re thinking it will be easier to monitor that way and they’re not expecting people outside of politics to be quite so nuts about privacy.”

  “That sounds good. I’m going to have to head up there and take a look. It will be a nice day trip.” The more he thought about it, the better it sounded. “How about we head up there? You can show me around one weekend.”

  Wyatt’s head came up from looking at the pot he’d been stirring. “That sounds like fun.”

  Buzzing around the kitchen, Wyatt went to the fridge, pulling out a bowl with plastic wrap over the top. Garrett had to fight off the urge to go over and peek but he knew the best idea would be to stay right where he was. The kitchen was cute and well laid out but still small enough that if he got up from the little round table, he’d be in Wyatt’s way.

  The smells that came from the bowl were incredible. It wasn’t until Wyatt grabbed some tongs and started lifting meat out that Garrett realized it was some kind of steak tips. The sizzle as the meat hit the pan made his mouth water.

  “You are so much better in the kitchen than I am.”

  Wyatt blushed and ducked his head down, trying to look busy by the stove. “Thank you. I’ve probably had more practice is all. I’m sure whatever you made would be wonderful.”

  “How about I cook next week and we’ll see? You may end up having to soothe my bruised ego. As good as that smells, I’m not sure I can compete.” He was mostly teasing, but the way Wyatt’s whole body perked up made Garrett take notice.

  Wyatt obviously wasn’t sure what to say because he shook his head and went back to focusing on the food. From what Garrett could see, he thought everything was nearly done. “Did you want me to grab the plates out of the dining room so we can fix them up in here? Less mess and all.”

  There was the slightest hesitation in Wyatt’s voice when he responded. “Sure. That would be easiest. There are a few little things to take out there but at least we won’t have to worry about the main items.” Garrett wasn’t sure what was on the sub’s mind but he was clearly missing something.

  What could he have missed?

  As he walked to the dining room, Garrett played over the conversation in his head. Something about the food or the table. Wyatt had been fine until Garrett had asked about the plates. Had he overstepped his bounds? Walking to the table, Garrett stopped to look. There was something Wyatt needed him to figure out.

  The table had an antique feel, but the solid kind, not something flimsy and fancy. Craftsman he thought it was called. There were two place settings at one end with place mats and everything. His mother would be impressed. It was a table meant for guests and nice meals. Garrett thought it was sweet Wyatt had gone to so much effort.

  He was going to have to up his game next week or he’d look like a poor excuse for a Dom.

  It wasn’t until he noticed the small cushion hidden away in a corner that the conversation from the couch came back to him. Now it was starting to make sense. If Wyatt had wanted to kneel in the office instead of sitting, what were the chances he wanted to sit at the table now?

  Slim to none probably.

  Even if he was okay with the idea of sitting at the table, Garrett couldn’t get the image of the sexy sub kneeling while he fed him out of his head. He wouldn’t have a cushion if he didn’t want to use it. This wasn’t a playroom or a club. This was his house. He’d only have things he wanted to use.

  Garrett took a second to rearrange the place settings and chairs, before grabbing the plates and walking back into the kitchen. “Here we go.”

  Wyatt had everything ready when Garrett came back in. Dinner turned out to be steak tips, with homemade golden brown steak fries, and cooked baby carrots in some kind of glaze. As Wyatt plated the food, he looked up at Garrett. “Sir, would you take those little bowls out to the table?”

  “Of course.” Following the directions, Garrett took several little white bowls filled with different sauces out to the table. There was no way he could compete with homemade steak sauce. And multiple varieties at that. Wyatt followed him out with the plates, loaded with food that looked amazing.

  Garrett could see the moment when the sub noticed the changes to the room. His eyes widened, and he seemed to operate by remote as he set the plates on the table. He looked to Garrett, clearly not sure what to do next.

  “All right, sweet boy, come kneel down next to me.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Wyatt blushed faintly but by the time he walked around to the cushion he seemed much more focused. He lowered himself gracefully, hands resting behind his back, then looked up to Garrett.




  Wyatt didn’t care what had given him away. It was perfect. It was what he’d pictured from the very beginning. Kneeling beside the sexy Dom and just having to focus on him. No worries about making small talk or what Garrett thought of him. When he was kneeling and submitting for his Dom—even if it was just his Dom for the evening—nothing else mattered.

  Garrett had moved the plates around so both were in front of him and Wyatt now had plenty of room to kneel beside him. The only thing that would make it better was if he was naked with just a collar on…or maybe a collar and a cock cage. The image made him shiver. He might have had too many fantasies that started just like this.

  “Should I ask what you’re imagining? If I had to guess, I would have to say it was probably naughty.” Garrett’s voice came out slightly husky and from Wyatt’s position it was easy to see the Dom was turned on.

  He thought he might die if Garrett made him tell his fantasy out loud. “Um. Do I have to, Sir?”

  Garrett laughed and shook his head. “Not this time. In the future, yes. I would love to know what you were picturing.”

  That made Wyatt blush, and he ducked his head. “Thank you.” He was relieved at the reprieve, but he also didn’t miss the way the Dom hinted at other dates.

  “You’re welcome. And thank you for dinner. This looks amazing. I don’t even know where we should start.” Garrett picked up his fork and speared a piece of meat. “One fork or two?”

  “One.” He would have said that even if Garrett was a walking flu virus. Just knowing his mouth was going to touch the same place as the Dom’s made him giddy. It was a total fangirl moment again but he couldn’t help himself. This scene could have
been in any fantasy he’d had since moving there. But this time it was real, not just in his head.

  Garrett speared a piece of meat and brought it to Wyatt’s mouth. It tasted as good as he’d hoped but he was more worried about what Garrett would think. He didn’t have to wait long. As soon as the Dom had fed Wyatt, he took a bite for himself.

  “This is wonderful, Wyatt.” His hand reached out and ran over Wyatt’s head, ruffling his hair in a soothing caress. “You’ve done an incredible job with dinner. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Sir.”

  Garrett went back and forth feeding them but eventually, they were both relaxed enough that he put the fork down. Picking up one of the carrots with his fingers, he brought it to Wyatt’s mouth. Wyatt couldn’t help himself. Gently taking the carrot with his lips and teeth, he sucked in Garrett’s fingers, cleaning the sweet glaze off.

  He couldn’t help the little shiver that raced through him as he ran his tongue around the long digits. Peeking nervously up at Garrett, he was pleased to see how much the Dom liked it. The arousal in his eyes and the long outline of his cock made it obvious how much he wanted Wyatt.

  Releasing Garrett, Wyatt carefully chewed the carrot then gave the Dom a little smile. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Cheeky little thing, aren’t you?” Garrett didn’t seem to mind because the next piece of meat he gave Wyatt was covered in one of the tangy sauces.

  He couldn’t leave the Dom a sticky mess. A good sub wouldn’t do that. So the only thing he could do would be to make sure he thoroughly cleaned him off. The burst of flavor from the sauce and from Garrett made him moan. Licking and sucking his fingers clean, Wyatt tried to let him know just how much he wanted to please the Dom.

  They slowly worked their way through dinner, Wyatt taking longer and longer each time to taste not only the food, but the Dom as well. There wasn’t a lot of small talk. Garrett just seemed to be enjoying the food and feeding Wyatt. For Wyatt, he was happy with whatever the Dom wanted.


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