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Lucy's Wolverine (Lilly Town Shifters)

Page 9

by Bobbie Palmer

  "Bill?" she asked.

  "Yeah," he grunted.

  "It's Lucy. There's a wolverine and a tiger stalking through my back yard. I just thought you'd want to know."

  "Fuck! Just stay in the house," Bill said, and hung up.

  Lucy wasn't going to do that. She was going to find out what was going on. It was her land and her… boyfriend? Whatever, it was Mike out there stalking something. She was going to check it out. Slipping on her shoes, she quietly walked into her back yard. She tried to close the door quietly, but the wind caught it and it slammed shut. She winced when she heard the bang and froze, looking around. She caught Mike and the tiger looking at her. She'd been found out. Crap.

  He chirped at her. Well, it sounded like a chirp or something. She didn’t know what sound a wolverine made. She thought that, if anything, it would be a roar, like a bear. Maybe that was their mad sound? Either way, she knew Mike wouldn't hurt her. She guessed he was trying to tell her to get back in the house, but was she going to listen? Nope. She kept walking towards him while he glared at her. Or she thought it was a glare. After a moment, he started walking toward her. When he was in hearing distance, she said, "Bill is on his way."

  Mike walked up to her and started nudging her toward the house. She just reached down and ran her fingers through his fur. It was so soft. Not what she expected, but she liked it. He just continued to try to push her back toward the house.


  Paul saw the wolverine stalking across the yard and took aim. He just needed to get a good shot. He saw the tiger start walking with the wolverine. How had he missed the tiger? Fuck, this was bad! He watched them stalking toward him, still waiting to get in a good shot. Seeing the tiger made him more hesitant. He knew if he shot the wolverine it would go after him. Tigers were ruthless and would never give up until they got their prey. He was surprised it hadn't shown itself while he'd been camped out at the girl's house.

  There was the sound of a door slamming. He looked up and saw the woman walking carefully out toward the wolverine. She wasn't scared; she just looked curious. He was intrigued. He never imagined he would see someone willingly walk up to a shifter. She was human. If she weren't, the door wouldn't have slammed, and as the tiger and wolverine knew he was there, she would surely have shifted.

  He looked back at the tiger and saw it getting closer. He had to get away. He couldn't chance getting caught. He carefully climbed down the tree he was in and took off on his dirt bike. He couldn't understand why she’d just walked outside when there was a tiger and a wolverine in her yard, though. Most people would be running away screaming, not walking towards them and letting them bump into them. That was something he'd have to think over. This might change things.

  Chapter 18

  Mike loved the feel of Lucy running her fingers through his fur. He couldn't seem to get enough. If there weren't an intruder, he'd be rolling on his back, begging her to rub his belly. No one had pet him as a wolverine for a very long time. He let very few people close enough to do it. He was too cautious. He shook his head, trying to clear it, then stepped back from her and shifted back to human form. There was danger out there; he couldn't let Lucy get hurt.

  "Wow!" he heard her say.

  "Lucy, you can't do that. You could have gotten yourself killed," he said to her, pulling her into his arms.

  "I knew you wouldn't hurt me and I was right. I don't know about the tiger, but I knew you'd protect me," she said matter-of-factly

  He loved hearing she had so much faith in him, but he couldn't let her get hurt. She could have been shot. "Lucy, can you go into the house while Emily and I check out the area? We won't be long."

  "Okay," she said, sounding upset. He didn't mean to upset her, but he couldn't have her get killed. Didn't she understand that?

  "Lucy, I'm sorry. We'll talk about this later?" he asked.

  "Sure," she said, turning around towards the house.

  "Can you tell Bill where we are when he gets here?" he asked her. He hated to ask, but it was easier for her to tell him than it was for him to sniff them out. She just nodded and headed back into the house. He felt bad, but her safety came first.

  Mike shifted back and ran to Emily. She might have been a cat, but she was a good hunter. He didn't know her past, but Bill seemed to rely on her a lot. He went back in the direction of the scent, but he heard a dirt bike in the distance. The guy was gone. He heard something behind him and saw Bill lumbering his way toward them in his bear form. Mike nodded in the direction the scent went and they followed it. Maybe they could find something left behind. Some clue as to who was after him.

  They all followed the scent until they found the tire tracks from the dirt bike. They followed them until they reached the road, where they lost the trail. Mike knew they wouldn't find anything, but they could try. He just hoped they showed their faces again soon. He wanted this taken care of and fast. He didn't like being hunted.


  Bill sniffed around, hoping he could catch something. Anything. Mike was good, but Bill was better. If there was something there, he would find it. The Hunters might think they're good, but they haven't had his training. Bill saw Emily following him, but Mike headed back to Lucy. Emily was in his group and knew him well. She was going to stick around until everything had been checked. She also knew that Bill was a little too heavy for the tree. He saw the one the Hunter had been in but had no idea how it had held him. The thing had flimsy branches.

  He couldn't find anything, so he sent Emily up the tree, hoping the Hunter had left something behind up there. He watched as she smelled around. She didn't seem to find anything. When she came back down, she shifted, "Bill, there's nothing."

  "I know," he said, after shifting back. “Whoever this is has some training in something, but you know as well as I do that they'll mess up. They'll leave something behind or just show their faces, and we'll get them." She nodded her head. "Let's go back to the house and talk to Mike and Lucy," he said with a sigh.


  Mike shifted back to human as he walked back to Lucy's house. He couldn't believe she'd put herself in danger like that. She should know better. He’d been shot in her back yard. He walked into her house and saw her sitting at her computer. He shouldn't be surprised about that. She was a writer after all, and they lived their lives by the pen or keyboard. He walked up behind her and put his arms around her, kissing her cheek.

  "Hey, did you guys find anything?" she asked.

  "No, but Bill and Emily are still out looking. They should be here soon."

  "Okay," she said, hanging her head.

  "Lucy, you can't just run after me when you see me like that. It's not safe."

  "I know, but I was worried about you. I needed to make sure you were okay. What if you were shot again?" she asked.

  He felt bad for chastising her. She had only been trying to help, but she could have been shot. The woman had a good heart; she just needed to think a little more before she did something stupid. "Lucy, please, if you see me stalking across the yard, don't go running after me. I have a little more protection than you do and I heal a lot faster. I'm pretty hard to kill too." She nodded her head and leaned back into his embrace.


  Lucy had no intention of listening to him. If he was in trouble, she'd be there. She was no wimp. She’d lived in Manhattan. She’d taken self-defense classes. She could kick butt. So she might not be able to take down a shifter, but she could take down a human easily… unless he had a gun or was really good at fighting.

  "Lucy," Mike said into her neck.


  "Bill and Emily are back, and just as a warning, they're naked."

  "What?" she asked.

  "Our clothes get ruined when we shift. We don't have any spare clothes here," he said with a smile.

  "Emily does. They're in the spare room. I don't know if I like other women seeing you naked, by the way." She didn't. He was hers and no one else had the right to see him nake

  "Shifters don't pay attention to nudity. I've seen both of them naked a lot just because we run together sometimes. And just so you know, I don't like you seeing Bill naked. You might decide you like him better."

  "There are towels in the hall closet. How about you send Emily to get dressed and get towels for yourself and Bill? Then everyone can be somewhat more comfortable," she said, turning to him and giving him a kiss.

  “Sounds like a plan,” he said, and stood up to get the towels.

  Lucy couldn't help but watch Mike walk away. He had the most gorgeous butt. Even when Bill and Emily walked in, she couldn't take her eyes off of him.

  "Bill!" Mike yelled, and Bill followed the sound. She barely spared him a glance.

  "I'm just going to put some clothes on," Emily said, walking into the spare room. Lucy thought she might be a little uncomfortable. She didn't know why. The man had a nice butt. Was it so wrong to stare?


  Bill looked at the towel Mike gave him. He just cocked his eyebrow.

  "Please," Mike said to him.

  "Fine," he said, taking the towel and wrapping it around his waist. Mike did the same with another one and walked back out into the living room, waiting for Emily to come back out.

  Bill saw Mike walk over to Lucy, who was sitting on the couch. He pulled her into his lap and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He watched as Lucy snuggled into him. It pulled at Bill's heart. He wanted that. He wanted someone to hold him like that and look at him like that. He guessed they somehow worked everything out.

  He heard Emily walk into the room and cleared his throat, getting Mike and Lucy's attention. When everyone looked at him, he started talking. "We couldn't find anything except footprints and tire tracks. I'm thinking we should keep Emily here and wait."

  "I want to know why Emily didn't go after this guy sooner. And why she didn't let any of us know he was there," Mike said, looking at Emily.

  "I didn't want to do anything prematurely. The scent had been there for a little while, so I wasn't sure if it was a neighbor or a kid that liked to hang out there. I was keeping my eye on it, making sure nothing happened to Lucy," she said.

  "You should have told me," Mike growled out.

  "Look, Mike, I've been doing this longer than you have. I have more experience. You have to understand that, if you are unsure about something, waiting and seeing is the best course of action," she said to him, raising her voice as she spoke.

  "Hey, before we have a pissing contest, let's calm down. Emily's right. She was in an unfamiliar area where she didn't know all the scents. She watched Lucy. As you can tell, she's fine. Nothing has happened to her. The only thing we can do right now is wait. If you hadn't jumped the gun, and had instead talked to me or Emily, we might have had a lead on whoever this guy is. We might have been able to get him," Bill said.

  "But she didn't tell us that there was someone there. If I had known, I would have been better prepared. She should have told me," Mike persisted. Bill could see him pulling Lucy closer, trying to gain a little strength from her.

  "Yes, she should have, but she also knew you'd come over here and try to kill whoever was in the woods."

  "Did she tell you?" Mike asked him.

  "No." She should have. He wanted to know why she hadn't told him, but that was something for later. When on watch, you are pretty much on your own and have to make your own decisions. Maybe she really hadn't thought he was a threat. "Okay, I'm going to go. If you find anything, let me know," Bill said to Emily.

  "I'm staying the night, so if she wants to take the night off, she can. I'll let you know when I leave," Mike said, kissing Lucy's cheek.

  "Thanks," Lucy said.

  Emily left before anyone could say anything else. She wasn’t happy, and who could really blame her? Yes, she should have told him, but she didn’t like her methods being questioned, especially by someone like Mike – someone who didn’t fight for their kind. That was Bill’s fault. He hadn’t wanted Mike to be a part of that. Bill had lost so much, and he didn’t want to lose his best friend too.

  "I'll see you later, Mike," he said, and walked out the door behind Emily.

  Chapter 19

  Lucy realized something while they were all talking. She was starting to fall for Mike. She barely knew him, yet she had run out to protect him. She'd do anything for him. It was a new feeling. She'd never felt like that before. The only ones she’d felt like that about were her family. She had watched Mike as he talked, and he seemed to really care for her. He didn't want anything to happen to her. He wanted to protect her and he looked passionate about it.

  Before Bill had closed the door, Lucy was kissing Mike. It had been two days since she'd seen him, and they had been a horrible two days. She never wanted to go through that again. She wanted him with her always. It was strange, considering they barely knew each other, but she couldn't seem to get enough of him.

  Mike flipped her so she was lying on the couch, and pushed her shirt up. He moved his hand up to cup her breast as he devoured her mouth. It felt so good. She arched into his hand, luxuriating in the feeling. He started kissing down her neck and pushing her shirt up further as he moved down. He pushed her bra out of the way, latching onto her nipple. He was fumbling with his towel, not wanting to give up his prize, but wanting to be able to get to her. He seemed to want it just as badly as she did. She was so happy she’d decided to wear a skirt that day when he finally got the towel out from under him and flipped her skirt up. She felt a little exposed, but once his lips touched her inner thighs, all shyness left.


  Mike was in a frenzy. He couldn't get her naked fast enough. He was happy he had only a towel on. It was easy to get off once he’d managed to get the knot undone. He ran his tongue up her thigh, enjoying the taste of her skin. It was something he just couldn't get enough of. He ripped her panties off. They were beautiful, but they were blocking the way. Lucy jumped when he tore them, but she let out a long moan when he licked her pussy. Oh, she tasted too good. He never wanted to leave that spot. He sucked on her clit and she thrust her hips into him, trying to get closer. He held her down with one arm as he pushed two fingers into her pussy.

  Lucy screamed as her muscles pulsed on his fingers. He lapped up her juices, not leaving a drop behind. He couldn't seem to get enough of her taste. Climbing up her body and settling between her legs, he realized he had a problem. He wasn't a small man by any means, and the couch was very small. The fit was just too tight. Instead, he picked her up and looked around. Any surface would do as long as it was flat. He looked at the floor: it would work, but was not his first choice. He could go to the bedroom, but it was too far away.

  Lucy started kissing his neck, making it harder for him to think. Fuck it, the wall would do. He carried her over to an open space of the wall and leaned her up against it. Lifting her some, he impaled her on his cock. She felt so good. He couldn't believe it had been two days since he’d fucked her. She was perfect. She was addictive. When she started moving on him, all thoughts fled. The fact that he was naked and she was fully clothed threw his pleasure up a notch. The feel of the cotton from her bra on his chest, the fabric of her skirt on his abdomen – it just made everything more erotic. Almost like it was forbidden.

  Mike devoured her mouth again, feeling her tongue dancing with his and his cock moving inside her. It was too much. He was going to come soon. He had to make sure she came first, though. He quickened his pace and moved his hand down to play with her clit. She was panting faster and her legs were pulling him closer. He never expected her to be like this. When he first saw her, he thought she'd be the gentle lover, not the hellcat she was acting like. Her muscles clamped down on his cock and he couldn't hold back any more. As she screamed his name, he screamed hers. Hearing her was the most glorious sound he'd ever heard, and he'd give anything to hear it over and over again.

  Chapter 20

  "I'm sorry sir, but I had to abort," Paul said.

was pissed off. How the hell had Paul fucked up? He took a deep breath and asked, "How?"

  "The wolverine must have scented me. I'm sorry sir."

  "Please tell me you confirmed it was Mike Talon."

  "It had already shifted when I saw it. I didn't see the human form."

  "Did you get a shot in? Did you kill it?" he asked. He always thought Paul would take over from him when he retired. He knew the kid would make mistakes, but nothing like this. He would have to replace him. He knew that. Now he had to search for someone else who could do his job.

  "No," Paul said, hanging his head.

  “Fuck!" Okay, he could fix this. Maybe Paul was just having an off day. Maybe he was just overworked. He had been sending Paul out to do a lot. Maybe a few days off would be a good thing for him. He took a deep breath. He could do this on his own. It was no big deal.

  "Sir, I am very sorry. I didn't mean to mess everything up," Paul said.

  "Okay, I want you to take a few days off. Go home, get some rest. I'll take care of this and we can talk when I'm done."


  Paul had known his boss long enough to know that this was not good. He also knew his boss wasn't paying close enough attention to him. He knew Mike was the wolverine, but what had happened that afternoon had changed things. It had made him rethink things. Made him think maybe his boss was wrong. Maybe his training was all wrong. He had to find out. He had to know if everything he had been taught was true.

  He packed his things from his room and left, heading to the local hotel. When he got checked in, he pulled out his notepad and started making notes. Lists of everything he'd been taught and everything he could remember from what he’d seen. Everything he hadn't wanted to see. The shifters defending themselves and their families. The shifters who didn't initiate the attacks. They weren't the bad guys, the Hunters were. He was the bad guy.


  Mike and Lexi kept telling Lucy to get out of the house. Do more than just sit around and write, or, as she had been doing for the past three days, playing on the computer. She thought some fresh air might help. Or maybe seeing more than just the computer screen and her four walls would help. So there she sat in the diner, trying to figure out how to end the book. She couldn't believe she was still stuck. She'd been trying to get this for so long, and she just couldn't come up with an ending that worked.


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