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Crimson Guard

Page 19

by Rebecca Challoner

  He made no noise, no sound of grief as he lifted his fist and delivered another blow, breaking the mans nose and spraying blood everywhere. He repeatedly beat him, everyone frozen in shock and grief for Simond until I finally noticed how badly beaten the assassin was starting to look.

  "Volorn, you need to stop." I whispered, but he didn't seem to hear me, caught up in his own suffering. I stepped forwards and gently placed my hand on his back, "Volorn, you need to stop. Before you kill him."

  Volorn's raised arm froze as though he was battling himself for restraint whilst Rema's voice whipped out in fury, "Shut up you stupid little girl. Kill the bastard Volorn."

  I ignored her whilst calmly speaking to Volorn in a concise and soothing tone, "You can't kill him Volorn, we need him for information. We need to know what Simond tried telling us before..." I let my voice fade as I saw Volorn slowly lower his raised arm as my words penetrated through the haze.

  "No!" Rema cried out, "He deserves to die!"

  "Fawn is right," Axel quietly announced, "We need him alive to tell us everything. Simond came back to tell us something and he's the only one who can tell us what that is."

  "Of course, agree with your sleazy little girlfriend. You obviously don't care -"

  "Rema. Enough." Volorn's steely voice cut across Rema's, effectively cutting her off. He rose to his feet and turned to us, his eyes rimmed red but no tears fell. I suspected he would wait until he was alone to fully grieve.

  "I understand your pain Rema, we all do. But we do need him alive, we need to find out all we can about the traitor and our enemies. We owe it to Simond to learn what he could not tell us." Axel softly stated, raising his hand to rest on her shoulder.

  Rema's face crumbled and Wymar pulled her into his body, hugging her close and he nodded to us all, his face lined with grief but understanding.

  Volorn turned to Axel motioned to the body, "Pick him up, put him the cell and restrain him with shielded cuffs. I don't want him to have access to any of his powers. Wymar, go get Averil. We need her powers for this."

  Axel picked up the man and heaved him over his shoulder whilst Wymar scampered into the tower to retrieve Averil.

  "Rema go round everyone up. I think we all need to hear this." Volorn commanded.

  Rema turned to leave but stopped and looked back at Volorn, "What about after Volorn? Are you going to let Simond's killer live then?"

  Volorn was quiet for a moment before replying, "Once an enemy is captured, his is Orbain's prisoner, not ours. It is not our right to kill a prisoner but the Kings." He replied dutifully, causing Rema's jaw to tighten in anger. As she was about to storm away Volorn's voice stopped her, "However, if the King remains unaware that our prisoner was captured alive then he wouldn't need to decide on the prisoner's justice."

  Volorn's expression turned to stone, a dark look frozen on his features, "I want everyone to the prison in 10 minutes Rema."

  After uttering that statement Volorn strode away and I debated with myself to follow him or allow those brief moments for him to grieve on his own. I decided on the latter and Rema spun on her heels to gather the rest of the Crimson Guard, leaving me alone to my own thoughts.

  Simon was dead. If I didn't see the extent of his injuries I wouldn't have believed it. All the stories I heard of the Crimson Guard before I met them gave them such a heroic facade that I was fooled into believing they were invincible, much like the rest of the public. My rose tinted view of them had not changed after I met them either. They all seemed larger than life, so strong and powerful that I struggled to imagine I was now one of them. One of the champions of the people, a hero who will end the war.

  But now reality came crashing around me. Although each member were carefully honed soldiers, each one of them were human. Vulnerable. Killable.

  The guards were once some faceless heroes but now they were my friends. Even the ones who seemed to hate me. And with the death of Simond, I too wanted vengeance. Perhaps more so now then ever. The Ethians have taken away the man I saw as my father as well as a friend. Fury boiled within me as I thought of the two kind faces that would never smile at me again, never speak to again.

  I gritted my teeth against the loss and sorrow I felt and focused on the rage that dwelled within me for the faceless foe who killed Tawney and the assassin who is now our prisoner. They would get what they deserved. I will find the ones who ended their lives and make them pay.

  With a sense of purpose I strode towards the prison, unsurprised to see the assassin's unconscious form dangling from his chains attached to the wall. A gem faintly glowed from the metal of the chains, reminding me that the chains were enchanted with Shielding, cutting off the killers powers.

  Satisfaction filled me at seeing him at our mercy and I turned to see who else was in the room. Unsurprisingly, nearly all of the Crimson Guards were in the room, with the exception of Volorn, Rema and Thorlan. Each member glared with loathing at Simond's killer, with the exception of Averil.

  Her expression was hard to read and I studied her to avoid getting lost in my rage by staring at the assassin. She stared off into the distance, no explicit expression molded onto her face. Almost as though she wasn't really here in the room with us. I would almost have said she was untouched by the news of Simond death and the confrontation of his killer if it wasn't for the wet trail of tears that slid down her cheeks.

  "She is preparing herself." A voice whispered in my ear. I turned and met Axels gaze, his eyes full of emotion as he studied Averil.

  "What do you mean?" I murmured back to him.

  He switched his focus onto me and replied, "You know that Averil can read minds. Mostly she reads surface thoughts without exerting herself. Thoughts that you are thinking at that moment. She learnt from a young age how to block out those thoughts and how to separate those thoughts from her own. As you can imagine, it can be confusing having so many thoughts in your mind, it is difficult to pick out your own." He explained, sympathy colouring his voice,"However, in moments like these where she has to immerse herself further into a person's mind, it's easier for her to lose herself. She will experience everything that he-," Axel flicked his hand towards the killer with disgust, "has experienced. She will feel the exact emotions, thoughts and sensations that he has. In a sense, she will become him during those moments."

  I looked back to Averil, a whole new outlook and sympathy for her. Not only do people distrust her for her power, much like I originally had done much to my chagrin, but she also had to live with the constant battle of protecting her own mind and sense of self.

  "It can be difficult for her to extract herself from someone's mind when she has to delve into that far into someone's memories. We don't ask her to do this much because of the toll it takes on her and the risk of losing her mind."

  "What would happen if she can't extract herself?"

  Sorrow filled Axel's eyes, "What happens to most of the Mentalists. They become lost in the other person's memories. Their body will carry on living but they lose their minds."

  I swallowed a sudden lump that formed in my throat, distress filling me at the information, "Couldn't someone shield her whilst she used her powers? Would that not protect her mind?"

  He was already shaking his head before I finished the sentence, "We tried. The shield is always too strong, it stops her ability to penetrate the mind. Wymar has been trying to create something to help for years. He thinks he's almost got something, but until then we have to rely on Averil's inner strength."

  I looked to the chains holding the prisoner,"So when Averil uses her powers, the assassin will have access to his powers again? Because Averil can't penetrant the shield?"

  Axel's jaw tightened and he grimly replied, "Yes. Which is why we are all here."

  We fell silent in our own contemplations. Soon after Volorn, Thorlan and Rema walked into the room and the atmosphere become charged. Everyone suddenly become tight with tension as we awaited Volorn's order.

  "Averil?" Volorn
calmly asked. Averil slowly looked at him, her own features expressionless.

  "Are you ready?"

  Averil gave a nod before making her way towards the limp hanging body.

  "Wymar. Thorlan."

  Both men stepped towards Averil on each side. Wymar reached towards the chains, his palm hovering over the gem planted within it. Within moments the glow from the stone dimmed until there was no light emitting from it.

  I felt my stomach knot within me. The shielding charm was inactive. The assassin could attack at any moment.

  The tension in the room heightened as we all tensed, waiting for the man to attack. But as one minute passed, then another and nothing happened we slowly relaxed and Volorn nodded towards Averil.


  She gave a stiff nod and moved closer to the man's body, slowly lifting her hands and lightly resting her fingertips to his temples. She let out a long exhale before closing her eyes and dropping her head.

  I held my breath, unsure what to expect. But the room was silent with the exception of Averil's deep steady breathing. As the moments passed and nothing happened everyone started to relax, leaning against the prison walls or slowly relaxing their stance.

  My gaze started to wonder and my eye caught Axel's, filling me with a different kind of tension. It seemed so long ago that we went to the festival together and shared an almost kissed, when in fact it was only a matter of hours. So much happened since then and death seemed to stain what looked to be a promising day.

  I studied Axel, taking in his strong cheekbones and large frame. I thought of the kindness he showed me, from the moment he promised to help me extract revenge on Tawneys killers to the light jokes and laughter he begrudgingly evoked from me.

  It made me realise I had never had a moment like we had shared before. My life was constantly lived in the shadows, from one theft to another, with only Tawney and some of his older friends for company. A sad smile twisted my lips. I loved Tawney with all my heart but time here had made me realise how isolated I was. No friends, not even acquaintances. Life had revolved the next job, not getting caught for the theft or my powers.

  But this man, along with Wymar, Volorn and Thorlan and many others gave me something I never knew I needed it my life. Friendship.

  I continued to hold Axel's gaze until his own sad twisted smile began to straighten and a heated tension began strum between us. The nervous flutter that was once there before began to return and my breathing suddenly started to sound irregular to me.

  Just when I almost took a step forward, a searing heat burnt my skin, snapping my attention away from Axel. A warning from the necklace.

  I whipped my head towards Averil and the assassin. Although the scene looked unchanged I knew something was different.

  The assassin is awake.

  Chapter 22

  I didn't know how I knew, but the words vibrated through my head. Averil was in danger.

  "Volorn," I warned, "He's aw-"

  My words were cut off as multiple bricks from the stone walls of the prison abruptly came loose and slammed into my stomach, blasting me to the floor as well as striking Wymar and Thorlan in the backs of their skulls.

  The blow knocked the wind out of me and I was filled with a sense of panic as I fought to regain my breath. I struggled and struggled to breathe, my mouth gaping like a fish until suddenly my windpipe seem to open and sweet air rushed into my lungs. I took several full gasps of air before trying to heave myself upright. At first, I couldn't pull myself up and I silently reminded myself that I couldn't see if the stones hit anyone else from my view on the floor. With a new sense of purpose, I pull myself up and took in the scene around me.

  Volorn held the assassin against the wall with his hand clenched around his throat. Broken pieces of rock littered the floor and smaller stones still zipped through the air as the assassin struggled in Volorn's grip.

  Volorn tightened his grasp, his cornflower blue eyes sparkling brightly as he used his power to cover the man in a shield, stopping him from using his power.

  Abruptly the huge chunks of stone that were whizzing towards Volorn and Averil dropped to the floor and I had to roll away as one nearly dropped onto my head.

  "Rema, activate the shield charm in the chains again, then check on Averil. Axel, check on the others." Volorn commanded.

  Axel turned towards me as Rema went to secure the prisoner and check on Averil, who sat against the wall with her head in her hands, blood running from her nose and head.

  Axel knelt down next to me, his eyes flicking over my face and body. I studied him in return, my eyes catching a scratch across his cheek and forearm from the flying shards of rock.

  "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

  I gave him a smile before nodding, "I'm fine. I've felt Thorlan hit harder than that." I joked and heard Thorlan's snort of laughter nearby. Axel smiled in relief and helped me stand before checking on Yvain, who seemed a little dazed.

  Zan and Thorlan each maneuvered their way towards Averil and helped her stand between them. "Averil, are you okay?" Zan inquired in concerned.

  Averil lifted her head, wincing and let out a groan, "Fine, except for a blistering headache."

  "You may have a concussion," Zan mused, "Did you suffer a blow to the head at all? Did you lose consciousness at any time? Do you remember everything?"

  Averil let out a small smile, "I'm fine Zan, don't worry. Just a bump to the head. I can remember everything."

  I let out a small sigh in relief. I don't know what I would have done if Averil was badly injured too.

  "Did you get everything you needed from him?" Volorn asked Averil, his head motioning towards the assassin.

  Averil went to nod but abruptly stopped herself with a wince of pain, "Yes. I know what his orders were, who commanded him and who the traitor is."

  "Good," Volorn replied. Then before my eyes could even register what he was doing, he buried his dagger from his belt into the assassin's chest. As the man stood gasping against the wall, his mouth opening and shutting as though he wanted to say something, Volorn twisted the blade, his eyes full of hatred and watched as the life drained out of Simond's killer.

  As I watched, I thought that I should probably feel sick at the sight of this. After all, I had been sick after killing the other assassin by my own hand just earlier that day. But all I felt was a small sense of relief and satisfaction.

  The body slowly slid down the wall, leaving a bloody trail until it was only held up the chains on the corpse's wrists. Volorn gazed coldly at the body before he turned and walked away, "Thorlan, clean up the mess and disposed of the body. Those of you who were hurt, please see a healer and while you're there, send one to my office for Averil. Averil, follow me."

  We all trailed out of the prison, avoiding looking at the assassin. To do so would make him more important than what he was. He was nothing, meaningless to us.

  As we all disbursed, Volorn supported Averil on their way to his office whilst Yvain and Wymar made their way to the healers, Wymar stumbling on unsteady legs. I was about to follow him, wanting to make sure he was okay as I heard Volorn call out, "Rema, Axel, Fawn." I turned to him as he looked over his shoulder, "Remember we are expected at the Palace soon. All of you go freshen up and don on your official armor. I'll meet you at the tower entrance in 15."

  We all gave him a nod as he ascended the stairs. I looked over to Axel to find him already looking at me.

  I gave him a soft smile, "I'll meet you here in 10?" He gave me a nod and I quickly strode up the stairs to my room. I frantically changed out of my festival clothes, unsurprised to find them dirty with a mixture of powder dyes, blood, and dirt.

  With an efficiency that surprised me, I washed my face and dressed in my armor. I grabbed my hairbrush and tied my hair into a braid, studying my reflection as I did so. Cuts and bruises now littered my skin from the events of the day but I refused to adjust my appearance to make it look smoother. Now that I know my own face, I wa
nted to leave it as untouched as possible whenever I could.

  I smoothed over a small gash above my eyebrow, wondering if it would scar. A small smile peeked out from my lips.

  I turned away from the mirror and made my way down to the tower entrance, finding Volorn and Rema already there.

  "-need to apologise." Volorn murmured to Rema.

  "Why should I apologise to her?" she heatedly replied.

  "Because you were wrong about her. And you know it." Volorn shot back.

  Silence was Rema's only reply.

  "She's proven herself," Volorn said.

  "She's not had a mission yet."


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