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Cock Tease (My Dad's Best Friend Romance #1)

Page 6

by J. L. Beck

  My family drama might be through the roof, but at the end of the day I had someone here to take care of me and make sure that I was okay.

  “Thank you for being so sweet, and the most perfect man ever.” He snickered; the smell of our scents clashing together mixed with sex in the air relaxed me further.

  “It’s not me that’s perfect, baby, it’s you and that’s the reason I am the way I am.” Nash wasn’t perfect, he was flawed just like anyone else in this world but in my eyes, he would always be the most perfectly flawed person.

  Chapter Nine


  Claiming Carly was the most intense thing I had ever done. She was under my skin and in every single thought I had. It had only been a week since we slept together but I tried my hardest to keep my distance from her, because being so close to her but not being close enough was driving me crazy.

  Today I had plans of doing something greater than fucking Carly, though. I needed to make amends with Kyle and that meant going to him. I had sealed our fates, but that didn’t mean I wanted things to go bad with Kyle. Giving him some time to digest our relationship was the right thing, and the better thing was going to him again and trying to make things right.

  I drove my bike up to his house, knowing I was either going to get thrown out by the police or welcomed inside. I parked on the road, and then walked the sidewalk up to the front door.

  I stopped, thinking for a second about the things that we had been through. The fights. The parties. The girls. Kyle had every reason in the world to be scared of me being with his daughter, after all, he knew me better than anyone else did.

  What he didn’t know though, was that my love for Carly ran deeper than anything else. I would worship the ground she walked on. I would provide and protect her under any circumstances.

  She owned me; mind, body, and soul.

  I raised my fist, knocking loudly on the door. Seconds passed and then the door was flung open, an angry Kyle standing before me.

  “What the fuck do you want?” He demanded. The scowl on his face and the sleepless look in his eyes showed how much he had been suffering.

  “Can I come in?” I asked, not wanting to have this argument out in the street.

  “Sure. Come in. Take over the place. I don’t care.” He really was defeated. I stepped inside the condo, taking notice of the disastrous state that the place was in. Clearly, I hadn’t thought through the damage that my admission would cause.

  “I never meant to hurt you, Kyle. I’m not here to replace you. I’m still your friend. I just love your daughter.” I remained calm, knowing that anger and rage wouldn’t get me anywhere.

  “You never meant to hurt me?” He turned on his heels, fire flickering in his eyes. I stood very still, remaining calm and reminding myself that this needed to be fixed. That Kyle and I couldn’t hate each other if we both wanted to have a part in Carly’s future.

  “No. Loving your daughter was never part of the plan. I didn’t expect to fall for her, Kyle.” Anguish hit me in the gut. I never expected to want Carly like I do. To fall in love with her was even more foreign, but she wanted me and I wanted her and I wasn’t going to tell her no just because Daddy didn’t approve.

  “I know you, Nash. I know how many women you’ve been with. Your track record.” He was pissed now, as he crossed the room getting right in my face.

  “I trust you, but I don’t trust you enough not to break my daughter’s heart.” His voice was low and sinister, and it hit me then. He wasn’t mad at me for being with Carly, he was mad because he thought I was going to destroy her and I wasn’t.

  “I love her. I fuckin’ love her. I would lay down my life for your daughter. I’ve fucked up in the past and done some really bad shit, but that’s done with. I’m with Carly now. I want to marry her and have kids. I want whatever the hell she wants out of life.” I pushed back, letting my words sink deep into his thickheaded skull.

  “You don’t love her.” Kyle took a step back away from me and in the direction of his bar, where empty bottles of bourbon lined the wood counter.

  “I do fuckin’ love her and even if you don’t accept us being together, were still going to be. I just wanted to try and make amends with you because I know Carly cares about you. I did the right thing, Kyle. I didn’t sleep with her. I didn’t fuck her like I would’ve had she been anyone else. I respected you. I did right by you, and I will do right by Carly till the day that I die.” I was done. If he didn’t believe me then that was on him, but the way I felt about his daughter wasn’t going to change.

  Carly was my girl, not Daddy’s anymore and if he couldn’t swallow that pill, then he didn’t need to be around either of us.

  I swiveled around heading for the front door, my hand clasping onto the metal door handle just as Kyle spoke again.

  “She’s my little girl, Nash. Treat her right.” I paused waiting to see if he would say anything else. “I’m not in a place in my life right now to handle this, but I promise you one day I’ll come around. Just do right by her… Promise me?” Kyle was heartbroken, so I did as he asked of me before walking out the door.

  “I’ll do right by her forever. She’s my girl.” With that said, I left, letting Kyle figure out his life on his own.

  Carly would be fine with me by her side. If anyone would ensure that she had a good life, it was me.

  I would give her kids. Marry her and provide her with every single want and need she could possibly have. I would spoil and nurture her.

  I would love her.


  1 year later


  I was literally the size of a house; my feet were swollen and my belly was swollen and yet Nash still thought I was good enough to eat day in and day out.

  “I don’t want to go to dinner. Can’t I just sit at home in my yoga pants and eat doughnuts for dinner?” I pouted, stepping into a summer dress that just seemed to make my already huge belly bigger.

  “Carly, I will paddle your behind if you do not get your ass out here in a dress in five seconds.” I smiled, adjusting my hair knowing that he meant and would come in here and paddle my behind, which would then lead to sex, and us being late.

  “Carly.” He said my name with a warning, and I decided it would be a good idea to just go. Waddling out into the living room, my eyes caught on a black box that sat in his hand. What was that?

  “What’s that?” I questioned eagerly, walking faster over to the couch. He smirked like an asshole, pulling the box just out of my reach.

  “Your present.”

  “Well if it’s mine then give it to me.” I raised an eyebrow, challenging him. I loved this game that we played, pushing each other every day.

  “Sit down, Ms. Impatient, or I’ll give you something, alright.” I giggled, taking the seat next to him.

  “Sitting.” I commented, with an open hand. He shot me a you must want spanked look.

  “I got this made for you last year but never gave it to you. Not because I didn’t want to, but because I wanted to save it for our one year anniversary.” I swooned. I seriously had the best boyfriend in the entire world.

  He placed the black box in my hand and watched me with excitement as I popped the box open. My eyes landed on a sterling silver bracelet with little letters attached to it. I plucked the bracelet from the box and eyed it, reading each letter until I could make it all out.

  “Nash’s Girl.” I stared at it. My dad had given me a necklace that said Daddy’s girl on it last year around this time, as well.

  “Now you have a piece of us both with you.” He understood that I loved my dad and that my relationship with him was important, but that the love I had for him, and him alone, was a different kind of love.

  Tears pricked at my eyes, things with my dad were still tense but they were better than they were. Nash and I moved into a bigger house so our family could grow and I was working on my degree at the college across town.

  “Nash. I fuckin’ love
you.” I cried, letting him place the bracelet on my wrist. He was right, now I had something from both of them.

  “As do I. I love you. Our unborn son. This home. Our relationship. Your pussy.” He winked. “But mostly the fact that you gave yourself to me when you could’ve given yourself to anyone else.”

  When his lips touched mine, my entire body lit up. Air filled my lungs and Cohen started kicking against my belly, knowing Mommy was getting all hot and bothered by Daddy.

  “Cohen says he loves you too.” I whispered against his lips, and Nash pulled away from me for a second to touch my belly and feel his kicks.

  “I can’t wait to meet you, little guy.” He spoke directly to my belly, his lips skimming over the fabric of my dress. I was lucky and in love. Age was nothing but a number when you loved someone.

  The End

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  Read on for an exclusive look at Their Virgin (A Ménage Bad Boy Romance #1)

  Copyright © 2016 by J.L. Beck

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  About The Author

  J.L. Beck is a stay at home to two little minions and happily married to her high school sweet heart. When she's not writing steamy hot as sin books, you can find her with a glass of wine, and book of choice in hand. She believes all love stories should have a happy ever after, but knows that real life sometimes occurs so for her readers if she can give her books a HEA then she's happy.

  If you like romance that bleeds from the pages, and love stories that make you swoon then pick up a J.L. Beck book and forget about the world for a while.

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  Their Virgin

  A Ménage Romance #1

  J.L. Beck

  Chapter One


  I sighed at my Kindle as the next door neighbor slammed a hammer against something for the hundredth time today.

  “What the absolute fuck?” I growled, shoving my sunglasses up onto my head and eyeing the fence that separated our houses. Annoyed wasn’t even a word that I would use to describe how I was feeling at this point. Three days worth of construction and they still weren’t done with whatever shit it was that they were doing over there.

  With a huff, I shoved from the hammock where I was supposed to be reading two ARCs for authors I loved and walked inside the house. I was going to see if my mother would take care of this issue so I could get back to my regular programmed reading schedule.

  “I cannot focus with all the drilling and hammering going on out there,” I complained, leaning onto the marble island where my mother was slicing lemons for the fresh lemonade she was making.

  She lifted her soft brown eyes to mine, “Maybe that’s a good thing. All you ever do is read. I think you should us this time to do something more productive.” Okay, so now I was more annoyed.

  “Reading is productive. Just because you don’t read, doesn’t mean it’s a useless hobby.” I scoffed upset that she wasn’t seeing this for what it really was, a complete and utter nuisance.

  She placed the knife down on the cutting board and picked up the lemons, placing them in the pitcher next to her. Then, she picked up the wooden spoon and stirred the contents of the drink together.

  “Isabella, reading is a great hobby, when it doesn’t take up your entire life. Now do me a favor, since you seem to be so annoyed with the Armstrong twins, who do excellent work by the way, and bring this pitcher of lemonade over to them.”

  My face turned to stone. She had to be kidding me. The fates weren’t on my goddamn side, that was for sure.

  “Here are a couple of cups. Now get going. They’ve got to be thirsty with the heat out there today.” She all but shoved me out the door, the contents of the pitcher sloshing against the sides of the glass with the movement. I wanted to tell her to go do it herself, but I loved my mom and respected her more than that. When she asked me to do something, I did it.

  So while I was unhappy that I had to do it, I still marched my happy ass over there fully ready to provide the so- called Armstrong twins with some freshly made lemonade.

  I followed the fence line to the front of the house and then slipped over to the other side of the fence into the yard they were working on. There were numerous tools lying on the grass, so many that I had to watch where I was stepping so I didn’t trip. With my eyes on the ground, I didn’t notice the delicious male specimen before me. Instead, I ran head on into him, my chest colliding with his sweaty one. My eyes lifted almost immediately the grip I had on the pitcher of lemonade slipping from my grasp. He caught it just in the nick of time, taking the pitcher out of my hands so I wouldn’t spill it.

  As he did so, his fingers grazed mine and bolt of electricity ran through me, sending a throbbing sensation straight to my core.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off the beast of a man, who was shirtless with a body to die for. My eyes slid up and down his body numerous times taking in his olive complexion and every tight muscle and dip he had on display before coming to a stop on his handsome face. His features were manly, older, and rough. He had slight stubble that marred his cheeks and chin, and a pair of dark coffee brown eyes that were filled with wonder as he looked down at me.

  “Ummm…” I stumbled over my words, completely taken aback by this handsome as hell man. He loomed above me at least a foot taller than my five foot two stature.

  “Oooo. Lemonade.” Another male voice met my ears and a tingle went down my spine as my eyes honed in on the owner of said voice. My heart thudded loudly in my chest as I swallowed past the lump of courage that had escaped me and found a new home in my throat.

  Sweet baby Jesus in a manger they were fucking twins, and identical ones at that. I could feel my cheeks heating as I ogled the other twin just as much as I had his brother. They looked exactly the same, they even had the same eight-pack abs.

  “This is for us right?” The brother in front of me questioned. With an eyebrow raised and a devilish grin forming on his lips, he brought the pitcher to his lips and took a gulp of the sweet lemonade. Oh, how I wished to be that damn pitcher right now.

  “Uh yes,” I mumbled, my palms sweating. It had to be the heat, because there was just no way that these two men were causing me to feel all hot and bothered.

  “Good.” Twin number two ripped the pitcher away from his brother, taking a sloppy drink, causing some of the lemonade to miss his mouth and drip down his chin and onto his chest. I bit the inside of my cheek, stopping myself from licking my own lips. Oh, how I wanted nothing more than to run my tongue against the muscles of his stomach and chest.

  For fuck's sake, I needed to get my ovaries under control, better yet these pesky hormones of mine.

  “Thank you, sweetheart.” My heart thudded loudly in my ears and I swear I was a second away from wiping the drool that was su
rely dripping from my lips. Holy hell there were two of them.

  “You’re welcome. My mother made it for you. She said the work you two do is excellent.” I had no idea why I said the last part. I was just babbling. The twins looked at each other, then back at me. I could see a mischievous glint in both their eyes.

  “I’m Logan.” Twin number one who seemed to be the well-mannered one of the two announced. Then he hooked his thumb in the direction of his brother. “And that asshole is Luke.”

  I couldn’t help but smile, even though on the inside it totally felt wrong. I wasn’t the happy go lucky type and I definitely wasn’t the type to fawn over two men, but these two were way too gorgeous to not notice.

  “And your name is?” Luke, who was definitely more of a bad boy questioned, leaning his arm against his brother’s shoulder. They both stared at me waiting for an answer.

  “Isabella.” I quipped, moving from foot to foot nervously. I was a natural introvert who normally spent all her time in a fictional land created by authors. I was pretty sure they could see the anxiety rolling off of me in waves, because Logan took the two glasses I had brought and placed them on a nearby brick. He took the pitcher from me and poured some lemonade in each individual glass.


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