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Desire Too Wild To Tame: The Bad Baker Boys: Luke's Story

Page 15

by Tonya Brooks

  Luke dropped his pants and sheathed himself before he knelt down and teased Easy’s lips with the fruit. Once she had taken a bite, he licked away the juice and this time he kissed her hungrily, his tongue plunging deep and demanding. When her hands came up to hold him, he grabbed her wrists and held them together in her lap with one hand.

  His mouth left hers to trail down her neck before he lifted the berry and circled first one taut nipple and then the other. Easy moaned and tried to pull her hands free, but he refused to release her and began to lick and suck the juice from her hardened nubs. She arched her back, lifting her breasts higher in offering and he applied more suction until she cried out in pleasure.

  Luke took her hands in his and guided her arms behind her, palms flat on the bed until her upper body shifted back into a reclining position. At her perplexed look, he flashed his bad boy grin and trailed the strawberry around her navel. Easy moaned and allowed her head to drop back as he licked and teased her sensitive flesh.

  When he nudged her thighs further apart, her head came up and her eyes locked with his. A split second later, she felt the cool fruit being trailed oh so slowly around her nether lips. Easy began to pant in anticipation as he did it again and again until she was ready to scream in frustration. Just when she couldn’t stand another second, the tender torture stopped and she drug in a relieved breath.

  The relief was short lived.

  Luke eased the fruit past her lips and continuing that same languid pace, slid it in and out of her quivering flesh. Her eyes had gone wide in surprise before that sinful smile curved her lips. When he lifted the berry to his mouth and took a bite, he heard her shocked intake of breath and his own smile became devilish as he licked his lips. Leaning forward, his eyes never leaving hers, he licked every drop of juice away before settling in to feast on his woman.

  Easy collapsed onto the bed, a low, keening wail escaping her lips as Luke drove her past the point of reason with his mouth and tongue. Her hands tangled in his hair as words of encouragement escaped her lips in a multitude of languages. She begged, pleaded and cursed him in between whimpers and moans before he finally released her from the delicious torment.

  The most beautiful thing he had ever seen was Easy lying sprawled and wanton across his bed wearing the look of a woman who had been well loved. Luke’s primitive side was well pleased with the fact as he rose and crawled up her body. Her arms locked around his back and she claimed his mouth as if she were starved for the taste of him which was exactly what he wanted.

  He fully intended to do everything in his power to chain her to him with any means at his disposal. He needed to possess her body and soul and nothing less would satisfy the beast within. He took control of the kiss and slid his throbbing arousal into her still quivering depths. She moaned and arched beneath him, her nails scoring his back. Luke growled his pleasure and lifted her legs until her knees were pressed against her chest, then he began to move slowly, deeply within her.

  “Tell me you need me,” he commanded.

  “I need you,” she repeated obediently and tried to rock her hips faster.

  “Tell me you’re mine,” Luke growled.

  “I’m yours,” Easy panted and tightened her grip on his rock hard biceps. “All yours.”

  “Tell me you’ll stay with me,” he demanded.

  “What?” She asked and shook her head to clear it. Easy knew she had to be imagining things. Luke had not just asked her to stay with him. Actually it had sounded like more of a demand than a request, but either way, she knew it couldn’t be true.

  “Stay. With. Me,” he repeated each word and punctuated it with a quick, hard thrust, his eyes intent on hers as he waited with baited breath.

  She stared up at him incredulously. “Are you serious?”

  His eyes narrowed dangerously, the wildness glittering brightly as he locked his arms under her knees and lifted her lower body completely away from the bed. “Tell me,” he growled and thrust hard and deep.

  A look of wonder covered her beautiful face as realization dawned. “You really want me to stay? With you?”

  “Goddammit, woman, tell me!” Luke roared as he slammed his body into hers without an ounce of restraint.

  Easy gifted him with a beautiful smile and tears of joy filled her eyes as she nodded her consent. “I’ll stay.”

  Relief surged through Luke and left him as weak as a newborn. He collapsed atop her, fisted a hand in her hair and kissed Easy as if his life depended on it. He tore his mouth free to rasp, “Tell me you meant it.”

  She lifted a hand that trembled to caress his cheek. “I’m yours, Luke,” Easy promised softly, her heart filled to overflowing with love for this man. “For as long as you want me.”

  His lips claimed hers again as he began to make love to her and did his damndest to let his body say what his heart could not. Their mutual climax was a thing of beauty and he just lay there afterward holding her tightly, afraid to shatter the moment with words.

  Easy was still in a state of shock. She couldn’t believe that Luke wanted her to stay with him. That he was actually willing to give them the chance to have a real relationship. The whole thing seemed so surreal and she didn’t quite know what to make of it. “Does this mean we’re dating now?” she finally got the nerve to ask.

  “Dating my ass,” he growled and tightened his hold on her. “You’re mine, woman. You live with me now.”

  Her heart actually skipped a beat at his possessive tone and a smile curved her lips. “The gossip grapevine will have a field day with this,” she teased and planted a kiss on his shoulder.

  “Gossip be dammed,” Luke muttered and could care less. Hell, his dating her would cause as much of an uproar as letting her move in would. Either way his reputation was down the toilet and he just couldn’t bring himself to care anymore. Nothing was more important than keeping Easy with him.

  “The good citizens of Lakeside are going to be shocked that the most eligible bachelor in town is shacked up with some crazy biker chick,” she teased and lifted her head to give him a mischievous smile. “They’ll accuse me of corrupting you.”

  He actually laughed at that. “Well, I am one of the bad Baker boys,” Luke pointed out, his own grin devilish. “Stands to reason I’d act like it sooner or later.”

  “Umm,” she purred and kissed him. “I have a real weakness for bad boys.”

  Blue eyes narrowed in warning. “Bad boy singular,” he corrected and swatted her bottom.

  “Possessive much?” she asked in amusement.

  “Damn straight, so get used to it,” Luke warned in full primal male mode.

  “Then I guess it’s only fair that you should know I’m the jealous type,” Easy admitted and narrowed her eyes at him. “If I catch that bitch Shelly Andrews with her hands all over you again, that’s one body that’ll never be found. And that goes for any other woman who sets her sights on you.”

  Luke didn’t laugh because he didn’t think she was kidding. Matter of fact, he hoped like hell that she was serious because he’d kill any man who tried to take her away from him. “I’m a one woman man, baby,” he assured her seriously.

  “Good, because I’m a one man woman,” she confirmed.

  “What do you say we clean up this mess and go home?” he suggested.

  Her smile was simply radiant. “Whatever you want is fine with me, wild man.”

  Chapter Eight

  Thursday, March 20, 2014

  Luke had his head buried in a brief that he was having a hell of a time concentrating on since all he could think about was the night he had just spent in Easy’s arms. His cell phone pinged an alert that he had a text message. He opened the text and saw that it was from her. A wicked smile curled his lips as he read it.

  Easy: Trying to decide what to wear and wanted your opinion. Black or tan?

  Scrolling down he saw a picture of her delectable backside clad in nothing but a black thong. Luke damn near dropped the phone. He groaned in
agony and scrolled down again. A picture of her bare ass appeared and he dropped his forehead onto the desk and banged it against the wooden surface twice. Sitting upright again, he quickly typed out a return message.

  Luke: You’d better wear black because I’m gonna tan that ass when I get home

  Easy: Ooh. Kink isn’t really my thing, but for you I’d be willing to try it, wild man

  He cursed a blue streak and banged his head on the desk again. The woman was gonna kill him. The image of Easy slapping that fine ass while on the dance floor flooded his mind and hell yeah, it excited him. He’d smack that ass tonight alright.

  Luke: Baby, you’re killing me

  Easy: Remember that fantasy I told you about?

  Ah, hell. She was talking about the honey. Nothing like the thought of that to have him as hard as granite for the rest of the day.

  Luke: Not likely to forget it

  Easy: Tonight’s the night

  He groaned in agony. It would be hours before he could get home to her and make her his again. And again, dammit.

  Luke: You do realize that I won’t be able to think about anything else today, right?

  Easy: Well, you can always try and figure out where I’m going to bite you

  Luke: Woman, when I get my hands on you, you’re gonna regret teasing me

  Easy: I seriously doubt that. I love everything you do to me every time you do me

  The sound of voices in the outer office had him glancing at his watch. Dammit, his client was early.

  Luke: Damn. Client’s here. Gotta go

  Luke laid the phone on his desk and took several deep breaths to try and get his aroused body under control. He never would have believed he’d be sexting with the woman of his dreams, but dammed if the proof wasn’t staring him in the face. He snatched the phone back up to delete the messages and realized he just couldn’t do it. If Easy ever left him, at least he’d have the pictures to go with the memories. A scowl covered his handsome face at the thought. She wouldn’t leave him, dammit. One way or the other, he’d make damn sure she stayed because he just couldn’t live without her.


  Easy was in complete agreement with her man and wanted nothing more than to stay with him permanently. She had no idea what had made him change his mind about them in the first place and even less about why he had insisted she move in with him. In spite of all the time they had spent together over the last few days, Luke was still very much an enigma.

  He had such a multifaceted personality that it constantly surprised her. On the surface he was serious and dependable, very intelligent, dedicated to his career and highly ambitious. Yet he was also sweet and gentle, extremely playful, and he had a wicked sense of humor to go along with that bad boy charm.

  But when his wild side emerged, it was like he was a completely different man. His mood could turn dark and demanding, his desire raw and intense, while his persona became dominant and commanding like a man who was used to being obeyed without question. Damn, it was hot even if it did confuse the hell out of her.

  Lord, having that man as a lover was a dream come true and more than she could have ever hoped for. Luke possessed a body to die for and he knew exactly how to use it to provide the ultimate pleasure. Easy shivered in remembrance of his untamed passion and smiled wickedly.

  He had shown her his true colors yesterday and she was more than willing to do the same in return. It was time for Luke to see the side of herself that she had kept hidden from him. Now that he had accepted the crazy biker chick, she was going to reveal her respectable side, and she knew exactly how to do it.

  Needless to say her sister had been ecstatic to learn that she was moving in with Luke, and Easy had readily agreed to help her carry out her plan for the evening. Brett had been a bit more reluctant when she’d asked to borrow a set of handcuffs and had muttered something about charging rental fees before he’d handed them over.

  The cuffs were supposed to be a joke, but after their sext messages that morning, if Luke wanted to chain her to his bed and make her scream with pleasure, Easy sure as hell wasn’t going to complain about it. Jesus, just thinking about it elevated her body temperature by several degrees.

  The sisters hit the mall to do some serious shopping this time before making a stop at the dry cleaners, the florist, the gourmet food shop, Speakeasy and finally the grocery store. Then they went back to Dizzy’s house to collect Easy’s clothes and filled the trunk with various items that she needed to make the evening perfect.

  Once she arrived at Luke’s house, Easy used the key he had given her that morning and unlocked the door. She stepped inside and said happily, “Home sweet home.” Then she set about unloading the car and setting the stage for the big reveal. Luke was going to get the surprise of his life tonight and she was going to enjoy every last minute of it.


  Since he was only going to be home for a few minutes to freshen up before meeting the governor at Speakeasy, Luke pulled into his driveway and parked in front of the closed garage doors. When the front door opened and Easy stood there smiling at him, he kicked the door closed, hauled her into his arms and gave her a smoldering kiss.

  “Welcome home,” she breathed when he finally came up for air.

  Coming home and finding his woman waiting for him was the best feeling ever, Luke decided as he kissed her again. Damn, it would be hours before they could play out her fantasy. He was seriously tempted to call the governor and tell him to forget the whole thing. Easy had other ideas and managed to wriggle out of his hold. He let her go reluctantly.

  “Sorry to kiss and run, baby, but I’ve got to be at Speakeasy at six,” he apologized and headed for the stairs.

  “No you don’t,” she denied and smiled mischievously as she grabbed his hand to stop him. “Everything is almost ready so all you have to do is relax and let me handle it.”

  “Handle what?” he asked in confusion as he followed her into the dining room. Much to his surprise and confusion, the table was elegantly set with crystal and china that he did not own.

  “Dinner,” she said with a smile. “I borrowed a few things from Dizzy and Eileen made the centerpiece for me. I told her to make sure it was low so we could see each other over it and it turned out nicely, don't you think?”

  “It's great,” he replied absently. “What I don't understand is why you did it.”

  “It's not every day you have the chance to entertain the state's most prominent political figure, so I thought we should try and impress the hell out of him,” Easy explained.

  “We?” he questioned warily.

  “Well, since I'm cooking dinner, I invited myself to join you,” she informed him with a sassy smile.

  Ah, hell. That’s what he’d been afraid she meant. “Baby, I've already got reservations at Speakeasy for dinner,” he pointed out.

  “I canceled them.”

  “You did what?” he asked in disbelief.

  The timer went off and she said, “The biscuits are ready,” as she hurried into the kitchen to remove them from the oven.

  Luke followed her and demanded, “Why the hell did you cancel the reservation?”

  “Because the man is wined and dined constantly and one more restaurant, no matter how good the food, is not going to leave a lasting impression,” she said reasonably as she removed the perfectly browned discs from the baking pan and placed them in a bread basket. “He needs to see you at home and get to know you without all the distractions a crowded restaurant provides. A warm, cozy setting is more conducive to making people feel comfortable and relaxed.”

  Which made perfect sense, but even so... “Can you cook?” he had the presence of mind to ask.

  “I'm an excellent cook,” Easy assured him as she moved to the stove and lifted a lid to stir the pots contents. “I'm by no means a professional chef like Desi, but I've never had any complaints. Don't worry. Dinner will be fine. I borrowed a variety of whiskeys from Mark and set up a bar in the living ro
om, so make sure you offer them a drink when they arrive.”

  “Easy, I...” Luke didn't know what to say. He couldn't believe the thought that she had put into this, not to mention the effort and he really appreciated it, but there was no way in hell he could have her here when the Governor arrived. One look at those black leather Daisy Duke shorts she was almost wearing and his hopes of a future in politics would be shot to hell. “Thank you...” he finally managed to say.

  “You're more than welcome,” she smiled at him over her shoulder.

  “...for all of this. It’s incredible, but you don’t have to stay,” he said as tactfully as possible. “It’ll probably be boring as hell. Maybe you should hang out with Dizzy for a while.”

  “It'll be fun,” she assured him. “I laid out your blue suit, so go get changed.”

  “My blue suit?” he questioned. “I thought it was at the cleaners.”

  “I picked it up for you. The blue looks wonderful with your eyes.”

  “I doubt the governor cares how my eyes look,” he said dryly.

  “Probably not, but I do. You're sexy as hell in the blue.”

  How could a man argue with that, he wondered in defeat and went upstairs to get changed. Luke prayed the evening went well and Easy behaved herself. God only knew what the woman had planned for them to eat, although the aroma of food had been tantalizing. The sight of a black dress lying neatly across his bed helped calm him somewhat since he realized she wouldn't be wearing the damn leather. He changed into the blue suit and went back downstairs to the bar she had set up and poured himself a shot. He definitely needed it to calm his nerves.

  Satisfied that everything was ready, Easy went into the dining room and lit the candles on the table before she entered the living room and lit those that she had strategically placed earlier. She adjusted the flower arrangements placement on the coffee table and nodded her satisfaction. Realizing that Luke was just standing there watching her foray into domesticity with a worried frown, she grinned at him and announced, “I'm going upstairs to get dressed so stay out of the kitchen and don't touch anything.”


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