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He Brings Out The Hood In Me 3

Page 11

by Nikki Brown

  “I was fucking eleven years old man,” his voice cracked and Icelynn couldn’t take it anymore. She jumped out of bed and joined him on the floor beside her bed. She straddled him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “How can a nigga be so fucking sick?” AD fought back his sobs only allowing a few to escape him. “That shit fucked me up.”

  Icelynn held on to him as he cried into her chest. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her as close as he could. Snuggling her face into his neck, she rubbed his back and watched as his shoulders shook slightly.

  “It wasn’t your fault.”

  Even though he didn’t come right out and say what happened, Icelynn knew all too well the demons that he was releasing. She too had dealt with being assaulted by Salem, her ex. She knew the damage that it could do to a person. She was still battling the PTSD that came with it herself.

  “He took my fucking soul!” Adoreé cried and Icelynn lost it. She released all of the tears that she was trying her best to hold on to. Being strong for him was the one thing that she knew he needed but his revelation brought up so many of the memories that she too had been through.

  “I’m so sorry baby.”

  “I’m so tired of fucking crying, that’s all a nigga been doing. I feel like a bitch.” AD buried his face in her neck. For the first time in a long time he felt at home.

  “You need this, it’s not healthy to hold all of this in baby. That’s what I’m here for, to be there for you at your roughest times. I know what you’re going through, I’ve been there too, with Isis’ dad, so I know your pain. Let me be there for you, stop pushing me away.”

  “I’ve never had that; I mean moms tried but I never felt strong enough to tell her. With you I felt like it was needed because I want you and Isis in my life.”

  “We need you in ours.” She moved his head back so they were looking at each other. “I understand why you were so distant now.” He nodded his head.

  “Mommy,” Isis whined at the door rubbing her eyes. She thought she heard her AD’s voice, but she thought that maybe she was dreaming.

  Icelynn jumped up and ran to her daughter giving AD a minute to get himself together. He hadn’t planned to come here and cry, it made him feel like a bitch but he had to admit it felt like the black cloud that was forever over him had shifted, even if just a little.

  “What are you doing up?”

  “I heard someone crying and I wanted to make sure you were okay.” She searched the room and once her eyes landed on one of her new favorite people, she ran to him as fast as her little feet would carry her. “AD!”

  Throwing herself into his lap she squeezed his neck and kissed his cheek causing AD to release a few more tears. In his heart, Isis was his and it made him think about the conversation that he and his mother had. He knew what she meant when she said that he was made for her because oddly he felt like Isis was made for him to love and protect. Her and her mother.

  “Hey my pretty girl.” He tried to smile through the tears but it was hard. He felt so connected to Icelynn and Isis. Even when he tried not to be, he was and it drove him crazy.

  “What’s wrong AD? Why are you sad?” Isis reached up and wiped the tear that was falling from AD’s eyes. He winked at her and she turned to glare at her mother. “Mommy I thought you said that you would be nice to AD so he would stick around.”


  “Nah Isis, mommy was being nice. Someone hurt me when I was a little boy and it made me sad, but I’m tough so I’ll be okay. Do you believe that?” Isis looked at him and nodded her head. “Good, now let’s go back to bed.” AD got up off the floor and helped Isis back to bed.

  Icelynn watched as he peeled the covers back and then pulled them back up to her chin after she laid down. Leaning down he kissed her cheek and that warmed Icelynn’s heart but she could see it in his eyes that he was still fighting something within.

  Icelynn walked off and allowed the two to have a conversation. She returned to her room and sat with her back to her headboard and her legs out straight in front of her. She looked into the mirror and noticed that her hair was a disheveled mess and she had huge bags from the crying spell that she had.

  “Don’t think I’m no bitch for sitting down there crying or for all that shit I-”

  “That wasn’t your fault Adoreé, that doesn’t mean anything. All it means is that you are a survivor and that shit makes you stronger and more manly than people who haven’t endured what you have. Don’t let that take you away from things and the people who love you.” Her eyes were sincere, AD could feel the love pouring from them.

  His heart battered his ribs as it beat hastily through his chest. He reached out for Icelynn and brought her into his arms. It was like the tension immediately left his body and it was replaced with understanding and acceptance, all things that he needed to survive.

  “Siya isn’t my real mother,” he let out before he lost the courage to divulge everything that was weighing him down. Icelynn pulled back to see if there was any humor to his words and there was none. Her eyes stretched and she placed her hands over his heart with an indication that she could somehow slow the rapid beat of it.

  “What do you mean?” she was genuinely confused. In her mind AD looked most like Siya from his slanted eyes and beautiful chocolate skin.

  AD sighed for like the thousandth time as he looked down at Icelynn and explained to her everything that went down in the restaurant. Icelynn’s heart broke for him once again, it was like there was a black cloud over his head and just poured at the drop of a hat.

  “Wow.” Was the only thing that Icelynn could think to say. “So how do you feel about it?”

  “I feel real fucked up to be honest, but I can’t hate them. I want to but I can’t.”

  “Why would you hate them?”

  “Why wouldn’t I Ice?” AD took a step back and slipped his hands in his sweats. “They lied to me my whole life, they knew this shit and no one thought to tell me. You don’t think I had the right to know?”

  “Would you have wanted to know?” she asked with an eyebrow raised. “Just think about it. What if that woman would have never come in the restaurant and you would have never known, would that have changed anything in your life?” AD didn’t answer, he just looked down at his feet and rocked back on his heels. “Exactly, I mean from what you said, I would be glad that someone saved me from someone like her. She raped your dad, stole his sperm, and tried to kill you. I think you grew up right where you needed to.”

  “If I was with her, I would have never been near Maino.”

  “How can you say that because either way, Meka is your aunt and you would have ended up over her house eventually. Listen baby, sometimes people got to go through shit to get to where they are meant to be. Believe it or not, I believe this is going to make you a better man and when you decide to have kids it will make you a damn good father.” Icelynn touched the side of his face. “But I do think you need to go and talk to someone. Dr. Reems is my therapist and she’s good. She has a way of putting things into perspective.”

  Icelynn was so distraught when she moved to Charlotte that she never really left the house; she was afraid for Isis to leave the house. Her mom suggested that she see someone and she took her up on that. Dr. Reems had helped her deal with the things that she had been through with Salem, even though she still had her nightmares and the thought of him being out on the streets and looking for her scared the shit out of her, she was still better than she was before.

  “I don’t know if I can do that.”

  “Baby I’ll go with you, seeing a therapist about what you’ve went through don’t make you less of a man, just like crying it out doesn’t.” Icelynn kissed his lips.

  “Thank you,” was all AD said.

  “For what?” Icelynn asked.

  “For bearing my demons.” He kissed her lips and lingered there for a minute before his tongue bombarded her mouth and he deepened the kiss. Icelynn moaned against his lips. “I need
you Ice,” he said against her lips.

  “I’m right here, I’m right here,” she countered as she reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. He worked his sweat pants and boxers off of his waist. Icelynn was only clad in a thin nighty with nothing underneath.

  Picking her up by her waist caused Icelynn to wrap her legs around him as he moved them closer to the bed. AD softly laid her on the bed and took a minute to take her in. She was perfect to him. Her light skin glowed under the moonlight and the slight breeze that was flowing through made her dime sized nipples harden.

  Leaning down he took the right one in his mouth and sucked, arching her back she fed him more of her breast. His touch was sending surges of passion through her body that she couldn’t quite explain.

  “Ummmm,” she moaned as her center became soaked instantly. AD could feel the heat radiating off of her.

  “You missed me,” he taunted as he switched to the other breast and slid his hands between her legs. “Damn you did miss me.” He smiled and he ran his fingers through her wetness. “Damn Ice.”

  “I missed you so much Adoreé ummmmm.”

  “Say it again.” He pulled her legs to the edge of the bed and pushed them back. It was something about the way that she said his name while they were making love that drove him nuts.

  “Adoreé ssssssss,” she hissed as he broke her barrier. Taking in a gulp of air, she held it as a slither of pain tore through her body. AD was definitely the biggest she had ever encountered, and he knew what to do with every inch.

  “You gotta breathe baby.” AD’s smirk spread across his face. “That’s it, just like that.”

  Icelynn looked up into his face, as he slowly worked his way in and out of her. She had never felt as connected to a man as she did right now. Her heart swelled to massive lengths at the thought that he chose her to openly discuss the things that he had been through. That meant a lot to Icelynn, what she didn’t know was that it meant way more to AD.

  “Adoreé that feels so good baby.”

  Leaning down to press his lips against hers, he pulled her bottom one into his mouth causing her to shiver. He pulled out of her and then slammed back in making her gasp.

  “Breathe,” he chuckled. Icelynn wasn’t about to let him get the best of her so she arched her back and started to throw her pussy at him. She moved her body in small circles being sure to thrust her hips on the way down. “Oh, that’s not fair.”

  “All’s fair in love making.”

  “Oh yeah, turn over.” He bit down on his bottom lip as he pulled out of her and waited for her to arch her back just the way he liked it.

  Her round ass was up and, in his face, he leaned down and licked from her clit to her slit and then placed his dick at her opening. Pushing his way in he sighed as he stood perfectly still. Icelynn had a way of making him cum when she wanted him to and he couldn’t have that.

  “Like this baby,” she taunted as she began to bounce her ass cheeks on his dick, his toes balled automatically and he grabbed her ass and spread it a little so he could go in deeper. “Shit, damn you’re deep.”

  “What this deep?” he pulled out and slid back even deeper than he was before.

  “Damn I love this.” Icelynn threw her head back as he picked up to a medium pace.

  “Shit me too, I can’t wait to see what forever looks like,” AD openly admitted.

  “Just look in the mirror.” Icelynn picked her head up and met AD’s eyes in the mirror. The two stared at each other while they tried their best to show the other exactly what they were feeling.

  Confessions of a Real Friend

  “Girl I’m so excited for the hair show, you’ve worked so hard on this!” Key beamed as the group moved through the mall, deep in conversation.

  Sutton, Key, and Icelynn were out trying to find the finishing touches for the outfits that they were gonna wear in the show. It was just a little ways away and they wanted to make sure that everything was perfect.

  “We worked hard on this. I don’t know what the hell I would have done without you.” Sutton wrapped her arm around Key’s neck and pulled her in for a sisterly hug. The day that Cassidy introduced them was a blessing in disguise, even if he had ulterior motives.

  “I’m so glad that Cassidy wanted my number, because if he hadn’t, I’m sure this would not have happened.” She laughed and Icelynn and Sutton joined in. “Thank god for those nude leggings huh?”

  “Okkkayyyy!” Icelynn yelled and they all laughed and high fived.

  If someone would have told Sutton that her and Piper wouldn’t be friends and she would befriend two females that she knew nothing about she would have told them to kiss her ass. Sutton had never really got along with females because she didn’t easily trust. It was like when Icelynn and Kahleno came into her life she started to see things and people differently, even with people like Trouble and Piper trying to treat them different.

  “So, what’s up with you and Cassidy?” Icelynn was the first to ask.

  “Only if you tell me what’s up with you and AD.” Sutton gave her the side eye. “Both of y’all been walking around like you’re walking on air. He’s still his weird self but he doesn’t seem as dark, so what’s up?”

  “First off hoe, don’t be calling my man weird.”

  “Your man, okay bitch please tell,” Sutton said as she took a step in front of Icelynn and blocked her path, causing the group to stop in the middle of the mall. Key laughed; she hadn’t been around Icelynn as much but she could tell that she would really like her. She was cool and genuine.

  “We talked and when I tell you that man has been through some shit. I mean some real life shit. Some shit that you wouldn’t even think and no one knows about it. He held all of that shit in and never told anybody and then on top of that the shit with this Ziva woman.” Icelynn shook her head and rolled her eyes in the back of her head to keep from crying. “He’s so damn strong and I love that he trusted me with his secrets. He even agreed to go to therapy with me, so yeah that’s definitely my man.”

  “I know that’s right, just give me a little bit of time and I’m hopping on the Maler band wagon too,” Key rolled her neck and put her hands on her hips.

  “You’re already there you just don’t know it yet,” Icelynn said. “If he’s making time to see you, whether it’s at the shop or at your son’s game, he’s calling and texting then he’s interested. You just have to let him in,” Icelynn smirked.

  “Girl the last man I let in went fucking crazy and tried to control me. I can’t do that again.” Key laughed but she was serious, her ex was a piece of work and she never wanted to put herself in a situation like that again. “So, I’m trying to take my time and get to know him, I like what I see so far.”

  Key’s phone blared through her pocketbook. She looked up to the sky and prayed that it wasn’t the school calling her about Kane. If it was, she didn’t know what she was going to do, this was the last resort. If they kicked him out, she would be forced to homeschool him and she really didn’t want to do that.

  “What’s wrong girl?” Sutton asked when she noticed the look on Key’s face.

  “This little boy,” she growled. “Hello?” Key listened as the principal told her how Kane attacked another student because the student called him a name. They wanted her to come and pick him up immediately and he wouldn’t be allowed back until they had a talk with the school board about his behavior. “Okay, I’m on my way.”

  Tears slowly cascaded down her face, her patience with Kanaan was growing thin and she didn’t know what to do. He was getting worse by the day. His anger and temper were that of his father and she hated it, which was one of the reasons that he didn’t know he existed.

  “Ahh girl don’t cry, I get what you’re going through. This single parent shit is hard and nobody tests you more than your kids,” Icelynn said drawing a laugh from Key. “It will all work out, I promise.”

  Icelynn had had her issues with Isis, she felt like i
t was more than likely because she didn’t really have stability until they moved to Charlotte. She acted out and until recently Icelynn felt like she was at her wits end. Thank goodness for her mother being a buffer between the two, things were finally getting back on track for her.

  “Sorry to have to cut the trip short but I gotta go.” Key hugged the two women who had quickly come into her life and brighten it just a little. “I’ll see you back at the shop for the final run through tonight.”

  “Aight girl.” Sutton and Icelynn waved as she made her way out of the mall. “Damn, I hate that for her. I pray that I never have to be a single parent.” Sutton shook her head.

  “Yeah it ain’t fun.” Icelynn lowered her eyes to the floor and then she looked out into the crowd. It was like she felt someone looking at her and it put her on edge. She remembered that feeling. Feverishly scanning the mall Icelynn thought her eyes were deceiving her. “Salem?”

  Her chest rose and fell as fear settled in her heart. She shut her eyes really tight and then opened them up quickly. When they fell back to the place, she saw her ex, he wasn’t there anymore. Her eyes raced over the large space and again she came up empty.

  “Hey! Hey!” Sutton shook Icelynn a little. “What just happened?”

  Sutton’s eyes followed Icelynn’s as they bounced around from store to store. She knew she saw him, or maybe she thought she saw him because they were talking about it. She looked one more time to see if she really saw who she thought she did.

  “I thought I saw my ex, Salem.”

  “The one from Chicago? Isis’ daddy?”

  “Yeah him,” she cleared her throat. “I think it was just because we were talking about him. I swear if he finds me-”

  “Then he’ll be in for the ride of his life. Trust me. Them Maler men don’t play with people fucking with people they care about. If you are that scared, tell AD.”

  “No, he has enough shit going on, he doesn’t need my bullshit weighing him down too.” Icelynn knew that dragging AD into her shit would only end bad and possibly get him into some shit that he couldn’t get out of. She knew how dirty Salem could get, but what she didn’t know was that AD could get down with the best of them and he had a big ass empire backing him.


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