Book Read Free


Page 5

by Laramie Briscoe

  My cheeks heat, I can feel it flush up my neck. There’s no telling what people in this town are saying. “I did leave with him, he was kind of my knight in shining armor. If it hadn’t been for him and his friend, things would have probably turned out a lot differently.”

  “Thank God he was there.” She squeezes my hand. “Again, I’m so sorry. I never meant for it to happen, and I promise I’ll never set you up on a date again.”

  I’m almost relieved, not to mention, I have a good feeling about Caleb. “Maybe I won’t need you to set me up anymore.” I shrug. Glancing up at the clock, I realize the bell will ring in a few minutes. “Gotta go. We’ll talk later.”

  Hurrying along the same hallways I walked as a student, I wave and call out random hello’s to the students I now teach. Turning down my side of the building, I run right into Karina.

  “I was coming to find you.” She steadies me as I hold my coffee in front of me, praying that it won’t slosh.

  When it doesn’t, I breathe a sigh of relief. “I made it.” I give her a smile.

  “Honestly, I wanted to check on you. I know you told me you were okay and Caleb told me you were okay when I asked, but what happened to you had to be scary.”

  Karina is the mother hen to everyone in our module, but she’s never overbearing about it. “It was.” I’m never going to lie to her. She’s been my mentor since I was a student here. “But Caleb saved me. Like I told you in the text, had he not listened to what was going on, it would have been a whole other story. I probably would have made the news, and not in a good way.” A shiver runs through my body as I think about it.

  “Have you talked to Principal Taggert yet?”

  I take a drink of my coffee before answering. “I stopped by on my way in and explained what happened. He said as long as I wasn’t arrested, we’re all good.”

  A smirk tilts Karina’s mouth as she leans in, her eyes twinkling. “Trust me, honey. You can get arrested in your bedroom anytime, and it’s fun as hell.”

  It’s hard for me to swallow the coffee, but I do. For a full minute I struggle with what to say to her. “I don’t even know how to respond to that considering all Caleb and I have done is kiss, but I’ll keep it in mind.”

  She winks. “He didn’t even tell me you kissed.”

  When the bell rings I quickly make my escape.


  “Think you can spot me?” I ask Morgan as the two of us workout in the gym at our apartment complex. I don’t lift heavy anymore, but I do like to have a little bulk in case I have to throw some weight around with someone I’m trying to arrest.

  “Yeah.” He comes over to where I’m waiting on the bench and helps me lift the bar before I start, counting my reps. “So what happened with you and the girl from The Café?” he asks as we get started.

  “I took her out the next day,” I admit, a smile on my face as I think about our breakfast. “For breakfast, since I had to work the night shift.”

  “Wow dude, really? You ever had a date that fast?” Morgan asks as he holds his hands close to the bar, there to catch it in case I lose my grip.

  “No, but there was something about her. How unsure she looked when I sat down at that table, how cute she looked in her porch light. I don’t know, I thought she was hot, and I hadn’t had a date in a while, so I thought I’d take it.” I try to play it off. Truth of the matter was, she kept me going when all I’d wanted to do was go to sleep during my long-ass shift.

  “Look at you, sounding like your pops.” Morgan switches places with me, adding weight to his bar, before he starts his reps.

  “My pops is a happy man,” I remind him, thinking of how just about every day he’s got a smile on his face.

  “He is, and a damn lucky one,” Morgan grunts as he pushes the bar up. “I don’t know how you lucked out with a stepmom who looks like yours, Harrison, but fuck.”

  I roll my eyes, used to this. “She was my teacher before; I already had respect for her. Plus I mean, ewwww. This isn’t porno, it’s real life, man.”

  He chuckles as he sits up, panting. “I don’t know about you, but I gotta get going. I’m working the night shift tonight.”

  “I’m in serious overtime because of the weather the last few days. They switched my shift with someone else tonight. I think I’m gonna go have dinner at my parents, if they’re having something good,” I tell Morgan as I watch him packing up his bag.

  “Tell your mom I said hey.” He says the “hey” in a really deep voice, coupling it with a wink.

  “Dude, come on. My dad would kick your ass, let’s not even joke around. You know he would kick your ass from here to next week.”

  Morgan laughs as he puts his hoodie on, shouldering his duffel and grabbing his bottle of water. We leave the fitness center and then walk up the stairs. Being next door neighbors also helps keep our friendship grounded, and it’s nice to have someone who understands your job. “Your pops would throw down, and probably almost kill me.”

  Of that I have no doubt. “See you around.” I give him a wave as we go to our separate spaces.

  I’m about to climb into the shower when my phone rings, and because of who’s calling, I answer it.

  “Hey Caleb, it’s your mom.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, your picture shows up when you call, along with your name in my phone.”

  She laughs, because she knows it annoys me when she starts a conversation like that. “I made pot roast and corn bread,” she says it in a sing-song voice. That had been one of the first meals Kari made us when she started staying with Dad, and to this day it’s one of my favorites.

  “You did, huh?”

  “I did.” I can hear her smile through the phone. “I thought you might like to join us tonight.”

  “I could eat.” I rub my stomach that’s already clenching at the thought of the meal I love so much.

  “You’re so full of shit.” I hear my Dad’s voice in the background. “Just get over here, we’ll eat in an hour.”

  “Gotta take a shower, I just worked out with Morgan, but I’ll be there very soon,” I promise into the phone, reaching out to test the water. “In fact, my water’s hot, I’ll see you in a few.”

  “Great! Can’t wait to see you and hear all about what’s going on with Ruby!”

  She hangs up before I can say anything, and I realize with great clarity that she played me like a drum. I soothe myself with the knowledge that while I’m facing the great inquisition, at least I’ll be eating one of my favorite meals, and sometimes, that’s the price you have to pay to get something you really want.

  * * *

  “Who’s Ruby?” Kelsea asks as soon as I enter the house through the side door. She runs, jumps up, and locks her arms around my neck.

  “Who’ve you been talkin’ to Cupcake?” I tug on her braid as I sit her down. Damn I hope she has a growth spurt soon. She’s way too short, and I don’t want other kids picking on her.

  “Nobody.” She walks over to the breakfast bar, hitches herself up in the chair, and starts working on what appears to be homework. “I just heard Mom talking to someone else.”

  “Kels, you’re not supposed to listen to my private conversations.” Kari comes into the kitchen, wearing a MTF shirt and a pair of sweatpants. “That’s why they’re private.”

  “But you said it loud enough for me to hear it.” She gives a look, as if that should solve everything.

  “She’s got a point.” Dad says as he comes in the same side door that I just came through.

  “Stop ganging up on me, or no one’s getting dinner.”

  Wisely, we all shut up. Dad comes through, clapping his hand on my shoulder, giving Kelsea a kiss on the forehead, and then walking up to Mom. She puts her hands on her hips. “You think you deserve food after you sided against me?”

  “You’re not gonna tell me no, Rina, and I think we both know that. Doesn’t matter what it is, you never tell me no.” He cups the side of her neck and leans in fo
r a kiss.

  The two of them, at one time, embarrassed me with their displays of how they feel for one another. Growing up without a mother figure in my life, I hadn’t known how to react to the public displays of affection they enjoyed with one another. Now though, as a grown man, I know I want a life like this, a wife who will let me cop a feel when she bends over to get something out of the fridge, one who won’t stop me when I come up behind her while she’s at the sink and press my body into hers. I want all of it, and I send up a little prayer, thanking God for letting Kari come into our lives, because without her I wouldn’t be the man I am today.

  “C’mon, Kels, if they’re going to suck face and be all lovey dovey, we can do your homework in the living room.”

  She grabs her stuff quickly and hops down, following me as we get her stuff spread out on the coffee table. “What are we working on tonight?” I ask as we get comfortable.

  “Just some history, I have to answer these three questions, and I’m almost done.” She points to the questions. “I just have one more sentence to write, then I expect you to tell me who Ruby is.” She grins.

  I groan as I think about how I’m being annoyed by every single member of my family right now. “I guess I could talk to you about it.”

  She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, hurriedly writing the last sentence, throws her pen down, and then looks at me, excitement in her eyes. “Now, who’s Ruby?”

  I chuckle, shaking my head. “Cupcake, she and I have only been out on one date.” I try to manage her expectations. The only other woman I’ve introduced her to didn’t work out so well.

  “But you like her right?”

  “How do you know that?

  “Because you get a smile on your face when you talk about her.”

  I try to think back. What are my facial expressions when I talk about Ruby? Do I really smile when I talk about her? “You think?”

  “I saw it when Mom was asking you about her. Tell me about her.” Kels turns around on her knees, looking at me. “Is she pretty?”

  “She’s super pretty, she’s got blue eyes and blonde hair. She’s short, but she fits right here.” I put my hand at my collarbone, and that’s when I realize it. I’m smiling as I talk about her.

  “I’m smiling, aren’t I?” I shake my head at Kels.

  She giggles. “You are.”

  And that’s when I realize that after one date, one moment in a lifetime of moments with this woman, I’m completely and totally fucked. It’s finally happened to me. I’ve met the person who brings a smile to my face, and while on one hand, I’m scared to death – I’m also so fucking ready.

  Hitching my head back against the couch cushions, I say a little “bring it on” to the big man upstairs.



  I’ve never been so excited for a Friday night in my life. This week has passed slowly, with numerous text messages between Caleb and me. Even if we can’t see each other much, at least we have this as a means to get to know each other. We haven’t been able to get together, and maybe that’s why I’m so excited. He’s busy, I’m busy, and we don’t have just a ton of free time to devote to one another.

  It’s a commitment; I know I’m serious when I make one, and he seems to be serious too. This must be the difference in dealing with a man, rather than a boy who’s unsure of what he wants.

  So far, I have to admit I’m liking it. Grabbing my phone, I scroll back through our messages, grinning as I see some of them, thinking back to our conversations.

  C: What’s your favorite TV show?

  R: Whatever I can watch on Netflix and don’t have to wait for. I like shows that are already over.

  C: Into that instant gratification, huh?

  I grin as I think about what he’s saying. To most people I’m not the least bit naughty. No one’s ever seen me as a bad girl, but Caleb didn’t know me in high school, he didn’t know the girl who didn’t believe in herself. With him I can be anything I want to be, and that is a heady feeling.

  R: Guilty as charged. I’m not a patient person at all.

  C: I’ll file that away for a later date. I’d love to try your patience out.

  Is he flirting with me? Not many people have flirted with me, and I haven’t returned the favor, which is why I can’t spot it out in the wild.

  C: Delaying gratification can make the ending that much sweeter, hotter, and offer so much more satisfaction.

  He’s definitely flirting with me, and I squirm in my seat.

  R: Maybe with you, I’ll give it a shot.

  C: It would be my pleasure, Ruby. To try your patience out, see how you handle it.

  My face is burning with the heat of what he’s suggesting.

  R: I’d like that.

  C: I’ll definitely keep that in mind. But right now I gotta go Ruby, I got a call.

  R: Be careful!

  As soon as I send the text, I say a little prayer that he’s safe tonight.

  I grin as I look at one of our other text conversations. In college, I never did the whole text conversation thing with any of the guys I dated. I saw them often enough between the dorms, what parties I went to, and study groups. But Caleb? He’s a man with an important job, one he’s got to work more than most people, and he’s dedicated. His time isn’t exactly his own. So when he’s able to give me a little bit of it, I take all I can get.

  R: Please tell me why I’m such a dork.

  C: I don’t know you super well yet, but I can categorically say someone who looks like you isn’t a dork, sweetheart.

  Little does he know, but he will totally learn. It’s weird, the feeling that we’ve known each other for years, and I’m perfectly okay sharing things with him.

  R: So today in front of my class, I was using the projector to demonstrate something I was doing, and I was typing. I was supposed to type dart, and I typed fart.

  I give him a moment to let that sink in. Let him see how sometimes I stick my foot in my mouth, even when I don’t mean to. How I even do it in a classroom full of kids.

  R: You don’t realize how immature your class is until they crack up at the word fart.

  C: If you only knew how immature I am, because I’m cracking the fuck up.

  A giggle escapes from my throat as I remember the entire situation. It had been hard for me to keep it together, but I’d managed to until I turned my back.

  R: Confession: I laughed too!

  C: Perfect answer, gorgeous. Perfect answer.

  I’m dying, waiting for him to get here to pick me up. As we’ve talked this week, and I’ve gotten to know him better, I like him even more than I did when he saved me. When I hear his Jeep pull up outside, I grab my bag, fluff my hair, and do a quick breath check. The knock literally makes my heart beat triple time. I’ve never had a reaction to a man like this before, but honestly, the few relationships I’ve been in haven’t been with a man. Not a real one like Caleb Harrison.

  I force myself to slow down and walk to the door, not run. When I open it, I feel that same spark I felt the other night at The Café. He’s wearing a pair of black jeans, with a pair of black Timberlands, the laces lazily done up on his feet, a wallet chain hangs out of his back pocket, and a white thermal long-sleeve shirt covers his torso. Hand to God, this guy could be a cover model if he wanted to be. His dark hair is mussed, face covered with a day’s growth of beard, those brown eyes of his dark and roaming my body just like I’m roaming his, and those pink lips? Kissable and full. Finally I speak. “Hey.”

  His lips hitch in a grin. “Hey yourself.” His arm curls around my waist before he dips down, stealing a kiss. The feel of his lips against mine is something I’ve craved since I last saw him. He’s warm, comforting, and everything I remember him being. Inhaling deeply I smell the oil I got him. It gives me a little thrill that he’s decided to use it.

  The kiss isn’t long, or even very involved, but it’s enough to interest me, and want to try it again. “How was work?
” I know he worked an early shift today. I’m new at this, I’m not sure if he wants to talk about what happened, or not, but I figure he’ll let me know if the subject is off limits.

  “Blissfully slow.” He escorts me out of the door and down toward his Jeep.

  “Good, then hopefully you won’t be too tired to hang out with me tonight.” I bite my lip as he helps me in.

  “I don’t work until tomorrow night, so you’ve got me a while if you want me.” His smile he gives me is pure bad boy, like he knows how hot he is, and makes no excuses about it.

  I do want him, and I feel like there’s always this undercurrent of need between us. Even though this is only the third time we’ve been together, only the second date we’ve been on. “Sounds good to me.” I decide maybe that’s a better way of putting it, rather than the creepy way.

  He shuts the door, and as he walks around the front end of the vehicle, I admire the way he walks, his swagger, and the way his hair lays to the side probably from where he’s run his fingers through it. When he climbs in behind the wheel, I almost hold my breath, hoping I enjoy watching him drive as much as I did last time.


  Goddamn she’s hot, with that curly blond hair, clear blue eyes, and ruby red lips. Ruby. Just like her. The sweater she wears shows off her curves, but not too much. It hugs everything in a way that makes me want to see more, but doesn’t show everything she’s got. If I’m honest, though, it’s the jeans she wears that are driving me insane. There’s a rip in the thigh. It’s giving me a glimpse of smooth skin, and fuck if I don’t want to see that skin with nothing hiding it.

  Getting onto the main road, I keep with the flow of traffic, but I can’t wait any longer. Her skin is calling me. I reach over, hooking my finger in the spot where the rip is. “I like this.” My voice is gruffer than I mean for it to be.

  She grabs at my fingers, holding them tightly in hers. Looking down I see her nails are painted either a dark gray or black. I like that, too. “My jeans?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “The skin it shows. It’s a fucking cock tease, but I like to be teased. Now all I’m gonna be able to think about all night is what you look like with nothing covering that smooth skin.”


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