Book Read Free


Page 8

by Laramie Briscoe

  “You sure you’re okay to take her while I sit here and hand out candy?” Kari snaps me out of my thoughts as she empties bags of chocolate into bowls. Snagging a Snickers to give me something to do, I pop it into my mouth, chewing as I talk around it. I’m chomping harder than I should, just to take my mind off those smooth legs. “Yeah, we don’t mind. Honestly this is probably the last year for Kels anyway.”

  “Bubba, I’m ready.” She comes running out of her room dressed as a University of Alabama cheerleader. Ruby following behind her.

  “Hang on,” she cautions. “Let me put your sticker on your face.”

  The sticker is my old number, and I can’t help but grin when I see Ruby’s got one on her face too. I watch as Ruby quickly puts it on, before she hands Kels her pom poms.

  “You two lovely ladies ready?” I ask as I take a good look at them.

  “We are when you are, hot stuff.” Ruby leans in, giving me a chaste kiss.

  It’s the first time we’ve kissed in front of my family, and Kari gives me a knowing smile when she and I pull away from one another. “Okay Mom, we’re leaving. We’ll be back in a bit.”

  “Have fun, y’all. Mason should be home by the time you get home, so we’ll grill some burgers and hot dogs, if that’s okay?”

  My stomach growls as I think about eating. It’s been a super busy day and I barely got lunch. “Okay with you?” I look back at Ruby.

  “You’re drivin’, I’m ridin’.” She winks.

  Immediately I have a vision of her riding my dick in my head. It’s the fucking skirt, everything about the skirt and seeing so much leg exposed is driving me nuts. Hopefully I’ll be able to get through this night without embarrassing myself.

  “Grab your bucket Kels and let’s get out of here.”

  She does as she’s told and the three of us walk out of the house, down the porch steps, and to my Jeep.

  “Are we going downtown?” Kels asks as she straps herself into the back.

  All the businesses downtown set up a row of sorts that any kid can use as a one-stop shop to completely fill their buckets up. Because it’s so crowded, many parents still choose the old way of trick-or-treating, which is why Mom is at home with a bucket and bags of candy, but this, this is more my speed. “Yup, I’m gonna do my best to park as close as we can, and then we’ll hoof it over. I heard Leigh say she’s giving out goodie bags. Not gonna lie, I’m down for that too, so we’re definitely hitting up The Café.”

  Kelsea giggles. “I can’t wait until I look like the type of cheerleader Ruby does,” she mentions out of the blue. “Right now my chest doesn’t fill out this top,” she pouts, her voice letting us both know how upset she is.

  “What the fuck, Kels? You’re ten. Your chest isn’t supposed to fill out the top.” I glance at her in the rearview mirror, my heart racing like I’ve run five miles. These type of words shouldn’t be coming from my little sister. I don’t want her to grow up on me, because then I’ll have to fight the boys off.

  “Don’t worry, Kelsea.” Ruby turns around to face her. “My chest didn’t fill out this top until my freshman year of college.”

  “How old were you?” she asks, awe in her voice.

  “Almost eighteen, so you’ve got a way to go, chick. You’re perfect just the way you are, Kels. Don’t compare yourself to others. There’s a quote that says comparison is the thief of joy. If you spend your whole life wondering why you don’t look like someone else, you’re going to miss out on a lot of good times. Trust me, I did.”

  It looks like Kelsea is taking her words to heart, and I’m so happy Ruby is here with me to help me through this process. I wouldn’t have known what to say if it had just been the two of us, and right now I’m thanking my lucky stars she’s with us. Reaching over, I grip her hand in mine.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  She grins over at me. “Believe it or not, I’ve been through this more than once in my life, and I’d hate to see her almost kill herself trying to be perfect the way I did.”


  I’ve never met Mason officially and to say I’m nervous is an understatement. A part of me had hoped to change before I got to meet him; I’m still in this damn cheerleading uniform, and it makes me self-conscious as hell. Although this is only the first time I’ve hung out with Kelsea, I have a feeling she’s easier to win over than her dad.

  “Why are you so quiet over there?” Caleb asks as we drive slowly through the remaining kids trick or treating.

  “I’m nervous about meeting your dad.” I’ve met more people than I care to remember since the school year has started, but somehow, not Mason. We’ve seen each other in passing, but never had an introduction. I’m more nervous than I thought I would be, and I’m having a hard time explaining why.

  “Oh babe,” he laughs as he reaches over and grabs my hand, bringing it up to his lips. “Don’t be nervous to meet my dad. He’s like the quintessential dad. You’ll be fine. There’s nothing super special about Mason Harrison, other than the fact he’s a regular guy who loves his family.”

  “So not true. He’s your dad, Caleb, and that right there makes him super special.”

  Our eyes meet, and I can tell what I’ve said touches him, the way his eyes dilate, the way he can’t force words out of his mouth.

  “Ohhhh she’s good,” we hear from the backseat.

  I laugh as I turn around and look at Kelsea. “It’s true though. I like your brother and I want all of you to like me too.” I’ve never thought about it so much, but these people mean a lot to Caleb, I want them to know they mean as much to me. It’s obvious he’s a family man and he likes to spend a lot of time with them. It makes sense that I want to make a good impression too.

  “I like you,” she assures me. “He’s only ever introduced me to one other girl. Cassie was nice,” she mentions what I’m assuming is the name of the ex-girlfriend. “But she couldn’t handle the stress of being with a cop. It made her too nervous.”

  I didn’t exactly expect those words to come out of her mouth, but she’s surprising the hell out of me. Obviously her brother has taught her well, and not to hold her tongue.

  “What the fuck, Kels?” He sounds as if he can’t believe what his sister has said.

  “It’s true! Ruby though, she can handle it, I can already tell.”

  My grin almost breaks my face. This kid is one of the best kids I’ve ever met in my life.

  “What do you know about any of that? You were five,” Caleb meets her eyes in the rearview mirror.

  “Doesn’t mean people don’t say things around me, and I’m not stupid,” she reminds him.

  From the mouths of babes. They recognize so many things that none of us give them credit for.

  “Well I’ll promise you something here and now.” I turn around so that I can look at Kelsea. “If you’re ever worried I can’t handle your brother’s lifestyle, call me on it. Because I want to be what he needs, and I’d really like to hang around and be your friend.”

  She holds out her small hand and we shake on it.



  We pull into Karina and Mason’s home, and immediately I see a Jeep that reminds me of Caleb’s. Glancing over at him, I give him a grin. “Exactly how much are you and your dad alike?”

  “So much!” Kelsea says as she jumps out of the backseat. “Sometimes I think Bubba and Dad share a brain.”

  “She’s not wrong.” He hitches his chin toward the house. “C’mon.”

  I’m slow getting out of the passenger’s side, and I’m not sure why. I’ve seen Mason around school before, and I know we’ve said “Hi” a few times, but I’m nervous. After Caleb and I spent the night talking, I know how much his dad means to him. I know the relationship they’ve had with one another and just how much he seeks approval from Mason. It makes me want that approval too, and also gives me a fear that I won’t live up to what Mason sees as the woman for his son.

  Caleb comes
around to meet me, taking my hand in his. He turns me so that we’re facing one another. His free hand comes up under my chin, tucking a finger there, tilting me up to meet his gaze. “It’s gonna be fine, babe. Trust me.”

  I take a deep breath wondering just how fine it’ll be. We follow Kelsea in through the side door, and she yells for her dad as soon as she sees him.

  “Daddy! You’re here.”

  He turns from where he’d been talking to Karina, and once his eyes land on Kelsea, he scoops her up in his arms, holding her tightly. I don’t know this man, but the way he closes his eyes and hangs on to her, it worries me slightly. He’s still wearing his uniform, and it’s obvious he just got off-shift.

  Karina locks eyes with me, and I can see she’s been crying. Discreetly she wipes her fingers under her eyes, and as Mason sits Kelsea back on the ground, she pushes Kelsea’s hair back. “Why don’t you go get changed and we’ll cook some dinner. Then you can show us all the candy you got.”

  “Dad?” Caleb asks, standing behind me, sticking his arm around my neck and pulling my back to his front.

  I can tell by the energy in the room that something has happened, I’m just not sure what it is. I’m nervous as I wait for either one of them to speak, and when they finally do, I’m not prepared for what I hear.

  “Be thankful you didn’t have your radio on you tonight. A teenager got hit over on Calhoun by a drunk driver. He Was life-flighted to Birmingham. The scene was a fucking mess. In all the years I’ve done this, I’ve never seen so much damn blood, never heard someone scream so loud.”

  “You responded?” Caleb moves from behind me, walking up to his dad.

  Seeing the two of them there, facing one another, I’m struck with how much alike they look. Mason’s only a few inches taller than his son, but Caleb’s more muscular, wider, and just seems to take up a little more room than his dad.

  “Yeah.” He holds a hand behind his neck, his voice hoarse as he answers. “I was first on scene. It wasn’t anything I’d wish on my worst enemy.”

  “Shit.” He leans in, wrapping his arms around his dad, comforting him because they both know what this feels like.

  “It was Tanner.” Karina pushes between her lips, her throat sounding like it won’t let the words come out.

  “No…” I feel tears come to my eyes. Tanner Sumner is loved by everyone in our school. He’s the heart of Laurel Springs High, a sixteen-year-old with special needs, he’s doted on and everyone has taken him under their wing. He helps the football team, the cheerleaders, he runs the concession stand – where no one gets annoyed with him when it takes him a few seconds longer to count change; he’s everything good about everyone. The tears are slipping down my face. “Is he gonna make it?”

  Mason clears his throat, as he looks at me for the first time. “They aren’t sure. Blaze was on scene, and I know she’d do whatever it takes to stabilize him until they could get him to the heli-pad. The asshole had Moonshine in his trunk, was drinking it in a water bottle.” He puts his palms to his eyes and rubs hard.

  All of us adults are trying to get our emotions under control when we hear Kelsea running back through the hallway. It’s obvious by the way she’s quiet and unsure of whether to approach her dad that she knows something has happened.

  “I’m gonna go take a shower, Kels, and I’ll fire up the grill when I’m done,” he tells her as he quickly walks back to what I assume is their bedroom.

  Karina glances at the two of us, her eyes pleading. Caleb looks as wrecked as the rest of us, and he seems to be having trouble figuring out what needs to be done. Glancing around, I notice Kelsea’s bare nails, and on impulse I reach into my purse. I have an assortment of nail polish in there, it’s what I do when I’m bored, but I have a favorite. Rose gold glitter – I always feel like a million bucks when I’m wearing it. “How about we go outside, wait for your dad, and I paint your nails? This color would look so great on you.” I shake it up and hand it to her.

  “Mom?” she glances at Karina, who has such relief in her eyes.

  “That would be so much fun! You go out there with Ruby, and I’m gonna go check on your dad.”

  Caleb snaps out of it when she mentions Mason. “I’ll go ahead and get the stuff ready to grill, Mom. Tell him to take his time.”

  She comes over, kissing him on the cheek, before she all but runs to the bedroom. Karina’s a strong woman, and I can’t even begin to imagine how many times she’s had to comfort her husband after he’s come home from a rough shift. It makes me wonder if I have what it takes. Immediately, I know I do. I’ll never give up on what Caleb and I could build together.

  “Is he okay?” Kelsea asks, glancing at the two of us, shuffling on her feet, putting her hands in her pockets.

  “He had a rough day, Kels. You know sometimes, we just do.” Caleb squats in front of her, pulling her into his arms. “But he’ll be fine because he’s got us, and he’ll definitely want to see how awesome your nails look when Ruby gets done with them.”

  She pulls back from him, and then motions for me to follow her out onto the back porch. As I’m about to leave the kitchen I hear Caleb’s voice.


  “Yeah?” I glance back at him, waiting to hear what he wants to say.

  “Thanks, you don’t know how much you taking her mind off of how he acted when he came home helps. She gets really upset when she can’t figure out what’s going on with him.”

  He’s right, I’m new to this. I don’t know what it’s like to deal with the hard, emotional stuff that comes with being someone who dates a cop, but I do know the toll has to be enormous. If I can’t handle this, how can I handle things that may or may not happen to Caleb? That’s the thought that runs through my head; this was a test and I’ve passed. I don’t know how I’ll handle it when it’s him, but I hope I do as well as I have today.

  “No need to thank me, hot stuff. When you’re ready, we’ll be out here waiting on you.”

  * * *

  “Now?” Kelsea asks as she looks at me.

  “Few more minutes.” I giggle when she squirms in her seat. “Beauty takes time, girlfriend, but if you like this and it’s okay with your mom and dad, I’ll take you to get your nails done sometime. They have little dryers that fix you up in no time at all.”

  “We’ll have to ask.” She nods to me, her tone very serious. “I’m not sure I can handle this every freakin’ time.”

  “Be right back.” I get up and go to where Caleb is manning the grill for his dad. “You okay?” I ask as I stand beside him, running my hand up and down his back.

  He wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in close. “Should probably be asking if you’re okay, I didn’t know Tanner.”

  “Yeah, we’ll definitely have to do some counseling at school. He’s a big part of Laurel Springs High. Right now, though, I’m more worried about you and your dad. While you don’t know him, I don’t know what it’s like to see someone who’s been hit by a car, so I think in the grand scheme of things, we’re even. Plus it can’t be easy to see your dad affected by things.”

  “It never is.” He flips the burgers, sighing heavily. “He’s always been such a strong person, and it never occurs to me that this shit bothers him, until I see it bother him. None of what we do is easy, but that is the hardest. Especially when moonshine’s involved. We take that personally, and it just hurts me to see him hurt. He’s always been this larger-than-life guy who never lets anything get to him, it just hurts,” he explains.

  “I can see that.” I curl into his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist. I lay my head on his chest, listening to the strong beat of his heart. “I can handle this,” I assure him, at the same time assuring myself. None of what’s happened here tonight has scared me away from being with him.

  “I know you can, you did amazing today.”

  I preen under the praise he’s given me. To know he understands that I’m willing to do whatever it takes to prove to him I’m ser
ious about our relationship means everything to me.

  He drops a kiss to my forehead as his parents come out the back door. Karina sends Kelsea inside to wash up, and Mason walks toward the two of us.

  “Sorry you walked into a shit storm.” His lips tilt to the side, and the move is so much like Caleb’s, I feel like I’m seeing my boyfriend in sixteen years.”

  “It’s okay.” I return his grin. “Life isn’t always rainbows and unicorns.”

  “No, it’s not. I’m Mason.” He holds out his hand.

  I untangle myself from Caleb, holding my hand out too. “Ruby, nice to meet you.”

  We talk for a few minutes about how we’ve seen each other around school, and then Mason smacks his son in the stomach. “Move over and let your old man work.”

  Caleb hands him the spatula. “I’ll have you know I had this shit locked down. Don’t need you coming out here and telling me what to do.”

  They share a grin, and I know this is their way of making sure the other is okay. It’s endearing and totally makes me want to melt that Caleb can be this way with the man he looks up to so much.

  “Ruby, can you help me bring the sides out?” Karina yells from the door as Kelsea comes back out, her hair out of her face and it looks like her hands washed.

  As we assemble the meal and I have a seat next to Caleb, I look around thinking I definitely could belong here if given the chance.



  “You seem tense,” Ruby comments as we pull out of my parent’s driveway.

  She’s right, I am. There are some days I hate what I do because of the emotional toll it takes on me and the men on my team. Then there are days I love what I do because of all the shit we take off the streets. We make life safer for the citizens of the town we live in. No day is perfect, but this one was super shitty for my dad. I hate that he had to see what he had to see, and now he’s gotta live with it. He’ll need to process it and figure out how to not take it with him the next time he goes out on the streets.


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