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Fatal Terrain

Page 40

by Dale Brown

  power without regard to whom it might affect. Sir, with all

  due respect, I suggest you leave the Independence in port and

  assist your stricken warships by some other means. Japan will

  be pleased to assist you-we have salvage ships powerful

  enough to take your frigate in tow and keep it afloat, and we

  can provide them to you immediately. We even know that

  Chinese Taipei has salvage and rescue ships that can assist,

  and they can be on the scene within hours instead of days. But

  sending in the carrier Independence will only be seen as a

  hostile act, perhaps even an act of war. My government cannot

  support such a decision."

  "I'm sorry we -can't count on your support, Mr. Prime Min-

  ister," the President said. "But we will do whatever we feel

  is right and necessary."

  "Can you at least assure me that you will not consider re-

  taliatory or preemptive military actions against the People's

  Republic of China?"

  "It never was my intention to initiate any offensive military

  actions against China, sir," Martindale responded. "All of the

  events in the past two weeks have occurred because of China's

  aggressive actions against the Republic of China and against

  America. Our moves have been in reaction to Chinese threats

  and intimidation. If it becomes necessary to act, we will. But

  I am not sending any warships into the Formosa Strait to in-

  timidate, aggravate, threaten, or attack anyone. The carrier In-

  dependence will assist in recovery efforts only, and we will

  not - seek retaliation. We will attack only if we come under


  "I hope not, Mr. President-I hope not," Nagai said. "I

  have one last question, Mr. President."

  "What's that?"

  "Sir, we have been notified by our intelligence services that

  you have convened your Strategic Command's Combined Task

  Forces battle staff," Nagai said. The President's jaw dropped

  open in absolute surprise. "We know that this battle staff is

  convened to organize and equip your country's strategic nu-

  clear forces. "

  "Mr. Prime Minister, I cannot confirm such a thing."

  "I understand, Mr. President," Nagai said. "I only hope


  that if this was true, that it does not mean that the United States

  is traveling down the slippery slope to a nuclear confrontation

  with the People's Republic of China. The movement of the

  Independence carrier battle group into the Formosa Strait will

  certainly elevate hostilities to a dangerous level already-if it

  became known that America was also considering reactivating

  its nuclear deterrent forces, the ldvel of tensions worldwide

  would increase tremendously. Even worse, if it became known

  that the Independence or any of its escorts carried tactical nu-

  clear attack weapons-"

  "Mr. Nagai, I don't like what you're insinuating," Martin-

  dale interjected angrily. "I will not discuss the disposition. of

  any of our strategic systems,. and I will not tolerate veiled

  threats from you to pass along incorrect or misleading infor-

  mation designed to embarrass the United States or further your

  own political agenda. I advise you to reconsider your actions

  very carefully. Thank you, and good night." The President

  slammed the phone back on its cradle. "No more calls from

  that rat bastard Nagai, got it, Jerrod? How dare he deliver

  ultimatums to me!" The President sat furning for several long

  moments; then: "I want to talk with President Lee and Pres-

  ident Jiang as soon as possible, President Lee first."

  "The ambassador from the PRC, Hou Qingze, is standing

  by for you, sir, calling from New York," Jerrod Hale said.

  "Line two. He's been on hold since you took the call from


  The President nodded, impressed-and even less impressed

  now by Taiwan's silence. He took several deep breaths to wash

  the anger out of his head, then hit the button and picked up

  the phone: "Ambassador Hou, this is Kevin Martindale. Sorry

  to have kept you waiting."

  "Not at all, Mr. President," Ambassador Hou Qingze re-

  sponded in very good English, with a hint of a British accent.

  "I am honored to speak with you tonight. I first wish to convey

  the deep sadness and regret of President Jiang and the gov-

  ernment and people of the People's Republic of China over

  the recent conflict between the Nationalists and our country."

  "Does your country have an explanation, Ambassador?"

  "I am sorry to say, Mr. Presid6nt, that the People's Liber-

  ation Army Navy forces overreacted to certain actions by the

  rebel Nationalist terrorist forces," Hou said. "My government

  deeply regrets our actions and is very embarrassed."


  "Overreacted? You fired nuclear missiles at Quemoy, sir."

  "My government strenuously denies that we launched any

  nuclear weapons at anyone, Mr. President," Hou said s . in-


  "We've heard your denials several times a day for the past

  two weeks, sir," the President said. "It doesn't change the

  facts-we know the missiles were fired by your ships."

  "We must respectfully disagree, sir," Ambassador Hou

  said. "But the purpose of my call, Mr. President, if I may,

  was not about the past conflict, but to explain our actions in

  this recent string of attacks.

  "The torpedo attacks by the Taiwanese submarine shad-

  owing the Mao Zedong carrier group could have been an ac-

  cidental firing, or an insolated rogue attack. The sudden

  appearance of a Taiwanese submarine so close to our ships,

  after our nations had agreed not to sail any submarines in the

  Strait during the carrier group's transit, caused our naval forces

  to sound an attack alarm," Hou said rather contritely. "We

  were totally caught unawares, and our forces reacted.

  "Further, it now appears that the so-called bombing attack

  by the Taiwanese transport plane was merely a navigational

  error. The pilot apparently had instrument problems caused by

  a nearby electrical storm that caused him to cross into our

  airspace, which alerted our air defenses, who then perceived

  the incursion as a prelude to an attack, to which we responded

  by launching a counterattack," Hou continued. "Again, our

  forces were caught unaware and surprised, which, combined

  with the announced attack on the carrier group just minutes

  earlier, caused confusion and fear, and so we overreacted. On

  behalf of my country, I am deeply sorry for this unwarranted

  action against the people of Matsu, and beg forgiveness."

  The President was silent for several long moments. It ap-

  peared as if the Chinese had come clean-4hey were admitting

  that they screwed up! Their explanation seemed totally plau-

  sible: two isolated incidents, both sparked by Taiwan, occur-

  ring only moments apart, caused the Chinese military to surge

  forward. "I see," the President said on the phone, believing

  Hou but not yet willing to admit it. "What are your countr

  intentions now?"

  "My government informs me that all further troop move-

  ments have been halted against Matsu, and no further attacks

  will be initiated," Ambassador Hou replied. "We regret the


  loss of life and the destruction of property, but under the cir-

  cumstances I believe our reaction, dishonorable and unfortu-

  nate as it was, was fully justified. We shall transmit our

  apology to the Nationalist government immediately. And, in

  the interest of peace, we assure you and the rest of the world

  that the crew of the Taiwanese sub will be treated fairly. We

  are not in a state of war, but the sailors of the submarine that

  attacked our carrier will be -treated as if they are prisoners of

  war-with respect and fairness. My government will also

  agree to submit the matter to an international tribunal."

  The President was impressed and heartened at these pro-

  posals; it definitely appeared as if China was ready and willing

  to compromise and not isolate themselves. Were they being

  perhaps too willing? the President thought. "May we get a

  copy of your withdrawal orders and a written account of

  China's actions in this conflict?" he asked.

  "I shall have it delivered to Secretary of State Hartman's

  office and to the White House within the hour, Mr. President,"

  Hou replied.

  The President was taken aback by the openness and coop-

  eration Hou showed-of course, it all remained to be seen, but

  he was still surprised by China's apparent forthrightness.

  "Very well, Mr. Ambassador," the President said. "We look

  forward to your continuing cooperation in this very serious

  matter. "

  "I pledge my country's sincere cooperation," Hou said. He

  paused for a moment, as if embarrassed to bring up the point;

  then: "I have been instructed to ask you, Mr. President, for

  some sort of explanation for the horrible and tragic event that

  occurred near Quemoy a short while ago." He heard Martin-

  dale pause at the question, then hastily added, "If you wish

  not to speak of it now, sir, I understand. There are delicate

  and critical factors fo be analyzed."

  "There is still a lot of confusion over exactly what hap-

  pened, Mr. Ambassador, in the incidents near Hong Kong and

  Matsu as well as the one near Quemoy," the President replied.

  "But since you've been honest with us, Mr. Ambassador, we'll

  be honest with you, as long as this information is held in the

  strictest confidence."

  "Of course, Mr. President," Hou responded.

  "The attack on the passenger ferry was prompted by a mis-

  sile attack on two U. Navy frigates," the President said. "An


  armed patrol plane flying in the same area detected the attack

  on our ships and, mistakingly believing the missiles came from

  the ferry, returned fire. Our sensors reported that the ferry was

  a warship, and it was on a convergent course with our patrol

  ships, so when the missile attacks occurred, our patrol plane

  commenced an immediate counterattack."

  "The EB-52 Megafortress bomber, it has the capability of

  distinguishing between different vessels from such long dis-

  tances?" Hou asked.

  The President's head jerked up at the mention of the Me-

  gafortress-they knew! The Chinese government knew about

  the Megafortress! This was the second conflict against the Chi-

  nese in which the bomber had been used, so it was not totally

  unexplainable-but to hear the aircraft's nickname used so

  casually was a great shock to the President, who had been

  involved with the weapon system since its inception and had

  managed to keep it a closely guarded secret, even from most

  of the rest of the U. government. "I cannot discuss types of

  aircraft or the capabilities they may or may not have," Pres-

  ident Martindale responded, trying to keep his voice level and

  moderated. "All I can say is that the attack was accidental,

  and these patrol planes are being removed from the area to

  avoid any further accidents, in the interest of peace. We were

  hoping that you might have some explanation for the attack

  on the American frigates."

  "We removed all warships and submarines from the Que-

  moy Island area, Mr. President, also in the interest of peace,"

  Ambassador Hou said. "We do not have any explanation for

  this so-called torpedo attack. I can of course confirm that some

  naval air and air force units responded to the alert of an Amer-

  ican invasion, and in their zeal overstepped their authority and

  attacked your frigates. On behalf of my country, I sincerely

  apologize for that attack. I have been advised that your Me-

  gafortress engaged some of our aircraft as well. A very for-

  midable aircraft, I must admit."

  "I trust the People's Republic of China will not seek any

  retaliation for this incident or any others that occurred today,

  and that we can work together to restore peace and stability

  to the region," the President said, ignoring the remark about

  the Megafortress. The amount of information Hou and the Chi-

  nese had gathered during the last engagement was incredible,



  he thought. There was probably no way they could ever keep

  the Megafortress secret again.

  "The People's Republic of China shares and echoes those

  thoughts, Mr. President," Ambassador Hou said warmly. "I

  must tell you that my country's reconnaissance planes did

  make contact with the Megafortress patrol plane, but were un-

  der orders not to fire upon it after it withdrew from the area,

  even though it attacked the civilian ferry, attacked our defen-

  sive aircraft, and thereby caused so many deaths." The Pres-

  ident of the United States gave a silent laugh--only the

  Chinese could call an H-6 bomber loaded with two huge anti-

  ship missiles "defensive." "We will not prevent any other

  armed patrol planes from entering international airspace any-

  where in the region, but we do ask that these modified B-52

  bombers be excluded from the region, in the interest of peace.

  The power of these combat aircraft is a significant threat to

  the People's Republic of China."

  The President was again reeling from Hou's words. They

  knew about the Megafortress, all right! He was sure that soon

  the rest of the world would know, despite Hou's promise to

  keep all this confidential. "We agree, Ambassador," the Pres-

  ident said. "As long as a state of war does not exist between

  our two countries, we will refrain from sending any heavy

  strike aircraft near Chinese airspace."

  Your words are wise and stron , Mr. President," Hou said

  warmly. "On behalf of my country, I thank you. In the search

  for peace, Mr. President, China still seeks reunification of its

  territories split apart from her by imperialists and rebels. The

  United States can play a critical role in that reunification.

  "I have been authorized by my government to
extend this

  invitation and request: Would the United States consider me-

  diating talks between my government and the Nationalist gov-

  ernment on Formosa, seeking'Complete -reunification of the two

  Chinas by the year 2005? Like the successful talks between

  Britain, Portugal, and my country for return of Hong Kong

  and Macau, the United States could act as honest broker for

  the glorious reunification of China, while still preserving the

  economic strength and ideological diversity of the Nationalist

  movement. Will you do it, Mr. President? Will you consider

  President Jiang's request?"

  ' 'I'm honored, Mr. Ambassador, but as you know, I have

  already announced our intention of recognizing the Republic

  of China as an independent and sovereign nation," President

  Martindale said. "In our view, theRepublic of China has es-

  tablished a strong and viable democratic government and so-

  ciety, equal to that of any nation in Asia, -and therefore has

  earned the chance 'to grow and develop as an independent na-

  tion. I don't wish to offend the People's Republic of China,

  but I am prepared to support Taiwan's right to become inde-

  pendent. I hope that your. country would recognize the reality

  of this situation and peacefully come to terms with President


  "With the support of the United States, we are prepared to

  do just that, sir," Hou said. "We understand that you must

  still repeal the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 and seek ratifi-

  cation of the proposal by your senate.

  The government of the

  People's Republic of China humbly asks that you simply at-

  tach an addendum to your proposal, agreeing in principle only

  to the notion of the people of Chinese Taipei seeking auton-

  omy until the laws of the People's Republic of China can be

  liberalized, but fully endorsing the goal of reuniting the two

  Chinas by the year 2005. You would then have no need to

  expend political capital in repealing an existing law, and you

  ensure the support of your senate by seeking a worthy and

  satisfying goal, one that has already been endorsed by most of

  the world's national leaders."

  "I will take that idea under advisement, Mr. Ambassador,"


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