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Page 17

by R. Richard

  As he strips, I make the usual production of taking off my French bra, making sure that the bodyguard notices that my young breasts are full and firm. I also make sure that he notices that my firm tits can still jiggle a little bit.

  The guy is aroused, but doesn't come looking at my tits. I sit on a chair and begin to strip my nylons the scenic way. The bodyguard watches my pussy like a hawk as I manage to show quite a bit more pussy than absolutely necessary while removing my nylons.

  The guy reacts to my pussy show and finally rolls on a condom as he gets hard.

  I take my time, as the bodyguard is obviously not gonna come just watching me. I put my shoes back on and walk to the bed. Actually, walk isn't nearly a good enough term for the wiggle, jiggle show I put on for the guy!

  I look at the bodyguard’s rather large cock and tell him to just take it a little easy on poor Nocturne, because most of my customers don't have cocks that size.

  I then step out of my shoes and sort of slither onto the bed.

  The guy is excited as hell and joins me on the bed. He wastes no time and mounts me, sliding his cock into me deep and hard.

  The guy is young and strong. However, he just strokes in and out of the Nocturne pussy, with no real extra movement.

  Since Nocturne is doing a sales job here, I do the movement for him. I not only move, I add moans and sighs because he's such a stud and I'm so excited. (You got the money, honey? I got the excitement!)

  He's deep inside me and I let myself get a little excited. I manage to keep the tempo down a bit and the guy continues to stroke at a reasonable speed. He has had his time, but I use my internal muscles to keep him just on the edge of coming instead of getting him off right now. I could bring him off if I wanted to, but this is going to be a fuck to remember and to recommend to his employer, the sheik!

  I play the young, strong bodyguard body like a violin. I get maximum effort out of him and give him back maximum pleasure. I have to work very hard to keep from climaxing myself. However, I finally begin to detect signs of the guy weakening and I bring the guy off with what's obviously a shattering climax of his own. I fake my climax and it's a professional fake that I have perfected over time.

  After he pumps and I milk all of his cum, he rolls off me. I cuddle to him for a while and tell him that he made me come and that doesn't happen a lot in my business. I also tell him that it was as good as I thought it would be with an Arab stud. I can tell that Arab boy is buying my sales effort here big time!

  After a while, I get up and towel off. I throw him a towel as he sits on the edge of the bed.

  I then take my time putting on my French bra. I then put my nylons and my shoes back on, giving the bodyguard the grand view of my pussy once again.

  He reacts like a desert sheik who has just ravaged the blonde English lady he captured.

  I then tell him, “You were so good for me!” I also tell him, “Tell all of your Arab friends about Nocturne!” I then kind of dance out of the back of the room and down the hall to the ladies dressing room.

  As per my plan, the bodyguard exits to the hall he entered from. There he sees Taffy manhandling the government agent, who bodyguard boy thinks is his buddy, down the hall. One of the government ladies is playing the part of the outraged whore watching and snarling insults as the swine who misused her is thrown out!

  As the government guy is thrown out a side door, the government lady/whore turns and her anger melts as she sees the handsome Arab bodyguard. She struts past him, so totally ignoring him that she's obviously noticing him.

  Bodyguard boy does what any normal male would do. He throws back his shoulders, sucks in his gut and struts past the admiring lady and out of The Pussycat Lounge to find his buddy who drove him to the place.

  His buddy, obviously an ugly American type has been thrown out of The Pussycat Lounge for good. The buddy wants to know did they throw the Arab guy out too?

  Well, the Arab guy tells his American friend that he not only didn't get thrown out, he had the best fuck he ever had. (According to the agent he manages to project a kind of pitying contempt for a guy who just can't perform like a true, sophisticated Arab stud.)

  The American guy is envious and tells the Arab guy that The Pussycat Lounge is a really upscale place that caters to only the very upper crust. So, naturally the girls are the best and the sexiest. If the agent hadn’t fucked up, he would be back as often as his wallet would allow. He then tells the bodyguard, “Hell, the place would make one of your Arab sheiks forget his harem!”

  The government agent later tells me that he can see the wheels turn inside bodyguard’s head. Clearly, if a certain Arab sheik would forget his harem, he might well remember his faithful bodyguard at raise/bonus time. And, since there's another private party scheduled for the following week, bodyguard boy has a request to make of his American buddy.

  Well, it turns out that the American buddy can get the sheik and the bodyguard in, but it's gonna be tough. It'll have to be just the two Arab guys. The American buddy adds, “Oh yeah, and by the way, try to get Nocturne for the sheik when he goes backstage, as you know she's incredible!”

  The trap is set and baited with pussy! No matter how wary the male quarry, pussy bait always lures him into a trap.


  The Secret Agent Trap

  AS EXPECTED, THE SHEIK’S bodyguard gets back into contact with The Pussycat Lounge. It seems that he wants to set up a private party visit by his boss.

  The manager tells him, “Well now, it seems that some of the girls mentioned an Arab guy at the last private party. The Pussycat Lounge will be glad to book a table for two Arab studs. Whazzat? You want to book Nocturne? Listen buddy, do you know how many guys would like to book Nocturne? Why we just can’t let you ... Well, yes sir, for that kind of money up front, you got Nocturne! And you better be ready, ‘cause Nocturne is the very best.”

  The trap is baited and set. Basically, only the ladies that the bodyguard saw before will be on duty. The government agent lady who vamped bodyguard boy in the hall will be the waitress for the Arabs. There should be no reason why the Arabs will be suspicious and Nocturne will do her dance and lure the sheik into a back room.

  There'll be other couples fucking as the sheik walks back to get at Nocturne. Of course, the other couples will all be government agents. The waitress will then lure bodyguard boy into the hall and then the entire world will fall on two Arab studs.

  While the government sets the trap, Nocturne does a bit of business checking on the sheik and then contacts her stock nerd. The government is only worried about the secret information. A stripper needs to also concern herself with the business bottom line!

  The government has rented The Pussycat Lounge for the second night of a private party. I again get the four best regular Pussycat Lounge ladies, with one substitution due to a time of the month problem. I also get the same four porn stars as the previous private party night.

  I also get the same eight government ladies. They're all volunteers and I'm amazed that they'll actually whore for their government. I talk to them about the matter and I get very little clue that they are doing it for enjoyment or excitement. It's their job and they'll do their job naked or clothed and no matter what. Oh well, it takes all kinds.

  I also get several young, tough male government agents. They're not all that big to look at, but Taffy tells me that they're tough guys that even he wouldn't like to have to face in a fight. Since Taffy weighs damn near 300 pounds and makes his living rousting tough guys, I'm impressed and I don't worry about the government agents’ ability to handle any trouble that might occur.

  The government has assigned two female doctors or nurses, I can't find out which. They'll do the chemical treatment of the sheik. Again, they don't like to work nude, but they have to be nude if they're backstage to avoid raising any suspicions by the Arab guys. Once again, the government ladies will do it, but only because it's their duty.

  Two government agents hav
e the toughest job of all. They have to escort the local Sheriff around until they get the signal and then get him in to do his critical part. The Sheriff is dumb as hell, but he's up for re-election and he needs a big accomplishment to fend off the reform candidate. The government agents have convinced him that, if he'll play ball, they have the accomplishment for him. The predictably stupid reaction of the Sheriff is a key part of the plan.

  A private party comes once again to The Pussycat Lounge.

  The place is crawling with government agents and we get the word back in the ladies dressing room that the bodyguard and the sheik are out front.

  A couple of other girls dance a turn each and then it's time for Nocturne to do her duty for the government. (And, not so incidentally, for her own wallet!)

  I dance onto the stage and I spot the bodyguard and what must be the sheik out in the audience. I'll target them during my performance so that all the sheik will be thinking of is Nocturne as he's led down the hall to the slaughter. The government agents may be skilled specialists. However, Nocturne is a specialist in her own right!

  I do my virgin Princess strip from a silk lady suit plus hat and gloves. The hat for this performance is a sort of Arab lady looking head scarf and is intended to show the sheik that I'm dancing just for him.

  The hat and some very fancy gloves are my update to my successful pampered Princess act. I also have another update to the pampered Princess costume, but that won't be visible for a time.

  Of course, many of the customers have seen my pampered Princess act, but the lady suit looks classy and not what the sheik might expect on a strip bar stage, which is just the way I want it.

  The demure little Princess dances a few rather tame licks across the stage and then flashes the coat open to show the guys that I have only a French bra on under the coat. Even though most of the audience knows what to expect, the titty flash definitely nails the sheik who is a first time viewer.

  As usual, I work through the first song with no more than an occasional flash of my tits to the customers. I do make sure to let the sheik have the best view in the place of Nocturne’s tits. I'm selling the sheik on the idea that it's not a stripper he's watching, but a for real virgin Princess and maybe even a sheltered Arab Princess waiting for the savage rape of the sheik!

  I again use the projection that I learned from Miss. Hollywood here and it sells the entire audience on the ‘fact’ that they're indeed watching a young innocent. Of course, I really work on selling the sheik.

  At the start of the second song, I take off the jacket but keep covering my French bra supported tits with my gloved hands like an embarrassed virgin Princess. First I show my nipples and then hide my nipples. The lace gloves have a sort of rough texture in the palm and I use that texture, rubbed gently across my nipples, to make damn sure that they stand up for the sheik’s viewing pleasure.

  Forget the fact that some of the customers have seen me dance nude before and that some of them have even seen my Princess strip before. This isn't Nocturne they are seeing. This is Nocturne’s virgin little sister and the guys are seeing what they are not supposed to see! Of course, the sheik, who's never seen the act before, is completely captured by the virgin Princess!

  During the second song, I gradually become more confident and spend more time with my nipples exposed. Thus, I'm able to flash my skirt from time to time to reveal my pussy or my flesh coloured panties, which is it? (Some of the customers have already seen my shaved smooth pussy many times. However, the little bit of tease always grabs their attention again. As for the sheik, he's a first timer and there is still an air of mystery!)

  Just at the end of the second song, I lift my skirt high in front can-can style. I'm not wearing the tiny lace panties I usually wear with the silk suit strip. This time, I'm wearing a lace edged, silk, crotchless loin cloth, with matching garter belt and lace top nylons! I then remove my skirt and begin the third song.

  The virgin Princess is now embarrassed. She has revealed her self to be the kind of girl who wears a sexy French bra under her so very proper lady suit. Plus she wears a crotchless loincloth that will reveal her pussy if she moves too fast. This is a modest little Princess who has something to hide and now the poor girl is forced to show it in front of all the boys.

  Nocturne then tentatively peers down at the crotchless loin cloth that's the only thing hiding her pussy from all the men in front of her. Despite being the shy little virgin girl, she just can't resist maybe a little hip action to kind of flirt the loin cloth to show the boys that it's indeed crotchless. Of course she gets a little too enthusiastic with the hip action and she's shocked to realize that maybe she did expose her pussy, but what else is she to do since she's on stage at a strip bar?

  Well, what else Nocturne will do is take off her silly little headscarf hat and hold it over her pussy. Then Nocturne will drop the crotchless loincloth and kind of pretend that the 'accidental' exposure never happened. Nocturne now has her pussy covered by the hat and she's still proper. Wait, she forgot that her nipples are now exposed by the French bra and she can cover only one nipple at a time, since she needs a hand to hold the hat over her pussy!

  Now, the customers, except for maybe the sheik, know that I'm not a little virgin Princess. They know that I'm Nocturne the stripper. However, the guys get a message from their cock. “Dummy, strippers do not wear a hat and fancy gloves when they strip. This has got to be Nocturne’s little virgin sister! It must be her very first time too! Hot damn!”

  With the virgin Princess act to set things up, I use the fourth song for a big finish. I ‘accidentally’ drop the hat and someone off stage grabs it. The virgin Princess is now completely exposed and her facial expression again shows the shock and embarrassment she feels. She does try to grab the hat, but only succeeds in turning and bending so that the audience gets to see s rear view of her pussy and ass hole.

  To hide her embarrassment, the poor little girl then loses herself in the dance she's doing. She jiggles her tits so that the boys will maybe not notice that her pussy is exposed. OK, that doesn't work, the boys are still staring at her exposed pussy.

  Maybe if she does a really raunchy dance and shows the boys the pussy they most want to see, then the boys won't notice how embarrassed the little girl is.

  So, the embarrassed little girl shows it all and really jiggles her tits through an extremely raunchy dance to finish the fourth song. The dance is way more than the usual fourth song dance and the audience is riveted to my act. Most of the audience is riveted, despite the fact that they have almost all seen the act before. The sheik, who's never seen my act before, is my total lust slave!

  As I finish, I notice that the same government lady who vamped the bodyguard during the last visit is now leading him backstage. The sheik is being led backstage by another government lady. Of course, the government ladies are nude and the Arabs aren't noticing too much of anything else.

  As I come off stage, the Stage Manager signals to me that all is as planned and I need to get back to the dressing room for make up.

  The make up lady we have hired gets to work and I soon look like a very battered and bruised lady. While she works on me, the nude government lady who led the bodyguard backstage skips in and waits her turn. She gives me the high sign!

  The trap has caught the sheik and his bodyguard. The government will squeeze the information out of them with chemistry. However, that's the simple part of the plan. Now, I have to try to make sure that the sheik doesn't notice that he lost two hours out of his night. Fortunately, I have the make up lady and the Sheriff to help me.

  When the make up lady finishes, I rip my fetish gear to make it look as if I have been attacked and then I trot up the back hall to the back room where the sheik is being squeezed for the information the government needs. It seems like a long time, but it's probably only a half hour that I wait until I get the signal from the government people that the interrogation is coming to an end.

  I begin to dance. I danc
e hard and really work at it. I dance much harder than I would normally push myself and I do what no stripper ever does willingly on stage. I begin to sweat!

  I get the signal from the government lady and I dash through the back room, slapping the very groggy sheik as I go. I then dash into the front corridor just as the Sheriff and his merry men run into the corridor from the other end.

  An obviously nude, torn and bruised Nocturne screams, “Oh Sheriff, the beast is trying to kill me! Help me please!”

  The Sheriff plunges into the back room and collars the sheik. The Sheriff is shaking the sheik so hard that I doubt that the sheik can think. The Sheriff then jerks the sheik around and points to a battered, bruised and dripping wet Nocturne leaning against the wall of the room.

  The Sheriff screams to the sheik, “We don't treat our women that way boy! You gonna spend some time in jail here. All your damn fancy lawyers not gonna save you this time!”


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