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The Unexpected Heir: A Tale of Alus

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by Wigboldy,Donald

  "More Brothers of the Blood?" Annalicia questioned as they slowed their feet to watch the men calling out to the crowd, which was forced to move around them. She realized that she had never stopped to listen to their speeches.

  Her father and brother had made mention of the Brothers a few times at dinner or in conversations around their home. Neither seemed overly fond of their message. They spoke of change and apparently the Brothers were most emphatic that that change should include the king and any of the royal family that might side with him.

  "They've become more common of late," Ryan commented stilling his face against revealing either distaste or acceptance of their message. The guardsman had never given her a reason to believe that he sided with such a radical view, and Annalicia had a trusting enough heart to not question those surrounding her. "When the economy slowed, more people joined the unemployed. Beggars and those starving would believe that the king is doing something wrong. There are still many making a good living, and even becoming richer, while others stumble."

  Annalicia watched the crowd ignoring her desire to see the actual reaction of her guards as the brothers shouted their beliefs.

  "So they wish to pull down the king... and then what?"

  The guard leader shrugged. Ivanor, on the other hand, spoke up on the matter. "They don't preach about whether Malaiy can survive a change in government. King Orlaan hasn't always created policies that everyone likes, but I think that he's led well enough."

  Welden, her younger guardsman, had been silently listening while keeping his eye on the nearby crowd. He spoke up saying, "That isn't what I've heard of their message. You're saying the more negative and probably most radical opinions of the brothers."

  Ivanor's eyebrows raised questioningly and the wizard said, "Oh, then feel free to enlighten us."

  "I can't say that I've sat still long enough to listen to their full message myself, but I know others that appreciate what they are doing. They've set up missions to feed the poor. They can house the homeless putting roofs over their heads as well at least temporarily.

  "For all the riches in Malaiy, especially in Yalan, there are still starving people and others in need that the king doesn't seem to have the time to address. The brothers have come and are filling part of that void."

  Annalicia frowned and looked slightly confused at the two stories. The girl paused in the street listening as best she could through the noise of a crowded street as a handful of red clothed men appeared to hold their ground as a unit.

  "Brothers and sisters hear our voices and know that we serve the gods and you. If you are starving, know that we can feed you. If you are tired and have no home, come and use our homes as yours. If you are in fear, we will protect you.

  "If King Orlaan can't see your suffering, know that Sordrian sees you and has called us to come to your aid. Let his blood cleanse you of your sins and let his light shine upon your path. Come to him and our god can save you from the harshness of your lives. His servants are here to help you in his name, even if you don't believe in him."

  Anna listened to the men as their words continued on similarly for a few minutes. They were calling to the poor to come to them for help. They used this Sordrian as their rallying point, but the god must have been a lesser god and Annalicia had to look to the men around her for enlightenment.

  "Who is this Sordrian that they are talking about? I think that I have heard the name, but I am not certain," the young woman asked even as she began to notice the stares given not just from those closest to her, but from at least one of the brothers who had noted her listening as well.

  "If you have money and wish to share with those in need, the Brothers of the Blood can take your donations as well. Perhaps those related to the king might make up for the slights to his people?" one of the men in red called her way.

  Anna frowned slightly at his thinly veiled request of the girl. Whether she might wish to donate to this cult following Sordrian, a name she still didn't know; the wizard hadn't carried any money with her. To fail to give might make her family look unsympathetic, but the brothers were putting her in the uncomfortable position with no easy way out also.

  "Sordrian was called the god of storms or weather, depending on who you might ask," Ivanor stated even as he waited to see how Annalicia might deal with the indirect petitioning of the brothers. "I would have to look up more about him in the library, but I think that I remember him being an immortal like Darius, the wizard. He may be older than that and from the old gods of legend, but that is what I thought I have heard anyway."

  Annalicia turned from her stare down with the brother who had called her out for the crowd. More eyes had turned to look at the girl. Different faces revealed different expectations and reactions from those looking at her. Some merely saw her beauty and failed to realize that the wizard was any relation to the king. Many looked past her wondering who the brothers were speaking of with their most recent words.

  Others knew of the young lady with the silver blond hair. A member of the extended family of Malaiy's royal family, any who knew of her, would believe she was rich enough to share some of their wealth. Anna might have been a daughter with parents who were rich, but the woman had chosen to become a wizard and face the future mostly on her own. She still lived at home, however, so the girl hadn't become completely independent; but she still considered her parents' assets theirs and not hers, even if Annalicia hadn't moved on from her childhood home yet. Since she wasn't her parents' oldest child, it wasn't exactly wrong to think that she would need to fend for herself; or perhaps marry a man with wealth to remain wealthy.

  Moving away from the brothers and the crowd beginning to form around them without answering their call; Annalicia waited until they were farther down the street before questioning Ivanor once more. "It seems like these brothers have only shown up recently. If this Sordrian has been around for centuries, why has he suddenly been elevated to the head of this religion all of a sudden?"

  "The brothers have been around for quite awhile," Ryan spoke up for the wizard when he hesitated. "They seem to have decided to spread to us more recently, but Tseult and Kloste have had temples in their countries for quite awhile."

  Ivanor nodded and added, "Some people say that Alwere broke from Enswere because of the brotherhood, though the river is a barrier between the two sides of the old country and might be as much of a reason. That was a hundred and fifty to two hundred years ago."

  If the brothers had been behind the splitting of an entire country, their influence might be of a bigger concern than Annalicia had first thought. While it was certainly disconcerting, the young woman also realized that it wasn't her biggest concern at the moment.

  King Orlaan, her mother's uncle and her king, had requested that Annalicia would be one of their representatives for the tournament in Southwall. She was known to be skilled at magic, but the girl had a feeling that he also had placed this duty on his grandniece feeling that she must succeed if she was of royal blood.

  Any trouble these Brothers of the Blood might represent would be dealt with by the king and his advisors, the girl supposed. Anna was just a wizard and far enough removed from the throne to know that she was safe from most of the headaches of his heirs. All that she needed to do; was do her best and hopefully win this tournament for her king and country.

  Her feet led the pretty young woman to a gate, which opened on a well kept courtyard. Beyond the trees and flowers, which still bloomed seasonally in spite of the year round warm weather, a manor house loomed. It was her home, at least until the wizard could manage to afford something of her own.

  The girl sighed and walked the path to the front doors thinking of the last preparations for her trip north.

  Chapter 2- A Chorus of Goodbyes

  A pleasant breeze blew through the courtyard in front of the palatial manse stirring the trees in a rustle of sound. Annalicia noted the scent of the blooming parsimon trees, golden dodera flowers and meris. While winter in nam
e, these flowers chose this time of year to bloom and repeated the act twice more in Malaiy. The young woman wasn't sure of their timing outside of her country, but they were common throughout Taltan, she had heard.

  The young woman also noted that she wasn't the only one there as she passed through the well groomed garden in front of her home. A few men stood or sat on the stone benches placed in the area for visitors and her family too should they choose to enjoy the weather. It wasn't Anna's favorite place as it was more exposed to the traffic noise of the street running past the house. There was a larger garden in back with a large lawn behind the home. Tall trees for shade rose up around the manor, though most were in back where there was a pool created for the owners' private leisure which was hidden from this side of the house as well.

  Located so close to the ocean; the pool wouldn't have been a necessity if not for the need for some security. Not only was her family close cousins to the princes and princess of Malaiy, but her father had done well in business using both her family name as well as his own. The son of Darius, the high wizard of Enchwold, had perhaps more weight than an outer heir to the Malaiyan throne.

  Annalicia noted a few stares and even smiles from the men. They weren't technically there for her, but should they fail to attract her elder sister's attention, the braver of them might sue for her hand instead. Alicia was only a year away from gaining a title and land. Such prestige, wealth and power drew lesser lords not only from Malaiy, but from the neighboring countries looking to unite their interests with the modest size nation.

  Moving her fingers as she walked, the wizard mumbled a few words under her breath as the girl lifted her right hand. Sparks of electricity played in the air around her fingers causing the men to reevaluate their mark. Wizards, even pretty ones, caused normal men to be anxious. Anna didn't need to be sold to a lord as a wife. She could pick her own man, if she decided it was time to wed. Being twenty-two could be considered old, especially among the royal family, and she was certainly of eligible marrying age; but the wizard had always been empowered to do things following her own agenda.

  After pushing her way through the door, Ivanor accosted her with a frown and said, "Using your power so casually is a waste of your talent."

  Returning his look similarly, the petite blonde stared down the larger man and replied, "It wasn't a waste. I won't have them looking on me as a consolation prize if my sister doesn't find them desirable. Being the daughter of a marquess might mean I will still be given a title at twenty five by the king and probably land, but I would have to think twice about a man who would settle for the second daughter just in the hope of getting to share what might be given.

  "I am not even certain that King Orlaan will choose to give a wizard anything anyway, and if he does I am not sure that I want to accept it."

  Ivanor didn't show any sign of surprise or shock at her words, he merely stated, "Whether you like it or not, you are his kin. There will be certain responsibilities and even being a wizard is unlikely to change that."

  Though his words might have brought a sigh to her most days; the young woman simply waved him away dismissively instead. "Go home, Ivanor. I am not going to argue over this with you here. You will have time a plenty to give me your opinion on the long trip to Southwall; so now that you have made sure that I have made it home safely, you can go tell whoever wanted you to keep tabs on me that I am safe within my house."

  He started to say something else, but the petite, blonde haired girl surprised him with her disdainful look. Annalicia reminded him, "Remember that I am not some child that you have to care for, Ivanor. You are just a wizard and when I wish it, I can act like a lady of the royal court."

  Leaving his protest unspoken, the wizard gritted his teeth while his already bronzed skin turned a little darker. Though Ivanor's pride might make him wish to argue; he did, in fact, understand that Annalicia was royal and he was just a commoner, even if he was a wizard.

  "I'll meet you at the ship in the morning then," the man replied gruffly and turned on his heel.

  Welden closed the door behind him even as Annalicia turned into the central hall of the large house. An elegant looking entry hall was flanked by a pair of stairways and encircled by a walkway guarded by a wood railing. A few statues stood to either side of each stairway while paintings lined the four walls. White stone tiles made up the floor, but the bright stone was equaled by the walls. Only the paintings made the latter appear to have color.

  The lady started for the stairway to the right noting the bright white everywhere with the back of her mind. Red cushions on the settees and couches making up most of the furniture in the room stood out starkly. Ignoring the room which she passed through nearly every day, Anna's attention was suddenly drawn back to one of the couches before she could make it to the stairs.

  "Xerese, what are you doing here?" she questioned the taller, dark haired, young woman, who rose from where she lounged on one of the couches.

  Tilting her head to the side, her cousin gave Anna a look that seemed to say that it was a foolish question. "Do I need to have a reason to visit my favorite cousin?"

  Uttering a short laugh of genuine amusement, the wizard studied the other girl with her almond shaped, green eyes. Dark blue eyes returned the look and Annalicia thought that despite their near relation, the two couldn't look much different. As dissimilar as the two young women appeared physically, they were nearly the same age and had been raised almost like sisters in their bond.

  "Well, if you have to butter me up, then there must be something wrong. So, yes, apparently you do need a reason."

  Blowing out an exhausted breath, Xerese replied, "We are about to leave on a journey that will take months and you are acting like nothing is about to change at all."

  "We were able to convince your mother to send you with me to Southwall. At least it will give you a break from all the suitors likely dotting your courtyard as well. I suppose that Aunt Pherena turned up the search hoping to sell you off before our trip."

  Following her cousin towards the stairway, the two girls disregarded the guardsmen behind Annalicia. Xerese answered the shorter wizard, "She wasn't exactly happy that you offered me a place aboard your ship. Mother has wanted to give me away for years now."

  Shaking her head, silvery blonde strands fluttered from her shoulders to chest and back. "You're twenty second in line. What does she hope to gain by marrying you off? You should just pick your own husband and let her pay for the wedding."

  "Easy for you to say. You can at least use your magic as an excuse to make your family stop trying to arrange a marriage for you."

  "Even so, I think Ivanor might be correct in his opinion that Uncle Orlaan could pressure my parents into arranging a marriage for me also. Do you think that he will offer me some title and land once I turn twenty-five like the others?" Annalicia asked referring to her older brother and sister. Alexander was twenty-eight now and had been given the title of count on his twenty-fifth birthday. Alicia's twenty-fifth birthday came in less than a year and it was assumed that she would be treated similarly, which was why there were so many suitors plaguing her courtyard.

  In just three years, Anna would be the age King Orlaan had chosen for entitlement, but there was no set tradition beyond the king's preference or need. A wizard had never been a royal, however, and left the girl's future a bit up in the air. The fact that she was also an air wizard nearly made her smile as her mind came across the thought.

  Xerese shrugged her shoulders. The dark haired young lady was as in the dark as she was.

  Her cousin's eyes noted the guardsmen had disappeared from sight as the two women climbed the stairs. "You've lost your shadows," the girl commented with minimal interest.

  "I don't need them to babysit me, especially as I plan to take a bath when I get to my room. They might guard my body, but I don't show it off to them, cousin."

  Xerese's eyes looked back down the stairs a moment looking for the men who were no longer there
and stated, "That's a pity. They were rather good looking men, even if they are both older than you."

  "They are older than you too," Annalicia reminded the other girl and added, "Since when do you think of guardsmen as things to play with anyway?"

  Feigning shock, she replied, "I would never! But they are coming with you for the tournament, aren't they?"

  "You'll have your own guards, I would assume," Anna countered without answering fully. "Perhaps you can avoid disrupting my detail, so I don't have to hire new guards on this trip. It will be a long enough journey without you trying to have a romance with the help."

  "The help? My, aren't you acting high and mighty today. I heard how you dismissed the wizard earlier also. What has gotten into you, Anna?"

  "I guess that the pressure of this trip is already affecting me. Usually I can ignore all the ridiculous attention.

  "I am a wizard after all and would like to be treated as a regular person more often. I am no longer a child that has to be followed all the time to make sure that I am safe. With my magic, I am capable of protecting myself."

  Xerese would have protested the complaint, except she felt the same often enough. While Annalicia hadn't noticed her cousin's guardsmen as she entered, she could assume that they were somewhere nearby.

  "Let's not dwell on it then. Shouldn't we be more excited about tomorrow's trip? Your ship is ready to go and take us on a new adventure. We will get to see a land completely new to us. Do you think that there will be snow? I have heard of it, but I have only seen ice when the wizards create it from water. Shaved ice is supposed to be quite different from falling snow."

  Malaiy was too warm year round to have seen a real snowfall, but Anna had seen and used spells that could make snow. They weren't practical, though, and the flakes would often melt before touching the ground.

  "We'll be there during winter... real winter. Everyone who says that they know of Southwall, say that North has places where snow remains year round. We will likely see snow and feel cold like we have never conceived of here."


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