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The Unexpected Heir: A Tale of Alus

Page 19

by Wigboldy,Donald

  "We should talk with the head gardener as well. Maybe they have seen someone tampering with the flowers or have begun using new chemicals to help the plants grow?"

  Starting to look angry, Orlaan questioned, "You don't think he poisoned the flowers intentionally? Kamaal has worked in the castle for years. He was once just a simple gardener working under our former head gardener.

  "There has been pressure on him lately since parts of the gardens weren't looking as good as they once had, but surely that wouldn't drive the man to try and kill us all!"

  Wanting to put his king at ease, though he wasn't certain that Orlaan's worries weren't somehow correct, Philip tried to remain analytical and detached from the possibility of this being some assassination attempt on the royal family. If it was, the criminal behind it didn't seem to care how many other innocents were harmed as well.

  "Fairven!" the king hollered only to receive a hissed warning from the queen. Both Orlaan and Philip moved towards the doors, though the king's voice had carried already. The steward looked in past the arms of the guardsmen holding the doors curiously. "Have Head Gardener Kamaal come here to discuss something with me immediately."

  "Kamaal and a few others from the gardening staff have been missing for a couple days. Those who continue to come have been as sick as any of the staff as well," the steward replied quickly.

  Looking confused by the man's answer, Orlaan asked in turn, "Why wasn't I notified? If people are getting sick and suddenly a group disappears, perhaps..." The king didn't want to accuse his staff of treachery, but with Philip's words in his mind, he wanted to pick someone to threaten immediately. Missing staff from a department that had already been questioned made them all wonder if the people that they had trusted within their home had turned against them.

  "Steward Fairven, could you send some people to the homes of those who are missing?" Philip asked calmly. He didn't want to accuse anyone until there was more than guesswork involved. On the other hand, if the princesses were so ill, he might be saving the servants' lives as well. "We don't want them treated like criminals. We simply want to make sure that they are alright and to ask them a few questions."

  The steward nodded his head and disappeared quickly.

  Gritting his teeth, Orlaan said in a quiet tone to his nephew, "Maybe we should bring them in and worry if they are criminals later, Philip! Someone must have answers to this and their sudden disappearance looks suspicious enough to me."

  Nodding just to try and keep the king calm, he replied, "We don't know if they were involved or part of those caught in the crossfire of this plan. For now, maybe you could recall the wizards who had looked for the source of the poison. Have them check the flowers both inside and out. Also I would have the servants remove the flowers to the gardens, but make sure they cover their faces and use gloves.

  "Do the princesses touch the flowers in the gardens by the way?"

  The new question made the king start and his look of uncertainty echoed in his answer, "I am not sure. I would assume that they simply walk through the gardens and appreciate them."

  They had begun to walk back towards the princess's bed and her consort, Prince Trayus, overheard the men. He moved closer and said, "They have touched them, sire. Galina and the other ladies have spent time arranging the bouquets for the halls. Special planters and pots were picked by the princesses. Certain colors were chosen for certain wings to match."

  Philip and Orlaan exchanged looks thinking that it would make sense. If the worst affected had touched the flowers, a cough might only be from the air while the plants could poison those who touched them directly.

  Turning quickly on his heel, Orlaan surprised his guardsmen as he pulled the doors open quickly taking charge. Orders to pull the flowers without touching them with bare skin and follow up orders to look for the missing gardeners were issued as he was followed by Philip and Trayus.

  The colors and pageantry of the king's banquet room for the Winter's Edge tournament were impressive, even for a lady used to royal balls and galas. Silver and blue decorations had been brought in to symbolize winter. Annalicia had visited for dinner in the castle twice over the last couple weeks since arriving early. Though a wizard, she and Xerese were also royalty. King Alain had made sure to invite them as ambassadors for their nation, but they hadn't been in the room used for this celebration.

  While the secondary hall had been large enough, the scope of this one and the amount of people attending had nearly doubled, she thought.

  "This king is certainly trying to send a message through us, isn't he?" Xerese asked leaning closer to her cousin's ear.

  The two women led the others from their party with entwined arms and hands. It was the comforting gesture the two girls had often found themselves in as children. Friends and family, Annalicia and Xerese were as close as sisters, perhaps even closer in fact. Thinking of her relationship with Alicia, which was almost as close as that with Xerese; Anna wondered what her sister was doing now.

  "What message is that, do you think?" the blonde haired beauty asked her opposite in looks. Not only were their natural looks like night and day, Annalicia was dressed in a dress of light blue that reflected the lights of the chandeliers and sconces around them like it was made of metal or perhaps liquid. Xerese had chosen a red velvet material. Her long sleeves and high neckline proved that it was also a defense against the cold.

  Thinking on the question a moment, the dark haired girl replied, "Perhaps it is designed to show that Southwall has both power and money? Their wizards are numerous and already proved the power that this nation has. Now this grand hall is lit up like day and has all these glorious decorations."

  "Or perhaps King Alain simply wishes to have everyone have a good time? These aren't Southwall's colors. They are wintry in color and there are even snowflakes on some of them."

  A high table sat on the far side of the room from the doors. The king and his queen already stood nearby speaking with nobles and wizards alike. He didn't seem to be caught up on the hierarchy of being a king, at least tonight. King Alain was as much a participant in the party as anyone attending.

  Annalicia caught sight of the queen. A beautiful dark haired beauty, Queen Alyanna looked to be similar in age to her or Xerese. Her king was tall, blond and very manly, Annalicia thought inside. If someone like that had come to whisk her off of her feet, then maybe she wouldn't have minded having a suitor of her own.

  The royal couple of Southwall was young and it was perhaps the courage of youth that had prompted King Alain to awake the whole world to come see a test of magic. Would that someone just as brave would want her.

  "If you and I had the opportunity and means to throw a ball, don't you think that we would have fun decorating it as well?" Annalicia asked her cousin as they were escorted to a table among many. If they had needed to search for name cards, she guessed that they would waste the whole night just looking. "They are young, beautiful, and proud of their country; but I don't think that this is just to impress the wizards and royals who came from afar."

  "Maybe not, so maybe I should just enjoy the party," Xerese replied smiling at her before looking around the room at the people rather than the decor. "Hmm, I wonder if mother let me come along hoping that maybe I would find the right man here? There are certainly a lot of lords here."

  "A lot of ladies as well," Anna giggled. "Finding a single lord is the hard part, cousin. There are plenty of men here though. Some of the wizards are pretty handsome as well."

  Giving a sniff of annoyance, Xerese retorted, "You're family might not care if you wedded a wizard; but you know my mother."

  Leaning close enough to touch heads, the little blonde reminded her, "Your mother isn't here. Just because you can't marry someone, doesn't mean that you won't be able to find a few handsome men to dance with tonight."

  Laughing at the idea, the dark haired royal nodded back. "Well, that is if they plan to do more than eat here tonight. There are so many tables and peo
ple. Even this hall might be hard to open enough floor for a dance."

  The man escorting their party overheard the last part and noted over his shoulder, "Southwall loves to dance. You can go to any inn in the city and find a place to dance. King Alain wouldn't have his celebratory ball go without it. The servants will remove some of the tables after dinner and an orchestra is scheduled to play tonight."

  "Well, there you have it," Annalicia added to her cousin with a smile.

  Dinner was a lavish affair and she began to wonder if Xerese wasn't correct that the king was showing off at least a little bit; but that was also typical of kings. King Orlaan had put together quite a few lavish affairs over the years, or perhaps she should say that Queen Murietta had to be more accurate. The queen was definitely the one behind the fanfare. The king might come up with the idea to have one, but their aunt was the one who would run it all.

  After the food came a short ceremony for the top four competitors in the tournament. Each received a token of appreciation from the king and queen. For her, a silver chain with a gold token representing wind was the main gift and would have been more than enough in most competitions; but King Alain had made sure to note that Queen Alyanna hadn't felt like it was enough.

  A pair of diamond earrings, the stones easily seen from a distance, the wizard thought, had been added to her prize. The king had said that the queen thought that such a beautiful woman deserved more than just a silver chain, even with the medallion of gold. His words had made her blush. King Alain was handsome and looking at his queen she was easily as beautiful, she thought. Annalicia sadly remembered that he was already taken.

  "You're really red," Xerese said quiet enough not to be overheard. "Do you need some air or is it something else?"

  Anna was surprised that she was still flushed and replied with a near truth, "I wasn't ready for such an expensive gift or the flattery. It was a little embarrassing since I am a wizard first. There shouldn't really be special treatment because I am a woman."

  "If you don't want them, I will gladly take them," Xerese laughed as Annalicia pulled the black, lacquered box back to her chest protectively.

  "I am sure that I will get over the embarrassment eventually and enjoy them."

  "You should put them in now," her cousin replied. "You don't have any earrings tonight. With that dress, it is a bit of a disappointment. The way they sparkle, I think that they will be perfect."

  "You could wear the chain as well to remind everyone that you were nearly champion," Reynolvan added listening to the women.

  Xerese turned on the wizard with a frown shaking her head. "You don't wear an award. You put it on a mantle when you get home. Don't wizards know anything about fashion? The gold charm is too large for someone as petite as Annalicia.

  "Now these earrings on the other hand were given to her by a queen who understands how to be beautiful."

  Most of the men found their heads nodding without realizing the gesture making Anna want to smile. Queen Alyanna was called a treasure by some. It was a silly remark from men, but a pretty woman often received such comments from appreciative men.

  Many people also said that she was pretty. Annalicia wondered if any man had come up with such a ridiculous term to describe her, as if her looks made her who she was. The crowds had been large when she had competed. Some said it was simply because of her beauty, but the wizard hoped that at least some also appreciated the work it took to even come second in such a large field of wizards.

  When several tables were removed from the center of the hall, people were forced to stand as well. The orchestra of forty musicians wasn't the largest she had ever seen, but for a banquet it was an unusually large number. There was no room on the main floor, so they set up on the upper decks hanging over the outer edge of the banquet room. Music filled the room gloriously and lords led their ladies onto the floor for the first dance.

  Reynolvan and the other wizards seemed ready to protect the two women from the other men in the room, but Xerese fired an angry look at them as a tall lord found her to ask for her hand. He bowed over it in a practiced flourish before leading her away.

  "My lady, we can't protect you if you let yourself be pulled away," Reynolvan said even as the other men looked in frustration at the other Malaiyan lady.

  Looking at him as if the wizard was an idiot, Annalicia pointed towards their guards. The men hadn't sat with them and had even had to eat at a special set of tables for the guardsmen escorting many of the royals from several countries. "They are paid to watch over us, not you. If we aren't safe here, I doubt that a handful of wizards can change that in this crowd. Why don't you all try to find some female wizards who are free to dance? Xerese isn't going to let you keep her from enjoying herself anymore than I will, so go have fun."

  The elder wizard looked ready to argue, but he couldn't argue with her order. She was a lady, even if she wasn't at the level of a princess or even marquess. Perhaps King Orlaan would make her a countess, but she doubted that he would give a wizard a title to add to her magical power.

  "Would you care to dance?" The voice that asked her was a surprise.

  Looking at the silver haired immortal smiling at her, Annalicia frowned slightly and asked, "Are you planning to guard me from all these men too, grandfather? I just sent my escorts away because they were stifling me already."

  Darius shook his head and laughed, "Well, I can't blame them for wanting to protect you. You were perhaps the most popular wizard at the tournament, Annalicia. It wouldn't be crazy to worry that you might not be safe because of your fans; but, no, I was actually hoping to ask something of you... while we dance."

  The last part was added with an almost nervous laugh. Though he sold it well, Anna thought that the nerves were false. He had been alive for nearly seven centuries. Surely an immortal didn't get nervous talking about business with his granddaughter, unless he was planning to try and arrange a marriage for her or something. That would certainly strain their relationship, the girl thought with a frown as he pulled her towards the dance floor.

  "What kind of business do you wish to talk about?" she asked guardedly.

  "Sebastian brought up an interesting question the other day. Would you be willing to take him on a small... quest, I guess we should call it?"

  "A quest?"

  Nodding, the high wizard started to explain, "He asked if I believed the Grimnal, Gerid Aramathea, was still alive. I said that I do, but now I wonder exactly where that legend has gone, if he hasn't died.

  "He cared too much about this world to just disappear. We mean to find him. Well, at least that is the idea that I propose."

  Looking at him like he was an insane person, Anna continued to listen as he explained the idea further.

  Chapter 14- When Flowers Bloom

  Philip walked through a castle full of movement that also had an air of emergency to it. Though not fully informed of the poisoning of the princesses, the servants could all tell that something was wrong. Too many had been ill not to be at least a little worried though they had been assured by the wizards and healers that this was no plague to fear. Adding the king's agitated presence and his new orders, the tension was palpable.

  Already his sensitive sense of smell noted that lessening of the chemical scent in the air. Wizards had used their magic and quickly confirmed his guess. Kept wet in their vases, the various plants had tainted the water as well. A careful search through the gardens certified that the chemicals in the flowers had affected the earth they were set in also.

  Immediately, the courtyards were secured against anyone entering or leaving except for those returning the cut flowers to their designated places. Fire might be needed, but the wizards had to make sure that it wouldn't simply spread the poison in a new way. One way or another, the castle gardens would need to be completely cleared of plants and soil before anyone dared return without safety clothing.

  To add to their problems, the men sent to the homes of the gardeners which had been
missing were returning with even more bad news. The head gardener lived alone and was found dead in his bed from the poison. More of those who worked for him were dead or suffering like the princesses.

  Such mass afflictions made them check for any other unusual disappearances. Even those on normal off days were checked just to be certain, while those already poisoned began to receive treatment from the healers called on from the various guilds. It was a disaster and Philip could already see the way that the Brothers of the Blood would try to turn the public against the king and his family.

  He found Orlaan in an office. Letters and scrolls had begun to pile up on his desk with the sudden illnesses drawing his attention away from the kingdom. The king was looking through his messages and Philip thought that he looked even gloomier than when he had found the man at his daughter's bedside.

  Not even exchanging a word, the king lifted a letter from his desk and offered it to his nephew with a frown. Though he wanted to ask what it was, Philip simply accepted the paper and began to read.

  "Earl Carland has died?" he questioned the air in surprise. A man of just twenty-five years, the earl had been as healthy as any of the men related to the king. He was also Philip's nephew through his wife and well known to him, though he hadn't seen him since the boy had taken his place as Lord of Ylden to the east.

  "You have the letter," Orlaan replied gruffly. "His horse threw him while hunting. His wizard and the healers at Ylden tried to save him, but he died the day after. This letter arrived two days ago, but I was too distracted by Persimee and the others to read it."

  Growling irritably, he continued, "Maybe those damned Brothers of the Blood are correct. Maybe there is a curse growing over my house. First, Amaan's death and now all this?"

  Philip sighed as he picked up the king's words, even if it wasn't the man's intent. "We had better have them check your brother's body. This is all happening too close together to be ignored. Maybe Duke Amaan didn't die as naturally as we thought. He had seemed healthy enough before his sudden death, after all."


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