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Denial_A Stone Billionaire Series Novel

Page 8

by Kaya Woodward

  Tinsley was meant to marry Connor, to increase the prospect of Whittaker growing, but not only that: her inheritance of the land, and the business, and everything on those lands was contingent on her marriage to Connor.

  If she doesn’t marry Connor now, the Whittaker’s will lose everything.

  Everything and beyond.

  I’m still lost in thought when there’s a knock at my office door.

  “Come in,” I call.

  Then I remember that I’ve locked the door and move around my desk to unlock it, to find Tinsley in my doorway.

  “Hello,” I say as I force a smile.

  “We need to talk,” Tinsley tells me tensely.

  “Alright,” I nod, then move aside to let her in and lock the door behind us.

  “I’m going to lose Whittaker Energy,” the words burst from her mouth all at once.

  “What?” my voice waivers ever slightly.

  “That can’t be,” I try to protest.

  “It’s either a lengthy court battle, or I lose the company,” Tinsley tells me.

  “They transferred stocks, something wasn’t done because of the plane crash, and Connor now has a majority holding in both companies,” she explains.

  Tinsley strains her eyes, and her distress is very apparent.

  “What else?” I ask.

  I know there’s something else.

  “Connor,” she pauses and presses her lips together.

  “Connor said he’d split the company with me, if I marry him,” Tinsley says quietly.

  I have to think about this for a moment.

  My automatic reaction is to tell Connor to go fuck himself, but now that I’ve seen that part of the Will, I have to tell her to do what’s right.

  “It’s a temporary solution,” my words are all I can offer.

  “Are you serious?” Tinsley gasps.

  “You’re willing to tie Whittaker Energy up in a lengthy court battle? Possibly lose your energy contracts and bankrupt the company?” I ask her in a normal tone.

  All I want to do is scream and rage.

  Tinsley swallows hard.

  “What about us?” She asks plaintively.

  “You’d be his wife in name only,” I try to rationalize.

  “It doesn’t have to be forever, I’m sure there’s some prenuptial agreement-” I continue.

  “Noah!” Tinsley interrupts me.

  “You can’t be serious!” She nearly screams.

  What other choice is there?

  She’ll lose more than Whittaker if she doesn’t go through with this, and I doubt she even knows that.

  If she did, she would’ve mentioned it.

  “It doesn’t mean we aren’t going to be together, it’s a device. We use him, just like Connor has used you in the past, what’s wrong with that?” I ask her.

  Tinsley’s face changes from rage to realization.

  “Use him?” she questions.

  “Use him right back, if he’s going to attempt to use you. Personally, I won’t stand for it, two can play at this game,” I tell her.

  “You mean that,” her words aren’t a question.

  She slumps down into the couch in my office, her hands in her face.

  Automatically I move to wrap an arm around her; my lips settle for a kiss on her head.

  “Noah, I don’t know if I can do that. I always thought that if I got married, it would be for real. Do you think this is a good idea?” She mumbles into her hands.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea, Tinsley. At the moment, however, it’s the best idea we’ve got,” I explain honestly.

  When Tinsley looks up at me, there’s determination in her eyes like I’ve never seen before.

  “You promise me it’s going to be us in the end, and I promise you I’ll do everything in my power to make him pay,” she says.

  “Promise,” I reply instantly.

  Tinsley smashes her lips against mine in response and I pull her into my arms.

  Nothing is going to rip us apart.

  Of that much, I am certain.



  August 8, 2017 -

  Hazel's arrangements were too much for Cece.

  Connor didn't give a shit.

  So, I stepped up to do it myself.

  Though Cece is a worse mess than her brother in law, she tries to be strong when he is around.

  She doesn't want anyone to see her cry.

  Then there is Connor.

  He's fine when no one is around.

  Then, he's the grieving husband, his showmanship in place for everyone else.

  It's infuriating.

  But who would I tell?

  Who would believe me?

  Connor and his volatile anger that fares up whenever I say anything he doesn't like.

  Which is often.

  The first day I came to help, he told me he wanted everything of Hazel's gone.

  I carefully boxed up my friend's belongings, like a detached stranger, because I couldn't handle the thought of anyone else doing it.

  I've made it through the worst.

  My mother has her family from Italy to comfort her.

  This is the last funeral.

  Connor was firm; he wants me by his side.

  He even went as far as to say he needs me.

  I doubt it, but I obliged him anyway.

  It is disturbing, but I can't leave him, Hazel wouldn't have left my husband had something happened to me.

  I know this for a fact.

  Everyone has told me how strong I am, how wonderful I am to have pulled this all together.

  The service was lovely; the arrangements were perfect.

  Even more so, the whispers of how stoic I am for standing by Connor's side during all of this after everything he put me through.

  Hazel's wake is at her favorite hotel, in all the elegance and finery one would expect from her.

  I ensured that Connor spared no expense, and planned every last detail, insisting that is what she would want.

  Connor didn't seem to care, as long as it was done.

  The entire impression of her wake is an elegant affair which people will be talking about for weeks.

  The fear that people will also gossip about how I haven't left his side is real.

  Only because he won't let me.

  He’s also signed the prenup.

  I haven’t signed it, because I have not fully resigned myself to our agreement.

  I’ve made it very clear that in private, this is a business arrangement.

  In public I’ll pretend to be his wife, and adore him for all the world to see.

  Whittaker Energy is mine to protect.

  I will not let it slip through my fingers.

  This is in no way how I saw things for my life.

  How long do we even have to be married?

  A week?

  A day?

  The sooner this is over, the better.

  I’m deep in thought when Connor speaks.

  “Tinsley, can you stay a little longer?” He pleads.

  Even though I've been with him all day!

  He is afraid to be alone; I try to explain his behavior in my head.

  “Of course,” I nod.

  I sigh heavily to let him know that my patience is wearing thin today.

  “I appreciate it,” Connor says.

  He peruses a plate of mostly whole food I've brought him.

  I've done Hazel proud at least.

  I find comfort in that.

  “Everything went smoothly today. Appreciate that,” I snap at Connor.

  “I know,” he replies, sounding bored.

  Then he perks up.

  “Noah Stone is here,” he says.

  Then Connor glances at me.

  “He's coming this way, isn't he?” I ask.

  I want to hide.

  “Yeah,” Connor’s tone is bored.

  If one more bored response comes from that wretched mouth of
his I’m going to slap it right off!

  “It doesn't matter,” I let the words roll off my tongue like it truly doesn't.

  Our wedding day.

  The day my world turned to shit.

  “Tinsley, I think he's been drinking,” Connor whispers.

  For Connor to whisper that, it would have to be apparent that Noah has been drinking.

  I was too curt and polite at my father's funeral, but I had my mother to attend to.

  Then he was cold when he left.

  I couldn't and still can't bear the thought of him hating me.

  We can’t be together.

  I see that now.

  Not with the way I left things with my father.

  I should've handled things with my father better.


  We left our relationship on ugly terms.

  The chance to fix things with my father is gone.

  Noah could also be upset about something else maybe?

  As he approaches us, I see the sway, I know he’s overly drunk.

  “Well if it isn't the new Mrs. Bradford,” Noah slurs, rather loudly.

  Connor hangs his head.

  “I'm going to the washroom,” Connor announces.

  He moves away so swiftly I’m surprised he doesn’t run.

  “Noah!” I hiss.

  “You know it's not like that,” I scold him.

  This is not a lie; I want nothing to do with Connor, but my hand has been forced.

  He gets his sham of a marriage, and I get to keep what’s mine.

  If Noah weren’t in on this whole idea, I’d seriously question my motives.

  But he is, which doesn’t explain his behavior.

  “Well, I just figured, I should congratulate you on...,” he slurs, swaying back and forth for a moment.

  “You know,” he hiccups.

  “You're drunk,” I tell him in a flat voice.

  “I know love, I am,” Noah snarls.

  He winks at me.

  I groan because I need him out of here, fast.

  “I'm taking you home,” I tell him shortly.

  “Come on,” I say.

  “Now, now, you don't have to take care of me too. I didn't lose my wife,” he pronounces the worlds so loudly that several people overhear.

  I have no choice but to clamp a hand over his mouth.

  “Say one more word, and I will never speak to you again Noah Stone,” I whisper firmly.

  He puts his hands up, as though he gives.

  But Noah only waits until we are in the hotel lobby to get going again.

  He spouts off things that I don't want to hear.

  “If it was Connor you wanted all along, you really should've just told me; I would've understood,” he muses.

  “Noah!” I scream.

  Loud enough for several people in the lobby to stare at the pair of us.

  “This isn't about you and me, several people are dead here, including my father if you recall,” I say harshly.

  “Yes,” he slurs.

  Then I shove him into a taxi and get in behind him, before I smack him over the head again.

  “That hurts,” His voice is dulled, emotionless.

  “I'm sure,” I use heavy sarcasm in my response.

  Now everyone is going to talk about the fool Noah made of himself.


  Noah and I are no longer attached, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love him.

  As far as how I feel, I’m still very attached to this man.

  This makes my heart ache for him, even if he is a perfect jerk.

  When we pull up in front of his building, I pull him out of the taxi and drag him to the elevator, unlock the door to his penthouse, and throw him inside.

  “What is your problem!” I scream.

  My yell echoes over the emptiness.

  “My problem is this whole idea, I’ve changed my mind,” he says calmly, then he hiccups.

  “It was your idea!” I rage back at him

  “Well, I’ve lost the woman I love!” He declares.

  “You haven’t,” I tell him.

  “This isn't about us. What would your daughter say, if she saw you like this? Hm? What would Ava think about her dear old father now?” I ask pointedly.

  Noah's expression changes, his face drops and I can tell I've hit a nerve there.

  “Let's get you into bed,” I tell him before I lead him to the bedroom.

  He flops down onto the bed and looks up at me.

  “Stay for a bit?” Noah pleads.

  I press my lips together, close my eyes and inhale sharply.

  It’s easy to move to the other side of the king size bed and lay beside him, my shoes still on.

  “What you did was pretty horrible,” I grumble.

  “I was jealous; I didn't know what I was saying,” he explains.

  “I need you, in my life,” his voice is tense.

  “We'll always be there for each other,” I whisper back.

  “This doesn't make me love you any less if that's what you're wondering,” I explain.

  “You’re my priority,” Is his only response.

  “Drinking is your priority,” I tell him harshly.

  We lay in silence for a long time, until I hear him snore

  Part of me knows I should get up and leave, but this bed, his bed, and all the memories bring me such comfort that I decide to close my eyes, for just a moment.



  August 8, 2017

  I wake up the next morning filled with regret.

  That subsides quickly when I realize I am curled around Tinsley.

  She stayed.

  All night long.

  With my knowledge of the crown lands, I know I should tell her to go, but a large part of me can’t.

  She’s royalty, she doesn’t belong in my bed.

  Though I am sure that she just fell asleep, and will, therefore, leave as soon as she is awake, I pull her closer to me anyway, to hold on to these last precious moments of her in my bed.

  “I didn't want to leave,” she whispers, turning over to look at me.

  Stunned that she is awake, and still here, my first words are apologetic.

  “I was an ass last night. I can't tell you how deeply sorry I am,” I apologize.

  “What you did was unforgivable,” she tells me.

  Her face softens, however.

  “We both acted like children,” I say.

  She nods in agreement.

  “You have to promise never to do anything like that again, Noah. I can handle people gossiping about me, but I won't have you tarnish the memory of a friend,” her voice is firm.

  “I am deeply sorry, to have done that,” I apologize.

  Still unsure of what came over me, maybe it was the alcohol, or perhaps the idea that I may genuinely lose her.

  Even if this whole charade was my idea.

  Tinsley's hands move to my face, to trace the outline of my stubble, her eyes shine as she begins to tear up.

  “I love you too much, Noah. It's impossible to think after all this that I’m stuck marrying a man I don’t love,” she says softly.

  “We can make this work,” I try to keep my voice reasonable.

  But I know I sound slightly desperate.

  “I'd do anything for you,” I whisper.

  When the tears start slipping down her cheeks, I've no choice but to kiss them away, because I can't handle the thought of her upset.

  Tinsley's hands wind up in my hair, and then somehow her lips find mine.

  She kisses me.

  A wave of emotion rolls over me, relief mixed with regret and the comfort that I am the man she wants to be with at this moment.

  Everything is pushed away at the soft sound of our lips meeting, consistently soft and gentle.

  She wraps her arms around my neck, and I hear her legs shift on the coverlet before she pulls me closer.

  This only leads to me deepen the kiss
, my tongue plays on her lips and she opens her mouth to mine.

  Honestly, I am lost in her.

  It happens every single time we are together like this.

  How can she belong to anyone but me?

  Tinsley begins to unbutton my shirt, and I am suddenly aware of where this is going.

  My urge to be inside her, make her succumb to me, overwhelms propriety.

  The simple black dress, fitting every curve, tight on her hips and ending just above her knees has one zipper.

  That zipper that goes down smoothly, as I edge it down her body, and kiss the skin that appears as the dress begins to slide down her tanned skin.

  I cup her silky bra, tug it down to reveal her hard nipples and close my mouth over on to suck on it, as I push the rest of the dress down her body.

  Tinsley's breath catches as my hand slips into her thong, between her folds where my fingers find the wetness I crave.

  She is beautiful as her back arches, hips move against my hand, a low gasp escapes her mouth as I press a finger into her, intent on making her desperate for me.

  She slides my pants down, her hand encircles my shaft, and it flexes in her hands.

  Her touch sets me on fire.

  Tinsley strokes me faster as I bring her closer to the edge of an orgasm, making me groan until I need her desperately.

  “Make me yours,” she whispers.

  “Always,” I reply in a hoarse voice, before I return her kiss, with equal fever.

  I can’t think of anything I want more than to be with Tinsley, to have children with her.

  Tinsley's thong and bra are easily removed.

  I turn her over on her side, and move my cock between her legs until she gasps with pleasure, and I embed my length inside her.

  I leave trails of kisses along her body, cup her breasts, and thrust into her slowly.

  “Noah!” She gasps.

  She grips the pillow harder as I thrust deeper, and deeper, until she bites the pillow.

  Our sweaty bodies pressed together like this; I am enthralled with her!

  Every inch of skin needs to be kissed: her neck, her shoulder, her arm.

  All the skin before me needs to be touched by my lips until she turns to look at me, and then we are kissing again.

  I roughly pull her against me by the thighs, and Tinsley arches her back.

  She bears down on my cock.


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