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Steal the Sun

Page 40

by Lexi Blake

  “He drives like crap,” Daniel said, turning over and forcing me upright.

  “It wasn’t so bad.” The actual ride had been fine. It was the takeoff and the landing that could use some work. Dev had to first find one of the winds that whipped through the Unseelie sithein, and then he had to time it just right to call the wind to sweep the party up. Being pulled into the wind was like being an ant sucked up into a vacuum cleaner. It had made me nauseous, and I had held onto to Daniel for dear life, practically strangling him in the process.

  “God, Z, it made me want to puke and I don’t do that anymore,” Danny admitted, getting off the ground. He looked up, watching for the next person to fall. “Careful, baby. I don’t want you to get hit.”

  The outline of the wind was barely visible, so we couldn’t be sure just where the body would hit. Lee was kind enough to announce his position as he screamed when he fell. Lee hit the ground hard and came up growling.

  “You could have caught me, Donovan,” Lee groused.

  “Do you have any idea how heavy you are, man?” Daniel shot back. “Besides, I thought you were all lone wolfie. You don’t need anyone. Have your master there catch you.”

  I held my arms out with a welcoming smile. Lee grumbled as he rolled his eyes, but I saw his grin.

  “That one is mine,” Daniel said seriously as he caught Zack, who was scrambling even as he fell through the air. Zack was on his feet, smoothing out his clothes before Lee managed to catch his breath.

  “I don’t see what the problem is.” Zack was completely unruffled by the experience. His attention was on the sky above as Neil came through and Zack caught him easily. “I think it’s kind of fun.”

  Neil didn’t look like he thought it was fun. My bestie was a little on the green side.

  Declan landed on his feet and then caught Chima and Sean, who laughed the entire way down. Declan tried to hold her, but Chima insisted they be put down.

  Declan looked at his son approvingly even as the rest of our party descended. “The boy is unaffected by his uncle’s poor driving. He has a strong stomach. He will be a great warrior.”

  “What if he doesn’t want to be a warrior?” Chima replied tartly even as Sean was trying to play with his father’s bow.

  “What else will he be, Chima? Are you planning to send the boy to butcher’s school? Perhaps he will be a gardener?” Declan asked sarcastically. “He will be king one day. He could be king of both the Seelie and Unseelie. He will be a great warrior.”

  Dev hit the ground on his feet, his form perfect, and there was a smile on his face as he found me and Daniel. “It’s good to see you survived the experience, you two.”

  “I landed on my ass, Dev,” Daniel complained.

  “I landed on Daniel’s ass, too.” I gave my faery prince an encouraging hug. Though it had only been a couple of days, it felt like forever since we’d been together.

  “It’s quiet.” Nim glanced around the seemingly empty courtyard.

  There was a silence about the place that I found disconcerting. The palace should be bustling with activity. There should have been soldiers and guards, but the entire place looked deserted.

  “Too quiet.” Chima managed to stop arguing with Declan long enough to look around the palace grounds.

  I took my first glimpse at the Unseelie stronghold. King Angus’s home stood roughly half a mile from us. Unlike the marble white of the Seelie palace, this one was done in dark stones. Dominating the landscape, it looked entirely medieval and highly fortified. It also looked deserted.

  “Where is Grandpa?” Sean asked.

  “I don’t know.” Chima shook her head, staying close to her son.

  “The traitor said the war was about to begin,” the Hunter noted. “Perhaps the king has joined his army on the battlefield.”

  Dev stared at the palace as though trying to see if anyone was there. “But Mother intended to talk to Angus first. They should have met at either our palace or here. Even if they chose a neutral location, the entire population of the Unseelie palace wouldn’t be gone.”

  Lee held a hand up, getting everyone’s attention. “We’re not alone.”

  “Lee’s right,” Zack concurred. “There are people here. They’re hiding.”

  Chima stepped forward. She held Sean on her hip. “Hello? Is anyone here? It’s Princess Chima. I’m looking for my father. Please show yourself.”

  Declan tried to pull her back. “Chima, you cannot leave yourself open like this. Get behind me.”

  “These are my people, Declan,” Chima said. “Why would they hurt me?”

  I heard Declan’s snort. “My lovely naïve wife…”

  Chima shook her head. “Don’t you call me that.”

  “It’s what you are,” Declan shot back. “And one of your people just tried to kill our son.”

  “With the help of your mighty duke,” Chima replied.

  “Yes.” I was willing to look at the positive side of things. “See, the Seelie and the Unseelie can work together.”

  Dev laughed but Declan huffed. “I am merely pointing out that we are not so different. Both of our palaces are filled with traitors trying to kill us all. It is a piece of common ground that we can build on. That and my and Chima’s undeniable sexual chemistry.”

  “We don’t have any sexual chemistry, you idiot,” Chima snarled at him.

  Declan’s green eyes narrowed. “We certainly had good chemistry when I fucked you in the yard during our argument.”

  Chima’s lovely pale skin took on a distinct red tone. “I can’t believe you just announced that.”

  The prince waved off her embarrassment. “It is faster that way. I was going to tell my brother, who would certainly tell the vampire and Zoey, who would immediately tell the gossipy blond wolf, who would tell Zack, who would mention it to the irritable wolf, who wouldn’t care. See, they would all have known anyway.”

  “You didn’t have to announce it in front of our son,” Chima said.

  “The boy should know his parents are passionate.” Declan disregarded her concerns. “He should know they can’t keep their hands off each other.”

  “You managed for years,” Nim pointed out.

  “Not because I did not want Chima.” Declan’s voice softened. “I stayed away because our relationship was not workable. But you should know, my lover, that every woman I have fucked since we broke up I have pretended was you.”

  “And that is an enormous amount of women, Chima,” Dev offered magnanimously. “Really, it proves his devotion.”

  “Yes, I can see that.” Chima turned to Lee. “Could you point me to where these people are hiding?”

  Lee didn’t need to because a brownie was rushing across the yard as fast as her small legs would carry her. “Your Highness!”

  Recognition lit Chima’s face. “Bridgit, thank the goddess. What’s happening? Where is my father? Where is the court?”

  Bridgit’s small, flat face looked confused as she stared at us. “Princess, isn’t that the Seelie prince?”

  “Yes,” Chima said impatiently. “It’s Prince Declan and his brother and his brother’s family. Now where is my father?”

  Large brown eyes widened. “Miria called off all negotiations when she heard the news that her sons had been killed by our warriors. The battle has already begun. Miria has promised to kill all of us.”

  “Why does Mother think we are dead?” Declan asked. “She knew we were going to look for Zoey and Daniel. I explained to her that I had to go with my brother.”

  Daniel crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m sure the Duke of Ain saw it as a great opportunity to press his case. He controls the information that flows from gate to gate. Why wouldn’t he lie about your death? Con was going to try to make it the truth.”

  Chima passed Sean to the brownie. “Please take Sean to our rooms.”

  Declan snapped his fingers and five guards appeared, twisting reality around them. I always wondered if they just sat in som
e magical waiting room. Declan looked at the warriors. “You will protect my son with your life. You will not pick a fight. You will remain silent unless absolutely necessary. Can the brownie be trusted?”

  Chima nodded emphatically. “She raised me, Declan. Sean is like her grandchild.”

  Declan nodded. “You will follow the brownie’s orders in everything. Consider her your temporary mistress.”

  One of the guards opened his mouth in obvious protest.

  Declan stared him down. “He is my son. He will one day be your king. If you will not do my bidding in this then consider yourselves enemies of the state. I will consider your disobedience to be treason.”

  The guards bowed their head in acquiescence. They surrounded the brownie and her charge.

  “He’s serious,” Chima assured the servant. “They’ll follow your orders and keep you and Sean safe until we return.”

  The brownie nodded and her arms formed a protective circle around the boy. After saying good-bye one last time, the brownie started into the palace and the Seelie guards followed.

  Chima turned to Declan. Her blue eyes were serious as she regarded him. “Thank you, Declan.”

  “I should have sent you with them, Chima.” Declan watched the guard like he wanted to call them back. “I should have ordered them to keep you safe and not let you out of their sight, but I am trying. My brother’s wife seems to find it irritating when her husbands try to keep her safe.”

  “Then I will have to thank Zoey for training you well,” Chima said with a small smile. “But for the record, Declan, we’re not married.”

  “We certainly are,” Declan insisted, taking her hand. “And I shall call your father out for keeping my wife and son from me.”

  “You certainly will not!” Chima yelled.

  Lee groaned and looked at Dev. “I’m ready to go in that damn wind again because that awful sound will drown the two of them out.”

  Lee didn’t need to ask. Dev was already looking to the sky and taking my hand. In the blink of an eye we were riding the wind to the Unseelie gate and the battlefield.

  * * * *

  Our landing was smoother this time. Daniel managed to stay on his feet and he caught me in a neat motion. As the rest of the party made it to our destination, we were immediately faced with a problem. The gate to the plains was closed and heavily guarded.

  Fifty armed Unseelie warriors stood as a phalanx against a possible Seelie invasion. They had been facing the closed gates but they turned and stared at us as we hit the ground.

  “Shit, Z, get back,” Daniel shouted as Lee landed behind us.

  The minute he heard the worry in Danny’s voice, he exploded in a mass of fur and claws. Lee and Daniel stood in front of me as the guard made their charge.

  “Stand down!” Chima yelled when she made it to the ground.

  Declan was already pushing her back. “Stay with Zoey.”

  “I’m their princess and they will follow my orders,” she insisted.

  Declan notched three arrows at once, splaying them between his fingers. He drew back and carefully sprayed the crowd, managing to avoid Daniel and all three wolves, who were fighting the guards.

  “Or they will assume that the Seelie royals have taken you as a hostage,” Declan explained, preparing his weapon for another assault. “They will attempt to kill all of us to protect you. Nim, get back here.”

  Nim scrambled to get back when she saw how Daniel was tossing bodies about. Dev hit the ground and his brother was immediately at his side.

  “It is time for Bris to work his magic, brother,” Declan ordered.

  I saw Dev’s face fall but he raised his hands and a sweat broke out on his brow as he attempted to call all things green to our aid. The grass around the fight grew but not to any height that would make a difference. I could see that my husband was tired. He would have to get used to using his magic without having Bris to call upon.

  “What is wrong?” Declan asked.

  Daniel wrestled a long sword away from one of the warriors, and that was all it took. After a moment, even the wolves dropped back to give the vampire room to work.

  The Hunter watched from the sidelines. “He’s a magnificent predator. No wonder Arawn found him fascinating.”

  Nim stiffened beside me at the mention of Arawn’s name. I felt bad for the girl, but I was damn glad he wasn’t with us. I didn’t trust him and Daniel needed every bit of energy he had. With the grace of a carefully choreographed action film, Daniel danced through the men. One by one they fell to his sword. Some tried to get back up but Daniel quickly made sure it would be a while before the immortal warriors rose from the field. Night had fallen and Daniel was at full strength.

  Nim stared at Daniel with wonder in her violet eyes. “I’ve only seen his like once before, and it was long ago.”

  “Did you meet the other vampire king?” I asked, curious as to the job Nim claimed she had before she met Arawn. I had to wonder what kind of occupations had been open to a girl back in the Dark Ages.

  Nim shook her head. “He wasn’t a vampire but he certainly was a king. I’m beginning to think it wasn’t chance that brought us together, Zoey.”

  I frowned. “It wasn’t chance at all. It was that asshole Con.”

  Daniel skewered the final faery and aside from the occasional groan, they were blissfully silent. Daniel looked up from his killing field and caught my eye. “You good, Z?”

  I nodded, but we both turned at the sound coming from Declan.

  “What do you mean?” Declan’s question came out as a scream. He had his hand on his sword hilt.

  Daniel was standing in front of Dev before I could even see him move.

  Dev stepped in front of Daniel. “He’s not going to hurt me, Dan. And you heard what I said, brother.”

  Declan squared off, his shoulders tightening. “You thought the vampire was worth killing our people’s future?”

  Dev was red in the face as he stared at his brother. “He’s my partner. Bris was willing to save his life and I took him up on it. What was I supposed to do? Allow Daniel to die?”

  “Yes,” Declan declared. “You were supposed to think of your people first.”

  “He is my people,” Dev replied as Daniel watched quietly, his mouth a flat line. He was waiting to put Declan on his ass if he laid a hand on Dev. I wasn’t so sure Dev would appreciate Daniel trying to handle his fight, but Dev belonged to Daniel and there was no way Daniel would allow someone to harm him if he could stop it.

  “He’s still with us,” I tried to interject. Bris wasn’t lost.

  Declan snarled down at me. “Oh, I am sure he is, Zoey. He is hanging around in a useless ghost-like form. This is your fault. You cried, I’m sure, and begged my brother to save the vampire. Do you understand what you have done, Zoey? You have taken away our only hope.”

  “Yes, because I certainly couldn’t help anyone on my own,” Dev said bitterly. “I have no power without a god to prop me up.”

  Declan’s face twisted with anger. “Well, brother, as I am the only one of us to have proven his fertility with a living child, perhaps I should take over your duties as well. Don’t try to tell me you got Zoey pregnant because we all know that was Bris. Hope your vampire was worth it, brother.”

  Dev’s jaw locked, and I could see his rage was about to spill over. I took his hand and hoped the contact would help the way it sometimes helped Daniel. He took a deep breath and nodded to his brother. “Understood. I wish you luck in performing my duties. Daniel, there is a door to the Earth plane at the north end of this sithein. We’ll find ourselves in Scotland, but I believe it to be the safest way to get our wife home. Zack, you will wait here until the battle is finished. When it’s safe, please retrieve Sarah, Felix, and Albert. I will have cars awaiting you at the sithein door.”

  “What are you talking about?” Declan stepped in Dev’s way.

  “We’re leaving, asshole,” Daniel announced with a satisfied grin. “You’re on
your own.”

  “As I am no longer needed on this plane, I will retreat to my home with my family,” Dev said, a chill in his voice. “Do not bother me again with your troubles, Declan. I wish you luck.”

  Chima stepped forward, her eyes pleading. “Priest, I don’t care what the Seelie think. I promise you, the Unseelie desperately need you. We have kept your temple in all good preparation in hopes that you would return. Ascended god or not, we need you. As the goblins’ princess, I beg you to reconsider. Our plight is desperate. Don’t allow your brother’s ignorance to cost my kingdom as well.”

  “Dev,” I said, pulling on his hand. “We can’t leave. Your mother is in danger. The duke intends to assassinate her during the battle. You can’t walk away. It would haunt you forever.”

  Dev turned, his skin turning pale. “Daniel…”

  Daniel nodded. “Whatever you need, man.”

  Dev looked to the door. “The battle can only be ended by each side blowing the battle horns. One is not enough.”

  “I’ll find my father,” Chima promised.

  “You will not be going onto a battlefield, wife. You could be killed,” Declan protested. His voice was slightly subdued as though he realized how much his previous actions might cost him.

  Chima sighed and a weary look crossed her face. “Then I suggest that you defend me, Declan. I’m tired of fighting with you already. I am going to offer you a deal. You may take it or leave it. Though I worry a marriage to you will not be happy, I’m willing to accept your claim if it will bring our tribes together.”

  Something like hope lit Declan’s green eyes. He took Chima’s hands in his. “I love you, Chima. I have since we were children. I promise I will try to work with the Unseelie if it means we can be together. I want to know our son.”

  “Yes,” Chima said. “You’ll need him since it appears you’ve lost your brother.”

  Declan’s face turned stubborn. “It is for my son that I wish my brother had not proven to be so selfish. He chose that goddess of his over our people. Perhaps he is not fit to be our priest.”


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