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Calling Mrs Claus

Page 12

by Charlie Conwell

  Ann smiles softly, “I will do better and come stay with you tonight.”

  She can hear Lina’s smile as she answers, “Oh, I like that even better.”

  Ann starts to sway feeling the excitement building in her stomach, “See you later, darling.”

  She finishes the call and goes back to work, designing the window displays and how they will be decorated. She pushes the thought of the dinner out of her mind as much as she can, focusing on her sketches. Olivia knocks on the door and pokes her head around the door sheepishly, “Can I come in?”

  Ann looks up and smiles at her, “Of course, take a seat.”

  Olivia comes in, sits down and pushes an envelope across the desk to Ann. “What is this?”

  “It’s my resignation letter, I hit Celine and caused us to lose the article.”

  Ann smiles and pushes the envelope back to her, “I don’t accept this, the article will still be featured in the magazine. She deserved to be slapped I just wish I was the one to do it.”

  Olivia is confused but grins, “She is still going to do it?”

  “Yes, I am going to go to dinner with her this evening and talk all about the project.”

  Olivia eyes her curiously, “You’re going to dinner with her? Wait…she’s playing you, isn’t she? If you don’t go to dinner with her, she walks away. What a bitch! You can’t let her do that to you.”

  Ann sits back in the chair, “I have this under control, and I have spoken to Lina about it too. She has the same concerns as you do but I have to do this. Once this is done, we can get back to being completely professional, get this project done, and she will be out of my life for good again.”

  Olivia isn’t happy but nods in agreement, “Fine, I just don’t trust her, she’s a snake.”

  “She is, but I have seen this play before, and I can handle it.”

  Olivia gets up, “I will get back to work if you need anything at this dinner you call me right away.”

  Ann laughs, “That won’t be necessary but thank you. Oh, and Olivia?”

  Olivia cocks her head to the side, “Yes?”

  “No more slapping people, especially her.”

  Olivia blushes but looks proud of herself, “I will try not to, but just for the record it felt really good.”

  Ann laughs nodding, “Go back to work.”

  Olivia grins and salutes her before scurrying out of the office.

  Chapter 18

  Ann is pacing and checking her appearance in the mirror, “What am I stressing about? This is a meal to smooth over the slap and get her on side again.” She grimaces, “And I know her, she is not going to like what happened, and will try to play games with me again.” She looks at her reflection determined, “I know you, Celine, you’re not going to upset me or ruin my relationship with Lina.”

  She grabs her keys and her purse and leaves her home. She arrives at the hotel in a few minutes. “Of course, you would stay in the most lavish hotel.” She rolls her eyes and goes to the reception area.

  “Hi, could you call up to room 212 and let her know that Ann is here.”

  The receptionist smiles brightly, “Of course, I’ll just be a moment.”

  Ann looks around the foyer smiling at two kids running around and having fun. “Excuse me, ma’am, I rang the room for you, and she wants you to go on up as she is not ready to leave yet.”

  Ann looks at the receptionist and sighs muttering to herself, “Sure, she’s not ready yet, typical.” She smiles at the receptionist, “Thank you.”

  She goes to the lift steeling herself for another showdown with Celine. The door is ajar when she reaches it. She narrows her eyes knocks and waits. “Come in, Ann, I won’t be too much longer.”

  Ann is reluctant to go in, “I will wait for you downstairs, just come down when you’re ready.”

  “Will you just come in already, damn, Ann.”

  Ann puffs out her cheeks and despite her reservations, she goes into the room. As soon as she turns the corner, she is already regretting her decision. There laying on the bed is a half-naked Celine in her bathrobe with a rose in her mouth.

  “Jesus Christ, Celine, get some clothes on, I don’t want to see that, and I have told you already that I don’t want you.”

  Ann turns her back to Celine “Ann, you need to keep me sweet or I will pull the article, and we know that will be a disaster for you and your relationship. Your boss will not be happy, so you may get over here and enjoy the evening.”

  Ann refuses to face her, “There was a time that you could manipulate me like that but not anymore. I don’t need you, and honestly, you are looking desperate. My boss will understand and if I lose my job over not prostituting myself for the article then so be it. I used to think so highly of you, worshipping the ground you walked on, but that ended five years ago. You broke my heart, you broke me, but I mended, now I am happier than I have ever been. If you want to be professional and have the meal to discuss the article, I will be waiting in the bar downstairs, if not then I guess we will see what happens with the article in a meeting with my boss.”

  She walks out of the room leaving Celine shocked watching her leave. Ann closes the door, leans against it and breathes out a sigh of relief, “Fuck!”

  She sits at the bar and orders a whiskey on the rocks, she contemplates calling Lina but doesn’t have time as she senses someone sit down beside her. She looks at Celine who is smiling at her. She quirks her eyebrow, “What are you smiling about?”

  Celine orders a martini and waits until she gets it before she answers. “I’m smiling because you have changed, it’s a bittersweet thing for me. When we were together, I would say jump and you would say how high. Now, you have this hardass exterior and a feistiness that is driving me wild. I never thought you had it in you. I guess you have me to thank for that too.”

  Ann frowns, “I have nothing to thank you for. I have had good friends that have guided me and helped me get back to being me. Finding Lina has given me a confidence boost. The only thing I am thankful for is not being stuck with you. Why the hell are you drinking? You’re pregnant!”

  Celine grins, “Damn, keep talking, you’re making me hot. It’s just one drink.”

  Ann groans, “Really Celine? Can you just stop, please?”

  Celine rolls her eyes, “Fine, I will try to behave.”

  Ann finishes her drink and Celine leaves her drink behind. They make their way to the nearby restaurant. They are shown to their table by one of the waiters. The silence between them is deafening until Celine can’t take it anymore. “Can we talk, this silence is killing me, I can’t deal with it.”

  Ann smirks, “Sure, what do you want to talk about?”

  Celine tuts, “Okay, I came on a little strong before, but we can be civil and have a nice meal. Tell me about you, you have come a long way in the last five years.”

  “You want to be civil now after what you tried to pull? You’re unbelievable, you’re lucky I’m still here.”

  Celine quirks her eyebrow and shrugs, “Okay, I was out of line, but you can’t blame a girl for trying. Come on I want to hear how you have been.”

  Ann eyes her suspiciously making Celine roll her eyes, “Please?”

  Ann tuts, “Fine.” She starts to catch her up with what she has been doing when the waiter comes back to take their order. Celine is attentive and being true to her word is being the perfect dinner guest.

  Celine runs her finger around the top of her glass, she clears her throat and looks sheepish.

  “Do you remember our first date?”

  Ann cocks her head to the side, “I do remember, you were obnoxious that night too.”

  Celine laughs, “I was trying to impress you, I spent so much money winning that stupid stuffed teddy bear.”

  “You screamed at four children scaring the life out of them and made them cry.”

  “Hey, they were playing against me and we needed more tickets to win. I took them down and taught them a valuable life lesson.

  “What life lesson was that? Don’t stand in front of the mean lady when playing kid's games.”

  “No, I taught them if they want something, they fight for it and not give up crying.”

  Ann laughs, “Oh yes, that’s the way to live life.”

  Celine smirks, “Hey, I won that teddy bear and you were thrilled with it. If memory serves me right, you also showed your appreciation in a different way when we got home. I didn’t hear you complaining about crying kids once.”

  Ann blushes, “Well I’m different now and I wouldn’t want anything that would cause a child to cry. You were mean.”

  “I know we ended badly, but it wasn’t all bad, we had good times too.”

  Their food arrives and they tuck into the delicious meal. They reminisce about the good times they had, and the atmosphere is lighter. “Tell me about Lina.”

  Ann’s eyes light up at the mention of Lina’s name, “She’s wonderful.”

  Celine hears the love in her voice, “You have it bad for her, is it the real deal between the two of you?”

  Ann blushes, nodding, “I hope so, I want to see where it goes, I really like her, yes.”

  “Does she feel the same way about you?”

  “Yes, I think she does.”

  “You think, is there a doubt?”

  Ann cocks her head to the side, “I know she likes me, I feel it when she touches me, kisses me and how she talks to me.”

  Celine smiles, “I’m happy for you. How does it feel to be working with her and falling in love with her?”

  “It’s too early to be using that term.”

  Celine laughs, “It’s never too early, love is a feeling and when it’s there you can’t run from it or deny it. How did you meet her?”

  Ann is quiet for a couple of minutes, “I do really like her, but the word love scares me. I met her through a friend of mine and because of the project. She made the centrepiece for the dinner party I was invited to and it was spectacular. I knew then that she was the one for this project. It didn’t go quite as smooth as I thought it would when I asked her to join the project. She refused and argued with me, she wouldn’t listen to reason, and I left feeling so angry. Her friend and Olivia then set us up to have a meal together, we ironed out our differences and here we are. The display will be magnificent and unique, she has an amazing talent, and I am looking forward to seeing it all come together.”

  “You sound like you have it all worked out, what does she do exactly?”

  “She paints, sculpts, using wood and any other material that she can use. She doesn’t use high power tools, it’s all done by hand. It’s what I love the most and this will be an unbelievable community event when it is completed.”

  Celine frowns, “How so?”

  “All of the toys are going to be given to underprivileged kids, it was one of the stipulations that Lina wanted in the contract.”

  “That’s very charitable of you and her. How does Mr Willems feel about missing out on revenue from the art pieces?”

  “He loves the idea of doing it, he sees himself as the new Santa Claus. He loves Christmas and the fact that the kids will prosper from the project, is the star on his Christmas tree, and the extra fruit in his mince pie.”

  Celine nods, “This article means more than I thought. When I was given this I thought, here we go again another artist that is looking for their fifteen minutes of fame and the big department store looking for an easy way to advertise for Christmas.”

  “Lina is the one that changed us and our view on this project, it’s not all commercial it’s more of the feel-good atmosphere and sharing the Christmas season with everyone. She is an inspiration, she is one of the good ones.”

  “She sounds it, I’m looking forward to interviewing her.”

  Ann laughs, “I don’t think she will be too happy with you especially with the shenanigans you pulled in the hotel room.”

  “You’re going to tell her about that?”

  “Of course, I am. I’m not hiding anything from her.”

  Celine sighs, “Fine, I will apologise to her and then we will get back to being professional. When can I talk to her?”

  Ann shrugs, “I honestly don’t know, she is working hard and once she is in the groove she doesn’t like to stop.”

  “That’s helpful, you could use your magic and set something up for us.”

  Ann takes a sip of her wine, “I suppose I could, leave it with me and I will see what I can do.”

  The waiter clears the plates and takes their order for dessert. Ann pushes back her chair, “I’m going to the bathroom, do not eat my dessert if it comes before I get back.”

  Celine laughs, “As if I would do that.”

  Ann quirks her eyebrow, “You have done that at every meal we ever went for. You would take half of mine and have your own.”

  Celine grins, “Oh, yeah, I forgot that I guess you should hurry back.”

  Ann leaves her and just as she goes through the bathroom door her phone rings. Celine looks at her purse and then to see if Ann was still insight. She takes the phone out smirking as she sees Lina’s name on the screen. She clears her throat, answering the call, “Hello, Ann’s phone.”

  “It’s Lina, where’s Ann?”

  “Oh, hi Lina, she’s in the bathroom and I answered for her. One second, she’s calling me. The towels are just in the cabinet beside the shower.” She grins as she hears the dial tone in her ear. She sets the phone back into the purse and sits innocently in her seat. Ann arrives back just as the waiter brings their dessert.

  The rest of the meal is pleasant and when it comes to paying the cheque Ann is surprised when Celine pays.

  “It’s to make up for my behaviour at the hotel and to say I look forward to writing this article.”

  Ann smiles, “Thank you, I’m happy that we are on the same page again. I’m off-limits and I’m happy with Lina.”

  “I know that, and I respect that. Now that the meal is over do you want to go and get a drink with me?”

  Ann rolls her eyes, “You are never going to change, I am going to go and spend the rest of the evening with my girlfriend.”

  Celine smiles, “I will always have a flirt with a beautiful woman, I can’t help that, it’s in my DNA. Go and have a lovely rest of evening with Lina and send her my regards.”

  Ann gets a taxi to Lina’s house and is smiling brightly when she rings the doorbell. She shuffles from foot to foot waiting for Lina to answer. She frowns and rings the doorbell again. After another minute of waiting, Lina swings open the door, “What are you doing here?”

  Ann is surprised by the tone, “We agreed that I would come to see you after dinner. Are you okay?”

  “Was that before or after you showered with her?”

  The door closes leaving Ann in shock, “What the hell is going on and what shower?”

  She runs over to Sophie's house and bangs on the door. Sophie opens in an instant, “Ann, what’s going on?”

  “I don’t know, I went to see Lina, as we agreed, but she won’t let me in. She’s angry at me and thinks I was with Celine, I mean I was with her for dinner but not with her like sexually. I can’t get her to talk to me and I don’t know what is going on.”

  She bursts into tears and starts to tremble, “I wouldn’t do that to her, I don’t even like Celine, like that, she is my past and caused me so much pain, I wouldn’t go back there.” Sophie pulls her into her arms and leads her inside, “Come on, let’s see if we can get to the bottom of this.”

  Chapter 19

  Ann is sitting in the living room rocking in the chair gripping the glass of whiskey tightly in her hands. She is mumbling to herself, shaking her head. Sophie is on the phone trying to reach Lina. She curses looks over at Ann, “She won’t answer her phone, it just keeps going to voicemail.”

  Ann finishes the drink and stands up, “She has to let me talk to her, I don’t even know what the hell is going on.”

  Sophie pus
hes her back down on the chair, “Let’s just take a few minutes to breathe and try to figure out what is going on. What happened tonight?”

  Ann sniffles and shrugs, “I had to go to dinner with Celine because Olivia slapped her in the store today.”

  Sophie frowns, “Wait, I need you to rewind and tell me everything. Why did Olivia slap Celine and who the hell is this Celine?”

  Ann slumps back in the chair and starts to cry again. Sophie sighs and reaches for the tissue box, “Come on, Ann, talk to me so that I can try and help you.”

  Ann blows her nose and starts the story of how her day went. The more she talks the more Sophie gets angry and starts pacing the living room. Ann finishes and blows her nose again looking at Sophie, “What am I going to do, Sophie?”

  “So, just to get this straight in my mind, Celine is your ex-girlfriend and has shown up to do this article. She then insulted you, Olivia slapped her for her behaviour, and she then manipulated you into going to dinner with her? She then decided to flaunt herself and tries to seduce you in her hotel room, and you still went to dinner with her?”

  Ann puffs out her cheeks and sobs again, “I am so stupid, I should have just left and went to Lina straight away and talked to Mr Willems tomorrow. I don’t know why I stayed.”

  Sophie sits down next to her, “Is there any part of you that wants to be with Celine?”

  “Hell no, she made me miserable, for five years I have done so much to put her in the past where she belongs. I want Lina, being with her has brought the sunshine back into my life. I don’t want anything to do with Celine, she has to do this stupid article and I wish it was someone else, anyone else. She is the biggest bitch that has ever walked on two feet. I just don’t know why Lina thinks I was with her and in the shower of all places.”

  Sophie is satisfied with Ann’s response and is quick to agree with how Ann sees Celine, “She is a piece of work, does she have Lina’s number? Could she have called her?”

  “No, I never gave it to her, Lina didn’t want her to have it. I was to set up the meeting between them.”


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