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Project President

Page 25

by Ben Shapiro

  69. “Peace Is Non-Partisan,” Stevenson-Kefauver Campaign Committee presentation, 1956, http://livingroomcandidate. iew&campaign_id=166.

  70. “Bio (Carter),” 1976, nav_subaction=overview&campaign_id=171.

  71. Edward J. Walsh, “Carter” in Richard Harwood, ed., The Pursuit of the Presidency 1980 (Berkley Books, 1980), 239–240.

  72. Jamieson, supra note 17 at 401.

  73. Richard Harwood, “Labor Day 1980” in Harwood, supra note 71 at 279.

  74. Lou Cannon, “Reagan” in Harwood, supra note 71 at 269.

  75. “About the Reagan Ranch,”Young America’s Foundation,

  76. Ronald Reagan, An American Life (Pocket, 1999), 275–276.

  77. Floyd G. Brown, “At Home on the Reagan Ranch,” National Review Online, 7 June 2004,

  78. Jamieson, supra note 17 at 431.

  79. Lou Cannon, “Reagan” in Harwood, supra note 71 at 255.

  80. Boller, supra note 12 at 366.

  81. “’80 Presidential Debates: As Sponsored by The League of Women Voters Education Fund, Second Debate, Tuesday, 28 October, Official Transcriptional Record” in Harwood, supra note 72 at 384.

  82. Ratcliffe, supra note 62 at 59.

  83. Lou Cannon and William Peterson, “GOP” in Harwood, supra note 71 at 131–132.

  84. David R. Runkel, ed., Campaign for President: The Managers Look at ’88 (Auburn House Publishing Company, 1989), 62.

  85. Ryan J. Barilleaux, Mark J. Rozell, Power and Prudence: The Presidency of George H.W. Bush (Texas A&M Press, 2004), 18.

  86. Runkel, supra note 84 at 205.

  87. Ed. Stephen A. Smith, Preface to the Presidency: Selected Speeches of Bill Clinton, 1974–1992 (University of Arkansas Press, 1996), 214–215.

  88. “The Third Clinton-Bush-Perot Debate Transcript,” Commission on Presidential Debates, 19 October 1992,

  89. Michael Kranish, “Taking High Hopes to Iowa; GOP Front-Runner Bush Works the Crowds, Outlines Broad Agenda,” Boston Globe, 13 June 1999.

  90. Tim Nickens, “The Bush Family // America’s New Dynasty,” St. Petersburg Times, 31 May 1999.

  91. Sam Attlesey, “Texans Rise or Fall on the Range;Whether Prop or Pitfall, Ranch Tours a Political Tradition,” Dallas Morning News, 13 August 2000.

  92. Editorial, “Campaign Notebook; On the Road in Crawford,Texas,” Dallas Morning News, 6 July 2000.

  93. Susan Page, “Each Hopes to Set Himself Apart, Above Gore Aims to Show He’s a Candidate with Vision,” USA Today, 17 May 1999.

  94. Katharine Q. Seelye, “The Unbuttoning of Al Gore: Act 1,” New York Times, 15 June 1999.

  95. Muriel Dobbin, “Pundits, Feminists Criticize Gore for Paying Naomi Wolf for Advice,” Minneapolis Star Tribune, 3 November 1999.

  96. Maureen Dowd, “Campaign Trumps Baseball When It Comes to Hormones,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 26 October 2000.

  97. Mark Steyn, “Kerry Can’t Shoot Deer or Stop Terror,” UK Telegraph, 27 July 2004.

  98. Lois Romano, “Kerry Hunting Trip Sets Sights on Swing Voters,”Washington Post, 21 October 2004.

  99. Jodi Wilgoren, “Kerry on Hunting Photo-Op to Help Image,” New York Times, 22 October 2004.

  100. “Chris Matthews: Bush’s F#&!*n’ Ranch!,”, 7 February 2007, com/archives/ic/2007/2/7/82213.shtml.

  101. Boller, supra note 12 at 68.

  102. Tim Reid, “‘I can’t believe I’m losing to this idiot’: The Democratic Challenger Repeatedly Shot Himself in the Foot,” Times (UK), 5 November 2004, world/article1076657.ece.

  Chapter Two

  1. Paul F. Boller, Presidential Campaigns (Oxford University Press, 1996), 108.

  2. Robert Bendiner, “Charisma? Washington? Madison? Jefferson?” New York Times, 28 August 1984.

  3. William E. Huntzicker, The Popular Press, 1833–1865 (Greenwood Press, 1999), 108.

  4. David Herbert Donald, Lincoln (Simon & Schuster, 1996), 132.

  5. Harold Holzer, Lincoln at Cooper Union: The Speech That Made Abraham Lincoln President (Simon & Schuster, 2004), 113.

  6. Donald, supra note 4 at 427.

  7. Ibid., 237.

  8. Burkhard Bilger, “The Height Gap,” New Yorker, 5 April 2004, fact/content/articles/040405fa_fact?040405fa_fact.

  9. William E. Huntzicker, The Popular Press, 1833-1865 (Greenwood Press, 1999), 108.

  10. Robert W. Johannsen, Stephen A. Douglas (University of Illinois Press, 1997), 4.

  11. Ibid., 446–447.

  12. “[Lincoln & ” (1860) in Bernard F. Reilly, Jr., American Political Prints, 1766-1866: Catalog of the Collection in the Library of Congress, LCPoliticalCartoons/DisplayCartoonMedium.asp?MaxID=44&UniqueID=9&Year=1860&YearMar k=1860.

  13. Johannsen, supra note 10 at 781.

  14. “Stephen Finding ‘His Mother’ ” (1860) in Reilly, supra note 12, LCPoliticalCartoons/DisplayCartoonMedium.asp?MaxID=44&UniqueID=30&Year=1860&Year Mark=1860.

  15. Susan Page, “Election-Predicting Tools Point Both Ways,” USA Today, 24 June 2004.

  16. Steven E. Landsburg, “Short Changed:Why Do Tall People Make More Money?”, 25 March 2002,

  17. “Tall Men ‘Top Husband Stakes,’” BBC News, 14 August 2002, 2190461.stm.

  18. Steven E. Landsburg, “Short Changed:Why Do Tall People Make More Money?”, 25 March 2002,

  19. Bob Dole, Great Presidential Wit . . . I Wish I Was in the Book: A Collection of Humorous Anecdotes and Quotations (New York: Scribner, 2001), 142.

  20. Eric Burns, Infamous Scribblers (PublicAffairs, 2006), 289.

  21. Susan Ratcliffe, ed., People on People: The Oxford Dictionary of Biographical Quotations (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001), 355.

  22. Marvin Kitman, The Making of the Prefident 1789 (Grove Press, 1989), 245.

  23. Bilger, supra note 8.

  24. Libby Copeland, “Buffing Up the Image of George Washington,” Washington Post, 30 August 2005.

  25. Dole, supra note 19 at 138.

  26. Richard Brookheiser, “What Today’s Students Should Know About George Washington,” Social Studies, Vol. 88, 1997.

  27. Boller, supra note 1 at 4.

  28. David McCullough, John Adams (Simon & Schuster, 2001), 18.

  29. R. B. Bernstein, Thomas Jefferson (Oxford University Press, 2003), 50.

  30. “Physical Descriptions of Thomas Jefferson,”, people/descriptions.html.

  31. Noble E. Cunningham, Jr., “Election of 1800” in Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., ed.,History of American Presidential Elections 1789-1968: Volume I (Chelsea House Publishers, 1971), 124.

  32. Evan Cornog, The Birth of Empire: DeWitt Clinton and the American Experience, 1769-1828, 6.

  33. Ralph Ketcham, James Madison: A Biography (University of Virginia Press, 1990), 89.

  34. Robert Bendiner, “Charisma? Washington? Madison? Jefferson?” New York Times, 28 August 1984.

  35. Robert Allen Rutland, The Presidency of James Madison (University Press of Kansas, 1990), 21.

  36. “James Madison,”,

  37. Dole, supra note 19 at 202.

  38. Norman K. Risjord, “Election of 1812” in Schlesinger, supra note 31 at 253.

  39. Mary W. M. Hargreaves, The Presidency of John Quincy Adams (University Press of Kansas, 1985), 22.

  40. Dole, supra note 19 at 198.

  41. Robert V. Remini, The Life of Andrew Jackson (Harper Pe
rennial Modern Classics, 2001), 140.

  42. Andrew Burstein, The Passions of Andrew Jackson (Knopf, 2003), 134.

  43. “A Foot-Race” (1824) in Bernard F. Reilly, Jr., American Political Prints, 1766-1866: Catalog of the Collection in the Library of Congress, MaxID=25&UniqueID=4&Year=1824&YearMark=182.

  44. Stephen W. Sears, George McClellan: The Young Napoleon (Da Capo Press, 1999), 45.

  45. Ibid., 71.

  46. Ibid., 95.

  47. John C.Waugh, Re-Electing Lincoln: The Battle for the 1864 Presidency (Crown Publishers, Inc.), 28.

  48. Dole, supra note 19 at 35.

  49. Sears, supra note 44 at 334.

  50. Donald, supra note 4 at 330.

  51. Waugh, supra note 47, at 11.

  52. Ibid., 13.

  53. Ibid., 273.

  54. Ibid., 301–302.

  55. “A Little Game of Bagatelle, Between Old Abe the Rail Splitter & Little Mac the Gunboat General” (1864) in Reilly, supra note 12, DisplayCartoonMedium.asp?MaxID=44&UniqueID=3&Year=1864&YearMark=1864.

  56. “This Reminds Me of a Little Joke,” Harper’s Weekly, 14 September 1864, http://elections.harp-week. com/1864/cartoon-1864-Medium.asp?UniqueID=32&Year=1864.

  57. “The Two Platforms: Columbia Makes Her Choice,” Frank Leslie’s Budget of Fun, 1 December 1864,

  58. Frank Bellew, “Long Abraham Lincoln a Little Longer,” Harper’s Weekly, 26 November 1864,

  59. Anita Manning, “Study Raises Doubts about FDR’s Polio,” USA Today, 30 October 2003.

  60. Fred I. Greenstein, The Presidential Difference: Leadership Style from Roosevelt to Clinton (Free Press, 2000), 15.

  61. Jonathan Alter, The Defining Moment: FDR’s Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope (Simon & Schuster, 2006), 52.

  62. Ibid.

  63. Ibid., 256.

  64. Ibid., 58.

  65. Ibid., 87.

  66. Steven Neal, Happy Days Are Here Again: The 1932 Democratic Convention, the Emergence of FDR—And How America Was Changed Forever (William Morrow, 2004), 78.

  67. Alter, supra note 63 at 58.

  68. Ibid., 85.

  69. Ibid., 84–85.

  70. Neal, supra note 66 at 295–296.

  71. Herbert Hoover, “My Personal Relations with Mr. Roosevelt,” 26 September 1958 in Timothy Walsh and Dwight M. Miller, eds., Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Documentary History (Greenwood Press, 1998), 210.

  72. Boller, supra note 1 at 262.

  73. David McCullough, Truman (Simon and Schuster, 1993), 331.

  74. Boller, supra note 1 at 266.

  75. Carol Felsenthal, Princess Alice: The Life and Times of Alice Roosevelt Longworth (St. Martin’s Griffin, 2003), 219.

  76. Mark Leibovich, “The True Measure of a Man,” Washington Post, 14 March 2002.

  77. Felsenthal, supra note 75.

  78. Leon Friedman, “Election of 1944” in Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., ed., History of American Presidential Elections 1789-1968: Volume IV (Chelsea House Publishers, 1971), 3021.

  79. “Crucial Week,” Time, 2 October 1944,,9171, 933080-2,00.html.

  80. McCullough, supra note 73 at 326.

  81. Ibid., 379.

  82. Ibid., 712.

  83. Ibid., 668.

  84. Pete Hamill, A Drinking Life: A Memoir (Back Bay Books, 1995), 107.

  85. Ibid., 108.

  86. Boller, supra note 1 at 353.

  87. John Robert Greene, The Presidency of Gerald R. Ford (University Press of Kansas, 1995), 62.

  88. Ibid.

  89. Yanik Mieczkowski, Gerald Ford and the Challenges of the 1970s , 49.

  90. Greene, supra note 87.

  91. Mieczkowski, supra note 89.

  92. Ibid., 53.

  93. Sally Quinn, “Nancy Reagan on the Road to the Realm,” Washington Post, 1 May 1980.

  94. Haynes Johnson, “Reagan Finds Himself Racing Clock,” Washington Post, 4 February 1980.

  95. Edward J.Walsh, “Carter” in Richard Harwood, ed., The Pursuit of the Presidency 1980 (New York: Berkley Books, 1980), 233.

  96. William French, “Height: The Long and Short of It THE HEIGHT OF YOUR LIFE,” Globe and Mail (Canada), 10 July 1980.

  97. Garrett Epps, “How Carter Won (On November 4, 1980),” Washington Post, 4 November 1979.

  98. PR Newswire, 6 November 1980.

  99. Times Staff Writers, “Convention Notebook,” Los Angeles Times, 19 July 1988.

  100. “The Next President: David Frost Interviews Governor Dukakis,” Federal News Service, 6 November 1988.

  101. Barry Stavro, “Take the Presidency . . . Please,” Los Angeles Times, 16 July 1988.

  102. Jay Mathews, “Other Views: Here’s the Long and Short of a Giant Issue,” Los Angeles Times, 8 August 1988.

  103. William Safire, “Remember the Forgotten Question,” Chicago Tribune, 9 September 1988.

  104. Maureen Dowd, “Campaign Trail,” New York Times, 22 September 1988.

  105. Maureen Dowd, “The Presidential Debate,” New York Times, 26 September 1988.

  106. Walter Shapiro, “Bush Scores A Warm Win,” Time, 24 October 1988.

  107. Lee May, “At Voter Rallies, Confident Reagan Refers to Bush as ‘Next President,’” Los Angeles Times, 5 November 1988.

  108. Colin MacKenzie, “No Biz, Just Show Biz as Democrats Gather,” Globe and Mail (Canada), 18 July 1988.

  109. Bud Newman, “GOP Dishes Out Zingers as Good as the Democrats,” United Press International, 20 August 1988.

  110. James Gerstenzang, “Bush Warns That ‘Cold War Is Not Over,’” Los Angeles Times, 30 June 1988.

  111. “Republican Ticket of Bush and Quayle Nominated,” Facts on File World News Digest, 19 August 1988.

  112. Marilyn Goldstein, “A Short Story About Tall Tales,” Newsday 31 October 1988.

  113. David R. Runkel, ed., Campaign for President: The Managers Look at ’88 (Auburn House Publishing Company, 1989), 62.

  114. Clarence Page, “Poor George Can’t Seem to Stand Tall Even Though He Is,” Chicago Tribune, 3 February 1988.

  115. Maureen Dowd, “Transition Watch,” New York Times, 4 December 1988.

  116. Rick Horowitz, “Staying on Top Is a Tall Order,” Cleveland Plain Dealer, 21 November 1999.

  117. “Offbeat,” Sunday Telegraph (UK), 3 October 2004.

  118. Tom Shales, “From Telegenic to Telegeneric,” Washington Post, 1 November 2004.

  119. Samuel 9:1–2 (JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh).

  120. Samuel 10:22–24 (JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh).

  121. William Manchester, The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill, Visions of Glory (Little, Brown and Company, 1983), 755.

  Chapter Three

  1. Marvin Kitman, The Making of the Prefident 1789 (Grove Press, 1989), 15.

  2. Ibid., 20.

  3. Ibid.

  4. James Thomas Flexner, Washington: The Indispensable Man (Back Bay Books, 1994), 17.

  5. Kitman, supra note 1 at 62.

  6. Flexner, supra note 4 at 24–27.

  7. Kitman, supra note 1 at 16.

  8. Joseph Ellis, His Excellency: George Washington (Random House Large Print, 2004), 119. His Excellency:

  9. Kitman, supra note 1 at 96.

  10. Ibid., 168.

  11. Marcus Cunliffe, “Elections of 1789 and 1792” in Ed. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.,History of American Presidential Elections 1789-1968: Volume I (Chelsea House Publishers, 1971), 8–9.

  12. Susan Ratcliffe, ed., People on People: The Oxford Dictionary of Biographical Quotations (Oxford University Press, 2001), 355.

  13. Michael Moore, “Recruit the Chickenhawks,”, books-films/dudewheresmyc

  14. “Some Account of Some of the Bloody Deeds of General Jackson” (1828) in Bernard F. Reilly, Jr., American Political Prints, 1766-1866: Catalog of the Collection in the Library of Congress, =21&Year=1828&YearMark=182.

  15. Robert V. Remini, The Battle of New Orleans: Andrew Jackson’s and America’s First Military Victory (Penguin, 2001), 1–2.

  16. Robert V. Remini, The Life of Andrew Jackson (Perennial Classics, 2001), 3.

  17. Ibid.

  18. Ibid., 4.

  19. James F. Hopkins, “Election of 1824” in Schlesinger, supra note 11 at 362.

  20. Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Packaging the Presidency: A History and Criticism of Presidential Campaign Advertising (Oxford University Press, 1996), 6.

  21. Paul F. Boller, Presidential Campaigns (Oxford University Press, 1996), 45.

  22. Ibid., 47.

  23. Edwin David Sanborn, Daniel Webster, and Fletcher Webster, The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster (Little, Brown, 1857), 371.

  24. Ratcliffe, supra note 12 at 187.

  25. Bob Dole, Great Presidential Wit . . . I Wish I Was in the Book: A Collection of Humorous Anecdotes and Quotations (Scribner, 2001), 192.

  26. Florence Weston, The Presidential Election of 1828 (The Ruddick Press, 1938), 145.

  27. Lyndon B. Johnson, “Remarks at the War Memorial Building in Nashville,” 9 October, 1964 as quoted at The American Presidency Project,

  28. John Sugden, Tecumseh: A Life (Owl Books, 1999), 232–236.

  29. Robert Gray Gunderson, The Log-Cabin Campaign (University of Kentucky Press, 1957), 112.

  30. Ibid., 124.

  31. Ibid., 128.

  32. Ibid., 142.

  33. Ibid., 101.

  34. Ibid., 221.

  35. Ibid.

  36. Ibid., 222.

  37. Holman Hamilton, “Election of 1848” in Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., ed., History of American Presidential Elections 1789-1968: Volume II (Chelsea House Publishers, 1971), 865–866.

  38. Dole, supra note 25 at 209.

  39. K. Jack Bauer, Zachary Taylor: Soldier, Planter, Statesman of the Old Southwest (Louisiana State University Press, 1993), 214.

  40. Hamilton, supra note 37 at 867.

  41. Dole, supra note 25 at 210.

  42. Hamilton, supra note 37 at 889.


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