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Ties That Bind (The Escort, #3)

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by Kristen Strassel

  “My intern? Well, associate producer?” She’d been my favorite person on the team, because she put her all into every project. Jagger nodded. “Because she’s working on Great Start Today. In New York. I don’t think she’s looking for a part-time job. Plus, think about the commute.”

  Shadows fell on Jagger’s face, but there was no hiding his amusement. “She hates it there without you.”

  Which made me love her even more. So many interns went through the motions, and it was hard to find someone that I connected with. Shannon and I weren’t just coworkers—she understood what I was trying to accomplish. “True.” I sighed. “I’m not sure if I’m ready to take on a full-time employee yet. I haven’t signed a lease, and I’m not sure how people will react to me, if the scandal is still fresh in their minds. Asking her to uproot her whole life when everything is so uncertain...”

  Jagger finished my thought with a kiss. “It doesn’t have to be tomorrow. Call her. See what she thinks. You might be surprised. You don’t realize how you draw people in.”

  “I believe it’s called raw, natural talent.” I rolled my eyes and laughed. “I’ll talk to her, even if it’s just to share my crazy pipe dream. The three of us together, we could create something extraordinary.”

  Chapter Four


  “How do I look?” Leah spun around, the bottom of her red halter dress flaring out.

  Fucking amazing, but I couldn’t say it, I was too busy drinking it all in. The knot at the back of her neck held everything together, the ends of the ties floated down her bare back. Her skin had already been kissed by the sun. More than a hint of cleavage showed. She gathered the fabric of the skirt and swung it around. Her bare legs ended in leopard print heels.

  She waved her hand in front of my face. “Did you hear a word I said?”


  “I’ll take that as a good thing.” Leah laughed, her bright red lips curling up in a smile. “With this heat, I had to get over my no sleeveless rule real quick, so this is a little out of my comfort zone.”

  “Are you kidding me? You look like Marilyn Monroe.” As much as I loved Leah messed up, I was afraid to touch her and ruin something. Because it wouldn’t stop with just a touch. “People will think you’re the exhibit.”

  She spun around again, glowing from the Marilyn comparison. “You won’t let them buy me, will you?” She gasped, and stopped. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  I shook my head. “It takes a lot more than that to upset me.”

  “I’ll make sure they know you’re off the market.” She grabbed my jacket lapels and leaned into me. Her lips hovered over mine so I could feel her breath. She pulled away without contact, smoothing my jacket. “But not by getting lipstick all over you.”

  “I can’t kiss you while you’re wearing that lipstick?”

  She shook her head.

  “That’s bullshit.” I reached for her, but she slipped away from my grasp.

  “No, it’s not. It’s all you’ll be able to think about. And when we get home.” She stepped closer, taking my still outstretched hand and lacing her fingers between mine. Electricity jolted through my body. My mouth watered thinking about kissing her. “I’m going to make sure I get it everywhere.”

  A quick wiggle of her eyebrows and she let go, leaving me only with the ache of that promise. My cock twitched, and if it wasn’t First Friday, I would’ve said fuck it and begged her to smear her lipstick all over my body.

  So much was on the line tonight, I welcomed the distraction, thinking of what Leah planned to do with her mouth. A big sale fell through two weeks ago, and that had been my only bite for the month. The gallery got good foot traffic, but people treated it like a museum, admiring the installations in the moment, but didn’t consider taking them home. I was off to a rough start. I hadn’t done exhibitions at other galleries before I opened my own, and no one in the community knew who the fuck I was. It was one of the reasons I started having these First Friday parties. The neighborhood sponsored a monthly art stroll, but the parties were an invite-only event. A couple of the other gallery owners in the area had shared their contacts with me, and were helping me get footing in the scene. I loved that. With escorting, it was every man for himself. But the gallery owners welcomed me in, and knowing more options made the community stronger.

  “This is so cool.” Leah stood in the storefront window, watching the crowds pass by. Our door was open to everyone until the walk officially ended. “If they had anything like this in DC, I never heard about it.”

  I was about to answer her when a couple came in. Leah approached them immediately, chatting with them about the walk. I planned to take over for her, but I loved watching her in action. She had all the first-time enthusiasm, and it was contagious. She led them over to my display.

  “Hey, Jagger, where did you take these?” She gestured for me to come over, and turned back to her new friends. “This is the photographer, Jagger Holiday. He can give you all the inside secrets.”

  The rush of someone digging my work never went away.

  “Key West.” I’d tried branch out. Some of the gallery owners suggested my work was too dark for the casual shopper, and I attempted to shoot more commercial stuff. It felt like a big, ugly lie, but I was able to edit it to make it fit my style.

  “Amazing.” Leah bought it. She winked at me. “If it looks like that, I can’t wait for you to take me there.”

  The customers had a couple of questions about how I’d taken the shots. I’d focused on the colors mixed with the sand, and shot from different perspectives, like I would with my abandoned property work. I looked for clues, the thing that made the place special before the crowds took over.

  They bought the four photos I’d grouped together, saying that it was the perfect souvenir from their trip. They’d been looking for something unusual, and with these pictures hung above their couch, they could always feel like they were on vacation.

  I almost kissed Leah when they left, but that torturous no kissing rule was still in effect. “How the hell did you do that?”

  She shrugged. “I worked in retail for way too many years. Take an interest in your customers, they’ll tell you everything you need to know to make the sale. I didn’t do anything. You took the pictures. And the way you describe things, that’s what seals the deal. People eat it up when they’re able to talk to the artist who created whatever it is that they love. It makes it that much more special.”

  “Sounds like escorting.” I should be doing way better at sales than I was. I loved to create and talk about the process, but I didn’t know how to make people buy. That sale would keep my head above water for another month.

  Leah frowned, but took it back almost immediately. “Think of it like that. You’re selling you, just a different part than you used to.”

  As night fell, the invited patrons began to arrive. Leah insisted she stand at the door and greet everyone. I had one employee, Claudia, a college student who was willing to work for way too little. It was more than I could afford, but I let her display her work and she considered it a fair trade. She was busy with the food and the sangria.

  The usual suspects showed up, other gallery owners, and some older ladies we referred to as art groupies. They were great for my ego but they had yet to put their money where their mouths were. Zach looked predatory when he saw Leah at the door.

  She was as red as her dress, but she forced a smile. I couldn’t hear what they were saying to each other over the DJ and the chatter in the room. Fuck. I’d been so excited about that sale I forgot to warn her Zach was coming. The first time they met, they almost came to blows.

  “You okay?” I asked her, ignoring Zach’s grin, and my former client on his arm.

  “He said you’ve fucked that lady that he’s with, and that he insists she thinks it’ll happen again tonight,” she fumed. “I know he’s trying to get a rise out of me, and I’m not gonna lie. It’s working.”

Wynwood Art Association wasn’t the only client list I’d tapped into.

  “Let me grab Claudia for the door and I’ll explain.”

  “Please do.” Leah’s gaze slid back to Zach, her eyes narrowed in challenge. She smiled for a newcomer, but I knew the expression would return when I told her that she’d welcomed some more of my former clients.

  I got her to the backroom before Zach had a chance to make things worse.

  “Zach’s started his own escort business. Let me finish.” I held up my hand when Leah rose off the stool. “He’s actually doing awesome. I never thought he’d be able to get his shit together to pull it off.”

  Leah licked her lips. She kept drawing attention to them. “Okay.”

  “He forwards every request he gets for me. There are a lot of them. Too many to ignore.” This sounded fucking awful. “I’m not escorting. Not even thinking about it. I’m here now, with you. But these women have money to burn. And they like pretty things.”

  “They think they’re going to have sex with you.” Leah turned away from me, and her face fell into shadow.

  “Let them think that. And let them buy art thinking it gives them a better chance.” Leah gasped. Shit. “Listen, the gallery is struggling. That sale you just made was the first in a month. If it hadn’t happened, I wasn’t sure how I was going to pay the rent. I’m not good at making my art commercial. I don’t have that talent like you do.”

  She sighed. “I’ve been watching you all night. You have no problem talking about your art, but you’re afraid to sell it. You can’t be. Let them believe in it like you do. I’ve watched you do it a thousand times. It was the first thing that made me think of you as more than . . . Anyway, you did it at the Second Chances interview and you did it a couple hours ago with those tourists.”

  “I can talk about it, but I don’t know how to close the deal.” It was good to talk about this. Leah could sell anything, and I had the opportunity to learn from the best.

  “That’s exactly it. You don’t sell it. Tell them about what they’re looking at with the same enthusiasm that you’d tell me. It will sell itself.”

  “I never thought of it that way.” I put my hand on top of hers. “That no kissing thing still in effect?”

  “I’m reconsidering it, since I’m not the only one here who’s seen you naked. But yes, no kissing until we get home.” She slid off the stool, her body rubbing against mine. “No kissing anyone until we get home.”

  “Not even a consideration.” It was my own fucking fault I still had to prove it to her.

  “I’m going to make sure everyone knows you’re off-limits.”

  We rejoined the party, and I bit the bullet, bringing Leah over to one of my old regulars.

  “This is Claire.” I squeezed Leah’s hand. “We used to work together.”

  Leah slipped away from my grip and put her arm around me. Her fingerprints would be tattooed above my hip for days. I knew the difference between a genuine Leah smile and this one that she reserved for when she was performing. She extended a hand to Claire. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Claire squinted, considering both of us. “Weren’t you on Great Start Today?”

  “I was.” Leah lit up and loosened her grip. “I’m about to open a design office in Miami, right next door to the gallery, actually.”

  Now it was Claire’s turn to light up. “Are you taking on new clients, or are you busy with your celebrity clientele?”

  “It depends on what you want and when. I’ll check my schedule, but I’m sure we can make it happen.” Leah was good. She didn’t have one client on the books. But she’d created demand, which was just as important as the product Claire had asked for.

  “My living room. It needs you. I’ll take you whenever I can get you.” Claire laughed.

  “I’ll leave you two to discuss the details. She’s the best,” I said to Claire and then whispered to Leah. “She needs you. Bad.”

  Leah watched me walk away before negotiating the deal. Joining Zach—and another of my former clients—didn’t put her mind at ease.

  “Jagger!” Marianne wrapped her arms around me, frowning when I tensed up. “I missed you so much.”

  She’d been one of my most frequent clients, and I’d lost my tolerance for her baby talk.

  “Good to see you.” It wasn’t a total lie. Marianne had been dependable and safe. “How’s Harry?”

  Her elderly husband liked to watch me fuck his wife. He was confined to a wheelchair and could no longer do the job himself. I would’ve loved to spend some time talking to him, a Korean War veteran, but Marianne made sure she was the center of attention.

  “He passed away. About six months ago.” Her eyes teared up and she put her hand over her mouth.

  Shit. “I’m sorry to hear that. He was a great guy.”

  “He really liked you, Jagger. He knew I was safe with you.” She managed a smile, and she chuckled, probably remembering something about her husband. “Sometimes he was the one who made the appointment.”

  “I always said I’d love to grab a beer with him, and listen to his stories,” I said. Leah glared at us over Claire’s shoulder. I winked at her, but she didn’t relent until she turned back to Claire and smiled.

  Marianne didn’t miss the exchange. “She’s the one who was on TV, isn’t she? She looks different in person.”

  “Yeah, that’s her.” I looked back to Leah, who wasn’t paying any attention to us at the moment.

  “It’s good to see you happy.” Marianne kissed my cheek. “Now excuse me while I go look at some art.”

  Zach leaned against the bar, grinning at me, when she left. “Knock it off,” I said.

  He startled, and put his hand on his chest. “What are you talking about?”

  “Whatever the fuck you said to Leah at the door. It’s not a competition.”

  “You’re too smart for me now, Jag. I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” Zach grimaced at something behind me. “Speak of the devil.”

  Leah wrapped her arms around my waist. “Thanks for the introduction.”

  Still no kiss. “You’re done already?”

  “Yeah. We exchanged phone numbers and she wants me to put together a proposal.”

  Zach scoffed. “So you won’t go back into escorting, but you’ll pimp out Miss America? Claire likes it any way she can get it.”

  Leah bristled. “It’s been a while since I’ve told you to fuck yourself, Zach.”

  “I don’t have to. This room is full of women willing to pay top dollar for my cock. And they want what you have. You should’ve come over earlier. You could’ve met Marianne. Do you know how many times Jag’s fucked her? Go ahead, lie to yourself. Nobody’s here for the art. But they’re willing to spend the money to get what they came for.”

  I wouldn’t admit how much that stung.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Leah asked. I held in my laugh. “I don’t know why you’re so determined to ruin Jagger. He doesn’t want you here—“

  “He invited me.”

  She shook her head. “He doesn’t want to be an escort anymore. If you were his friend, you’d support him.”

  “And if you were his girlfriend, or whatever, you’d face facts. Only two people in the room have done business tonight. You, and me. Quit looking down your nose at me, Miss America. We have more in common than you’ll ever admit.”

  Leah’s heels clicked on the concrete floor as she stormed away from us. Zach looked so satisfied. “Her tits look amazing in that dress, Jag.”

  I wanted to throttle him, but there were too many witnesses. “What the fuck is the matter with you? Leah isn’t going anywhere.”

  “Neither am I.” Zach smirked. “You need me.”

  “Like hell I do.”

  “You asked me to bring your old clients here. If you were serious about leaving the business, you’d let go. I know you’re struggling. But you have to stop denying who you are. You can’t win on a lie.”
  The last thing I needed tonight was to clean up Zach’s mess. “I need to find Leah.”

  He was still talking, but I let the music swallow his bullshit as I walked away. I couldn’t miss that red dress anywhere, but she was nowhere to be found.

  I didn’t need Zach. But he was hell-bent on making me think so. It wasn’t going to fucking work.

  I found Claudia first. “Can you watch the floor? Come get me if anyone wants to buy.”

  Leah’s curls were wild in shadow against the wall. I couldn’t see her face at this angle, only her hands twisting in her lap, and the tie that fluttered down her back. It would be an amazing picture, but not tonight.

  Which pissed me off even more. I was holding back, and she’d be able to tell.

  I put my hand on top of hers. She looked up at me but didn’t say anything. No smile, either.

  “Who was she?” Leah didn’t look at me.


  She nodded.

  “Exactly who Zach said she was. One of my best clients. She used to hire me to fuck her while her husband watched. I’m not hiding anything from you. Sometimes plans backfire,” I said quietly. “I told Zach to bring some of his clients by because I wanted their money. For art. Nothing more. And I thought it would shut him up.”

  Leah chuckled. “I can see the appeal in that.” She turned toward me, and in the low light she could no longer hide the tear stains on her face. “I don’t think it’s good for you to keep a foot in both worlds.”

  “Zach said the exact opposite.”

  “Big surprise there. I’m not telling you to walk away from your friend. There’s got to be something good in him, or you wouldn’t keep him around. Once you show him you don’t need him, I think he’ll stop acting like this. You can do this, Jagger, I believe in you.”

  And she was the only one who ever had. “I know you do.”

  “It’s supposed to be hard at first. I’m in the same boat. If Claire doesn’t commit to hiring me, I’m crazy to sign that lease. Volatility is normal, especially when your business is art. People think you’re dying to do it for free because it’s fun. Drives me nuts. They’d never ask their accountant to do their taxes for free.” Leah rolled her eyes.


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