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His Forever (She's Mine Book 3)

Page 8

by Stella Noir

  “But how? How do I forget about all of that? Especially when I want to do some of those same things to Brooklyn?”

  “So she’s not as submissive as she seems? She doesn’t like all that stuff?”

  “No, the opposite actually. She says she wants me to do those sorts of things to her.”

  “Well, do you think she’s lying to you?”


  “Then I would take her word on it. I think you got it into your head somehow that you have to do things a certain way. There’s no one way to do anything. If you’re not hurting anyone I don’t see what the problem is.”

  “Yeah, that’s pretty much what Brooklyn says.”

  “Well, I’d listen to her, then. You’re one of the good guys, Adrian. You always have been, no matter what you believe about yourself.”

  “Thanks. I guess I just have a hard time seeing it.”

  “Maybe you’re looking in the wrong direction. Anyway, who the hell am I to decide who’s good,” Lucas said with a big grin.

  “You have a point there.”


  A drian and I had just finished breakfast when his phone rang. I watched him as he got up from the table and walked into the hallway just outside the dining room to answer the phone.

  A part of me was starting to grow concerned about him, and I wished that we both hadn’t come back here. It wasn’t that I was afraid of this villa anymore. After everything I had been through, coming back to this place wasn’t as bad as I had imagined it would be.

  The fear I’d had while I was here continued because all I had were the memories of my time in the training grounds with Lucas and the way their father treated me. The way he threatened Adrian with a gun. I will never be able to wipe that image out of my mind. But that was what his father had done, and his father was dead. After the beautiful drive through the property surrounding this villa and then meeting Adrian’s mother yesterday, this place seemed lovely to me now.

  The thing that was worrying me was Adrian. As soon as we got here he seemed distant and preoccupied. I completely understood that he was concerned about his mother and I wanted to give him as much support as I could. But I couldn’t help but notice that he didn’t seem as interested in me since we’d arrived. We hadn’t made love since we left the hotel in Russia, and as much as I knew that he loved me and he wanted me, it felt like there was something wrong.

  As I watched him enter the dining room again I wondered to myself if it was this place. Or maybe it was just the stress of seeing his mother so sick. I just hoped it wasn’t me.

  “That was Lucas. My mother passed away last night.”

  “Oh no!” I stood up and went to Adrian, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him close to me. “I’m so sorry, Adrian.”

  “I’m so glad I made it back to see her before she died. I would’ve never been able to forgive myself if I hadn’t.”

  “I’m glad too, Adrian.” I really was glad that Adrian got to see his mother before she died. And even though I was still worried about him—about us—I couldn’t bother him with my fears now. Besides, I knew I was being ridiculous, even though I was having a hard time shaking this bad feeling.

  “When do we meet with your father’s lawyer?”

  “In about half an hour. We should probably head over there now. Lucas said he’s going to meet us over there.”

  “How are you doing?” I asked, my arms still around his neck. “I know this must be so hard for you. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do. Any way I can help.”

  Adrian looked down into my eyes and I could see tears start to well up. “Just be with me. You’re all I need right now.” He bent down and kissed me and I knew then that I just had to give him time. He needed time after his mother and father both died. Regardless of how he felt about him, I knew his father’s death was hard on Adrian as well. Not to mention being back in this house. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for him now, and helping him through all of this was the very least I could do.

  “Hello Adrian, it’s good to see you again,” an older man in a suit said as he held out his hand to Adrian.

  The room we stood in was exactly how I had imagined Fredrick Bellini’s office would look. Polished hardwood walls with ornate molding around the floor and ceiling, incredibly ornate carved door frames with antique brass doorknobs, and floor-to-ceiling bookshelves that were filled with leather-bound books. Everything in the room was dark and elegant, and even with the drapes pulled on the large picture windows, the room had a somber feel to it.

  “It’s good to see you too again, Gavin. This is Brooklyn Pierce …”

  “Yes, your mother told me all about her. It’s very nice to meet you, Brooklyn,” he said, extending his hand to me across a large, mahogany desk. “Why don’t the two of you go ahead and have a seat and we’ll get started as soon as your brother gets here.”

  As I looked around the room, taking in the ornate details that surrounded me, I couldn’t help but feel that I didn’t belong there. The room was actually not all that different from my own father’s study back in New York, but there was something about the feel of this room that had been occupied by Fredrick Bellini. I didn’t feel comfortable or welcome, which was ridiculous when I actually thought about it. Now that both of their parents were dead the entire villa belonged to Adrian and Lucas.

  “Gavin,” Lucas said as he approached the desk, then sat down in the third chair that had been placed in front of the desk.

  “I guess we can get right down to business since it’s just going to be the three of you. I was informed about your mother passing away last night. I was really only coming here today as a formality so that your mother could speak with me about her own will after we went over Fredrick’s. But now that won’t be happening. We’ll just move right to what was included in your father’s will.

  “But first, I want to offer my sincere condolences to both of you. Caroline was an extraordinary woman and she will be missed. If there’s anything I can do for either of you, help with any arrangements or anything at all, please let me know.”

  “Thank you, Gavin,” Adrian said. “The funeral for both of them will be at the cemetery where our family mausoleum is located. I’m not sure where the reception will be though. I’ll have to discuss that with my brother.”

  “Why don’t you have it here? The garden in front of your parents’ house is so lovely. I think that would make a wonderful place to celebrate her life … or both of their lives,” I said, hoping I wasn’t speaking out of turn and feeling a bit callous for leaving their father out. Even though I couldn’t have cared less about celebrating his life or anything having to do with him.

  Lucas looked at Adrian and shrugged. “Well, now that Dad isn’t around to patrol who comes and goes, that’s not a bad idea at all.”

  “That is a great idea. I think she would definitely approve,” Adrian said with a warm smile, taking my hand in his.

  “Very well, then. Let’s get on with the reading of your father’s will. After speaking with your mother and confirming what she told me with a paternity test, Brooklyn Pierce has been named as one of the beneficiaries to the Bellini estate. According to what I have in front of me, the three beneficiaries included Caroline Bellini, Lucas Bellini, and Brooklyn Pierce.

  “Adrian, your father explicitly prevented you from receiving any money from the Bellini estate in his will. It’s my understanding that your mother wanted to include you in her own will, but unfortunately she didn’t do so before she passed.”

  “Yes, I’m aware that he took me out of his will. I don’t know that I would have wanted any part of the estate even if my mother had put me into hers. But yes, I understand.”

  “Fine. Now that Caroline is no longer with us, the Bellini estate will be divided equally between Lucas Bellini and Brooklyn Pierce. There are a number of accounts that will need to be settled before a final number can be reached, but this figure is based on a rough estimate of all accounts an
d debts that are outstanding, as well as the real estate holdings and incidentals, such as the cars, yachts, airplanes, etcetera.

  “The total, to the best of your accountant’s knowledge, comes to 550 billion dollars. There are number of businesses listed under the umbrella of the Bellini name whose fate will have to be decided between the two of you, as well as whether any of the outstanding debts will be pursued.

  “I realize that this is a lot of information to take in, and a lot to think about. Your father’s estate is very large. It’s surprising to me that he was able to maintain this level of business on his own with so few employees. From what I understand, you are very familiar with the business end, Adrian. If your brother and your wife would like to consult with you for advice on any decisions regarding the business or any of the holdings, that shouldn’t be a problem as far as your father’s wishes are concerned.”

  “I’d want Adrian’s advice whether it conflicted with his wishes or not. I’m officially giving you the title of Bellini estate advisor, Adrian. There’s no way I’m dealing with this without you.”

  “But I haven’t had anything to do with any of it for over a year.”

  “Yeah, but you know a hell of a lot more about it than, well, than anyone.”

  As the three of them continued talking I tried to stay focused on the conversation, but I was having a very difficult time. My mind kept drifting to what the lawyer had said about the net worth of the estate, and the figure of 550 billion dollars kept rolling around in my head. I couldn’t even comprehend how much money that was.

  I kept glancing over and Adrian and Lucas and they both seemed so calm about the whole thing. It finally occurred to me that Adrian had been used to a much different lifestyle than I had from a very young age. I had always thought of my family as well off, but the amount of money my father had was a drop in a bucket compared to this.

  I was having an especially hard time accepting the fact that half of that money was now mine. Half of this entire estate was mine. This place that I had dreaded returning to, that had been the source of some of my worst memories and greatest fears, now belonged to me.

  I felt Adrian’s hand squeeze mine and looked over to see his kind eyes gazing down at me.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” I said, my voice barely over louder than a whisper. “I’m just … I’m surprised I guess. I really didn’t know what to think when your mother told me I was going to be included in the will. I wasn’t thinking of the money or any of the assets, that’s for sure. And it didn’t occur to me that I would become owner of this place.”

  “Part owner,” Lucas said from across the room. “We’re partners in everything now.”

  That thought sent shivers up my spine. I didn’t want to be partners in anything with Lucas. I still didn’t completely trust him and I had no interest in spending time alone with him. In fact, I wasn’t even sure I wanted any of Fredrick Bellini’s money.

  “You will help up with this, won’t you?”

  “Of course. I’ll take care of everything. You won’t have to worry about any of it. Lucas is right. If anyone knows my father’s business it’s me.”

  “And you know that I don’t consider this money mine. I can’t imagine taking money that was earned through your father’s business practices.”

  “We can talk about all that later. There’s a lot of good you could do with that money, you know. You’d probably be the best person to decide how to spend it.”

  “We’ll decide together, Adrian. The money is ours.”


  A drian

  “I’m going to grab this phone call. I’ll be right outside in the hall. Now, don’t you go anywhere.”

  I stepped out into the hallway and shut the door behind me.

  “What’s up?”

  “Have you heard back from your guy yet? The location scout?”

  “Yeah, he’s been visiting a few different leads and he’s narrowed it down to a couple locations. He found an interesting spot here in New York City and there’s another one in India.”

  “Ooh, India sounds cool. I like the sound of that. New York is good too.”

  “Okay, well, I’ve got the pictures and the specs in an email. I’ll forward all that to you this afternoon. Oh, yeah, and he’s headed out to a place in Russia right now.”

  “Oh, I don’t know how I feel about Russia after everything.”

  “Well, the club isn’t exactly for you, Lucas.”

  “Hey, I’m not just the owner, I’m a member too, you know.”

  “Very funny. I thought you wanted locations where there would be a good amount of traffic with decent access from different countries. Russia is pretty centralized for both European clientele as well as Asia.”

  “Yeah, I know. Okay, I’m open to Russia. But I don’t know if I’ll be frequenting that branch of my sex club empire.”

  “I’m sure it will function just fine without you. So how’s everything going there at the villa?”

  “Not bad at all. I’ve moved myself into Mom and Dad’s old house and the construction started on the rest of the villa last week. From what the contractors tell me it should be ready to go in six months.”

  “Are you keeping the caverns?”

  “Yeah, I have to admit I had a soft spot for them. I spent my formative years down there after all. And to be honest, there really wasn’t much that needed to be changed. It’s fully functional the way it is, and there’s even room to expand. The whole thing is easily accessible from the main building where the offices used to be, so that’ll make the parties easy to coordinate.”

  “And the houses that we lived in?”

  “They’re gonna be converted into hotels. I’m having someone come in once the construction gets underway to look into putting in some private bungalows. Each with their own swimming pool and jacuzzi and their own individual, mini, downstairs dungeon.”

  “That actually sounds pretty cool. So you think you’re really ready to expand so soon?”

  “Yeah. You wouldn’t believe how much interest there is in this idea. A lot of it is thanks to your help. I mean, I knew we had connections, but I was not prepared for everything you had sent my way. It’s obvious to me that there’s an incredible amount of interest, and now that I’m going about it in a more legitimate way it’s opening things up to a bunch more avenues. Even some bigwig mob types are interested. It’s the sex that people are really interested in. You know what they say; if you build the sex dungeon they will come.”

  “I’m sure they will.”

  “So did you get a chance to look over the paperwork I sent you?”

  “Not yet, I’ve been kinda busy with Brooklyn’s project.”

  “What’s that?”

  “She’s starting up a nonprofit here in New York that tracks missing girls through image recognition software on the streets of different cities. She’s got a lot of investors interested. She’s putting a lot of her own money into improving the technology and creating a network of people who were formally part of some of the organized crime groups and are willing to work to fight the whole trafficking thing.”

  “See, I told you! If any of them want to get in on some legit dungeon action be sure and send them my way. So what has she got you doing for her?”

  “Oh, you know, pretty much the same thing I’ve been doing for you. Using the contacts from Dad’s business and finding interested parties.”

  “Hey, maybe she can send some reform cases my way. I’d be more than happy to take them on as customers.”

  “Yeah, well, unless you’re planning on opening up a branch of your club on Riker’s Island, I doubt that will happen.”

  “Oh yeah, I didn’t think about that.”

  “You know, I honestly was not imagining that I was going to be as successful as I have been. I mean, since I’d been blacklisted by Dad for the last year before he died, I figured no one would give me the time of day. But that hasn’t been the case at all.”r />
  “Dude, they’re all terrified of you. When word got around that you killed Mihai Syrnyk with your bare hands you earned more respect than Dad had built up over his whole career. You’re the boss now.”

  “Ha, yeah, I guess you’re right. Okay, well, I gotta get going. Brooklyn’s waiting for me. So I’ll send those pictures off to this afternoon …”

  “And don’t forget to read my proposal. I think you’ll regret it if you miss out on this opportunity. Plus, I think we’d make really good partners.”

  “Okay, I promise, I’ll check it out as soon as I am finished with what I’ve got going on here.”

  “Okay talk to you later.”

  I opened the door and walked back into the room I had left Brooklyn in. She was strapped to a table in the middle of our playroom. The table was shaped like a T with her stomach and arms laid out on the short side, and her legs spread out at right angles to her body on the long side that made the top of the T. Each leg was strapped down so that she was essentially doing splits, and her arms were strapped down below her chest so that her upper body rested on her elbows.

  I had left her with a vibrator in her ass and a vibrator up against her clit, and when I walked into the room her body was shaking and convulsing on top of the table. I walked around behind her and shut off both of the devices, then circled back around so that I was standing in front of her.

  “I hope you learned your lesson, Brooklyn.”

  “Y-Yes … I did … I think I did,” she said in between gasps.

  “So what was the lesson?”

  “Not to come until you tell me to.”

  “Tell me, did you have any orgasms while I was gone from the room? And before you answer don’t forget that I’ve had every minute that you’ve been down here recorded. So if you lie to me your punishment will be ten times worse.”

  She looked up at me with those beautiful, pleading eyes that made my cock strain against the fabric of my pants.


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