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Elite Dragoons 1: New Recruits (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Becca Van

  Elite Dragoons 1: New Recruits

  Whitmoor, Dalton, and Hayward Cartwright are the new Elite Dragons. After finishing their training and naming their new team the Elite Dragoons in deference to their trainers, they head out on their new mission.

  Two women have gone missing from Chadron, Nebraska, and one of them is Sara-Jane Cantor. While on mission the leaders find out they have more enhanced abilities than first realized and use them to try and find the two kidnapped women.

  The men are drawn to Sara when they finally rescue her and her friend, as they have never been drawn to another woman, and are determined to keep her safe and in their lives, and get her into their bed.

  It’s a race against time to rescue Sara and her friend Nicole from the clutches of the Japanese Underworld criminals.

  Will they get to her in time?

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

  Length: 38,032 words


  Becca Van


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2013 by Becca Van

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-067-1

  First E-book Publication: June 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Copyright © 2013


  “Just spit it out,” Trace Thornell said in his deep, gravelly voice.

  Coulter sighed. He should have known that his brothers would pick up on his emotions. They were all empathetic, and although they never used their skills to pry, sometimes it was hard to block out others’ feelings. Trace also knew him like the back of his hand, as did Corbin, and had probably picked up on his body language.

  “Tony Sullivan contacted me,” Coulter began.

  Both his brothers sat up on the sofa and glared at him. “No,” they said simultaneously.

  “You don’t know what I was going to say.”

  “There is no fucking way we are taking on another mission,” Corbin snapped.

  “Corbin, watch your language. I don’t want Kayla picking up bad things,” Brooke reprimanded.

  “She’s too young yet, darlin’,” Corbin replied and then kissed Brooke on the temple.

  “No she’s not and I don’t care. You have to try and curb your cussing. If you don’t it won’t be long before she is copying everything you say.”

  “Okay,” Corbin sighed, “you’re right. Sorry, darlin’.”

  “If you two have finished, I’d like to hear what Coulter has to say,” Trace said, looking back down to where Kayla was suckling on Brooke’s breast.

  “There are a new batch of recruits who have just finished up with their round of meds, and since the powers that be have poured more money into the program after we proved their experiments work, they have decided they want to get more recruits through at a faster pace.”

  “What does that have to do with us?” Corbin asked.

  Coulter sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. “Tony wants us to take some of the recruits through the rigors of training.”

  “Where—” Trace began.

  Coulter held up his hand. “Let me finish before you start asking questions. The government is already looking into buying the adjoining land to our stud. They want to have it set up the same way we are, except that their cover will be a cattle ranch.”

  “Fuck, Coulter, that could bring trouble back here,” Trace snarled. “I thought we were done with this shit. We’ve served our country and just want to live the rest of our days in peace with our wife and children.”

  “I know, but we’ve all felt a little antsy over the last twelve months. It’s not like we would have to leave home and go on missions. All we would be doing is training soldiers. We don’t have to do it here. We can go over each day to their ranch and do the training there. We’ll do it in shifts so that only one team is gone each day.”

  “I think you should,” Brooke spoke up.


  “Let me tell you what I see, before you interrupt me, Coulter.”

  “Okay.” Coulter watched as Brooke removed Kayla from her breast and then began to pat their daughter gently on the back. He rose to his feet and carefully lifted Kayla with his big hands as he eyed his wife’s beautiful breast.

  “Don’t cover up on our account, honey,” Trace rasped.

  Brooke looked at each of them and smiled as she fixed her clothes. “You are all so bad.”

  “Yeah, but you love it when we’re bad, don’t you, darlin’?” asked Corbin.

  Brooke giggled. “Of course I do. I love you all so much and I can’t wait to get my hands on you all. But we need to get back to the discussion at hand. I think you
should say yes to train the recruits.”

  “What?” Trace barked.

  Brooke held up her hand. “Hear me out. Do you think I haven’t seen how restless you all are? In fact, all the women are concerned for their men. I know you don’t want to be a part of any more missions, thank the Lord, but working the stud farm isn’t enough. We know you are all warriors and need to feel as if you are helping in some way. The soldiering is part of who each of you are.”

  “Baby, we are quite satisfied with the farm,” Corbin said.

  “That’s bullsh…that’s bull, Corbin. None of you are satisfied. Do you think we don’t know you miss being part of the military? It’s been part of your lives for years. You need more to feel fulfilled.”

  Coulter turned Kayla in his arms and cradled her against his chest. “You realize that this could put you all in danger. I don’t want anything to happen to you or Kayla.”

  “It won’t. You won’t even be doing the training on our land. I trust you all to keep us safe if the worst comes to the worst.”

  Coulter sighed and looked at his brothers. He knew that Brooke was right. None of the men had been able to settle since they had retired from their black-ops missions, and being able to help train new recruits would fill that hole in their lives. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and sent a text message to each team member telling them to come to the main house for a meeting and to bring their wives. The decision affected all of them, so it was imperative to have the women in on the discussion.

  It didn’t take long before the living room was full of men and women.

  Seton, Wolf, and Lander Garman guided their very pregnant wife Janie toward one of the large armchairs. Seton sat down and then pulled Janie down onto his lap. One of his hands splayed over her rounded belly and caressed her and the children nestled in her womb. Wolf perched on the arm of the chair and held on to one of Janie’s hands. Lander sat on the floor and wrapped an arm around her calf.

  Stedman Tiltman entered the room with his one-month-old son in his arms. Little Johnny looked to be content and sound asleep. His wife Alicia and brothers Ward and Bronsin followed him to the other sofa and got comfortable.

  Codi strode into the room with his wife Nyssa in his arms. His brothers Linton and Bryden looked worried.

  “What’s wrong?” Coulter asked as he gently handed Kayla over to Trace.

  “Nyssa isn’t feeling too well,” Codi said, frowning down at his wife. “Wolf, can you check her over after we’ve finished up here?”

  “Sure,” Wolf answered, but his eyes were on Nyssa. Coulter glanced over in time to see Nyssa roll her eyes and smile wanly at Wolf.

  When everyone had settled down, Coulter began to speak. “I’ll try and make this quick.” Coulter explained about the phone call from their ex-boss and what he wanted them to do. When he’d finished clarifying, all the men began to speak at once.

  “No,” Seton and his brothers stated emphatically.

  “Not happening,” Stedman said, and his brothers nodded their approval of Stedman’s answer.

  “Fuck no,” Codi and his brothers grunted, and then he kissed Nyssa on the head.

  “Wait a minute,” Janie interrupted, and struggled to sit up straighter.

  “Hold your horses,” Alicia spoke at the same time.

  “You’re kidding, right?” Nyssa shifted on Codi’s lap and then drew a deep breath as her face turned even paler.

  The three women looked at Brooke when she giggled and said, “Told ya.”

  “We know that all of you guys need to do more to feel as if you’re helping out your comrades, the government, and the innocents of this world,” Janie placed a protective hand on her belly and rubbed.

  “You lot were meant to be soldiers.” Alicia put her two cents’ worth in. “Do you think we haven’t seen how restive you are? Breeding and tending horses isn’t enough to satisfy any of you.”

  “I think you should do this.” Nyssa looked at her husbands. “We know that you love us and that we love you, but you aren’t totally satisfied. You need to feel like you’re helping in some way and we understand that.” Nyssa smiled at her husbands and recounted what Coulter had just told her. “Since the training and men won’t be on our land we won’t be in any danger. I like the fact that only one team will be gone at any given time. We will be safe here. No one knows who or what you are. Not since the black-market organ-smuggling ring was taken down. Plus, if there is trouble of any kind there will always be nine of you here to protect us. I think you should discuss it and really consider it before you even think of turning Tony down.”

  Brooke rose to her feet and held her hands out for Kayla. Trace placed her daughter into her hands, and she cuddled her close to her chest. “Think of your children’s future. By helping to train recruits you will be helping to save the innocents of the world. You don’t have to do this forever. In fact, I’m sure Tony has said you can quit anytime you like. Am I right?”

  Coulter nodded and smiled at his wife’s insight.

  “All right, ladies, let’s go and see what goodies Martha and May have for us in the kitchen and leave the men to hash things out.”

  Wolf, Seton, and Lander helped Janie to her feet and didn’t let go of her until she was steady. Janie was so big it was a wonder she could move, albeit with a waddle. She was eight and a half months pregnant with twins and looked about ready to pop. Her babies were very low down in her pelvis.

  Alicia took Johnny from Stedman and followed the other two women toward the kitchen.

  Codi helped Nyssa to rise, and then Linton and Bryden clasped her arm and hips when she swayed on her feet. Codi jumped from the sofa and tilted her face up. “Are you okay, baby?”

  “Yeah, I just got up a bit quick. I’m fine, stop fussing.” Nyssa kissed each of her men on the cheek and then walked out.

  Coulter and the men began to discuss the pros and cons of becoming trainers to the new recruits. By the time they had decided that they would indeed help out, two hours had past.

  The men stood and walked toward the kitchen where the aromatic smell of food drew them. Martha, Coulter, Trace, and Corbin’s mother, and May, her best friend, had been cooking and cleaning for the Elite Dragons Team from day one and loved every minute of it. Now that all the men were married, Martha and May were in their element caring for everyone. Not to mention how they doted on the babies and women.

  “Wolf, did you see how pale Nyssa is? God, I’m so worried about her. She hasn’t been well for the last few days.”

  “Has she been sick?” Wolf asked.

  “Yes,” Linton answered with a frown. “By lunchtime she is totally exhausted and as pale as a ghost. She’s thrown up around the same time every day.”

  “I’ve even lowered my empathetic shields so I can feel what she is feeling.” Bryden glanced toward the doorway as if he could see his wife. “She’s extremely tired and queasy nearly all the time.”

  Coulter glanced at Wolf and then smiled when he saw the glint of humor in his friend’s eyes. Usually the Healys were pretty quick on the uptake, but it seemed where their wife was concerned they were totally bamboozled.

  “Hmm.” Wolf rubbed his hand over his chin as if trying to work out what was wrong with Nyssa. “I think your wife will be fine in another month or two.”

  “What?” Codi barked and stepped close to Wolf. “What the hell is wrong with her?”

  Bryden clapped Codi on the shoulder, a wide smile on his mouth. “Our wife is pregnant.”

  Codi stared at Bryden, and then he, too, smiled. His whole face lit up with love and excitement, and then his smile fell. “That’s it. From now on she naps every afternoon and there is no way in hell she is going riding until after the baby is born.”

  “Codi, if you’ll think back, Nyssa hasn’t ridden for over a month,” Linton said.

  “Shit. How could we have not known?” Codi asked his brothers, and they both shrugged but kept right on smiling. Codi turned to Wolf. “Did you know? Has
she been to see you?”

  “No she hasn’t been to see me,” Wolf replied. “But when you gave me her symptoms it wasn’t hard to work out.”

  “She is in so much trouble,” Codi said in a growly voice. “If she wasn’t pregnant I would put her over my knee.” He turned to his brothers. “I can’t believe we are going to be fathers.”

  “Me neither,” Linton and Bryden replied and then scurried toward the kitchen and their wife.

  Food was laid out on the tables, and just as all the men sat down with their wives, Nyssa jumped up from her chair and bolted from the room with a hand over her mouth. Codi, Linton, and Bryden went racing out after her. The Healys eventually came back, and all of them were smiling, even Nyssa, who still looked pale and tired. Once the meal was done the women helped Martha and May clean up.

  Coulter looked up at Janie when she groaned and gripped the table while clutching at her belly.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Seton hurried toward her. Coulter placed a steady arm around her waist in case she was in danger of falling, but her men were at her side moments later.

  “Contraction,” Janie whimpered.

  “Shit.” Lander took her hand in his and then kissed the back of it. “Don’t you worry, honey, everything will be okay.”

  Seton lifted Janie into his arms and went striding out of the room with Wolf and Lander hurrying behind. It looked like Janie was about to become a mother. Lucky for her, Wolf was a medic and they had all decided that Wolf would deliver their babies, but a helicopter was on standby in case of an emergency.

  Coulter withdrew his cell phone from his pocket and called the helicopter pilot. He knew the Garmans would feel relieved to have the helicopter onsite.


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