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Uncut Bundle

Page 9

by Susan Stephens

  On the rare occasions when her father had pressed money into her hands so she didn’t disgrace herself at a social function, she had spent as little as possible, returning the change to a man who had been as bemused by his daughter’s parsimony as he had been appalled by her mother’s reckless transfer of funds to the commune. Treating herself had been out of the question, wasting her father’s money unthinkable, and she still kept rigid control of her finances. This abundance of luxury goods was like every birthday come at once…

  It certainly beat having things sent on approval to the office, Lisa reflected ruefully as she rummaged through the drawer. Who, for goodness’ sake, had time to choose briefs made of the finest flesh-coloured gossamer net? As she held them up she knew that her decision to keep some of the things was already made. She might be destined to eat dinner alone, but she was going to be dressed to kill.

  She chose an elegant floor-length silk skirt in dove-grey with a matching camisole that had a toning, chiffon over-shirt in shades of grey and smoky lilac. The colours were ideal for her complexion, and she wore her hair down. In one of the drawers she was stunned to find a pair of beautiful amethyst earrings in a small velvet case. She never wore jewellery, but these were gorgeous—and whoever had chosen them had exquisite taste. Maybe she would develop a taste for jewellery too, Lisa mused, viewing her reflection in the floor-length mirror.

  She turned at a knock on the door, feeling rather foolish as she hurried to open it. She was dressed for an occasion, not to eat dinner alone on her balcony.

  ‘Oh.’ Lisa stared with amazement at the vast floral arrangement the maid was holding out to her.

  ‘For you, Thespinis Bond.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  The girl looked at her.

  Of course, she was sure, Lisa realised, kicking her sluggish brain cells into action as she stood back to let the young girl into the room.

  ‘Shall I put them over here for you, Thespinis Bond, where you can see them from the bed?’ The maid hovered by an ornate console table.

  ‘Yes, please. That’s definitely the right place for them… They’re magnificent.’

  ‘They are all from the gardens here at Villa Aphrodite.’


  ‘I almost forgot, Thespinis Bond. There is a card for you.’

  Taking the vellum envelope, Lisa waited until the maid had left the room before opening it. Her heart started to thump heavily as she read the firm, uncompromising script. ‘I would be delighted if you could join me for dinner this evening, Tino.’

  So he hadn’t forgotten. Her heart was hammering like a piston. She was excited and apprehensive too. A small part of her wanted this to be the most romantic thing that had ever happened to her—that was ever likely to happen to her—but she knew she had to be wary of Tino’s motives. This was all very nice, but she couldn’t afford to be distracted yet again from the purpose of her visit. Was this just part of his business plan—his well-thought-out strategy to soften her up? Everyone said Tino Zagorakis would stop at nothing. Was this just another example of the tactics he was prepared to employ?

  As Lisa stared at the beautiful flowers they might as well have sprouted darts all aimed in her direction. There was another discreet tap on the door, and when she opened it Lisa found the same maid hovering.

  ‘I’m sorry to trouble you again, Thespinis Bond, but Kirie Zagorakis would like your answer now. Will you be joining him for dinner, or would you prefer to dine in your room tonight?’

  ‘Tell him…’ Lisa glanced towards the balcony where she could see the lights from the garden reflected on the stone balustrade. Whatever Tino’s motives, she didn’t feel like hiding in her room. ‘Tell him I will be down shortly.’

  She couldn’t delay any longer, Lisa realized, laying her hairbrush on the dressing table. She had brushed her hair so vigorously and for so long it was springing out around her shoulders. A spritz of perfume, and a slick of lip-gloss, and she was ready…

  Tino turned the moment she walked onto the balcony. It was almost as if he could sense her presence before he saw her.

  ‘You look beautiful.’

  ‘Thank you. You look different too,’ Lisa observed dryly.

  ‘Yes, well, I thought I might as well make an effort,’ he said casually.

  As they stared at each other Lisa found she was smiling. But she had to keep part of herself aloof if she was ever to stand a chance of remaining immune to Tino. He was wearing a black dinner suit that made him look more handsome than ever—if such a thing was possible. The white, open-necked shirt was a startling contrast against his tanned skin—and she was blatantly staring at him, Lisa realised, quickly looking away.

  She was so beautiful it was the easiest thing in the world to forget about business. And business was the purpose of every moment he spent with her. It was easy to forget about dinner too, and just take her to bed…

  He had never felt such unbridled lust for any woman. And why should he hold back when there was no reason to do so? Time was running out, after all. And she was smiling at him—and looking as if she meant it. He was getting the hang of this wooing business. Just as he had expected, the day out on the fishing smack had thrown all her preconceptions about him into confusion. The clothes that had been flown in for her from the top Athenian designers had clearly delighted her, or she wouldn’t be wearing them. The modest jewellery was a masterstroke—the amethyst earrings gleamed in the candlelight, setting off her sun-kissed skin, drawing his eye to the lustre of her hair, and making her even more beautiful for him. Next time he’d buy her emeralds to bring out the colour of her eyes.

  They couldn’t stand like this staring at each other for ever, Lisa realised, still smiling as she walked forward. She felt strangely bashful, but then she wasn’t used to presenting herself for a man’s approval. And, for some reason, what Tino thought about her appearance really did matter to her.

  ‘You look lovely, Lisa.’ Taking hold of her hand, he raised it to his lips.

  At his touch a quiver ran through her, and it didn’t stop there, so she pulled her hand away—too late.

  He searched her face.

  She stared at him and heard a little cry, and then realised that it was her own voice and that Tino had swung her into his arms.

  As he strode inside the house with her all the servants seemed to have disappeared. He mounted the stairs swiftly, holding her close and safe in his arms. When they reached the top landing he shifted her weight effortlessly, and opened a door. Walking inside, he kicked it shut behind them, and lowered her to the ground in front of him, steadying her on her feet.

  Gazing up, Lisa thought she saw something in Tino’s eyes that mirrored her own need. Acting on impulse, she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. Pulling back, he stared down at her for a few moments, as if he had to confirm something.

  Lisa wasn’t sure which of them moved first, which of them gave in first. She only knew that she needed to feel Tino pressed up hard against her. She needed his mouth to claim hers with the same urgency she had to draw her next breath. And then they were kissing each other passionately, and she had her fingers laced through his hair, keeping him fast, pressing against him with all the hunger a lifetime of denial could produce. She heard the sounds of passion she was making, and didn’t care. Nothing mattered now—all she cared about was that Tino didn’t let her go, and that this time he didn’t leave her unsatisfied, because now she wanted all of him, with no restrictions, no boundaries, no doubts…

  They were like two lions mating, raw, primitive, desperate, hungry. There was so much sex in the air it formed a miasma around them, invading their nostrils, and sending them both hurtling off to a place where no clear thought was possible, and only sensation and hunger existed; hunger that only one act could relieve.

  ‘I need you,’ Lisa gasped as Tino lifted her into his arms.

  ‘Thee mou! I need you more,’ he ground out as he carried her over to the bed.

��No—don’t rip it off.’ She closed her hands protectively over the chiffon over-blouse, suddenly nervous, suddenly conscious of what they were about to do.

  ‘I’ll buy you another, Thespinis mou.’

  ‘But I like this one.’

  ‘Then take it off,’ he instructed roughly. ‘Take it off for me, yineka mou.’

  She was panting, eyes wide. She was his equal and that made her feel safe. Slipping off the bed, Lisa undid the sash at the front and then allowed the chiffon blouse to fall. As it floated to the floor she felt no fear. There was an unspoken connection between them that for some reason made her trust him. Watching Tino take her place on the bed and then stretch out like a sleek black panther was more seduction than she could take.

  ‘Continue,’ he instructed lazily.

  ‘No.’ She stared fiercely at him. ‘This is far too one-sided.’

  Quirking a brow, he sat up and shrugged off his jacket.

  ‘Get rid of it.’ She could see he was as aroused as she was, and then he indicated that it was her turn now.

  Slowly easing the straps of the silk camisole from her shoulders, Lisa let it drop. Then, swooping down, she took it from the floor by one finger. She was wearing nothing underneath.

  ‘Have you no shame?’ Tino murmured appreciatively.

  ‘None.’ Gazing down, Lisa saw how taut her nipples had become. They seemed to be stretching out to him to both tease and provoke his censure. Raising her head, she gazed steadily into his eyes.

  ‘Just as I’d hoped.’ He quickly opened the buttons on his shirt.

  ‘Take it off.’ Her voice was firm, and once he had obeyed her she rewarded him, arching her back and displaying her breasts to their best advantage.

  Easing back on the pillows, she noted the thrust of his arousal.

  ‘Have you no shame?’ she demanded softly, her voice thick with desire.

  Stroking down the length of it, he looked at her. ‘None…would you like me to develop some?’

  ‘It’s a little late for that, I should imagine.’ Lisa found her hands were shaking as she reached for the fastening on her skirt. ‘And I’ll be sure to make you pay if you do.’

  ‘I’m counting on it.’

  Slipping her finger down beneath the waistband, Lisa closed her eyes as she allowed the column of silk to pool at her feet.

  ‘And now the rest,’ Tino insisted, referring to the transparent pants she was wearing.

  Lisa shook her head. ‘It’s your turn now—’

  ‘Who is going to make me?’

  ‘Me.’ It came out on a breath, but she couldn’t move; she was transfixed by his lips, lips she wanted to feel all over her body, possessing her mouth, possessing her totally, utterly, everywhere…

  Lying back on the bed, Tino caught hold of the brass rail behind his head and stretched out.

  Taking her cue, Lisa picked up the chiffon over-blouse and walked to the head of the bed.

  ‘What are you going to do with that?’

  ‘I’m going to tie you down, and then do whatever I want with you—’

  ‘I don’t think so.’

  It happened so fast. One minute she was standing there, and the next she was flat on her back on the bed staring into eyes that were blazing with desire.

  ‘I had to save you from yourself,’ Tino explained softly, making a pretence of contrition. ‘I knew how precious the top was to you. How could I let you use it to tie me up?’

  Lisa gasped and writhed beneath him as he began teasing her ear lobe with his teeth. ‘I’m guessing you’d buy me another?’ Her words came out in a hectic whisper.

  ‘And so I will,’ he assured her. ‘I’ll buy you a thousand tops if you want them, but I’ll never let you master me, Lisa Bond.’

  ‘Is the missionary position all I’m good for, then?’ Her lips curved with amusement as she stared into his eyes.

  ‘Pleasure is what you’re good for. But pleasure on my terms, not yours.’

  Somehow she managed to slip away. ‘Then there can be no pleasure for either of us.’

  Reaching out, he caught her back to him. ‘I decide about the levels of pleasure in this relationship.’

  ‘Oh, you do?’

  ‘Just answer one question. Do you want me?’

  ‘Yes, I want you…’ Lisa hesitated, and then admitted softly, ‘I want you more than anything.’

  Tino fought the feeling rising in his chest. This had nothing to do with emotion. He just wanted to give her more pleasure than she had ever known, pleasure she would remember for the rest of her life, pleasure that would make every other man fall short in her eyes… He concentrated his attention on the tiny pants she was wearing. He pressed his palm against her stomach and felt her quiver of desire course up his arm. She was trembling with passion and so he slipped his fingers beneath the waistband to tease her.

  ‘Don’t stop, Tino.’

  She writhed beneath him. ‘What are you asking me to do, Lisa? You have to tell me exactly what you want—or how can I possibly know?’

  ‘You know what I want you to do,’ she told him fiercely.

  ‘But I have to hear it from your mouth.’ He rubbed the thumb pad of one hand roughly over the full swell of her bottom lip.

  ‘I want you to…’

  ‘Yes? You want me to do what to you, Lisa? You have to tell me.’

  ‘I’m…’ She hesitated, and then she saw the change in his eyes. He was so intuitive she didn’t have to explain a thing.

  ‘You’re a virgin?’ He turned suddenly serious.

  ‘Not exactly. I’ve just never—’ She blushed red.

  ‘What does ‘‘not exactly’’ mean, Lisa? You either are or you aren’t a virgin. It’s one of life’s few absolutes.’

  ‘I’ve never had sex with a man.’

  ‘That’s not so bad, is it?’ Cupping her chin, he turned her to face him so she couldn’t evade his stare.

  ‘It’s not that simple. I’ve never had time for relationships. But back at my apartment, I have a drawer full of—’

  ‘Please—I really don’t need to hear the details.’ And now he smiled wickedly. ‘If I do, you may convince me that all the rumours I hear are true.’

  ‘What rumours are those?’ Lisa was immediately defensive.

  ‘That women may very soon be able to do without men altogether?’

  ‘Why don’t I believe you?’ She smiled, relaxing again as he tried for a crestfallen expression.

  ‘You don’t believe I have insecurities?’

  She raised a brow.

  ‘You’d be surprised.’

  ‘I certainly would.’

  He couldn’t play games any longer. He couldn’t wait any longer. He had never felt like this before. Dragging her to him, he turned her, and had her beneath him in the space of a few seconds. He kissed her until he could feel her arching against him. He brought her on top of him then, so that he could cup her bottom and stroke her the way he was very sure she would like.

  She sighed raggedly. ‘You have to stop that.’


  ‘Because it feels so good.’

  ‘Then that’s the only encouragement I need to continue.’

  She whimpered with pleasure, helpless beneath his touch, relishing the way he was massaging her buttocks and, in the process, pressing her hard against his rigid erection. ‘That feels so good.’ A shudder of pure lust consumed Lisa’s body as she stared into Tino’s eyes. ‘I’d like to—’

  ‘Like to what?’

  ‘Continue.’ She smiled against his mouth.

  ‘In that case…’ Catching hold of her wrists, he turned her again, pinning her securely beneath him.

  She had never done this with anyone. She had never trusted anyone enough. With Tino it was different, because she didn’t feel frightened of him…and that was because when Tino touched her, even when he held her pinned down like this, she knew he would never forget himself, he would never forget how vulnerable she was pitting her strengt
h against his. He knew how firmly to hold her, and when to let go. He could read every nuance in her face, and had mastered his prodigious strength so she could wrestle with him and still feel safe.

  The warmth in her heart was threatening to overwhelm her, Lisa realised, feeling her eyes fill with tears. Fire was rushing through her limbs at the thought of making love with him, but there was something even more compelling building inside her… Was it tenderness? Or could it be love? It was something she had never felt before, so it was hard to be sure—and then Tino greedily seized one of her tightly extended nipples and began to suckle, and no more thoughts were possible…


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