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Reviving Raven

Page 3

by Brandi Nadeau

  Uncle Abel helps me out back to our deck so I can get some fresh air and of course a cigarette, or maybe even the whole damn pack at this point. The police are still taking evidence when we hear loud motorcycles roaring in the distance. Big Jon and Nate come running past the police and straight to the back deck where we're sitting. Big Jon kneels and tries to talk to me, but I can’t even hear what he’s saying. Once he realizes I’m not even able to talk he starts getting the details from my Uncle. I glance over and Nate, who’s staring intensely into my eyes. He’s so mad he looks like he’s about to hulk out and go on a rampage. I’m about to start crying again when he beelines straight to me, kneels and grabs my hands. "Raven I’m here, please hear me, I’m not leaving you, you are safe with me." The sweet sound of his voice makes me finally able to snap back into reality. I immediately fall into his lap and sob into his chest. What is it about this man that makes me feel so safe? Nate strokes my hair, and whispers reaffirming words into my ear. Before I can even grasp what’s happening, I’m being carried into my room. Nate lays me down in bed and puts the covers tightly over me. He lays behind me, pulls me tightly into him and strokes my hair. I fall asleep to his voice, "You're safe Raven, no one will ever hurt my girl again, I promise you."

  Chapter Six


  I wake to an empty bedroom. My eyes are swollen and surely bloodshot from crying too much the night before. Shit, what time is it? I get up and head to the bathroom. I glance at my reflection and splash some cold water on my face, brush my teeth and throw my hair up. I sit down on the edge of my tub and just my head in my hands remembering all the events of last night. How in the hell did he find where I live? Then it hits me like a sack of bricks…he’s been stalking me this whole time. How the fuck have I missed this? Jameson and Uncle Abel have been my only protection all these years. Oh my God, Jameson! Where the hell are you?! After the events of last night, I can’t believe I didn’t realize my big fluffy boy wasn’t in my bed this morning.

  Rushing down the stairs as fast as I can I hear two voices, Uncle Abel and Nate’s. Last night falling asleep in Nate’s arms was the best night sleep I’ve had in..well..ever. I rush into the kitchen where they’re both sitting drinking their coffees. “Where is Jameson?” I ask frantically. Uncle Abel stands up, walks toward me and envelops me into a huge hug. “He’s okay Raven. Big Jon and I found him in the woods last night when you were sleeping. He got banged up pretty good during the fight so we took him to the Vet's office to get treated. There's really good news, Jameson got a good bite or two from that fucker and the Vet was able to swab a DNA sample from Jameson's mouth. It's already been sent to the police and they're running a DNA check. We're finally going to get this worthless piece of shit, baby doll.”

  Tears come running down my face. Uncle Abel hugs me tighter and I swear I can hear him choking back tears himself. “We can go and pick Jameson up in a little bit,” my Uncle says as he lets go of me. I look over and Nate who is staring at me with a look of pure determination. Why does it seem like he’s just as invested into this as me or my Uncle is?

  “Raven, Nate was just filling me in on how you two ran into each other last night and had some coffee together at the cafe. You know baby doll, you never have to lie to me. If you hang out with a guy you shouldn’t feel obligated to keep it from me.” Oh crap, I forgot I lied to him. “You’re right Uncle Abel, I’m so sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  “It’s okay, but the police think that’s what instigated your attacker last night. For the past three years, he's been covering his tracks, so good in fact that we didn't even know he was stalking you from afar. Seeing you with Nate must've set him off. The note taped to the brick was pretty hostile." Suddenly, my blood comes rushing through my veins. At this point I’m not even scared, I'm beyond pissed off. This sick piece of shit brutally rapes me three years ago, stalks me and now has the nerve to make me feel threatened in my own home? Oh hell no. I’m not putting up with this any longer.

  “What did the note say, Uncle Abel?” My uncle stares at me questioning if he should even tell me or not. Nate looks down at his tightly clenched fists like he's trying hard not to punch a hole straight through our kitchen table. “Uncle Abel just tell me! I’m tired of being afraid every damn day of my life! I’m not hiding anymore!” He takes a deep breath and shows me the picture he took of it on his phone. The police took the actual note in for evidence.

  Immediately, I look over at Nate. He’s now staring straight into my eyes, almost apologizing. He has absolutely nothing to be sorry for. I walk towards him, sit down at the chair to his right and wrap my arms around his neck. “Please don’t feel guilty over this, you have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about.” Nate looks up at me like he wants to tell me something, instead, he just closes his mouth and looks down at the table.

  Uncle Abel pulls out his phone and begins calling the detective on my case to see if there are any new updates. “I’m going to head upstairs and shower. Raven don’t leave the house today unless I’m with you," he yells out as he walks up the stairs. I look back at Nate who's no longer staring at the table. His eyes are roaming my entire body. Up my legs straight to my ass, scans my small waist and to my ample breasts. The way he's staring sends goosebumps through my entire body. I will not let my attacker scare me. He will not dictate who I can and cannot be with. Fuck him. No longer will he make me feel victimized. No longer will I be afraid to leave my damn house. I'm ready for the new me to be born. The woman who has been through hellfire and rose from the ashes like a damn Phoenix. I've never felt more ready for this in my entire life. Look until your heart's content, Nathan Pierce.

  His eyes planted firmly on my fully erect nipples, the next thing I know he's out of his chair and grabs me by the waist. Nate shoves me against the kitchen table, grabs the back of my hair and firmly presses his lips to mine. As soon as our lips touch, this overpowering electric shock goes straight to my core. My heart is pounding in my chest as Nate completely dominates my mouth with his. With both hands, he grabs my ass and lifts me onto the table. Willingly, I spread my legs open and wrap them around his body, pulling him into me. As soon as his massive erection hits my throbbing pussy, I let out a moan. “Shhh, baby you have to try and be quiet" Nate whispers against my lips. God, I love the way he calls me baby. I’ve never known what true lust is until this moment. “Nate please, I need you now” I exclaim as my wet folds are soaking my panties. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins. The feeling of total empowerment coursing through every fiber of my being. "Not yet, baby, we need privacy for what I have planned to do to you," Nate says quietly laughing. Bastard! He can’t just leave me like this! “First things first, I’ve been dreaming of tasting this sweet pussy.” Nate scoops me off the table and carries me to the couch. “You have to try and be quiet baby, I’ll make sure to make this a quick one for you.” If my heart beats any faster, I swear it’s going to jump right out of my damn chest. Nate starts by suckling one of my nipples into his mouth and bites down. Biting my lip to hold in my moans, I push my chest out so he can get more of a mouth full. How can this man make me feel so damn good? He lets go of my nipple with a loud pop and immediately takes off my pants. He stops mere inches away from my throbbing clit and waits to make sure the shower upstairs is still running. Once he establishes the coast is clear he begins devouring me like he's a starving man. Lapping at my folds and suckling my clit, my legs are twitching out of control. The pleasure is so overpowering, so incredible, I grab onto his hair and begin moving my hips against his mouth. Nate's tongue makes one more swoop across my clit and he looks up at me, smiles then firmly presses his tongue against my clit and puts two fingers into my tight, wet pussy. My orgasm hits me so hard, so intense, I don't even think I can handle the pleasure. Nates' broad foreman stretches across my stomach to try and hold me down so he can lick me clean.

  I’m barely coherent when Nate pulls my pants back up and sits me down his lap. Nate looks at me and smiles, “that�
�s the best damn breakfast I’ve ever had.” Sweet Jesus this man is going to be the death of me. He kisses me passionately. "Taste yourself, baby, your pussy is the sweetest thing I've ever had in my life." I start laughing against his lips, turn around and straddle his waist. Running my fingers through his beard I explore his mouth with my tongue. Ugh, how am I ever going to stop kissing this beautiful man? Upstairs, we start to hear footsteps. Nate pulls out his phone, “I’m sending you a text message, I already have your number from your Uncle. Save my contact and don’t ever hesitate to call me whenever you need to.” Why would my Uncle give him my number? Oh well, I’m not going to be complaining about that anytime soon. While saving his number in my phone, we hear footsteps start coming down the steps. Hopping off each other quickly, we try and act completely natural when Uncle Abel comes into the living room. He glances over at us and looks as if he wants to say something but instead just shakes his head. “Let’s go grab a smoke, then we can go and pick up Jameson, Nate you better head into the shop. Big Jon called and could use another set of hands” my Uncle says as he puts on his leather jacket.

  Chapter Seven


  Speeding down the highway, gripping the throttle tightly, I can’t calm myself down. I want to kill this piece of shit. Find him and give him what he fucking deserves. Nobody threatens my girl. I need Lincoln to work some overtime on this case. Lincoln Rex is one of my close friends from my days as a marine. We got out at the same time, but he joined the police force and is now a pretty damn good detective. I’ve been working with him for years to try and track this fucker down. He’s the only person, other than Abel, that knows I was the anonymous caller. Linc was the original officer who interviewed Raven in the hospital. Her attacker is practically a ghost, neither of us has been able to track his whereabouts for years. Now that we have DNA evidence, thanks to Jameson, we might finally be able to get this bastard.

  I make it to The American Ride and immediately hop off my bike and light up a smoke. I can still taste the sweetness of Raven on my lips. She has the kind of pussy that can make men fall to the knees. Too bad for them, she’s mine. When I read the note that mother fucker wrote, I wanted to kill him. No one threatens my girl. When I read that part about her being his? My blood felt as if it was boiling in my veins. Piece of shit is going to meet his maker staring down the barrel of my 9mm Glock. My phone chimes off with an incoming text.

  Raven: So about this morning…lol

  Nate: What about it baby?

  Raven: I was just wondering when we can finish what we started

  Nate: I’ll pick you up after I get off work. Be ready

  Raven: Great :) can’t wait

  I step out back to light a smoke and make a quick phone call to Abel to tell him I’ll be picking Raven up later. I’ll sure as hell finish what we started, that’s for damn sure. I plan to tell her tonight how her Uncle and I met during a group meeting for local Vets. Abel has been my main support since getting out of the service. With his help, I’m able to leave the house again and live a normal civilian life for the most part. I owe that man my life. During a meeting, he started talking about his niece who was attacked. As the story progressed, I realized he was talking about the girl I found in the woods that horrible night. He must have noticed my change in demeanor and asked me to go grab a cup of coffee with him after the meeting. While there, I told him everything. How I was the anonymous caller who found her and even how I stayed by her side until the police and ENT’s arrived. We’ve been working together ever since to try and track down Raven’s attacker. When things were starting to go south in the house I was renting a room from and needed a better place to live, Abel was there and offered me a job at The American Ride. Hopefully Raven won’t be too mad her Uncle and I have been keeping this information from her. She’d have to get over it though, my girl won’t be getting rid of me that easily.

  Chapter Eight


  Jameson is too hurt to go anywhere with me today. Stitches to the side of his mouth and a couple of cracked ribs was the official diagnosis. His treatment is lots of rest and cuddles. Now that, I can easily do for my big fluffy boy. After the events of last night, I decide a group meeting is in order. I send a text to Anissa to see if there is a group tonight, thankfully there's one in an hour.

  "Uncle Abel, do you mind driving me to a group meeting in an hour?"

  “Of course, baby doll just let me know when we need to leave,” my Uncle shouts from the back deck.

  Without a doubt, I need to get some things off my chest. Should I even tell my group members what Nate and I did this morning? I don't want to keep things a secret however after reading the note my attacker sent flying through my front door, I don't want many people to know about Nate and I getting together. Even though he's all that’s on my mind. Man, this is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

  Coming to a group meeting was clearly a good call. The time seems to fly by, and I cannot believe that I actually managed to not speak about Nate the entire time. I wanted to so bad, especially to get opinions from Julie, Arabella, and Anissa, but I know that it's too risky to bring whatever Nate and I have out into the public. On second thought what do Nate and I have? I let the man go down on me when I don't even know what we are. Should I rectify the situation? Or should I go with the flow? Before I can even begin to overthink things, Anissa comes over to me and pulls me to the side.

  “Raven, I’m so glad you shared about what happened last night. I am concerned however on your safety. Is anyone here with you since Jameson is at home healing?”

  I look at Anissa and smile, “Yeah my Uncle Abel is in the parking lot waiting for me. Would you like to meet him?”

  Anissa looks away trying to hide her blushing. Why is she blushing? Has she and my Uncle met already? “Anissa, would you like to meet him?” I ask hoping I don’t let on my curiosity.

  “Maybe another time Raven, I need to clean up, stack the chairs, and lock up for the night thanks anyway though.” Hmm... well alright then. I walked back over to Julie and Arabella to say my goodbye's. I have quite the night ahead of me and need to get home to get ready. Okay, Nate…let’s see what you have planned for me tonight.

  Uncle Abel is waiting outside his truck when I exit the building. “Ready to go baby doll?" Uncle Abel says to me as he pushes himself off the front bumper. "Absolutely, let’s get home.”

  Seriously why don't I have anything cute to wear? Oh yeah duh, because it's me. Ugh! I mean what do I even where to impress this guy? Some ripped up old jeans in the back of my closet? Or should I wear some skin-tight leggings to show off my ass… well, I am going there to stay the night, I think the leggings will do. I am surprised that Uncle Abel doesn't seem to be too bothered at me staying the night with Nate. I wonder why that is? Jesus, there are so many questions I've been asking myself lately… one thing I hate is when I feel like I’m being left in the dark. I'm going to need to rectify the situation for sure. First things first I'll get some answers from Nate tonight, and tomorrow I'll get some answers from my Uncle.

  Jameson stands up as he's watching me pack a bag. Already even after a couple of cracked ribs and stitches to the side of the face, he's ready to take on the world again. Oh, my sweet boy. I kneel and pat him on his head, "you can’t come with me tonight buddy, you need to continue resting my love. Don't worry Uncle Abel will take good care of you.” I get Jameson comfortable in my Uncles bedroom, give him one last kiss goodbye on the top of his head and start making my way down the stairs.

  “Nate's not here yet, do you want to go out back and grab smoke with me?” Uncle Abel asks.

  A smoke will undoubtedly calm my nerves. "yeah right behind you Uncle Abel."

  I light up my cigarette and take a few deep breaths. Leaning back in the chair, I close my eyes and focus on the sounds of crickets in the woods. Don't be nervous Raven, just go and have a good time tonight. “Everything okay over their baby doll? Looks like you're thinking about something real har
d" I open one eye and catch my Uncle staring at me.

  “Yeah, everything's fine, just trying not to overthink things like I normally do." Uncle Abel lets out a deep laugh. "Baby doll if you didn't overthink things, you wouldn't be the Raven I know and love."

  I lean my head back in the chair just in time to hear the sound of a motorcycle coming down our street. Okay Raven, its go time. I put my cigarette out in the ashtray and lean over to kiss my Uncle on his cheek. "I'll be home in the morning, Jameson is all set in your room tonight, love you." He looks up at me and smiles, "Love you too baby doll.”


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