Book Read Free

Three Days

Page 4

by Ariadne Wayne

  I roared with laughter, moving aside to let her inside. “Who am I to say no to that?”

  Closing the door, I crossed the room to sit on the couch and flicked on the television. Maddy stood in front of me, blocking my vision.

  “Do you mind?” I looked up at her.

  “I didn’t realise I was coming over here to watch television.”

  I laughed. “It’s not like I invited you.”

  She straddled my lap, rubbing herself against me. “I know; I invited myself. There’s no point in holding back now.”

  My heart pounded, blood rushing in my ears. I should push her off my lap, but I couldn’t stop looking at her.

  “Maddy,” I whispered. She picked up my hand, guiding it under her skirt.

  “You’re not wearing any underwear,” I said.

  “No kidding. Get to work, Mister.”

  I shook my head, pulling my hand away. “As tempting as you are, I can’t. I don’t just do this.”

  “Not even for me?”

  “We’ve known each other for what? Five minutes?”

  She shrugged. “You kept me waiting while I went to find proof of my age.”

  I laughed, gently pushing her off my lap. “I’m pretty sure I have a bag of popcorn here if you want to watch a movie with me. That’d be more my pace.”

  “Spoilsport.” She grinned, flopping onto the couch beside me.

  “Look, you are gorgeous. There’s no doubt about that. But I’m not in any position to start anything, and not irresponsible enough to try anyway.”

  She sucked in her bottom lip, giving me doubt about the words I’d just come out with. It would be incredibly easy to jump in bed with her, but with Carly giving me a place to live that didn’t break the bank, I wasn’t about to crap in my own backyard—though Maddy was so damn tempting, I didn’t know how long my resolve would last.

  Then she shrugged as if she didn’t care, and I suppressed a smile.

  “There are some DVDs in the box beside the television. Take your pick and I’ll throw the bag of popcorn in the microwave.”

  She shrugged, moving to open the box, screwing up her face at some of the selection. I walked to the cupboard, pulling out the popcorn.

  “What sort of movies do you like?” I asked. Apparently my action films were not that impressive.

  “Soppy ones. Things that make me cry.”

  “Do I need a box of tissues for any of those?” I asked, being cheeky while watching the microwave count down.

  “Not if this is all you have to choose from.” She squealed with delight. “This one.”

  I looked up. She had a copy of The Notebook in her hand. That was one of Charlie’s favourites, and her DVD. I’d watched that movie a million times with her, held her while she cried, distracted her by dragging her off to the bedroom to make love after.

  “I don’t know if I can watch that.” I focused on the microwave as it beeped. The popcorn was done, and now I didn’t know if I could back out given that I’d let her make the choice.

  “Why not?”

  “It belonged to my wife. It was a favourite of hers.”

  “Oh. I can pick something else if you want me to.”

  I turned back towards her. Those beautiful lips were downturned. I growled, causing her to look up in surprise. “Fine. We’ll watch it. But I choose the next one.”

  She smiled, and it was like the veneer came off as she let go of that over-the-top persona she’d brought in. “Yay. It’s a deal.”

  I walked back to the couch, sitting beside her, and placing the popcorn between us. Handing her a box of tissues from beside the couch, I shook my index finger at her. “Your tears, your responsibility.”

  Maddy laughed. “Thank you.”

  “You know you’re much easier to deal with when you’re not coming on to me.”

  At that she cocked an eyebrow.

  “It’s nice just to have some companionship. It’s been a while.”

  That contented her, and she sat happily watching the movie as I glanced at her. She really was pretty, and I wondered what she’d seen in this place. At least she was safe with me.

  Of course the tears began to flow at some point in the film, and I sighed, looking at the ceiling as tissue after tissue scraped through the cardboard opening at the mouth of the box

  “Are you okay?” I asked, looking back at her, already knowing the answer.

  “It’s … just … so … beautiful,” she said between sobs.

  “Maybe we should watch something else, take a break from this.”

  She shook her head wildly, clutching a tissue to her nose. “No. There’s not that much left.”

  “I’m sure there’s a Bruce Willis film in there that’s much less likely to make you cry.”

  The sound that came from her was a mix between a sigh and a sob, and she threw herself into my chest face-first.

  Here I was, on the couch with a weeping woman I’d only met a couple of hours before in my arms.

  I looked back at the ceiling as if to find some kind of divine inspiration in how to handle this, my arms flailing as Maddy’s tears soaked my shirt. Nothing came to me.

  “Shhh,” I said softly.

  She looked up at me, her eyes already rimmed with red. “I’m sorry.”

  This was confusing as hell. Having her so close was definitely having an effect on my body; I was more aroused than I had been in forever. But my heart went out to her; she was such a sensitive soul, just like Charlie had been, to be so upset at a movie.

  I sighed. “It’s okay.” Tentatively, I wrapped my arms around her, closing my eyes and hoping it brought her the comfort she needed before she noticed my hard-on. The last time I’d been with a woman had been some time after I fell out with Rowan. That was a lifetime ago in the scheme of things.

  Maddy sat up, and I held my breath, just waiting for some smart remark. She didn’t seem the type to miss anything.

  “I know it’s silly. I watch these things because I know they’ll make me cry, and then get pissed off because they make me cry.” She laughed, dabbing her nose with the tissue that must have been soaking by now.

  “I think I understand,” I said.

  Sometimes it felt good to cry.


  I stared at the computer, trying to focus. The words on the screen all merged into a jumble; I must have applied for twenty jobs already, and it was only my fourth day here.

  Screw it, that’ll do.

  Pulling out the cable connected to my mobile, I looked at the end of it. This was going to get costly really fast if I didn’t find work, so I’d do whatever I could to find a job soon. I’d made a list of places to door-knock, too—anything to keep my independence.

  Behind me, the door handle rattled and I turned to see Maddy walking in.

  “Aren’t you supposed to knock?” I asked, amused at her cheek.

  She shrugged. “I was here last night. What difference does it make?”

  “Are you always this forward?”

  Maddy walked towards me, stopping as her breasts came in close to my face, her nipples like pebbles at the front of her shirt. Still no bra. If I were a lesser man, I would have leaned forward and buried myself in her cleavage. As it was I could smell her perfume, spicy, oriental perhaps. The scent made me feel as if my body were waking from some deep slumber.

  “Actually, no. But, I know what I like, and I know Mum wouldn’t let you live here if she thought you were trouble. I trust her judgment.”

  Carly’s daughter. Shit. I should have put that together.

  “I’ve just finished applying for some jobs. Want a coffee?” I stood, almost face to face with her, watching as her eyes followed my chest. She didn’t move, her body pressed against mine. “Maddy?”

  Her mouth fell open and she looked up as if she’d been in a trance. “Sorry. Yeah, sure. That would be great.”

  “Are you alright?” She was checking me out, just as I’d done to her.

“I’m fine.” She shuffled back and moved to the couch, sitting down to watch as I went to get the coffee.

  “How do you take it?” I asked.

  “White, two sugars.” She leaned back on the couch, resting her head on the arm and picking up a magazine from the table beside it.

  “Do you usually read these kinds of things?” she asked.

  “No. I found them in a box. Mum must have thought I’d get bored.”

  She put the magazine down. “What have you been doing today?”

  “Applying for jobs. You?”


  She moved as I walked to the couch, sitting up to take the coffee.

  “What do you do?” I asked, taking a sip. Her nose wrinkled as she took a deep breath over the coffee. “What’s wrong?”

  Maddy shook her head. “This stuff is awful. If you’re going to drink instant, you need something as decent as you can get.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t even know what it is. Mum packed it.”

  She sighed. The pity in her eyes nearly made me laugh out loud. “You need help, don’t you? Aren’t you lucky you have me?”

  I should have told her to leave, sent her packing to her own room, but there was just something about her. Besides, I didn’t think Maddy was the type of person you could say no to.

  “Are you going to take me grocery shopping?” I teased, grinning at her.

  She ran her finger around the top of the cup before slowly raising it to her mouth and sucking the coffee off it. This woman knew what she did to me, I was sure of it.

  “Okay. Then I can pick out what I want,” she said.

  Damn cheek. I loved it, laughing and shaking my head.

  “Your taste can’t be any worse than mine. You’re on. But, I don’t have an endless budget, and I get to pick some things I like.”


  An hour later we were traipsing through the supermarket. I was anyway, following along behind Maddy with the trolley. She’d found the coffee she wanted, and picked out a few things in the confectionary aisle.

  I had no idea why I was letting her push me around so much, but I kind of liked it. We did argue in the aisle with the toiletries as she tried to change my deodorant because she liked the smell of something else better.

  “I don’t mind you choosing new coffee, but I like what I use.”

  She rolled her eyes. “It’s okay, but this one is nicer.”

  “Maddy, I would rather spend the money on food than things I don’t actually need. I already have deodorant”

  Maddy’s lips turned down into a frown, and she spun away from me.

  “I was just trying to help. You’ll be going to job interviews and I want you to find something soon.”

  I let go of the trolley, placing my hands on her shoulders. “I know, and I appreciate that. If you really want me to try it, I will.”

  She shrugged off my hands, turning to face me. “You don’t have to.”

  “Now you’re going to make me feel guilty,” I said.

  She smiled, looking at me shyly from under her eyelashes. Her eyes were so beautiful, and I was lost for a moment imagining myself grabbing her, kissing her. Holy shit, everything she did was hot.

  “Throw it in the trolley before I change my mind.”

  She grinned, dropping the spray can into the trolley. As she walked past me to go down the rest of the aisle, she stood on her toes, whispering in my ear. “That smell really turns me on. That’s why I want you to wear it.”

  I burst out laughing, and she skipped off leaving me standing there, shaking my head.

  We grabbed Chinese takeaway on the way back to the house, and sat watching television and eating Chicken Chow Mein. Apart from the stupid argument at the supermarket, we liked a lot of the same things. I had to admit, she was great to hang out with.

  We sat close, Maddy engrossed by whatever was on the television. I have to admit, I didn’t care what the show was.

  I was too busy looking at her.


  My eyes were refusing to open, the drowsiness of sleep stopping me from seeing what had caused the sudden temperature rise in my bed. It had been so warm last night, I’d crawled into bed in just my boxer shorts. Now I felt soft skin against my arm as someone was under the covers with me, and as I roused myself from my slumber, the scent of Maddy’s perfume overwhelmed my senses.

  Those big, brown, soulful eyes of hers looked out over the top of the blanket.

  “What the hell are you doing in my bed, and how did you get in here? You left last night and went back to your own room.”

  “Hiding. I took the spare key from Mum,” Maddy whispered.

  “From what?”

  “We got a warning from Bob that Dad was on his way. I got out before he arrived and harassed me for money. Mum’s probably called the police, but I wanted to be safe.”

  I sat up, sighing and looked down at her. All I could see was the top of her head down to her eyes—everything else was hidden under the covers. Something about this absurd situation made me laugh, and I gave into it, despite my concern for Carly.

  “You think being in my bed makes you safe?” I sat up. If Carly was in trouble, she might need my help.

  She nodded, turning her face towards me. “You have really nice abs. Has anyone ever told you that?”

  “Is your mother going to be okay?”

  The blanket came down just that little bit more and she pouted. “Depends on how drunk he is. I ran, just in case.”

  I shook my head. “All the way to my bed.”

  “I know I’m safe here. It’s not like you’re going to try anything.” She tilted her head, pursing her lips and raising an eyebrow. “Are you naked under there?”

  Her hand slid across the bed, landing on my thigh. I placed my hand on hers, lifting it, amused by her cheek, a little irritated she was making a move when her mother could be in trouble. “No, I’m not naked, and I think I should get out of bed and check on your mother.”

  She frowned as I threw the covers back, and pulled a shirt on. Her eyes were focused on my boxer shorts, and I reached down, grasping her chin and raising her eyes to my face. “See? I wasn’t naked.”

  Sighing loudly, she threw back the covers and sat up. Still dressed in what I assumed were her pyjamas—boxer shorts and a tank top—she stood, watching as I dragged my jeans on.

  “Whose bed did you escape to before I got here?” I asked.

  “He’s never come over this early. Normally he sleeps off whatever hangover he has before he comes looking for money.”

  I grabbed her hand. “Come on, let’s go sort this out.”

  Carly’s door was shut when we got there, and the place was quiet with no sign of trouble. Bob stood outside, a hang-dog look on his face.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “False alarm. Carly knew. Said it was far too early in the day.”

  Maddy put her hands on her hips, smiling smugly.

  “Wait. So you climbed into my bed knowing nothing was going on?”

  The door opened and Carly appeared, coffee cup in hand, smirking at her daughter. “You found a safe haven, then.”

  Maddy yawned. “Guess I’m going back to bed, then.” She turned, walking towards the stairs, presumably back to my bed.

  I watched as she made her way up, shaking my head. Whether I wanted it or not, it appeared I had a houseguest.

  “She likes you,” Carly said, placing her hand on my arm.

  “I get that feeling.” I laughed. “She’s sweet, but very forward.” I tried to plead with my eyes, beg Carly to help me understand the whirlwind that was her daughter.

  “Andrew, she’s not like that with everyone, despite what you might think. She’s taken a shine to you. That’s good for Maddy.” She narrowed her eyes. “I don’t know how you feel about it.”

  I grinned. “To be honest, I don’t know how I feel about it.”

  Carly squeezed my arm. “Don’t let her bully you in
to anything you don’t want.”

  “It’s far too late for that,” I said, looking up towards my room. Maddy stood at the top of the stairs, and I rolled my eyes, setting off after her.

  By the time I got back to my bed, Maddy was already nestled in and I stripped off, climbing into bed with just my boxers on. Still tired, I just wanted to go back to sleep. I didn’t know if I could move her if I wanted to.

  “Do you snore?” she asked.

  “How would I know? I’m usually asleep during the time I might snore.”

  She laughed, rolling to her side away from me. “I’ll let you know if you disturb me.”

  “I’m sure you will,” I said.

  I listened to her breathing until it slowed, falling into the rhythm of sleep. My eyes fought me to close, and I gave in, ready to drown in the sleep that beckoned.

  Charlie straddled my hips, rocking back and forward, her hair falling over her face. She flicked it back as she gazed into my eyes, and brought me closer to my peak. Her body was beautiful. She was voluptuous, no doubt about that, and I loved every inch, every curve, every touch.

  She had full breasts, perky with light pink nipples that were so beautiful against her white, soft skin. I adored her, worshipped her, and then hurt her with my confusion over Rowan.

  I’d give anything to have her back again.

  I woke to find myself spooning with Maddy, pressed against her body, my nostrils full of her perfume. She smelled so good, and my body had reacted to her as she pressed her backside against me in her sleep.

  Her head rested in the nook of my shoulder, and I didn’t have the heart to pull my arm away.

  “Someone’s happy to be with me,” she murmured, laughing.

  I pulled back. “Sorry.”

  She rolled over to face me. “You don’t have anything to be sorry about. Want me to take care of it?”

  “Maddy, I’m not … “

  She growled as she pushed me onto my back, her hand already reaching into my boxers. My mind went blank as she started to stroke me, her soft hands nearly breaking me as I had my first intimate contact with a woman in more than three years.


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