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Owning Sarah [Sequel to Loving Sarah] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 9

by Julie Shelton

  As Jesse entered the compound through the open gate and parked his Humvee, he could see an ancient Ford F150 pick-up truck up on a lift. The loud zzzzb, zzzzzb, zzzzb of an air wrench assaulted his ears. Big Jim Harrison looked over from loosening the lug nuts on the truck’s front tire, and gave Jesse a lazy salute. “Hey, Jesse.

  “Hey, Jimbo. Matt around?”

  “Office,” Jimbo said with an upward jerk of his chin.

  “Thanks, man.” Jesse took the metal steps at the far end of the building two at a time. Matt’s office was a large, enclosed, loft-like area that had a bird’s-eye view of the entire shop floor below. As soon as he opened the door, Matt’s booted feet slid off his cluttered desk and thumped to the floor. A smile creased his handsome face. “Hey, Jesse! How’re you doin’, cuz?” He came around the desk to greet Jesse with a huge, back-thumping man-hug, which Jesse returned.

  “I’m good. How about you?”

  “Great. Great. Couldn’t be better.” Matt Wilson, at just slightly under six feet tall, was a heavy-set, muscular man whose black mustache and beard were liberally sprinkled with gray. He wore his shoulder-length, steel-gray hair pulled back and tied at his nape with a leather thong. Dressed in heavy biker boots, ripped jeans that had been washed so many times they were nearly white, a black T-shirt, and a black leather vest, he was a biker through and through.

  Nearly every inch of his body was covered with colorful and exotic tattoos, though the only ones visible at the moment were the ones on his arms. His right arm was a jungle filled with animals, including a snarling tiger twining sinuously around his forearm. His left arm featured mythological creatures, unicorns, griffins, a Pegasus, and a luminous, fire-breathing dragon, the tip of whose barbed tail began on the back of Matt’s hand before twisting up his arm and disappearing beneath his sleeve. Jesse knew that the creature’s sinuous body and his unfurled wings spread across Matt’s back and shoulders, under his arm and around to his chest, where its head, flames bursting from its mouth, took up most of the space. It was exquisite in its coloring and detail, especially considering the artist who’d executed it was a nineteen-year-old girl.

  “What do you know about this?” Jesse asked without preamble, taking the photo out of his pocket and handing it to his cousin.

  “Well,” Matt said, looking thoughtfully at the picture, “That’s certainly me, but I was definitely not present when this particular picture was taken. Who’s the Nazi?”

  “His name is Chester Andrews,” Jesse said. “He’s the leader of the Army of Righteousness.”

  “Those skinhead motherfuckers?” Matt was aghast. Frowning, he looked at the photo more closely. “Okay, okay. I know exactly why this picture of me looks so damn familiar.” He went over and lifted a framed photograph off the wall. “Look here.” He pointed at the image. It was the exact same photo of Matt Wilson in every respect, except instead of standing in front of a Nazi flag with his arm around Chester Andrews, he was standing in front of his biker compound with his arm around Jimbo Harrison. “I’ve been Photoshopped,” he said disbelievingly. “Why would anyone want to fake a picture of me with this Andrews character?”

  “I don’t know,” Jesse said quietly, “but I intend to find out.” He took the framed photo, turned it over and removed the back. “Mind?” he looked up to see Matt watching him with rapt attention.

  “What? No, no, go ahead. What’s the deal here, Jesse? Am I a target of these guys?”

  Jesse removed the photo from the frame and tucked both photos back in his pocket. “No, actually, I think I am. What better way for Ryder Malone to get his revenge on me than to destroy my family one by one? Have you seen any strangers hangin’ around the compound, or any suspicious activity?”

  “No, but I’ll ask around. Maybe one of the others has noticed something unusual.”

  “Those cameras you got scattered around the perimeter still workin’?” Jesse asked.

  “Yeah, though we haven’t been paying much attention lately.” He grinned. “Not much crime in Marshall’s Creek since the badass new police chief rolled into town.”

  “You might want to add a few more,” the badass new police chief replied evenly, “make sure the streets are covered. And start monitorin’ them twenty-four seven.”

  Matt let out a low whistle. “Anything else?”

  Jesse grunted. “Just be careful, Matt. These people are dangerous. And if they’re targetin’ you as a way to get to me, they won’t hesitate to destroy you. So, until I tell you otherwise, I don’t want you to be alone for one single minute. I want you to have someone with you at all times, night and day. Don’t even take a leak without someone standin’ outside the door, you got me?”

  “Am I in some kind of danger?”

  “Only of not havin’ an iron-clad alibi for whatever it is they’re plannin’.”

  “Are you in danger?”

  Jesse snorted. “From those fuckheads?” he sneered. “Not on my worst day. You sleepin’ with anybody?”



  “Patti. Not that it’s any of your fucking business.”

  Patti Rendell. Jacob’s sister. A nice woman. It wasn’t her fault her brother had been stupid enough eight years ago to be part of Ryder Malone’s pack the day that man had decided that crashing Sarah’s eighteenth birthday party and raping her would be a fun way to spend an afternoon. But Jacob had served his time and was now the owner of the town’s only dry cleaners, so he’d obviously done some serious growing up during his nickel stint in the pen. Too bad the same thing could not be said for Ryder.

  “Good. No more goin’ to her house. I want you sleepin’ here every night, where people are around you, so if that means movin’ her into your room here, do it. And no more sleepin’ up here on the sofa.” He swept his hand toward the worn, black leather sofa over against the wall. “Move it down to the floor with your mechanics. In fact, move your desk down there, too. I want you visible at all times.

  “Don’t go anywhere by yourself. Somebody’s tryin’ to set us up for somethin’, Matt, and I don’t like it. I refuse to let them take you down with me. So I want you to have an unbreakable alibi for every second of every day and night until I tell you it’s no longer necessary. Got that?”

  “Got it.” Matt followed Jesse as he moved toward the door. “What’ll I tell the guys?”

  “The truth.” He regarded his cousin thoughtfully. “You’ve got a few ex-special forces among the Brigands. Tell them to treat it like an op. Just make dead sure you’re never alone.”

  “Are we being watched?”

  “Probably. Get those extra CC cameras set up and let me know if you catch anythin’ on them. Oh, and keep the gate closed and locked. Anyone wants to come in for repairs, they can use the intercom.” Jesse started toward the door then turned and gave his cousin a swift hug. “Good to see you, cuz.”

  “Same here, Jesse.” Matt grinned up at his six-foot, three-inch cousin from his slightly lower height. “I can always count on you to be Little Miss Mary Sunshine. You’ll keep me posted?”

  “Count on it.”

  Chapter Four

  When Jesse walked into the house, Bill Payton was standing in the foyer talking with Sarah and Adam.

  “Hey, Bill,” he said, feigning surprise as he joined the threesome, taking the time to plant a hard, wet kiss on Sarah’s upturned mouth before turning back to their visitor. “What brings you back here?”

  “Left my sunglasses in the bathroom last night,” Bill said, patting his shirt pocket, where he’d stowed his mirrored aviators. “They fell into the sink when I was splashing water on my face, so I put them on the counter and forgot to pick them back up. Have to wear ’em, doctor’s orders.”

  “Actually, I’m glad you’re here. I’ve got somethin’ to show you.” He took the two photos out of his pocket and handed them to Bill. Bill looked at them, then back at Jesse. “Okay. Matt Wilson’s off the list.”

  “I don’t know who faked
this photo or why,” Jesse said quietly, “but I do know that both Ryder and Kendall Malone are in this up to their eyeballs. I’ve alerted Matt. He and the Brigands are on it.”

  “Do you have time for a drink?” Adam asked Bill. “Beer—or something a little stronger?”

  Bill shook his head. “Sorry, but my wife’s waiting for me.” He smiled. “The kids are at Jeannie’s parents’ out in Arizona for a week, so we decided to spend the weekend at the Williamsburg Inn. Sort of a second honeymoon.” He winked at Sarah. “Something we try to do at least two or three times a year. Helps us keep our priorities straight.” He took Sarah’s hand, leaned forward, and kissed both her cheeks, “lovely seeing you again, Sarah.”

  “Same here, Bill.” She smiled up at him.

  After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Bill turned to leave and Jesse murmured, “I’ll see you to your car.”

  As the two men went out the front door, Adam turned to Sarah, his mouth curving upward in a wolfish grin. “And now I think it’s time I found out what you’ve got on underneath that dress. Go downstairs and wait for us in the Play Room.”

  Yes! Dolores, her inner wanton, gave a fist pump, her hips gyrating in a crude dance, while Angel, her inner prude, looked on, scandalized. Sarah ignored them both.

  Adam watched her walk toward the stairs at the back of the room, his cock hardening at the sexy sway of her ass. Damn, he hoped they were through having company for a while. He needed to sink himself inside his woman and not come out for at least a couple of days. He was still standing there in the foyer when Jesse slipped quietly back inside. “Bill said you found some AR paraphernalia at the Malone house?” he asked as the two of them started toward the back of the house. Adam filled him in as they descended the stairs. The Play Room door was open, and they could see Sarah kneeling submissively on the floor, hands clasped behind her neck, breasts thrust forward, her dark pink nipples tight little knots poking through the fabric of her cotton sundress.

  “Very nice, little sub,” Adam said, his voice thick and hoarse. His cock was harder than a slab of granite. A quick glance at Jesse’s crotch revealed that he was in the same condition. A condition that would quickly become agony if they didn’t get relief soon.

  “Stand, Sarah,” Adam ordered. “Present.”

  Sarah rose gracefully and stood with her feet shoulder width apart, her hands behind her back clasping opposite elbows, eyes straight ahead. Both men came around to stand directly in front of her. As Jesse fastened her soft leather collar around her neck, Adam pushed the spaghetti straps of her turquoise dress off her shoulders, taking time to caress her smooth, heated skin before pushing the bodice down to her waist, baring her beautiful breasts. The cold air brushing across her suddenly exposed nipples tightened them, making them as hard as little rocks.

  Without a word, each man palmed the side of a breast before sliding their fingers beneath the generous curves and lifting them up. At the same time, their heads descended and their hot, wet mouths closed around her turgid nipples, suckling and laving and nipping the knotted peaks with their teeth, sending jolts of electricity arcing through her body straight to her clit.

  Her head fell back in ecstasy as she let out a sharp, shuddering cry, thrusting her breasts more fully into their pleasuring mouths and hands. Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God! How could anyone survive such pleasure? Her knees buckled, but Adam and Jesse held her up.

  The hands not holding her breasts fisted her full skirt, lifting the material so that her entire dress was bunched around her waist, exposing her breasts above and her pussy and ass below. Jesse stopped suckling her long enough to growl, “Spread your legs,” against her soft, supple flesh. She whimpered as she shuffled her feet farther apart. The twin tugs on her nipples sent rapturous sensations rioting through her. Another whimper left her throat when both men lifted their heads, leaving her reddened nipples throbbing in the cool air.

  “Arms up, sugar,” Jesse ordered, pulling her dress up over her head and dropping it on the floor, leaving her completely naked. He moved around behind her as Adam dropped to his knees in front of her and looked up at her with a wicked grin. A grin that had her belly clenching and hot cream rushing from her core, dripping down the insides of her thighs.

  Slowly, Jesse slid his hands around her rib cage until they were in front of her, just beneath her breasts. Then he cupped them from beneath, his movements unhurried as he took every opportunity to brush his fingers across her silken skin, flicking his thumbs across her hard, achy nipples.

  Closing his eyes, Adam pressed an openmouthed kiss to her freshly waxed mound. His tongue licked in a slow, ever-widening circle, ratcheting up her pleasure. “I can smell you, love,” he said, his breath gusting across her skin, kindling a fire that seared through her veins. “You are aroused and ready for our cocks.”

  He stared up at her, his hot eyes raking over her breasts, lifted high by Jesse’s large hands, across the soft curve of her belly, down to the glistening triangle between her thighs. A hot flush stained her skin a delightful shade of pink, evidence of her acute state of arousal. And the fact that she was naked, while they were both still fully dressed, only added to her feeling of anticipation. She was filled with such hunger, such love, such all-consuming need, she could barely stand.

  Shivering, dry-mouthed, she watched Adam’s expression as he reached out and touched her mound with reverent fingers, his deeply tanned skin such a contrast to the soft creaminess of hers. Her face twisted, contorting with a mixture of love and lust so powerful, it presented more as pain than pleasure.

  His stare was heated, like fire brushing her skin. “God, Sarah, you bewitch me. Your body is perfection itself. And your scent…” His low voice was rough as sandpaper, abrading her nerve endings, throwing her senses into chaos. He leaned forward and inhaled deeply before touching just the tip of his tongue to her clit. Her body jerked in reaction. Two wicked fingers found her weeping entrance and thrust up inside her hot, welcoming sheath.

  Her gasp was almost a sob. Her body jerked again and would have collapsed if Jesse hadn’t crossed his arms beneath her breasts. Her throat closed on a yelp.

  “That’s right, love. Suck my fingers into that sweet dripping pussy of yours. Christ, you’re so tight! So hot. You’re burning my fingers. I can’t wait to fuck you with my tongue.”

  She was moaning, quivering, only able to stand because Jesse was supporting her with his embrace.

  Adam began placing a line of wet, openmouthed kisses up her legs, starting with her ankles, working up her calves to her knees, first the right leg, then the left. His tongue swirled and licked the sensitive flesh behind her knees, sending fiery hot chills of raw need rolling up and down her spine. And as her need spiraled higher, so did Adam’s kisses, until his mouth was on the same level as her sex.

  She could feel the heat of his breath against her wetness and moaned again, trembling uncontrollably.

  He grasped the smooth skin of her thighs with both hands. “Spread your legs, angel. I’m going to devour this delectable pussy of yours until your cum comes gushing out all over my tongue. Would you like that?”

  Would I like that? Holy Moley! Is the grass green? Is the sky blue? Does a bear crap in the woods? Of course I’d like that!

  But he wasn’t finished. “And then, after you come, I’m going to make you come again.” His voice was dark, hot velvet stroking and heating her shivering skin. He drew back to look up at her, his eyes blazing with white-hot need. “And again and again and again.”

  She stared at him, transfixed by the dark promise of his voice, by the dirty words he used, by the carnal images those words conjured up. Lord have mercy! With tremendous effort, she managed to pull in huge, shuddering lungsful of air, releasing each one in a series of short, panting gasps.

  He grinned. “I’m going to take that as a yes.”

  Jesse pushed her legs apart with his feet, until she was standing with her feet beyond shoulder width, revealing her slick, dripping folds to
Adam’s ravenous gaze.

  Gripping the firm flesh at the crease of her thighs and buttocks, he pulled her toward him until his nose was buried in her wet, gushing cleft. He inhaled deeply, closing his eyes on a groan. “Christ, love. You smell so good. I’ll never get enough of your smell.” He inhaled again, pushing his nose farther into her slippery folds. “Delicious. So fucking delicious.” Shaking his head back and forth, he nuzzled her dripping slit, drawing her scent to the bottom of his lungs, holding it there, as if he were committing it to memory.

  She let out a shuddering moan as her trembling legs gave way. Her head lolled back against the solid wall of Jesse’s chest. Adam lifted her legs and draped them over his shoulders. His thumbs parted her labia to reveal her moist pink inner folds to the blistering heat of his gaze. She moaned and then gasped as his scalding breath scorched her quivering flesh. “Open your eyes, sweet pea. Watch me eat you.”

  He placed the tip of his tongue against the hard, needy nubbin of her aching clit and began to flick it wildly back and forth, a light, deft touch that had her shrieking and arching up fiercely, twisting and jerking her hips against the carnal onslaught of his pleasuring tongue. He curved his hands over the tops of her thighs and held her tight as he licked and suckled and flicked and laved. She writhed against his face, panting and sobbing, unable to catch her breath, transfixed by the sight of his head between her legs, his hot, skillful mouth ravaging her most intimate flesh as he pleasured her with his mouth.

  Lungs heaving, desperate for air, she tightened her thighs around his head, holding him hard against her volatile flesh.

  He tongued her with wicked skill, licking up the succulent pink tunnel of her vulva, from her slippery opening to her throbbing clit, back to her opening, circling the threshold, stabbing into her, fucking her with his hard tongue.

  Her body was out of control, shaking and trembling with the fierce pleasure raging through her. Every muscle was straining, tightening with a blistering intensity that had her head thrashing head back and forth along the hard muscles of Jesse’s chest as the pressure of her orgasm coiled and spiraled in the deepest recesses of her womb.


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