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Owning Sarah [Sequel to Loving Sarah] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Julie Shelton

  With a slurping sound, Adam’s mouth released her nipple to be replaced by the pinching fingers of his left hand. With his right hand he fitted the smooth round prongs of a Japanese clover clamp just behind her distended nipple, releasing the catch just as Jesse’s thumb rimmed her sensitive rosebud, pressing against the resistance he met there.

  Her sharp cry of pain quickly turned into a low moan of pleasure as Adam bent his head and worked her painful peak with his lips and hot tongue, soothing the pain deep into her flesh until it was little more than a hard, throbbing ache. An ache that her aroused body converted into a pleasure so profound, it had her arching into his touch. Her entire body tightened.

  “Do not come,” Jesse ordered as he sensed how close she was to doing exactly that. While Adam repeated the clamping and soothing process with her left breast, Jesse slowed the motions of his fingers, forcing the orgasm that had nearly wracked her body to remain at bay.

  Adam stepped back, admiring her swollen, clamped, purpling nipples. “These are Japanese clover clamps,” he explained, fingering the chain that hung between the clamps, linking her breasts, “cleverly designed to do this.” He gave a quick little tug on the chain, a move that diabolically tightened the clamps. She yelped at the sensation that shot through her breasts. He wrapped the chain around his hand and twisted it, pulling her tethered nipples toward him, making her cry out. “Very pretty,” he said with a satisfied smile, releasing the chain to swing unhindered between her jiggling breasts.

  Her groan ended with a gasping sob as a fresh spurt of hot juice gushed from her pussy onto Jesse‘s hand, still buried between her legs. She stood, chest heaving as her oxygen-starved lungs fought for air. God, what is the matter with me? How can I be behaving like this? Who is this sex slut, this alien being who has obviously taken over my body? How can I like this so much, being the sex toy of two hot Dominant males? How can so much pain and humiliation be such a turn-on? How can I want this so badly?

  She shook her head, helpless against her train of thought. It didn’t seem possible. And yet it was. In spite of a whole spate of powerful orgasms, she was still as aroused as ever. And she needed so desperately to be fucked, she thought she would die if she wasn‘t.

  “Face the cross, Sunny,” Jesse ordered, both he and Adam helping her turn her body when she seemed to have difficulty processing the command. They guided her forward, lifting her feet one at a time until her legs were spread wide.

  Thigh muscles quivering like Jell-O, she struggled to lock her knees so she wouldn’t fall to the floor in an ungainly heap. Uh-oh. Too late. With a little cry, she felt her knees start to give way, but somehow Jesse caught her. He held her up while Adam placed thick leather cuffs, lined with soft fleece, around her wrists. He attached the cuffs to eyebolts screwed into the top of the X. With a grateful sigh she sagged against the smooth, warm wood while Jesse and Adam placed similar cuffs around her ankles and secured them to the base of the cross.

  Four hard male hands began stroking every inch of her body, from her feet to the top of her head, lingering lovingly on her breasts, her ass, her pussy, sending her senses reeling. No longer exhausted, she suddenly felt alive, every nerve, every cell in her body tingling and crackling with electrical energy.

  Both men kissed their way across her shoulders, up the sides of her neck, sending shivers of delight up her spine. “You belong to us, Sunny,” Adam said, just before he and Jesse plunged their tongues into her ears, wrenching a shuddering moan of pleasure from the depths of her soul. “Say it,” he demanded, tugging her earlobe between his teeth when she didn’t answer.

  “I–I belong to you, Master.”

  Both men sucked on her earlobes, wresting a strangled grunt from her throat. “Your body is ours to use as we see fit, whether for pleasure or punishment.” They released her lobes to lick their way in unison down the sides of her neck, making her writhe beneath their sensual assault. Holy Moley!

  “Say it, Sunny.”

  “M–my body is yours, Master.”

  “We own you.” A hand tugged the breast chain, making her shriek, “Yes, yes, oh, God, yes! You own me! Body! Heart! Soul!”

  The chain was released, and she sagged against the cross, her moans turning into a crescendo of tiny, chirping mewls as they licked the outer shells of her ears, suckling and nibbling on the tender flesh of her earlobes. She shivered violently, clenching her jaw to keep her teeth from chattering. By now, even her goose bumps had goose bumps.

  All the while their hands stroked her, painting her skin with thick liquid heat and electricity, skimming over nerve endings so sensitive, they crackled and snapped with pleasure. Adam palmed her mound, pushing two fingers through her slit, thrusting them inside her vagina, curving them slightly forward. Then, to her shock, Jesse slid two fingers through her cleft from the rear, thrusting them into her vagina behind Adam’s, curving them slightly backward. Holy Moley! She had four fingers in her cunt! Stretching her. Filling her beyond belief! She was panting, struggling to adjust to the sheer size of those four thick, male fingers invading her. To the sheer rapture of those fingers resting against the spongy tissue of her G-spot. To the sheer, unimaginable pleasure this very act afforded her.

  Then the fingers began to move, thrusting in and out in unison, completely unraveling her, forcing a high, keening wail from the depths of her lungs. Then Adam’s thumb began circling her clit. Jesse’s thumb, slick with her body’s own juice, pressed through her tight sphincter and entered her anus. He continued his in-and-out thrusts, gripping the thin membrane separating her two passages between his thumb and two fingers as he did so, a move that catapulted her into the stratosphere. A shriek ripped from her throat as pleasure skyrocketed through her. She was spiraling out of control, trapped in a whirlwind of sensation. Snared by a force field of energy that zapped every atom of her body with pleasure.

  The fingers continued plunging in and out of her vagina, while both thumbs continued stimulating her ass and clit. At first, their thrusts were together. But then, without warning, they began alternating their thrusts, a sensation that ripped a shriek from her throat and stole the breath from her lungs.




  The conflicting sensations overwhelmed her, shattering her concentration, until all she could focus on was her rapidly building climax. “Oh, God, I’m gonna come! I’mgonnacomeI’mgonnacome—Jesse-e-e-e!”

  Instantly both hands withdrew.

  “No-o-o-o-o!” she shrieked, yanking desperately against her restraints, her hips thrashing in a desperate attempt to find that one little touch that would push her over the edge. “No, no, no! Adam! Jesse! Damn you, you assholes, don’t leave me like this! Let me come, I need to come! Goddamn it! Why do you always do this to me?”

  Giving one last frantic pull on the cuffs imprisoning her wrists, she finally gave up, sagging against the cross and sobbing quietly into the emptiness they left behind. She waited, quivering, her breath coming in tiny, shuddering sobs, the overpowering need to climax scurrying through her like a million bugs on acid. She stood there surrounded by silence, stretched in the X shape of the St. Andrew’s Cross. Her eyes closed as she drifted in an eerie, shadowy world, hovering on the brink of an orgasm that, when they finally allowed her to claim it, would surely destroy her.

  “Well, little sub. For your overall lack of respect just now, you have earned five swats.” Adam’s voice, cold and hard, seemed to come from a great way off. “Plus another five for calling us assholes.”

  Her eyelids jerked open. Jesse and Adam were standing side-by-side in front of her. Oh, God, when am I going to learn to keep my mouth shut? “I’m sorry, Masters,” she said contritely. “I–I didn’t mean—it’s just that I was so close…so close…all I needed was one more touch and I would’ve—” She bit her lip as she realized that no amount of apology or entreaty would change this particular outcome.

  Then she saw what they were holding in their left hands, identical black
floggers, with dozens of narrow leather tails that hung straight down nearly to the floor.

  She gulped. Oh, my God! They’re going to flog me!

  Fear iced her spine. A vivid memory of being caned stabbed through her brain. She sucked in her breath audibly, her teeth clamping on her lower lip, her eyes widening in panic as her stomach pitched and rolled. As terror filled her, she thrashed wildly against the cross, trying desperately to free her bound wrists and ankles. But all she accomplished was banging up her knees and practically dislocating her shoulders. Okay, okay, calm down. Calm down. They’re not going to hurt me. At least not beyond what I can stand. I just have to trust them. And I do. I do trust them. Abruptly she stopped, drawing air into the bottom of her lungs, trying unsuccessfully not to whimper.

  “Where are you, Sunny?” Jesse’s voice, soothing her. Jesse’s hand, caressing her shoulder, calming her. Jesse’s love, surrounding her.

  “Y–yellow, Sir.” Her eyes closed and she swallowed audibly, angling her head to rest her cheek against the warm wood of the cross. These were her men, her Doms. Jesse and Adam, whom she loved more than life itself. Who loved her just as much. Either she trusted them to cherish and honor the gift of her submission or she didn’t. And right now, that meant taking the punishment she had coming to her. She knew they were watching her, waiting to see what she would do, their silent scrutiny ratcheting up both her fear and her indecision.

  With a tremendous effort she took deep, steadying breaths, forcing her panic to recede. Slowly the tension eased from her body, and she felt her muscles begin to loosen and relax. Exhausted, she rested against the wooden cross, her breathing once again calm and even. She was floating, suspended by the currents of energy that seemed to flow from them through her like electricity. “I–I mean, green, Sir,” she somehow managed to say.

  “Good girl.”

  She could hear the pride and love in Jesse’s tone, and joy bloomed inside her. She could do this.

  One of Jesse’s hands lifted to palm a breast. She sucked in a hissing breath as he jiggled the clamp she’d forgotten she was even wearing, resensitizing her painful nipple. His other hand trailed the strips of the flogger up the side of her leg, ending with a light, almost playful swat on her hip. The leather strips caressed her skin like soft, velvet fingers. Adam mirrored Jesse’s actions on her other breast.

  “Are you still at green?” he asked.

  “Yes, Master.” She nodded her head.

  “Good girl. We’re going to give you an extensive warm-up, so the ten strokes won’t hurt as much as they would if we just went in cold.”

  “Thank you, Master.”

  The hands left her breasts. In tandem, Jesse and Adam began stroking and swirling the floggers’ leather strips up her calves and thighs, between her legs, over her ass cheeks, up her back, across her shoulder blades, down her sides, pausing to linger on her breasts, her thighs, her mound, their touch so light, it almost tickled.

  “The falls are made of deer hide.” Jesse’s voice, low and smooth, as soothing as the caress of the leather on her skin. “We chose these particular floggers because their impact can range from a sharp, stinging pain to what some subs have likened to an erotic massage.” As he spoke, he and Adam continued stroking the falls across her skin, repeating their pattern many times without variation. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and relaxed into the rhythm they established.

  Whack! Whack! Two blows fell on her ass cheeks. She clenched her buttocks in an automatic reaction against pain. Until she realized that there was no pain. They hadn’t struck her hard enough to hurt her—just enough to warm her already-heated skin. The blows were followed by light slaps in alternating rhythm up both sides of her rib cage. Slaps that felt sort of like…the massage Jesse had mentioned. An odd, fluttery, totally erotic massage. Okay. I can do this. Dolores gave her a grinning thumbs-up.

  Whack! Whack! Blows on her shoulder blades, followed by light slaps in alternating rhythm back down her sides. This pattern was repeated several times, lulling her into a sensual haze as she dangled from the cross.

  Then they began striking at random all over her body with the soft leather strips, including the insides of her thighs, her pussy, and her breasts, until her skin began to glow with heat and she felt as if she’d swallowed fire. And even as they were lashing her with the falls, they were caressing her with their hands, constantly stroking her buttocks, her back, her thighs, and her pussy—oh, God, her pussy! Her whole body was tingling, sensation building on top of sensation, until she felt she was on the verge of something massive.

  Thick male fingers slid through her slippery folds, thrusting up inside her vagina, combining the sting of the flogging and the pleasure of sexual stimulation into one towering sensation. Over and over again they brought her to her peak before diabolically retreating, leaving her gasping and desperate, shuddering helplessly at the pinnacle of one denied release after another. A sheen of sweat coated her body, gleaming in the spotlights.

  “Christ, sugar, you have no idea how fuckin’ beautiful you are.” Jesse’s voice sounded strangled, as if he were choking. “I love all the little sounds you make when you’re reachin’ for your pleasure.” She moaned, her womb contracting at his words, fresh juice spurting out onto her thighs. Dear God, I need to come!

  The flogging changed from alternating strokes to simultaneous strokes gradually building up speed and force as her skin, from her thighs up to her shoulder blades, slowly reddened, heating her inside and out until she was drowning in a sea of flames. The pleasure seemed to go on forever, lulling her senses, filling her body with a heat that spilled through her veins like liquid fire.

  Her arousal was off-the-charts deep. A dizzying need that ravished her senses and electrified every atom of her body. By now she was so sensitized she swore she could feel every tiny little hair growing. Just the slightest brush of the leather strips through her slit, the lightest tap of a finger against her clit, was enough to keep her reeling on the verge of ecstasy.

  With a deep sigh of utter bliss, she slipped into a dark world of erotic mystery, where pleasure mixed with pain until they were one shining, shimmering sensation, and it was all pleasure. She was floating in the bluest sky she had ever seen, looking down on snow-capped mountains, forests, lakes the color of sapphires. She soared higher and higher, edging toward the blackness of infinite space as she left the earth far below. A dazzling swirl of colors and lights danced and fizzed around her. She was flying. Drifting. Transported in a bubble of pure rapture. Time softened, stretched, fell in on itself like melting plastic.


  “Ow!” The painful slap stung her right buttock. Followed by another thwack to her left buttock. Then simultaneous painful whacks to both buttocks until she was sobbing and crying out with the sheer beauty of it. After six more rapid-fire blows, she heard the floggers drop to the floor. Then, hands were stroking her hot, stinging skin. Lips were kissing her hot, stinging skin. Tongues were…Oh, God that feels so good! She moaned and pulled against her restraints. Adam…Jesse…She wanted to touch them. She needed to touch them. She was being stroked and kissed and licked from her toes to her neck and everywhere in between. God, she’d never felt anything so wonderful in her life. Her breaths were coming in sharp little gasps.

  Someone knelt behind her. Adam. His hands gripped her buttocks, parting her crease. His tongue darted between her ass cheeks, swirling around her tight little rosette, stabbing and probing her back entrance. “Oh, God, Adam…” She moaned and shuddered, jerking in her restraints as he slid his tongue up the tunnel of her slit and paused just before touching her aching clit, bringing her body instantly to the edge of ecstasy.

  “Come for me, sub. Now.” Adam’s mouth closed over her clit, and she screamed as her orgasm clobbered her. The earth tilted on its axis as pleasure exploded through her, lighting her up like the Las Vegas Strip. His relentless mouth sent her climax blasting out the top of her head like an erupting volcano in a cataclysm of
never-ending convulsions that ripped through her so fast, all she could do was hang on for the ride and hope she survived.

  As her ravaged body continued to buck and jolt, she realized dimly that the earth hadn’t tilted. The cross had. While she’d been lost in the throes of the most mind-blowing orgasm she’d ever experienced, the bottom of the cross had raised up pneumatically, while the top had lowered. So, instead of standing, she was now lying on her belly, her body at the perfect height for being fucked.




  Adam moved to stand between her spread legs, looking down at her. “Jesus, Sarah,” he whispered on a note of awe, “You have the most gorgeous ass. Everything about it is just…perfect.” He stroked his hands over her heated skin, making her squirm. “Plump and perfect, shaped like a heart. A bright, beautiful, red heart.” As he said the word red, he slapped her right cheek, sending a fresh wave of heat spiking through her. His hands gripped her hips, and she felt the fat head of his naked cock slide between her swollen outer lips, lubricating itself in her slippery juice. “We are going to fuck you now, Sunny. Jess in your mouth. Me in this gorgeous cunt of yours.”

  She didn’t speak. She couldn’t. Her chest heaved with the tremendous effort required just to breathe.

  “You’re ours, Sarah. Mine and Jess’s.”

  She gulped and managed a tiny nod, followed by a gasp of pleasure/pain as Jesse’s fingers tugged on the chain hanging between her breasts, tightening the clamps, sending jolts of sensation sizzling through her entire body.

  “Say it. I want to hear you say the words.”

  “I’m yours, Master. Yours and Sir’s.”

  “We own your body.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “We own your heart.”

  “Y–yessss.” It was a snake-like hiss.

  “We own your soul.”

  “Yes, oh, yes, yes, yes!”


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