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Owning Sarah [Sequel to Loving Sarah] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 38

by Julie Shelton

  “We’re both right here, baby,” Jesse said lovingly. “You were havin’ a bad dream.”

  “Was it the same one?” Adam asked.

  She nodded. “Yeah, running through darkness, trying to get away from some unknown, unseen…thing. But this time I could hear your voices. I heard you calling me.”

  Jesse and Adam exchanged glances. “That’s good, baby, that’s progress. Doc said it’ll fade eventually. It’s just gonna take some time.”

  “Sorry I woke you up,” she said at the end of a wide yawn.

  “Actually.” Jesse pulled her hips back into the cradle of his groin. His erection was like a stalagmite, poking her in the spine. “That’s not what woke us.” He bent his head and placed his lips against her neck.

  “Adam’s not supposed to put any strain on his leg,” she reminded them sternly. “In fact, the only reason the doctor allowed us to leave the hospital in the first place was because we promised him we wouldn’t let Adam put any strain on his leg.”

  “He didn’t say anything about not putting a strain on my dick,” Adam offered hopefully.

  It had been two days since the raid on the neo-Nazi compound. They’d spent the first night at Bethesda Naval Hospital, Sarah for observation, Adam to recover from the emergency surgery he’d had to undergo to repair the damage to his thigh—not just the initial deep gash from the accident, but also the additional internal tearing from all the physical activity he’d engaged in afterward. But yesterday morning, because they’d raised such a stink, the hospital had reluctantly released them, after making them sign waivers absolving them of any future liability.

  Unfortunately it had gone downhill from there. Adam’s and Sarah’s initial plans to spend the day relaxing in their comfy recliners down in the cave, watching movies and letting Jesse wait on them hand and foot, never materialized because of the never-ending parade of visitors and well-wishers. Everyone in town had heard about Sarah’s abduction and wanted to be the first to hear all about it straight from her own lips. At first, she hadn’t wanted anyone to see her bruised face or her heavily bandaged wrists and ankles, but her two men had assured her that they were badges of courage, and she had relented.

  People from the courthouse came, along with people from the police station, Matt’s bikers, Brian’s construction crew, and Adam’s security employees. Even members of Club Ravish had come, though, thankfully, not Master Cameron.

  Master Michel and Mistress Sidonie had certainly attracted more than their fair share of speculative stares and whispers, even though the Domme had chosen to dress in a fairly conservative pair of black, pin-striped slacks and a cream satin blouse. It was the sleek black hair, Sarah decided, pulled back so tightly it made her eyes look like a cat’s. Or the blood-red lips. Or those atrocious, three-inch fingernails.

  Even many of those who’d taken part in the raid had come. And, of course, this being the South, everyone who stepped foot through that door had brought food.

  Absolutely inundated with an astounding variety of casseroles, potato and macaroni salads, and pies, Jesse had come up with the brilliant idea of putting Sarah’s courtroom ladies in charge of setting up a hastily improvised buffet, while he ushered the steady stream of visitors in and out.

  Last to arrive were Bill Payton and his entire Alpha team. They were also the last to leave, although they managed to stay long enough to polish off the rest of the donated food. They even cleaned up the mess afterward, taking the garbage bags with them and leaving the kitchen spotless.

  Exhausted, Sarah, Jesse, and Adam had collapsed into bed and fallen instantly asleep. Until Sarah’s nightmare. The same one that had awakened her the night before at Bethesda, mere hours after her ordeal had ended. To wake her up from that one, Jesse had crawled into the narrow hospital bed with her, simply holding her and murmuring words of comfort and reassurance until she’d fallen back to sleep. Finally managing to extricate himself from their embrace, he’d carefully backed off the bed, only to see that Adam, in the next bed, was wide awake, a troubled expression on his face. They’d insisted on being in the same room to make it easier on Jesse. Fortunately, the hospital had agreed.

  “Is she going to be able to deal with what happened to her?” Adam asked. Jesse could hear the worry in his voice.

  “I don’t know.” He sat down on the edge of Adam’s bed. “That’s why I called Art Portman.” Art Portman, a former SEAL teammate of theirs, was a psychiatrist specializing in BDSM abuse cases.

  “What did he say?”

  Jesse shrugged. “He just said watch her—without bein’ obvious about it. Keep her safe, without hoverin’ over her like anxious mother hens.”

  “How do we do that?”

  “Fuck if I know.” He paused. “He also said she might lose interest in sex—at least temporarily, and that she might never want to be tied up again or bound in any way.”

  “Holy shit.”

  “Yeah,” Jesse said morosely. “My words exactly. He did say he’d be willin’ to work with her if she loses her way.”

  “Well,” Adam said soberly, “we’ll just have to hope that if she does lose her way, we’ll be able to find her and bring her back.”

  Replaying their conversation in his head, Jesse lay there with Sarah’s sweet curves pressed against him, anxiously awaiting her response to Adam’s not-so-subtle sexual invitation. As he waited, he studied the man he’d loved for years. As a friend. As a brother. Emotion swelled inside his chest, expanding like a balloon until he couldn’t catch his breath. He loved Adam, with a love as powerful as his love for Sarah. And he was going to tell him. Life was too short and uncertain to hold anything back, and he’d been holding back for years. No more.

  “What I don’t want,” Sarah said firmly, “is for you to rip out all those stitches holding your thigh together. After all, the surgeon spent over two hours putting them in and would be royally pissed if you just went and ripped them out again.” She gave him a critical once-over. He’d regained nearly all of his color, thank God. His head wound had been stitched, and the blood-stained gauze helmet replaced with a large dressing. And for someone supposedly doped up on pain medication, he looked surprisingly alert.

  “You sure you’re up for this?” she asked. “You must be pretty dopey from all the pain meds we’ve made you take. To say nothing of exhausted from having visitors up the wazoo all day.”

  “Which begs the question,” Adam said. “What is a wazoo? And where, exactly, is it located? Is it anywhere near the nuggets?”

  Sarah just laughed. “See? Dopey on pain meds.”

  “Does everyone have one?” Adam continued, looking pensive. “And, if so, where do they get it? Is it available online? If it isn’t delivered in thirty minutes or less, is it free?”

  “Stop,” Sarah laughed helplessly, pushing at his arm.

  “Is it prone to flatulence? Is black the only color, or can I get a red one?”

  By this time, Jesse was laughing, too. “Okay, okay, enough already. We get it. You’re ready.” He sobered, looking directly at Sarah. “The question is, sugar, are you ready? We don’t want to push you into anythin’ you’re not ready for.”

  She angled her head back to look at him. “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than show the two people I love the most exactly how much I love them. But,” she added, turning her gaze back to Adam, “I don’t want to do anything that would put any kind of a strain on your leg.”

  “Then why don’t I just lie here quietly, like a good little boy, and let the two of you figure something out?” Adam turned to lie flat on his back, clasping his hands across his stomach, an angelic expression on his face that wasn’t fooling anyone. His cock rose like a flagpole, stiff and red with engorged blood. “Go ahead,” he challenged wickedly. “Have at me.”

  “Okay,” Jesse said, quickly taking charge. He rose up onto his knees, sitting back on his heels. “But first I need to say somethin’ to both of you.”


“No, Adam. Havin’ come so close to losin’ you both, I need to say this.” He took hold of Sarah’s hand and lifted to his lips. His eyes were like burning black coals. The love she saw shining there thickened her throat and sent tears welling in her eyes. “You are the love of my life. You’re every breath I take, every beat of my heart. You light up all the deepest, darkest corners of my soul and fill me with a joy I never thought I’d experience. I love you, sugar.” His lazy smile was potent, warming her all the way to her toes.

  Unable to speak through the sudden swelling in her throat, she could only stare up at him, sniffling as the tears spilled over and rolled silently down her cheeks. She watched, her eyes never leaving his, as he leaned forward and claimed her lips in a slow, sweet kiss that sent anticipation fluttering through her belly. Holy Moley!

  He turned his gaze from her to look down at the man lying beside them on the mattress. “Adam—”


  “Let me speak. You know how difficult all this touchy-feely sh—stuff is for me.”

  He reached out to cup Adam’s cheek. “I know you’ve always been more comfortable with emotions than I have. But the events of these last two days have changed everythin’. If I’ve learned anythin’ from all this, it’s how quickly everythin’ that matters to you can be ripped away. And how important it is to tell people how you feel.”

  For a full minute, the two men simply stared at each other, communicating on a level that needed no words. Saying things to one another that Sarah could not hear, but could intuitively understand. Jesse curved his fingers around the back of Adam’s neck, pressing their foreheads together.

  “Adam, you’re my friend, my brother. You and I are two halves of the same coin. But Sarah is our other side, completin’ both of us in ways we could never complete each other.”

  He turned to look down at the woman they both loved. “This has no effect on how we deal with you,” he continued. “All you need concern yourself with is that we’re both still your Doms, and you will continue to obey us as you always have. Although, from here on out, you will address both of us as Master. Am I clear?”

  Her belly rolled, sending cream gushing out into her folds. “Yes, Master.” She licked her lips. He let his hand drop, but didn’t look away from Adam’s eyes. “Sunny”—his voice went low and hard—“hands and knees. Straddle Adam’s head, facing his feet.”

  Sarah’s belly dropped. Delight swept through her as she scrambled to get into position. Hoo boy, this is going to be so-o-o-o hot! Dolores was already doing back flips around the room. Placing her knees on either side of Adam’s head, Sarah carefully avoided his bandaged wound as she waited for Jesse’s next orders.

  “Christ, Jess,” Adam muttered, “You should see what I’m seeing. Our little sub has the most beautiful pussy in the world. And it’s drippin’ all over the place.”

  “Okay, Sunny,” Jesse said through a throat that was suddenly so tight, the words just barely squeaked through. “Take Adam’s cock in your hand and work your magic.”

  With a sigh of utter bliss, Sarah placed her hand at the base of Adam’s cock. Lowering her head, she dribbled saliva from her mouth all over the plum-colored head, spreading it with her tongue like she was frosting a cake. She dug the tip of her tongue into his weeping slit, loving the taste of his musky pre-cum. Then she opened her mouth, fitted her lips around his cock head, and gave a deep suckle.

  Both men groaned in unison. Jesse’s breath died in his lungs as he wrapped his fist tightly around his own cock. Holy shit! I may never breathe again! Adam bucked his hips upward. “Jesus, Sunny!” he cried in a hoarse voice. His cock jerked and thickened in her mouth, but she held on tight and suckled again and again, eliciting a steady stream of groans from his throat.

  Alternately sucking then licking up and down his length, she continued to pleasure him, her hungry gaze riveted to Jesse’s hand moving rapidly up and down his own massive erection until he released himself, shoved the fingers beneath her chin and tapped her firmly on the jaw. She lifted her head reluctantly. Her lips were red and swollen from being stretched so widely around Adam’s thick penis.

  “Give me some more lubricant,” he ordered. Working her cheeks and tongue to gather another mouthful of moisture, she released it down onto the ruddy head of Jesse’s cock. As he grabbed hold of himself once more, he let out a groan, a sound filled with a dark, primal hunger. A sound full of torment and need.

  Suddenly Adam’s hands were at Sarah’s hips, hard and possessive, pulling her down until her slit was just above his face. “Christ, Sarah, I have to taste this pussy. It’s so fuckin’ beautiful. And so goddamn wet.” Pulling her still lower, he put out his tongue and licked up the entire length of her slit, from her clit at the bottom, to the pucker of her anus at the top. “Christ, you taste good, love. Sit on my face and let me pleasure you while you have your wicked way with me.”

  Careful not to put her entire weight on his face, she hovered, letting out a shuddering sigh as he reached up, parted her swollen pussy lips with his fingers, and licked slowly around her opening, barely grazing her slippery flesh with his rough, raspy tongue. “Oh, God, Adam—harder! Harder!”

  Her back arched as she ground her pussy against his agile tongue, unable to withstand the needs crashing through her. Needs that twisted her insides into a tight, painful knot, just waiting for the touch that would unravel her, that would soothe this agony into indescribable bliss. As his tongue flicked back and forth across her clit, she began to undulate her hips gently in time with his strokes. Oh, God, that feels good…so good!

  Adding his saliva to Sarah’s on his own cock, Jesse spread it with his fingers, clumsy in his haste to bring himself to completion. His control was rapidly unraveling as need clawed through him.

  Holy Moley! Unable to resist, Sarah pooled more saliva in her mouth, letting it ooze out onto Adam’s testicles, which were right beneath her nose. Angling her head, she opened her mouth, licking and sucking the soft sac of wrinkled flesh, nearly losing him as his hips bucked wildly with pleasure. “Lie still,” she growled, smiling against his flesh as he muttered, “Yes, Mistress.”

  Okay! Dolores gave her a big thumbs-up. This Domme thing might turn out to be pretty freakin’ hot!

  Sucking one of his testicles into her mouth, she let her tongue manipulate it, while he twitched all over, moaning with pleasure. She repeated the process with his second testicle. Grabbing his cock around the base, she licked all the way up to his knobby head, slicking her way with copious amounts of saliva. Cranking his cock upward, she probed the tiny slit with the tip of her tongue, excavating it as if she were digging a trench.

  With a low groan, she opened her mouth and sucked his entire cock inside her mouth, nearly choking as he slid past her gag reflex, down her throat. “Hold,” was all he said. Her eyes watered. Her lungs were about to burst as his hand on the back of her head held her in place for a long count of five. He released her and she rose back up, coughing and gasping for breath. “Again,” he ordered. “Hold for five.”

  Walking her lips back down the length of his stalk, she took a deep breath through her nose, then opened her throat and took him all the way in, holding while he did another slow count to five. Then she slid back up, suckling deeply as she retreated.

  “Christ, Sarah!”

  Tightening his grip on her hips, he pulled her right down onto his face, redoubling the movements of his mouth against her clit, licking, nipping, gnawing, and sucking. Without warning, he thrust two fingers up into her vagina, making her yelp with shock and pleasure. Twisting his hand sideways, he spread her natural lube with his fingers, prepping her back hole before thrusting the other two fingers into her anus.

  “Do not come,” he ordered, his voice barely audible against her flesh as he replaced his tongue on her clit with his thumb, while continuing to finger-fuck her both anally and vaginally, pushing her to the limits of pleasure. Her squeals of delight grew exponentially louder as he drove her closer and
closer to climax.

  Jesse sank to his heels, his cock nearly forgotten in his hand as he watched the two people he loved most giving each other the ultimate pleasure.

  “Holy fuck!” At least that was what Sarah thought Adam exclaimed. His mouth was buried in her slit, making it impossible to know for sure. With a frantic yelp, he pushed her hips up off his face. “Fuck, Sarah! If you don’t stop right this minute, I’m going to come!”

  Instantly she stopped, pulling her mouth off of Adam’s cock, placing a loud, smacking kiss right on the tip. Then, with a groan, she opened her mouth and, with a sudden flex of her cheeks, sucked him in down to the root. Then she began fellating him in earnest.

  Jesse, watching her head bobbing up and down on Adam’s cock was so overcome with emotion, he had to squeeze his eyes shut to keep the tears from falling. “Fuck, sugar, that’s such a beautiful sight.” His voice was ragged.

  Hand pumping, Jesse fisted his cock up and down, so fast, his movement was nearly a blur.

  Sarah felt her orgasm beginning to tighten like a spring as Adam built her pleasure inch by excruciating inch. With wicked skill, he brought her right up to the edge, but wouldn’t let her fall over. His cock thickened and jerked inside her mouth. He pumped his hips, his movements becoming more and more frantic, more and more erratic.

  Her body tensed, her back arched, and she wanted to throw back her head and let out a scream, but she kept her mouth sealed around Adam’s cock, sucking him hard, even as his tongue finally sent her flying over the precipice. With a muffled shout, he went over with her, sending bursts of thick, salty cum straight down her throat. Jesse went completely rigid, his head thrown back, the tendons in his neck distended as he released his seed all over Sarah’s face. Even after they collapsed in a heap in the middle of the mattress, they stayed connected, their bodies continuing to jerk as the pleasure kept going.

  Finally Jesse lifted himself up and off of them. “I’ll be right back, sugar. Don’t go anywhere.”

  She couldn’t even summon up the energy to groan. Seriously? You actually feel the need to tell me that?


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