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Owning Sarah [Sequel to Loving Sarah] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 40

by Julie Shelton

  Against the back wall of the stage was an antique table with a center drawer, with tall silver candelabras at the corners. White candles burned in those candelabras, as well as in two even more elaborate ones on stands at each end of the stage. Roses of every color, in every stage of bloom cascaded from massive containers lining each side of the aisle and along the back wall of the stage. The chairs were filled with some of the Club’s Doms, Dommes, and subs, both male and female. From the back, Sarah recognized Belinda with her Masters, Jake and Z, Boy and his master, and a few others she’d met on her first visit, now over a month ago. This time, instead of fetish wear, everyone was dressed in fairly dressy street clothes, as if they were going to church or to a wedding. Which, she realized belatedly, this pretty much was—at least for these people.

  She also recognized Pete “Ogre” Talbot from Matt’s Brigands Motorcycle Club, sitting with Lisa Wilson, as well as Bill Payton sitting beside a lovely woman who must have been his wife. Jay Gillespie, Mark Austin, and Nik Rostov were also there. She gulped. Holy Moley! People I see and know outside this Club are about to see me naked—or as good as! She looked at Master Michel and Mistress Sidonie Lavallier, who were seated side by side to the right of the stage. And all of a sudden she realized that she didn’t give a damn if these people saw her naked. To her Masters, she was beautiful, and that was all that mattered to her.

  Then she noticed the older man sitting at the far end of the front row on the right-hand side. He was probably in his late sixties, his sun-weathered face rugged and handsome, with deep laugh lines etched around the outer corners of his eyes. Still muscular and fit, he was dressed immaculately in a charcoal-gray silk suit with a slightly darker shirt and a deep burgundy tie. Who’s he? Sarah wondered. She was sure she’d never seen him before.

  Master Michel rose and turned to face the audience and she turned her attention to him, the strange man forgotten. The dapper Frenchman was dressed in his usual black satin shirt, and black linen trousers. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, Masters and Mistresses, submissives and slaves. As you all know, it is a rare and precious thing in our world when two people find their lifetime partner. When three people manage to do it, it’s almost unheard of. And is a major cause for celebration. So we are gathered here tonight to celebrate three people who are absolutely perfect for each other. Who complement each other in every way. Three distinct souls, three distinct hearts, three distinct lives on three separate and distinct journeys who have somehow managed to find each other and are vowing tonight to unite their hearts, souls and lives and continue their journey together—as one.”

  He turned to his wife, Mistress Sidonie, who was wearing a red linen suit with a white silk camisole blouse. “Please ring the bell to summon the Masters,” he said with a gracious nod of his head. She picked up a bell from the table and tinkled it delicately. A door opened off to the left, and in strode Jesse and Adam and—Sarah let out a gasp—Brian and Matt Wilson! The cousins were wearing nice-looking suits. Jesse and Adam were dressed in tuxedos, and they were each carrying an open red rose. As Sarah stood looking at them, her knees weakened and her mouth began to water. Everything about them bespoke power and she suddenly found herself shivering.

  Holy Moley! They look so damn…She shook her head slightly. There were no words to describe how wonderful they looked! They needed to wear tuxedos more often—like every day. Adam, with his golden hair, his cleft chin and dimples, Jesse, with his black hair and those slashing cheekbones—Holy Mary, Mother of God! Light and Dark. Saint and Sinner. Angel and Demon. And they were hers, all hers.

  Everything south of her waist melted as she let out the breath she’d been holding on a sigh.

  Mistress Sidonie rang the bell again. “Will the submissive please step forward?”

  “That’s you, sweetheart,” Solo whispered with a wink and a grin. They followed Molly down the aisle. When they got to the front, Theodore “Solo” Solomon bent to give her a kiss on the cheek then took her hand and placed it atop both Adam’s and Jesse’s. “As she gives her hand for you to hold, she also gives her life for you to keep. Do you accept this gift that is freely offered?” Ted said solemnly.

  “We do,” Jesse and Adam said, just as solemnly. Adam turned his hand and placed it beneath Sarah’s, Jesse placed his on top.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, Masters and Mistresses, submissives and slaves,” Master Michel again intoned. “We are gathered here tonight for a truly special occasion—to witness the joy and happiness of Masters Jesse and Adam and their submissive, Sarah, as they make a solemn commitment to join their lives, their hearts, their souls, and their bodies in a way that is not recognized by any official jurisdiction in this country—or, indeed, in any other country

  “It is a commitment without boundaries or limits. A commitment that cannot be seen, or heard, touched, or measured. Yet it is a commitment they must make, because the need for it is so powerful it impinges on every aspect of their lives. Because they will never be whole or complete without making it.

  “And so, Masters Jesse and Adam have come here before this gathering of loving friends and relatives and like-minded souls to exchange vows of Domination and submission and to place, as a symbol of those vows, a collar around the neck of their willing submissive, Sarah.” He turned to Sarah, standing quietly in the aisle, just looking at the two men she loved with every fiber of her being. “Sub Sarah,” he asked gently, “are you here of your own free will?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her voice was clear and firm.

  “And are you here for the reason I have previously stated?”

  “Yes, Sir. I am here to offer myself in total submission to Master Jesse and Master Adam. I offer my body for them to use and enjoy as they see fit. I offer my mind for them to mold and educate so that I may become a more pleasing submissive. I offer them my heart, which is filled with love only for them, and my soul which would wither and die without them.”

  “Masters, do you accept the gift freely given by this lovely submissive?”

  “We do,” Adam and Jesse spoke in unison.

  “Sub Sarah, will you please kneel before your Masters?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, sinking gracefully to her knees on the red velvet cushion. Master Michel held out his hand, and Sarah placed her white rosebud in it.

  Jesse and Adam released her hand, then each took one of hers in both of theirs. “Sarah,” Jesse said, looking down at her with so much love in his eyes, her throat thickened, making speech impossible. “We make eight promises to you. First, we promise to protect you and always keep you safe. I know we have fallen short of this in the past”—she shook her head, opening her mouth to protest, but he quelled her with a look—“a failure we do not intend to repeat. Ever. Again.”

  It was Adam’s turn next. “Second, we promise that we will always be honest with you and hold nothing back. We do this, knowing that in order to win your mind, body, soul, spirit, and love, we must first win your trust.”

  “Third,” Jesse resumed, “we promise that we will always be there for you, to listen to you when you have wants or needs, to guide you when you’re lost, to reward your obedience with pleasure, and to correct disobedience with discipline.”

  “Fourth, we promise to love you unconditionally, honor you in everything you do, and respect you, body, mind and soul,” Adam said.

  “Fifth, we promise to cherish the gift of your submission,” Jesse continued, “recognizing that it is a pearl beyond price and the greatest treasure we have ever received, with the understanding that we each gain the most from pleasuring the other.”

  “Sixth, we promise to love you with our hearts, worship you with our souls, and adore you with our bodies, always mindful of the fact that we dominate you only because you allow it. Your needs will always come first, because only by seeing to your needs, will our own be met as well.”

  “Seventh, we promise to allow you to be your true self, and to give you the freedom to soar to new heights.”

nbsp; “And eighth,” Adam finished up, “we promise to always put your welfare above ours and take full responsibility for your psychological, physical, sexual, social, and emotional health and happiness.”

  Sarah cleared her throat. “And I, in turn, have eight promises to make to you,” she said. “First, I promise that I will honor our relationship above all others, and will never intentionally do anything to dishonor it. Second, I promise I will always be honest with you and hold nothing back. Because holding back builds walls where none should exist, and cuts me off from undiscovered parts of myself. Third, I promise to trust that you will always know what I need and where I need to go, and that you will always fulfill that need and take me there.

  “Fourth, I promise my obedience, for my only desire is to serve you, to devote my entire being to your satisfaction and the fulfillment of your desires. Fifth, I promise to surrender my will to yours, and dedicate my life to pleasing you in whatever way I can. Sixth, I promise my body, for your use and pleasure whenever and however you so choose. Seventh, I promise to be your personal, private property, to be owned by you, and to wear with pride and humility whatever symbols of that ownership you deem appropriate. Eighth, I promise to love, honor, cherish, ad obey you, not only until the end of our time here on earth, but beyond.”

  Master Michel stepped forward, a broad smile on his face. “You have each given and received eight promises, a significant number, since the number eight is also the sign for infinity. Rise, sub Sarah, and stand facing your Masters.” While his wife, Mistress Sidonie, took the white rosebud from him and handed it to Sarah. Jesse and Adam picked up their red roses from the table.

  Lifting Sarah’s right hand, Jesse pressed one of the thorns on the stem of his rose to her index finger. Holding her bleeding finger over her rose, he gently squeezed two drops onto the creamy white petals before lifting her fingertip to his mouth to kiss it tenderly. Adam repeated the process by pricking the tip of her left index finger with his rose, letting two drops fall on top of the two she’d already shed. As he kissed her fingertip, looking deeply into Sarah’s eyes, they suddenly welled with tears.

  “The pricking of the submissive’s finger is symbolic of the taking of her virginity,” Master Michel intoned. “She has shed her blood as a sign of her intention to give herself, body, heart, and soul, completely to her Masters.”

  Holding the rose sideways so the drops of blood wouldn’t roll off, she offered the stem first to Jesse, then to Adam for each to prick their own fingers. Each man allowed two drops of his own blood to fall on Sarah’s rose, one on top of one of her drops, one on top of each other’s.

  “By pricking their own fingers and covering her blood with their own, Masters Jesse and Adam are symbolizing their ownership of her body, and their pledge to protect and defend their submissive with their life’s blood.” He paused, then said, “Press your fingers together and repeat after me. I vow that from this time forward…”

  “We vow that from this time forward…”

  “The three of us are bound together…”

  “The three of us are bound together…”

  “Not only by flesh and spirit, but by blood.”

  “Not only by flesh and spirit, but by blood.” They pressed their fingers together, mingling their blood. Mistress Sidonie handed Jesse a wet-wipe, and he carefully cleaned the blood off all their fingers before he and Adam both kissed Sarah’s finger.

  Master Michel picked up a silver tray with a six-foot length of silver chain coiled up on it. Matt and Brian moved closer to the little group at center stage. They each took one end of the chain, stepped up to one of the candelabras, and passed the entire six-foot length quickly through the flames. Then, still holding the ends, they circled around Adam, Sarah and Jesse from opposite directions, effectively winding the chain around their waists, holding the crossed ends to keep it in place. “Please touch your roses together, letting the blood on your submissive’s rose touch each of the other two,” Master Michel directed.

  Watching while they did it, he said, “The chain is a series of links that represent all of the individual events which led your lives to this joining. Each link interlocks with the next, creating a strong bond, uniting individuals into a whole. The pass through the flame purifies the bond, burning away the past and making tonight a fresh, new beginning. Wrapping the chain around these three provides a visual image of the binding together of three souls into one.”

  Everyone watched as Matt and Brian coiled the chain and placed it into a red velvet bag. “This chain is over two hundred years old. It is the same one passed down to me by my father and mentor, when my beloved wife and slave, Mistress Sidonie and I had our Collaring Ceremony. It is with love and respect that we pass it on to you, in the hopes that you, in turn, will pass it down to someone special in your lives at their ceremony.” He took the velvet bag and placed it on the silver tray. Mistress Sidonie collected the three roses and put them in a sterling silver bud vase.

  “Master Jesse, Master Adam, do you have a gift for your submissive to commemorate this august occasion?”

  Jesse stepped closer to Sarah, reaching around her neck and removing the black leather collar she’d worn to the Club that night. Then Adam took something from his tuxedo pocket. It was a circlet made of solid platinum, with a delicate, filigree, twisted-rope border that could easily do double duty as loops from which to hang things—such as her diamond-studded fishing weight.

  “Sarah,” Jesse asked, “will you please kneel at out feet?” Once again sinking gracefully to her knees on the velvet cushion, she bowed her head submissively. “This is the last time we will ‘ask’ you to kneel,” he continued, “for once you accept this symbol of our ownership, kneeling before us will be your natural, preferred posture unless we indicate otherwise.” Fitting the collar around her neck, he paused before clasping it. “This is a permanent collar, one which you will never take off. It can only be unlocked by these two keys”—he and Adam extended their hands to reveal two small platinum keys on delicate silver chains—“which will be worn around our necks and which we will never take off. Will you accept and wear this collar as an outward symbol of our ownership of you?”

  “Yes, Master Jesse.”

  “And will you wear it proudly,” Adam continued, “as a symbol of your servitude to us and as a sign to all those we meet on our journey through life that you belong to us?”

  “Yes, Master Adam.”

  Their fingers were warm against her neck as they locked the collar into place. In a synchronized movement that looked as if they’d rehearsed it for days, they hung the key chains around their necks and sat side by side in the throne-like chairs in the center of the stage. “Present ass, slave,” Jesse ordered in his no-nonsense Dom voice.

  Breath hitching, she lowered her chest to the stage floor, spreading her arms out to her sides, arching her back, and lifting her ass as high as it would go. “Spread your legs,” Jesse reminded her coldly.

  As she scrambled to obey his instructions, Adam said, “Usage variation, slave.”

  Quickly, she raised her arms over her head, crossing her wrists.

  “Kneel up, slave,” Jesse demanded coldly. “Do you have a gift you wish to present to your Masters?”

  As she raised her torso, arching her back and locking her fingers behind her head, chest out, she said, “Yes, Master. I wish to present both of you with the gift of myself. Everything I have. Everything I am, for you two complete me in ways no one else can. Your touch awakens me. Your dominance pushes me past my own narrowly perceived limits and allows me to soar. Only by serving you am I able to flourish. Only through total submission to you do I find total freedom. You give me a joy I never thought I’d feel. I surrender everything to you because I know that is what pleases you. I kneel before you proudly as a sign of my submission to you and my acceptance of your ownership. Through wearing this collar, I will honor both it and you, Masters.”

  “Do you now belong to us?” Adam asked.
r />   “Yes, Master, I belong to you.”

  “Are you our property, to love, to use, to pleasure, to discipline as we see fit?”

  “Yes, Master, I am your property.”

  “Does your ass belongs to us?” Jesse said.

  Just barely Sarah stopped herself from biting her lip. ‘Yes, Master, my ass belongs to you.”

  Jesse held out his hand, and Master Michel laid a riding crop across his palm.

  “Present your ass, slave, to be disciplined.”

  “Yes, Master.” Awkwardly, not wanting to tear the flimsy fabric of the dress, Sarah turned around, still in the Kneel Up position, until her back was to them. She lowered her upper body and assumed the Usage Position.

  Jesse laid three quick stripes across the fleshiest part of her butt cheeks, followed by three more from Adam. More heat than hurt, but it still stung.

  “Do your breasts belong to us?” Adam asked.

  She gulped. “Yes, Master, my breasts belong to you.”

  “Rise, slave, and present your breasts to be disciplined.”

  Oh, God. Slightly breathless, she rose and turned once again, locking her hands behind her neck to thrust out her breasts. By now they were swollen nearly purple with engorged blood from being bound with Adam’s ropes. Inwardly cringing at the pain she knew was coming, she nevertheless stood straight and proud, knowing that everything she did was a reflection on them and not wanting to do anything to disappoint or dishonor them.

  Adam laid the leather flap of the riding crop flat along the side of one bulging breast. Gently he stroked it around the entire circumference, then did the same thing with the other breast. Leaning forward, he suckled her nipples around the clamps. Then, he gave her three sharp slaps to the top, side, and nipple of each breast. Her body jerked with each blow, but she managed not to make a sound other than a low grunt.

  Jesse repeated Adam’s discipline of Sarah’s breasts. By the time he finished, her breathing was ragged and she was sobbing softly. The makeup Molly had applied was not waterproof, and black mascara ran down her cheeks, emphasizing her look of distress at her Masters’ control over her body.


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