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Mastered by a Wolf

Page 4

by Belladonna Bordeaux

  Warned? Befuddled, Eliza clamped her lips shut.

  Sweat broke out on her brow when he slid his cock from her aching pussy. “You will remove your pantaloons and kneel on the pad there as I work on Lady Stanhope’s order,” he informed her coolly.

  Out of her peripheral vision, Eliza spied the amethyst-colored cushion near the press. A draft of cold air swept across her nether lips. “What? Why?” A curse upon me.

  He smacked her bottom again. She sucked in a sharp gasp. She bucked forward. Her body screamed for him to finish the bedding—to, as he said, fuck her.

  “Because you are a new slave, I will explain—this one time.” William moved away from her and righted his clothes. He rounded the press and leaned down so they were eye to eye. “I am your Master. I control your pleasure. If you disobey me, I will punish you. Is that understood, slave?”

  Eliza didn’t know whether to answer or not. Gazing at him, she nodded.

  A small smile played at the corner of his kissable lips. “Good. Now, do as I say.”

  * * * *

  William observed her right the bodice of her gown. ‘Twasn’t until after her beautiful breasts were covered that she removed her silk pantaloons. His grin turned wolfish when she folded the silk. Lust rolled through him as anticipation for finishing what they’d started crept into his conscious thoughts. A small chuckle rumbled in his chest when she appeared at a loss as to where to store the intimate apparel. “Give it to me,” he demanded.

  He tilted his head to the side when she gazed at him through the veil of her lashes. Sniffing the air, the scent of her arousal still heavy in the ether, he waited for her to obey. His rock-hard cock throbbed for release, but Eliza was going to have to understand ‘twasn’t only his penchant to dominate his sexual partners, but that when he commanded her to do something he expected it to be followed without thought or argument. Her very life could depend on it.

  Aye, ‘twill take you time to learn your place, but don’t make this harder on yourself than it has to be. “Eliza,” he snarled.

  She handed him the clothing. He sensed that she wanted to give him a proper set-down for leaving her in a state of heightened sexual need but was keeping her cool facade in place. “Kneel,” he reminded her when she stood rooted to her spot.

  He didn’t move until she’d taken her position on the cushion. He breathed deeply of her pantaloons. “You are an enticing woman, Eliza. I will enjoy being your husband. Very much, I think.” Rather than leave the garment out, he strode to the workbench with its multitude of cubbies and drawers. He opened the top drawer, let her pantaloons slide into the dark confines and then shut them away.

  She opened her mouth to say something but must have thought better of it. Her wide-eyed gaze followed him as if she’d bolt from her place and run for the hills if he so much as lifted his arm.

  What are you afraid of now? That I don’t like you, or that I’ll take away your freedom? Nay, he didn’t want to destroy the spirit she’d hidden away in her heart, the part of her that was full of passion. He enjoyed the bit of her temper he’d seen. “Tell me about your fiancé.” He wondered if the damage done by the man’s sudden death was too much for Eliza’s personality to overcome. Blast her former fiancé straight to the Gates of Hell.

  “I don’t want to talk about Geoffrey. He’s dead.”

  With time and a steady hand, she’ll be fine. At least he hoped so. He went about his task of inking the form, setting the engraved plate in the press and fitting the first piece of cardstock. Seeing Eliza squirm slightly, he lifted an eyebrow. “Are you wet for me, slave?” he asked, teasingly.

  A fiery blush rolled up her cheeks. “Aye,” she whispered.

  “Good.” He nodded. “There are things about me which will seem odd, Eliza. Things I will ask you to do, that won’t make sense at the moment. Understand this, I do not do them because I wish to hurt you but to protect you from my enemies.”

  “Perhaps then ‘tis foolhardy for us to wed.” Again, she peeked at him. He discerned she was gauging his reaction for her speaking without permission. “Do you have many enemies? I mean if you do, perhaps I will be more a hindrance than an asset.”

  Are you trying to convince me or yourself? “In London, aye, but I will protect you from that which would cause you harm,” he allowed. “There is naught foolhardy about you becoming my bride.” He turned the top screw. The block pressed down on the paper. He heard her sharp intake of breath. His gaze sliced to her face. Her stare was fixed on his arms. Through his instincts he sensed she lusted for him but also worried about something. “Do you fear I will beat you for speaking your mind?” For the first time in his paranormal existence he wished he was telepathic too.

  “Nay…aye…I don’t know. I don’t understand much of this.”

  He didn’t blame her. Have patience, he told himself. Breathing deeply, he exhaled slowly. “Be at ease, Eliza. I have never laid a hand on a woman in anger.” In mortal combat and in his werewolf form, aye, but explaining what he was wouldn’t help the situation. A little spanking to heighten her sexual pleasure wasn’t out of the question either, but he held his tongue. A niggling suspicion took root in his mind. “Did your fiancé strike you?” He had to know. His fingers clenched down on the handles of the screw.

  “Nay, but he had a fiery temperament. I thought—I wasn’t sure if…some of my friends have…”

  “Did your father hit your mother?” From the short period of time he’d spent around the elderly man, William doubted Daniel Dogood had it in him to swat a fly.

  “Nay.” She shook her head, sending her dark, sable-colored hair to stroke her shoulders. “Papa would never have harmed mother.”

  “It appears your father and I are cut from the same cloth, so to speak.”

  “How can I be sure?”

  “Would my sacred vow to never strike you in anger carry aught weight with you?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  He lifted the invitation from the press. “Would you hand me another piece of stock?”

  “I’ll have to get up,” she pointed out the obvious.

  “Aye, but I feel we need to discuss my penchant for dominating my partners and the concerns it causes you.”

  “You wouldn’t mind?” She nibbled on her lip. “I think we could suit, it’s just that, well, I don’t know how to explain it. Perhaps if we…are you sure you wouldn’t mind?” She waved her hand in the air.

  The innocent move nearly made him growl. “Mind having a discussion with the woman who will become my wife, not in the least.” Wiping the smudges of ink from his hands, he took the few steps separating them and helped her rise to her diminutive height. He brushed his knuckles down her cheek. “Eliza, I will never hurt you in anger.”

  “Thank you. I do believe you, but what happened…” Another blush rolled up her cheeks.

  “You didn’t like it?” He knew she had.

  A small smile quirked the corners of her lips. “A little, but what if all that should get out of hand?”

  “Then, I willingly give you permission to kill me in my sleep.”

  A burst of horrified laughter echoed in the room. Her astounded expression caused him to chuckle. “You jest.”

  “Do I?”

  Chapter Four

  Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

  Eliza stared at William’s face. Her breath hitched. What she wouldn’t do for another of his kisses. She rose on tip-toes at the same instant he dipped his head. Of their own accord, her hands came to rest on his shoulders as he wrapped her in his strong embrace.

  “This is where you belong,” he murmured.

  “Aye.” Her heart beat went wild when he brushed his lips across hers. There was a certain feeling of safety in his arms. Not something she could explain, but when he kissed her, she wasn’t sure she could think.

  “Eliza! Eliza!”

  The sound of Constance’s voice broke the spell. William set her aside, shoved a stack of pre-cut blan
k cards into her hands and returned to his task. The twinkle in his brilliant gaze enchanted Eliza. There is much more to you than meets the eye. Hearing her sister’s heavy footfalls on the stairs, Eliza blushed. She pressed the palm of her free hand to her heated cheeks. I despise how I blush at the least little embarrassment. “How do I look? I mean, can you tell?” Oh, I don’t know what I mean.

  “You look fine,” William assured. He winked at her.

  “Eliza, where are you?” The bang of the door leading to the flat above-stairs rocked through the shop. “Eliza?”

  “We’re back here,” she called to her sister. Her gaze went to the drawer containing her pantaloons. There isn’t enough time to retrieve them. She gulped. Positively lewd thoughts went through her head as William worked the press. She couldn’t help but remember being at his mercy before he’d started his work. Her body tingled with wanton desire. To have your fingers in me again. Your cock. A sigh ripe with frustration broke from her throat.

  Considering their discussion and how she’d reacted to his ‘punishment’, she came to an important conclusion. She wasn’t afraid of William. He might like sexual acts that weren’t the norm, or aught she’d ever heard of, but she could tell he didn’t want to hurt her. If anything, his play enhanced her desire for him. Who would have thought? Aye, the issue was he’d flung too much at her. Part of her was still wondering if marriage was his intent. Another part of her was intrigued by how easily he’d gotten her to a point so close to satisfaction she could almost taste bliss. There was a tiny voice that said, ‘you are being a nitwit.’

  If their discussion while she’d knelt was an indication, William didn’t want a silent wife. She could even see why he wanted her to be quiet while… Her pulse started to thrum in her ears when she imagined him taking her over and over. Holding her down. Making her submit. Mastering her.

  Liquid heat drenched her core. She snatched her hand back from her cheek.

  “Eliza! What was this door doing closed? Papa will have your head should he find out you were in a closed room with an unmarried man.”

  Out of habit, Eliza smoothed over her expression. She licked her dry lips. Ignoring her sister’s reprimand which could be easily explained away as keeping the cold air from slinking up the stairs, she held up a hand when William glared at Constance. “What do you need, Constance?”

  “Oh, there you are.” Constance rounded the corner. She gripped the counter’s edge. She turned her head to stare out at the street then shifted her gaze back to Eliza. “Papa wants to head for home soon. He believes the snow has slowed as much as ‘twill before dark.” Constance turned her attention to William. “No need to impose on our hosts any longer than necessary.”

  Taking in Constance’s angry expression, Eliza frowned. All thoughts of how unladylike she felt without having her knickers on went flying to the four winds. Through the front window, Eliza could see the snow coming down just as hard as it had before. The worst case scenario was Constance had done something to offend the Copes. It wasn’t out of the question, either. “I see.” She nodded to William. Setting the stack of cards on the workbench, she joined Constance. “Thank you so much for showing me how the press works. ‘Tis an incredible device.”

  “You’re most welcome, Miss Dogood.”

  Eliza led Constance back to the foot of the stairs. Ignoring the illicit feel of her naked thighs rubbing against each other, she sighed.

  “I lost my purse,” Constance murmured.

  “What?” More’s the question, ‘so’?

  “My coin purse,” Constance admitted; her tone was barely a whisper “It’s not in the pocket of my cloak.”

  “I’m sorry, Constance, but I’m not following you.”

  “Get your wits about you, Eliza. I don’t have the money to pay for the valentine.”


  “Aye, oh,” Constance sniped sarcastically. “That’s all you can say? Oh.” The blonde looked about ready to have an apoplexy. “They’ll send me to the gaol.”

  “They will not,” Eliza dismissed her sister’s worry. “Papa will surely pay for it.” But that was contingent on him having his purse with him. Bah, he never goes out without his purse.

  “Nay, he won’t. He warned me he wouldn’t when I ordered it.” Tears filled Constance’s blue eyes. “He thinks valentines are trite and for the lower classes.”

  Eliza almost reminded her sister their family’s status was hardly far above that of a commoner. If ‘twasn’t for her father’s profession as a solicitor, they’d be as humble as the Cope family. “I have a small amount of coin saved at home.”

  “What good will that do me?”

  “I’ll talk to…” She caught herself before she called William by his given name. “Promise Mr. Cope that as soon as we can reach home, I will forward the funds to him for the valentine.”

  “Do you think he’d accept your offer? After all, they appear as poor as church mice.” Constance snuck a glance around her sister. The noise coming from the other room told them both William was engrossed in his work. She motioned Eliza to lean closer with a quick nod. “Do you think he’ll discuss this with his father so I can take the valentine with me?” Raising her arms, she wiggled her fingers at her temples. “I’m in a bit of quandary about what to write to my dearest Robert. ‘Twill take me most of the night, I fear, to get my words just right.”

  Eliza rolled her eyes at her sister’s theatrics. She huffed out a breath. “There’s only one way to find out.”

  Constance hopped from her left foot to her right. Grabbing Eliza’s hands, she hugged her tight. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

  Eliza pulled away. “I can’t promise you anything.”

  “You’ll make it happen. I know you. You could talk Papa out of his last ha’penny.”

  Actually, the only thing she’d ever convinced her Papa of was allowing her to set herself aside from the marriage market. Eliza wished she had as much faith in herself as Constance did. “Go above-stairs. Just keep quiet about your missing coin.”

  “I will.”

  Eliza spun on the heel of her serviceable shoe. She’d barely taken a step when she halted her forward progression. “Wait. Did Papa really say he wanted to leave soon?”

  “Aye. He doesn’t want us or the servants to be snowbound.”

  “How soon before we depart?”

  “Perhaps a half hour.”

  Eliza didn’t know how much more excitement she could take in one afternoon. “Stall.”

  Constance scowled at her. Suddenly her lips formed a perfect ‘o’. “I understand. You think you’ll need time to convince Mr. Cope.” Constance nodded. She started up the stairs. “I can do that. ‘Twill plead a slight headache, that should have Papa cooling his heels afore the fire for a few extra minutes.”

  “Let’s hope so.”

  Eliza walked back to the anteroom where the press sat. Trepidation filled her. They might have spoken about marriage, but they weren’t formally affianced. Spit, I’m still in a quandary. She paused at the archway. “Hello.”

  “What’s wrong with Constance?” William asked.

  “How did you know something was amiss with Constance? Perhaps I returned under the guise of asking you to retrieve my…uh…”

  William threw his head back and laughed. “She’s as easy to read as you are.”

  With naught to lose, Eliza smiled. “Aye, that I am. Geoffrey noticed that about me as well.” Not to the degree that William did, though. Her smile disintegrated when he propped his hip on the edge of the press and folded his arms over his chest. “Did I say something to offend you?”

  “Nay,” he said. “We were discussing Constance.”

  “Aye. It seems she’s misplaced her coin purse. It may have fallen from her pocket while she walked here.” ‘Twasn’t out of the question. Eliza shrugged. “Would it be possible for her to take the valentine home? I’ll send you the funds as soon as the weather clears.”

  “Come here.”
/>   She didn’t hesitate but strode to where he stood. Perhaps ‘twas their experience earlier or some inherent feminine instinct but she smiled up at him. “Aye.”

  “Aye, what?”

  Her heart fluttered. “Aye, Master.”

  “I will allow you to pay later.” He brushed an errant lock of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. “Though, ‘tis not your coin I desire.”

  “What do you desire, Master?”

  “You. Body, mind and soul.” He took her in. “Assume your position against the press.”

  Eliza gulped, trying to clear the knot of lust from her throat. “As you wish, Master.” She almost told him her father wanted to leave soon. Instead, she brushed past him and did as he told her. She placed her hands on the now warm handles and bent at the hips so she leaned over the press.

  “Your sister must want her card desperately.”

  “She does.” Not as much as I want your cock in me.

  “Don’t make a sound.”

  “Nay, Master.”

  His hand smacked down on the layers of cloth covering her butt. He lifted her skirts out of the way. The feel of his hand caressing her bottom made her wiggle her hips. “You appreciated my fingers in you before. Ride them again.”

  His fingers teased her opening. She waited until he’d eased his index finger in just a short length. Slowly sinking back on his digit, she moaned. As she pulled forward, he slipped another finger into her. Before she knew what she was doing, she was rocking back and forth on his fingers. She gritted her teeth to keep from begging him to finish the game they’d played for a good part of the afternoon.

  Oh, my. Oh, my. She pushed back harder, pulled forward quicker, until she was nearly at the breaking point.

  “Look outside.”

  Forcing her eyes open, she watched the snow swirl. The curl of passion weighing heavily in her belly built. She panted against her raging heartbeat. The twinges from before were twice as strong now. Please. She wanted to cry. Please.


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