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Urban Vampire The Turning

Page 13

by Pepper Pace

  My body reacted to the touch. I wanted her to bite harder to...

  "Careful. She is using the bite to seduce." Tony thought.

  "I know, but it feels so good..."

  Paul was thinking at me calmly. "You like the way it feels, don't you?"

  "Oh yes." My thoughts were becoming more distant. I could feel the pulse beating between my legs...

  "Then remind her how we humans do it. Tell God."

  My eyes opened and I blinked, bringing back my awareness. "Yesss..." I hissed. "Oh my God, yes!"

  Kaniji screeched out painfully and jerked away from me. Her eyes had gone red and pained. She glared at me hunched over on herself. "Bitch!"

  I put my hand on my neck. When she pulled away she had also pulled out a good chunk of my flesh. I think that Bitch killed me. Blood sprayed through my fingers.

  Paul spun me around to him, his eyes bulged. He placed his hands over mine to stop the blood. My eyes were just as wide with surprise.

  I kept thinking stupid thoughts like I'm spilling all of Paul's hard earned blood...

  But when I looked again it was no longer Paul standing before me, but the pale face of the Elder.

  He had a slight smile on his face. He was all of a sudden taller than me and with my heels I didn't see how that could be dawned on me that his feet were not touching the ground. Why wasn't my neck hurting? This should really be hurting. Oh...then it was. The pain was suddenly sharp and blinding.

  The Elder gripped my wrist and moved my hand away from my neck firmly. He put his other hand behind my neck and drew me to him. I resisted because I had just gotten my neck ripped out already and I didn't need this Elder to finish the job.

  But somehow calm enveloped me and I had a difficult time trying to take my eyes from his.

  His lips parted and I saw his sharp teeth seconds before I felt his lips on my neck.

  Ohhh. Something was happening. I could feel his tongue lapping at the painful tear in my neck and something strange was definitely happening there. I could hear him swallowing the blood from my body in great gulps. Then his tongue alternated between gently probing and licking. It was really pleasurable—even with the pain and I wanted to cum—more than anything in the world I wanted to cum.

  Without thinking about right, wrong, or consequences I blindly reached up and gripped his head in my hands. My teeth lowered further than it ever had and I struck him in the neck while he was still feeding.

  The Elder grunted and paused in his drinking.

  But me I was going crazy with the taste of him. Paul was so so good. And Tony had been a concentration of what Paul had offered. But him; he was like a glass of ice water in the desert. The pulse that had begun earlier, in the core of me was now a rapid fluttering. I was going to cum...orgasm...climax...

  I could hear the animal sounds issuing from my throat as I fed quickly, slurping and lapping at the Elder's throat.

  Then my feet came away from the floor. We were floating! The Elder pulled away from me which forced me to pull away from him. I was panting and blinking, wanting close, but not quite. Please let me cum, I was thinking…

  He held my face away from him and watched me. His eyes swam in the color gold. His lips were still parted and the way he was looking at me I thought that he was going to kiss me. I wanted him to...then I would suck the blood from his lips. Instead he turned away from me and I slowly lowered to the floor. Paul's mouth was hanging open in amazement. He was gripping his wrist and I could see red marks there shaped like fingerprints although I didn't remember the Elder ever touching him.

  "Your neck is repaired." The Elder spoke over his shoulder. I slowly brought my hand up to my throat. It was smooth and unmarked but still wet with blood.

  He glided to the end of the table. His neck was streaming a slow river of blood.

  "Master. You are injured. Let me-" Kaniji went to put her mouth on his neck and he pushed her away.

  "Enough!" He said sharply. "Finish this!"

  Kaniji looked unsure. She turned to me with a confused and frightened look.

  "I am...Neco Kaniji San." She bowed slightly. "My land in English is called Cherry Blossom Village." She bowed again. "My second is Sewidge Akoube. Welcome to our Council." She backed away from me carefully. I was still out of it enough to not even acknowledge the small Asian man that stepped out briefly from the rest of the group. All of my attention was on the Elder. He watched me, too...and so were the other 100 or so people in the room. Everyone was watching me in total amazement.

  I turned to Tony. The look of amazement that his face wore is what finally started to sober me.

  "We have never heard of any Vampire ever drinking from an Elder." Tony was thinking at me. "You have to finish this."

  I turned to Kaniji. "Thank you Neco... Kaniji San."

  Kaniji just regarded me with caution. I was so unsteady on my feet that I wasn't even sure what she had said.

  Everything was booming in my head. Why was it so noisy when no one was talking? I could feel my skin regenerating, my eyelids when I blinked were so damn loud! Wait a minute. I'm high!

  I closed my eyes and grinned to myself. That Elder's blood was booming!

  I glanced at him. His eyes were still swimming in gold but he was as calm as a cucumber as he watched me, a slight smile still on his lips.

  The harder I tried not to weave on my feet the more I did. I felt and was acting like I was totally drunk.

  Paul steadied me and raised his eyebrow in a question. "I'm fucked up." I hoped I was thinking and not speaking.

  His lips formed a big O.

  I looked at the Elder again. "What did you do to me?"

  "Me? It was you that drank the blood from an Elder...but you taste as good to me as I did to you, Succubae."

  "Succubae? You mean those female sex demons? I'm a Vampire not a sex Demon, right?”

  "You are a bit of both...more so then the rest of us. Finish this tiresome ceremony and I will show you what you will need to know."

  Paul was still looking at me with a question but it was Tony that I focused my thoughts to. "I need to finish this quickly."

  "Kim, I just can't believe you did that. Do you know how many people here have wanted to taste from an Elder...just a taste? And Alexis allowed it...Yes, we need to get you out of here before something else goes wrong. Have Paul follow you to the front of the table, although, after that show I don't see anyone attempting your assassination."

  I took Paul's hand and pulled him after me. When we passed Alexis I could not, if I had been chained, stop myself from allowing my hand to brush his backside.

  I goosed an Elder! I was going to be in sooo much trouble! What was wrong with me?!

  I was to receive an even bigger shock when Alexis let his hand discreetly brush my fingertips in response. I glanced at him, my body growing hot again instantaneously. I was still high, and still horny. His eyes hooded but continued to look cool and controlled.

  When I reached the front of the long table I faced the crowd trying hard not to tug at my collar and rub my neck like a crackhead.

  I tried to focus on the crowd. Some appeared anxious and nervous while some appeared a bit titillated themselves. Some, like Kaniji appeared outraged. But everybody was completely focused on me. I am sure that this is the best Council meeting they've ever attended. This might possibly be the highlight of the Century!

  "Kim," it was Tony, in my head. "You must greet the group. Say, 'Thank you for your attendance and patronage."

  I repeated his words, surprised that my voice carried throughout the room as nervous as I was.

  "As your ruler, your loyalty will be rewarded." Again I repeated the words. "And ANY disloyalty punished."

  Whew. I repeated that with as much fake bravado as I could muster. For the next five minutes or so Tony fed me a lot of words that made me sound like the biggest friggin' dictator in the world. But I got the distinct feeling that if I was to rule over these hundreds of Vamps, I a
ctually had to be the biggest friggin' dictator in the world.

  Tony paused in feeding me a speech. "Here is where you are supposed to name a second..."

  Paul turned to me and raised his brow.

  "I'm stuck, Paul. I'm supposed to name a second but..."

  "Just repeat after me," Paul said.

  I had nothing to lose so with a shaky breath I repeated what Paul fed me.

  "Every one of you in this room is connected; first through Johan, and now through me. I have no second to name, however, I intend to announce one in seven days. The one that will be named my second will be the one that rounds up the most rogue Vampires."

  I could not have spoken another word. The noise in the room was loud. My subjects present were talking excitedly to themselves. I could hear some of their questions. I answered them as I heard them.

  "Bring them alive, only the living will be counted. House them and protect them until the time of the midnight hour of the seventh day...Uh Saturday...arrives." I smiled at Paul. His idea was brilliant!

  Tony didn't look as pleased as I thought he should. He walked around the table.

  "Kim Russell, you have inherited the lands and the people and all belongings in Sector 7. You have also inherited the blood donors of the previous council member."

  "Shit!" Paul yelled in my head. "No, Kim." Paul railed. "No! I simply cannot share you. It's bad enough with this Tony, guy! But more blood donors? Where the hell am I supposed to fit in?"

  The crowd parted and five beautiful models stood before us. They all were dressed in skimpy clothing and two had big Pamela Anderson hair.

  I grimaced.

  "Never mind." I heard Paul think.

  Tony continued speaking. "This ceremony is finished. Kim Russell, welcome to the Council of the Neratomay."

  I was surprised to hear applause. I didn't think that it meant that my subjects had completely accepted me, but it did mean that I had borrowed myself a little more time.

  Like a junkie needing a fix my mind traveled back to the Elder. It was late...he said there was more to tell me...maybe more to taste.

  "Kim, you need to take a feeding from your donors. You've lost a lot of blood." Tony was speaking. I took a step back, away from them and closer to Alexis.

  "No." Paul said. "I have to feed her, at least tonight." He gave me a meaningful look. Oh yes, a kiss.

  The models stared at me nervously.

  "Paul. Uhm...would you handle these ladies? Maybe get some pointers since they've been at it longer." Paul's mouth opened to protest but he was caught between looking at me and looking at the five models.

  Tony glanced at the Elder then back at me. "What is your game, now? Seduce an Elder to gain protection?" His words were a bit hateful.

  "Please make sure Paul gets home okay, and these ladies." I turned my back to them all and went to the one that made my blood rush...for now anyway.

  The Elder glided to stand before me. I wouldn't even look behind me at the two men glaring holes into my back.

  "I am Alexis." He said. "You have taken my blood. Now I am inside of you and you in me."

  "What does that mean?"

  "You will find out soon enough." He reached out and took my hand. Then we disappeared.


  I felt a slight tugging but for the most part we moved swiftly, or a better description is that the world seemed to flash around us. He was much better at this then I was.

  When it stopped I found myself standing in a vast room. The floor appeared to be marble, the ceilings fifteen feet tall! It gave the impression that we were in some great cathedral. The room was lit by torches that gave a surprisingly warm and bright feel to an otherwise cold room.

  The only furnishings were a huge four poster bed, cloaked on four sides by a rich red brocade and velvet. Gold cords held the material back to expose a bed piled high with pillows.

  Next to that was a table that held a challis, an old book and a jeweled box.

  Overly ornate chairs dotted the large room in pairs of two separated by small round or square tables or chaise lounges.

  Rugs of all sizes, shapes and colors covered the beautiful floor.

  Although it was definitely strange I admired the richness of this place.

  "This is where you live?"

  "One of my homes." The sound of his voice made me feel tingly all over. Was he making this happen to me? it was the bite. That I knew. I hadn't felt anything like this until after I'd taken his blood. Now my mouth was watering at the thought of it. I could almost taste him.

  Alexis' eyes had grown dark since we'd shared blood but now they were gold again. I wondered if gold eyes were a sign of lust. That thought only made me want him more.

  He was still holding onto my hand. I felt my gums tingle at the sight of the fallen blood on his collar from where I had ripped him. His skin was completely healed and smooth. Why then did I want to rip it again and drink long?

  "It is the blood lust."

  Alexis' voice was calm but because we were holding hands...and maybe because we had shared blood, I could feel his excitement.

  "You can read my mind. Is it because you're an Elder or because I'm in you and you're in me?" I used his phrase.

  "Both. Because you're Neratomay I can read you. Because we have shared blood I feel you."

  I throbbed in a thoroughly erotic way. He could feel me? Could he feel that?

  Alexis closed his eyes and swayed while I eyed his neck hungrily. I leaned forward but he stayed me with his hand, eyes still closed.

  Why did I want him so badly? I had fed from Tony and yes the act had turned me on, the same for Paul. But once the feeding was over, for the most part so was the lust. But Alexis had fed from me in turn and somehow that very act had completed some type of circuit.

  "It is true." Alexis led me to the foot of an extra large chaise. We sat side by side but not touching, although I very much wanted to. "To give and take blood from a Vampire is a very meaningful act. You may give or you may take but to do both simultaneous is to form a bond."

  I suddenly became alert. I had linked us, the way Tony felt linked towards me. Is this what Tony felt for me? "Alexis. I didn't know-"

  "I know you didn't, for I would have killed you where you stood if you had knowingly linked us."

  "Linked...what exactly does that mean for you and me?" I asked shakily. "How long will it last?"

  "I am in you and you are in me." He shrugged as if the answer were obvious. "As far as the length of time it depends on many of which is whether or not we decide to indulge in the taste of each other again."

  With those words I felt my hunger overwhelm my lust. It was never subtle with me but like a train crashing into me. I grunted in a very unlady-like manner.

  But just as suddenly the pain subsided into a dull, but a manageable discomfort.

  "I see that you have very little control over your Vampire desires and needs."

  I looked at him weakly. "Did you take the pain away?"

  "I borrowed some of it, but you will need to feed before the sun rises. Therefore I will tell you what you will know in order to sit on the Elder Council."

  I did sit up straight, then. "To become an Elder?! Don't you have to be a thousand years old to even be considered?"

  "Yes. And then only when you have achieved such power and have passed a grueling initiation and tests to judge your worthiness."

  "Alexis, I'm sure you're aware that I can't even lower or retract my teeth without assistance. My Vampire powers are pretty limited. What makes you think I could ever be strong enough to gain a position to the Elder's Council?"

  "Because many of us have forgotten our human instincts. If you survive to be a thousand years old you will surely gain a seat on the board." If I survived...

  "What will you tell me?"

  He gestured to the jeweled box beside his bed, and it appeared in his hand. He handed it to me.

  "Open it." He commanded.

I did. The jewels in there had to be worth a small fortune. And they were all of religious effects. I looked at him surprised that he would sleep with something like this beside his bed.

  Alexis reached into the box and removed a particularly bejeweled rosary and crucifix.

  There was no zap of lightening, or smoking flesh. There was nothing. He was impervious to them as well?!

  "Is it because you're an Elder?"


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