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Urban Vampire The Turning

Page 20

by Pepper Pace

  I gasped and at the sudden jolt of pleasure I screamed like a young virgin. Tony hesitated and looked at me to make sure it was in fact, a scream of pleasure. Oh it was. He did it again a bit faster and I screamed again. My feet braced against his bed as he plunged into me harder. Faster and faster he repeated the move until his hips were pumping rapidly and I was hoarse from screaming!

  My legs came up suddenly and wrapped around his waist. He rose to his knees and lifted my hips from the bed, his hands gripping my bottom. Then he drove himself into me rapidly. He moved my legs until they were over his shoulders and his thrusts drove him even deeper. It was rough and hard and wild!

  I exploded in a sudden flood of nerve endings. I felt like there were twenty orgasms happening all at once! I let go one last ragged scream and I didn't sound like myself. I felt like there was an animal inside of me fighting to get out!

  Tony's pumping hips paused and then he cried out, too. We sounded like animals howling at the moon, but it sounded so right. He pushed himself into me hard and I could feel his hot cum coating my insides. My pelvis worked until I felt that he had spilled every last drop inside of me.

  Exhausted I pulled him down on top of me and held his panting body. Panting? But yes he was breathing hard and his muscles were trembling.

  "Oh Baby..." He groaned eyes closed against my neck. "So good."

  "Can' yet." I said quivering.

  Tony chuckled lightly, still against my neck. "I hope you haven't lost your voice." I stiffened. "Oh no. You don't think Mei Wah heard do you?"

  Tony looked at me amused. "He would have to be deaf not to."

  I closed my eyes mortified. Tony kissed me lightly then rolled off me to pull me into his arms.

  "Mei Wah has been a witness to many things more sinister then a little love making."

  I opened my eyes. "I guess you're right." Tony was staring at me.

  "You are so beautiful."

  I didn't answer immediately. "The Vampirism makes me better-"

  He was shaking his head. "When I was at your house I looked at the pictures of you before. You are beautiful."

  I had to ask, since we were talking about Vampire enhanced beauty. I took a deep breath. "Tony...did the Vampirism give you a big dick?"

  "What?" He laughed. "No. That's all me, Baby."

  I looked at him doubtfully. "Okay, maybe an inch or two is the Vampirism, but I'll tell you a little secret. If you have a little dick as a human, you'll still have a little dick as a Vampire."

  I smiled. "I think I look much better as a Vampire then I ever did as a human."

  Tony didn't comment for a long time. "The Vampirism can't make us something we're not. You do understand that you really were always this person. It just kinda brings it out more. Like Frank, on the Council."

  "The guy with the bad skin and poor hygiene?"

  "That would be him. Frank is attractive man by most people's standards. Being a Vampire just wasn't going to change that."

  I put my head on his shoulder and thought about that. I snuggled closer. Mmmm. The Vampirism had improved me; perky breasts, flat belly and a face that looked like I was always made up, not to mention the golden tint that seemed rare with Vamps.

  That made me think about Tige and thinking about Tige made me remember that there was much to do today. I needed to touch bases with the home and find out about those meetings Monica was to set up. And I needed to visit Alexis.

  I sat up reluctantly. "Baby, I gotta go."

  He stroked my arm lazily. "We could make love once more-" My belly flipped. I wanted to.

  "I can't."

  Tony stopped stoking my arm. His face tightened. "because you need to see Alexis to save Tige?"

  "That...and I have a number of appointments to keep with the people in my territory."

  Tony slid out of bed. As he stood over me, I felt myself want to reach out and grip him in my hands...The sight of his nakedness almost caused me to regret my decision...almost.

  "Is there anything I can say that will change your mind about visiting Alexis?"

  "Are you jealous of him?"

  "I don't know. Maybe. A little." He went to the chair and slipped on his pants, turning his back to me as he continued speaking. "But that's not the reason that I don't want you to visit Alexis. Elders can be unpredictable. Alexis is as dangerous as any."

  "Tony," I sighed and stood up too. I used the sheet to wrap around my nudity. "I might be a bit naïve, but I don't think Alexis would kill me."

  He glanced at me. "Probably not, at least not intentionally. What I fear is that he may make you one of his pets."

  I sighed. Here we go with the pet thing again. "What exactly is his 'pet'?

  Tony sighed. "Vampires that have caught his attention become his playthings. Sometimes he pleasures them or has them pleasure him. Alexis and most Elder's no longer enjoy physical contact. To pleasure him you must make him feel something. Most Vamps can't move him, they can't move him with a song or entice him with their nudity. Mostly all a Vampire can do is scream and that usually moves him. Most Vampires that leave him are usually scarred or maimed."

  I grew suddenly cold. I remembered that Tige had said that Alexis had only been a human for about thirty years but undead for over a thousand. Undead had outweighed everything else...

  "I'm not going to be his pet, or anybody else's." If he ever wanted screams from me I'll be the one giving them to HIM.

  Tony looked at me surprised. I guess I must have taken on that hissy faced look that Paul didn't like.

  "I'll tell him that you want to meet him and that's all I'll say. I hope that you won't ask him to save Tige. I really hope you don't ask that."

  He walked out of the room.

  I had not planned to ask Alexis to save Tige. I was going to ask him how I could do it. That spat with Tony had put a damper on my previous euphoria. We'd just made the most beautiful love that I'd ever made and here we were fighting. I wished now that I hadn't been so quick to jump up. I wished that I had told him how important what we'd done had been to me and how I really felt right with him. But now was not the time for romance. After I got through with this hurdle I promised myself that I would make it up to Tony.

  I grabbed my clothes and tightened my grip on the sheet. Then I thought about my bedroom at Johan's house and after a few moments I appeared there. I was really getting used to the talent and it was becoming quicker and less gut wrenching.

  But of course I wasn't alone. Paul was there pacing back and forth. Shit and I had considered materializing in the bathroom...I wish I had.

  He stopped and looked at me.

  "Everything okay?" I asked gripping the sheet tighter around me.

  Paul's eyes scanned me, his eyes resting briefly on the underwear balled in my fist. His eyes looked hurt. "Did you just do that to get back at me?"

  "Do what?" I asked while walking past him to go to the bathroom.

  "Fuck Tony."

  I shut the bathroom door after a short pause. "It didn't have anything to do with you and Amanda."

  I heard my bedroom door slam.

  Damn him! I thought angrily while turning on the water to the shower. How dare he be mad at me?! He was the one to run off when he was mad at me to go fuck Amanda! I didn't scream about it.

  "Damn you!" I screamed into his head. I stepped into the shower before the water had warmed up and got a brief shock. It was enough to dampen my anger.

  I heard the door to the bathroom swing open. Paul pulled back the shower door almost hard enough to break it.

  "Damn me?!" He yelled. "Do you realize all that I've done for you, Kim? While you're boning him I'm going over hundreds and hundreds of legal documents trying to untie a big fucking mess so that YOU can be free and clear of Johan's liabilities. I'm helping Monica log in all the appointments you have to keep so that when you listen to them you have both sides of the stories, I'm setting up security so that if it does get dangerous you'll be protected. You're not her
e so I'm making the decisions on what to bring into the house to make YOU comfortable! I've been...with Amanda two years...and you less than a week. But it's her I throw out the door. And you say Damn me? Damn you! I'm through with you!"

  What?! I stepped out of the shower sopping wet and butt naked. "Paul!" He stalked out of the bathroom.

  "Paul, will you please wait." He ignored me and continued walking. I materialized in front of him and blocked the bedroom door. "Paul please don't go like this. I didn't mean what I said." His face was cold. He reached beneath the collar of his shirt until he was gripping the crucifix that I had given him. He undid the clasp and handed it to me. I took it slowly.

  "I hear everything you're saying. I swear I do." I whispered.

  "Let me pass." He said evenly.

  I did reluctantly. "Paul, what can I do to make you stay?" I pleaded when he reached to open the door. He gave me a look of disbelief.

  "You offer me THAT?! Now?" His eyes swept my nudity briefly. "When you smell like sex with another man?"

  I put my arms across my breasts and felt tears slip down my face. Tears? I didn't think I had tears... "I wasn't trying-" I shook my head in denial. "I mean, you asked me to make you my Second. I will if you stay." He walked out the door. "I'll turn you if you stay!" I followed him sobbing. He didn't stop walking until he was out of the front door.

  Monica was standing in the large front room watching us.

  Ashamed I stopped sobbing but I couldn't stop the tears from sliding down my cheeks and blurring my vision. I walked slowly to the bathroom to finish my shower and when I passed the mirror I screamed. There was blood running down my cheeks. My tears were now made from blood!

  Monica rushed into the bathroom looking for whatever had caused me to scream. I touched my cheeks.

  "It's blood." I shivered disgusted. "It's all blood..." Then I sobbed some more. I wanted it off me. She understood and led me back to the shower where she began scrubbing me with a loofah. But the more I cried the more I bled. And it was coming out of my nose now.

  "Is this supposed to be happening to me?" I cried fearfully.

  "Yes, sweetie. Blood is what you are now."

  "But when I brushed my teeth there was no blood. I had saliva."

  "You brush your teeth?"


  "You're not going to get tooth decay, Kim. I promise."

  I spat on the floor of the tub and it was just a clot of blood. It wasn't like that before I swear it. There was spit, not blood...

  Monica was sopping wet but she ignored her ruined outfit and plastered hair to gently cradle my face in the palms of her hand. Her calm helped to calm me. "Sweetie, the only explanation I have is that you still had liquid and moisture within your cells, in your intestines...and it's all gone now."

  I stared at her. I'm all dead now, even my cells. I stopped breathing and it meant nothing. Slowly I dunked my head under the spray of the water and stayed that way until Monica finally left sopping wet and the water grew cold. And my breath was still held.

  When I finally got out of the shower I looked like a drowned rat. Absently I grabbed a towel and wrapped myself in it. I lit the gas fireplace, then I sat in the chaise and stared into the flames. I wanted my mind to stay carefully blank but it wouldn't. I had asked Monica why it hurt so bad when he left. It had to be the bites and I was going through some type of Vampire withdrawal... She looked at me a long time and said that Vampires get rid of their donors all the time. The reason I hurt was because I loved him. I concentrated on not thinking about that. And while I wasn't thinking about that I didn't think about the fact that I wanted to go home so bad that I could taste it. I didn't think about how tired I was and how fucking sick I was of all this drama. What I didn't want to stop thinking about was how badly I wanted out of this...

  There was a tentative knocking at my door that took my eyes away from the soothing flicker of the flames. Monica poked her head into the room. She was cleaned up and looking nice in a black pantsuit with no blouse beneath the jacket. Damn, how long had I been sitting here?

  "How are you feeling, Sweetie? You have...a visitor...and I don't think you're up for this one."

  I frowned. "Who?"


  I ran my hand through my hair. It was wild because the fire had dried it. "What does she want?"

  "She wouldn't say."

  I placed my hand on my neck where I had replaced my crucifix. She wouldn't like it but I wasn't removing it. Kaniji was only here to play games or to kill me. I closed my eyes briefly at the pain I felt. I wanted my mind blank again so that I wouldn't have to feel anything.

  I shrugged. "Send her in."

  Monica paused doubtfully then left. She returned a moment later with Kaniji in tow. As usual Kaniji was sheer perfection. Her make up was flawless. Her black hair was again up with not a hair out of place. She wore a baby blue dress that hugged her small body in a very complimentary way. The dress was long but somehow casual. Sleeveless it did not hide her missing hand.

  I gestured to an empty chair not far from where I was sitting.

  Kaniji ignored my gesture and eyed me, glancing away from the sight of my crucifix. "You do not look like someone that has secured her seat on the Council...and the affections of an Elder."

  "Kaniji, why are you here?"

  She would not be swayed from her games. "I heard that Tony has told you that Tige was found."

  "And?" I said when she didn't immediately continue. She looked around.

  "This home is over two hundred years old. I was there when Johan built it. Johan and I shared many moments in this room." She spoke absently.

  I was stunned at her confession. "He was your lover?"

  "At times."

  "I'm sorry for your loss, then." I spoke honestly.

  She turned her eyes back to me coolly. "For which loss?" She asked raising her stump. "This one? Or do you mean Johan's...or could you be apologizing for taking Tony?"

  "Is that why you're here? Because you found out that Tony and I are lovers?"

  Her lip quivered but she didn't so much as move any other muscle in her body. She didn't even blink an eye.

  "I didn't 'find out' that you and Tony were lovers until just now. But no, that is not why I'm here." She looked past me.

  I have never been in a room with anyone who hated me as much as she did. It made things intense. Real.

  "You know that I made Tony and Tony made Tige. When Tige made you, you became my liege as well."

  "You mean you're my Great Grandmother?" I couldn't resist the jibe.

  She pierced her lips together. "No. It means that we're linked."

  I didn't like the sound of that one.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Do you ever wonder why Tony is so attracted to you?"

  "I'm sure you do." I muttered. "Kaniji, I'm not going to sit here and discuss my relationship with Tony with you. If that's what you think you've wasted a trip-"

  "I don't need to wonder about anything. You are gold. You have noticed that not all Neratomay are, haven't you?"

  "Don't be snide-"

  "Tony's gold, too. That's why I wanted him as my companion."

  "And the significance of being gold?" I asked in feigned boredom.


  I watched her quietly. She had my interest now.

  "I'm old...almost a thousand years. What you call 'Vampires', they know next to nothing about what it really means to be Neratomay. Gold will seek out gold without even knowing it. That's why Tige couldn't allow you to die. And that's why as long as you're around Tony will always want you. Therefore, I'm going to help you. So I can help myself."

  I looked at her warily. "You're going to help me in what way?"

  "You wanted to know how to save Tige."

  "Kaniji, if you're trying to set me up-"

  She waved my words away with her hand in annoyance. "When I have said what I've come to say, you'll know that I'm telling you the truth."

sp; "I'm listening."

  "You asked Tony how Tige could be saved?"

  "You know I did or you wouldn't be here."

  "What was Tony's response?"

  "That he couldn't be saved."

  "Tsk tsk tsk." Kaniji clucked her tongue.

  "If you don't get on with this story I'm going to kick you out of here because I'm planning to visit Alexis anyway and I will find out the truth!"


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