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Realm of the Dead

Page 6

by Donovan Neal

  His family, still hoping to help, came with men who scarcely managed to hold him down and bind him with fetters and chains. Because the spirits within him were too strong, he broke asunder his bonds at every opportunity. Thus, no man could tame him.

  Jabin wailed in the nights, naked, running as a wild animal, cutting himself in vain attempts to loose himself from the possession of beings from another realm. He nearly surrendered to the despair that enveloped him during the imposed yoke of madness. For on occasion, the creatures would mention another name. Not just Lucifer. But a name of a man.

  A man by the name of Yeshua.

  And the daemons feared him.

  Jabin slowly pieced together that this man could help him and release him from slavery to the unseen.

  In the course of time, the whispers mentioned that Yeshua was near, performing miracles of healing.

  Jabin, seeing means to escape, ran from the tombs screaming, fighting with each breath to escape the voices that lived within his mind. He clawed his way through the crowd that surrounded Yeshua.

  Each step, the daemons begged him to abstain from the man's presence.

  His heart beat in his chest heavy, as the voices bribed him with power, and sex, and all that his heart desired. But Jabin continued his journey and was seen by the townsfolk running naked, renouncing anything in his heart that would in the past, present or future, keep him from the salvation that would free him from his mental slavery.

  Howling in desperation and struggling in a mental civil war to find the one person that might bring relief, he pushed men, women and children out of his way. Many turned to see him and fell back in terror until at last, Jabin fell to the ground at Yehsua's feet and worshiped Him.

  Struggling against Jabin's will, the first of the daemons that held Jabin under his sway, cried aloud to the Son of God. "What have I to do with thee, Yeshua, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not."

  Then Yeshua said unto him, "Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit." And He asked him, "What is thy name?"

  And they answered, saying, "My name is Legion: for we are many."

  The daemons besought Him much that He would not send them away out of the country. Now near the mountains, a great herd of swine were feeding. And all the daemons begged him, saying, "Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them."

  Yeshua then gave them leave, and the unclean spirits went out and entered into the swine. The herd of about two thousand ran violently down a steep place and were choked in the sea. The men who had been given charge to feed the swine fled. They told it in the city, and in the country, and many went out to see what was done. Many then came to Yeshua and saw him that was possessed with the daemons and had the legion. Jabin was sitting and clothed, in his right mind, and they were afraid.

  And they that saw it told them how it befell to him that was possessed with the devil, and also concerning the swine. And they began to pray Yeshua to depart out of their coasts. And when He came into the ship, Jabin who had been possessed with the daemons, prayed Him that he might be with him. Howbeit, Yeshua suffered him not, but saith unto him, "Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee and hath had compassion on thee."

  Jabin then departed and began to publish in Decapolis the many great things Yeshua had done for him, and all men did marvel.

  Azaziel stood aloof from the commotion of Yeshua's miracle of deliverance. The continuing effect of which was no longer visible to the men who saw the swine plunge over the cliffs. Men, who with human eyes, could not see the entities that to his own vision were crystal clear.

  The prince of all Issi watched as Asb'el and the indwelling daemon that had entered the swine reveled in the sensation of the animal's broken limbs and splattered entrails that painted the floor of the precipice. Azaziel stared as disembodied members of the Fallen exulted in the swine's death throes. Watched as each daemon screeched in an intoxicated orgasmic frenzy, contorting the animals for their sadistic pleasure, all that they might find expression through a host to feel sensation again.

  Azaziel and his soldiers watched as the Withering made their once mighty brethren, now shadows of their former selves, degenerate further into madness.

  * * *

  Lucifer stood before Talus as he hung, suspended in a lattice of flames that burned but did not consume.

  Talus's eyes fluttered and opened to see his brother smiling at him.

  "Good morning," Lucifer said. "I trust you slept well?"

  Talus, still groggy from slumber and torture, noticed he hung naked by arms and legs, dangling before his captor.

  A servant came and set a chair and table upon the flesh eating floor. He set a goblet of water before his Lord, bowed and departed.

  Lucifer took the chalice, poured water into the goblet and proceeded to put it to his lips. He paused, then looked at Talus and spoke. "Thirsty?"

  Talus looked at the goblet, then back at his brother. The skin of his lips cracked and peeled, and instinctively he licked them. He nodded.

  "Yes. I would imagine that you are. Well, let us move on, shall we?"

  Talus sighed in exasperation. "I told you all that I know."

  "Yes, I am sure that you have," Lucifer replied. He then waved his hand, and four lights materialized in the air and hovered above Talus, each one gleaming like as small pulsating, twinkling stars, blinking on and off.

  Talus's pupils adjusted to the brightness of the now lit cavern. He squinted in vain attempts to shield his eyes from the glare.

  "Tell me," Lucifer said, "how many lights do you see?"

  Talus paused, then replied, "There are four lights."

  "No. There are five lights." Satan smirked and took another swig of water and continued. "You should know that whilst you were in slumber, I commanded Hell to embed several of her maggots within your chest. Please feel free to take a look for yourself."

  Talus glanced down at his chest cavity and could see the outline of the maggots moving within him. "The Lord rebuke you Lucifer!" he said.

  Lucifer turned his back to him and poured himself water. He held the clear goblet high to admire the waters' thirst quenching properties. "Because I am the god of this world and command both Death and Hell, she will, at my desire, release her pets to feed upon you. My observation over the centuries hast shown me that their digestion of their host is a most remarkable sight. My apologies but a demonstration will give you greater clarity." Lucifer nodded.

  Talus immediately screamed, collapsing to the ground in writhing pain as the maggot infestation gnawed on his innards.

  Lucifer then lifted his hand to command Hell to stop, and the maggots ceased in their digestion.

  Talus panted heavily as he squirmed on the floor, recovering from the sensation of being eaten alive.

  Lucifer grinned and the light sparkled off his skin. "Amazing, is it not? Most think they can steel themselves against it, but they are totally unprepared for the intensity of the pain. Do not think me cruel, for are they not the creation of the God you serve? And look at you now, writhing in agony before me. Pity. What God would devise such a creature, that it would consume its host alive? And yet there you lay, still faithful to Him. Pathetic."

  Talus spoke in anguish and frustration, "What do you want from me? I told you that our mission was to secure Iblis."

  "Oh, I believe you," replied Satan. "Yet I did not ask you about your mission. I asked you how many lights do you see?"

  Talus looked at the hovering four orbs above him and replied. "I told you that there are four lights."

  Lucifer frowned and shook his head in feigned confusion, "It amazes me that you could be so mistaken."

  The King of Lies then nodded toward Hell, and Talus fell over backward, wracked in blistering pain as maggots squirmed within him, gnawing at the celestial tissue that comprised the internal organs of his body.

  Lucifer smiled and nodded approvingly while his brother writhed before
him and coated the cavern with screams.

  * * *

  Xcivicus ran to the chambers of meeting with the Lumazi and barged into the war room where Michael was said to be. He bowed upon entry and spoke to the Prince of Angels. "My lord, there is wickedness in the realm," he said between pants. "Five of those who guarded Iblis have been overcome with an illness similar to that which plagues the Fallen. Rumors say the disease that afflicts the Horde now roams in Heaven."

  Michael stood to his feet and looked upon his lieutenant, coughing. "I, too, have felt unease and stabs of coughing fits. What are the signs that a plague runs among us?"

  Xcivicus answered. "Chills, vomiting, and headache, but it also affects thoughts until they become erratic."

  "Erratic?" Michael said. "Explain."

  "One guard speaks incoherently, my lord, and cuts himself as if to ward off some unseen evil."

  Jerahmeel and Gabriel stepped into the room, overhearing the last portion of the conversation.

  Gabriel spoke ominously, "The Withering has come."

  "Impossible," Michael said with authority.

  "Not impossible," Jerahmeel said. "But made possible by thy decision to allow a member of the Fallen to return to the realm. You have exposed us all to contamination."

  Michael guffawed. "Our kind visits the planet at will. We have never been affected by the Withering before, so why now? Argoth's people have surmised that the Fallen are afflicted because of self-rule and the disfiguring of their stones."

  Jerahmeel replied, "The thing you say is true. Yet we have always traversed Earth under the authority of El. Perhaps His protection kept the thing at bay," Jerahmeel said, then walked up to Michael and grabbed him by his robes. "By bringing Iblis to Heaven outside the authorization of El, you hath exposed us all to ruin! Thou hast rejected God in pursuit of that which seemeth good unto thee." Jerahmeel released Michael with a shove and walked away in disgust. "Come with me, Xcivicus. We must find means to attend to the people."

  Xcivicus bowed and followed Jerahmeel as ordered, leaving Gabriel and Michael alone.

  Michael slumped down in a chair and placed his hand over his head. He sighed, "Jerahmeel might be right in this thing. Perhaps bringing Iblis to Heaven's shores was not the best of tactics."

  Gabriel stood next to his brother and placed his hand gently on his shoulder and answered in reply, "Jerahmeel is often right in his assessments. Nevertheless, you speak aloud to a brother, friend, and one who hath been commanded to follow thee. Would not your query best be laid where it hast always belonged?"

  Michael sighed. "The thing you say is true. I will meet with El and receive instruction." Michael's face became increasingly pale as he coughed up blood.

  Gabriel backed away. "The Withering affects the Chief Prince. How might your servant assist?"

  "Hath Enoch approached thee regarding his journey to Aseir?"

  "Yes. The thing is as you say," said Gabriel.

  "Then go with him, brother, I assign both thee and Metatron in this thing."

  Gabriel nodded, "And my orders?"

  Michael coughed the more. "Take Enoch safely to the land of Aseir. He says word hath come from El to heal the Schism between our peoples. Do all that is in thy power to bring this vision to pass. Are you clear in your purpose?"

  Gabriel nodded, "I am clear." Gabriel turned to leave then paused to speak to his brother. "And what of you Michael? What will you do?"

  Michael sighed. "I must see God and give report of my stewardship."

  * * *

  Enoch met Argoth in his study, his satchel packed to travel underneath the mountain. "You summoned me Argoth?"

  "Aye. Please come in."

  Enoch sat down. Books lined the desk between them. Argoth opened a tome, and a picture of the Zoa materialized on the page.

  "Michael commanded me to share all we know of the realm under the mountain. We are Grigori, and I am Chief of Eyes. There is much in creation that we know and little that we do not, for it is the glory of a king to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter. El grants us the privilege to search the deep things that He allows us to see. Know this...Limbo is not one of those things. We have often wondered why the Zoa are here within the mount. They live in no such place in all of Heaven nor Earth, but they may be in Limbo. This realm we do not know. It was created before Elohim traveled the stars, for even as thy people were last in creation, so too were my people created last in the celestial realm.

  "We know there are souls trapped within the confines of Limbo. Corlus, the first of our kind to be taken in murder, was mentioned by El Himself, as crying from within. Who knows the countless others who may have been consigned to the realm? El does not speak of it. Nor shares His mind on the matter. He hath said the faithful will be restored. Therefore, I believe that I shall see Raphael and many of my brothers in the age to come, but today is not that day. Therefore, take heed to thyself."

  Enoch nodded. "I will, my friend. I thank you for your guidance and tutelage. I trust it will be enough in the days ahead."

  Argoth smiled and also bowed. "We...I have been contaminated by pride. It is a subtle thing and requires humility of spirit and vigilance to keep at bay. I am beginning to perceive the wisdom of God in allowing you to come here for you are not constrained by the dogma of our kind, neither hindered by our ideas of protocol.

  "Go to, as thou hast said, for God has commanded thee, and seek out the Seraphim. Let not our pride be our undoing, for our fates are tied together. Bring relief to the Kingdom."

  Enoch's face became as steel and his voice broke with concern. "I will do this thing, but alas, I cannot go alone. There must be one who can come with me."

  Argoth waved his hand, and behind Enoch, Hadriel appeared. "Behold, I have assigned thee a Grigori for thy journey, but he can only record and may not interfere. For though the Seraph do not look fondly on our kind, they will do no harm to a Grigori, for they do not interfere in the affairs of others."

  Enoch turned to walk away, then spoke aloud over his shoulder for Argoth to hear. "I am afraid that interference is exactly what I will need." Enoch left the room and closed the door behind him.

  Chapter Five

  Freedom is Not Free

  Michael walked to the study of Jerahmeel and knocked on the door.

  "Come in," came the gruff reply.

  Michael gingerly opened the door and poked his head inside. Jerahmeel looked up and stood at attention when he saw Michael peer into the room.

  "My Prince?" Jerahmeel said.

  Michael waved Jerahmeel to be seated. "I am come to discuss the situation of Iblis and Talus."

  Jerahmeel remained standing. "I am anxious to mount a rescue mission immediately. I have consulted with Argoth, and our intelligence seems to indicate that he is deep within the creature. Possibly somewhere near the bowels of the giant itself."

  Michael lowered his head. "Talus is that which I wish to speak of."

  Jerahmeel looked upon his brother. "Wonderful, with thy permission I will take Iblis and two others and mount a rescue mission. Iblis will no doubt have knowledge of the realm beyond what Argoth's scouts can tell us. For since Hell's overturn by Lucifer, we have lost sight of its internal mappings and growth. It is my intention, therefore, to also take one of the redactors. Argoth believes he can remap the creature and monitor things from the Hall of Annals and will compare our journey to the last known coordinates we have of the creature's system."

  Michael looked away from Jerahmeel. "I see," he said.

  Jerahmeel's eyes narrowed and he studied Michael. "How soon am I given leave to return?"

  Michael sighed. "I grant thee leave for Hell with all those requested, but thy mission will not be to rescue our brother."

  Jerahmeel's eyes widened in appeal, "But, Michael, we have actionable information that might allow us to bring him home. Wouldst thou leave him in the clutches of the enemy? Hath my brother grown so cold in command that the Host are but trinkets to be mo
ved about on game boards of skill?"

  Michael immediately recoiled and spoke, "How dare you impugn mine honor to think my love of Talus waxes cold. Did I not seek a volunteer to misdirect Lucifer, and to seek out Chronos? Was it I who held his hand aloft to undertake so dangerous a mission? And who accompanied our brother that he returned alone? The report of both he and his Grigori are silent to Argoth. Tell me, Lord of House Harrada, did Talus not save thy life? Did he not allow himself to be taken that ye might live?"

  Jerahmeel bowed his head. "I am shamed. I meant no disrespect. I...I am simply concerned about the welfare of our brother. I seek but the authority to see the thing through."

  Michael walked over to Jerahmeel and placed his hands on his shoulder and sighed. "I miss him, too, but we are Lumazi. Our first order is to God, then to the people of the realm. To this end, we cannot allow ourselves to succumb to desires of self-rule. Therefore, leave quickly and take those whom would assist thee, but rescuing Talus shall not be thy cause. Thou wilt search the bowels of the creature, Hell...not to rescue, but to destroy."

  Jerahmeel replied, "Do you aim to destroy the Hellforge that Iblis made mention of?"

  "Aye," replied Michael. "Lucifer cannot be allowed to create a kiln. Iblis has told me that he has taken the residue of my people's stones of fire along with others that have surrendered themselves to him and hath created a cache of weapons and monstrosities that will, in time, rival us in number. We have seen that his plan to blend mankind's blood with our own to create abomination hast incurred the direct wrath of God. Have we not even seen El, Himself, leave to battle Lucifer in the realm of men in flesh? We cannot rescue Talus whilst the threat of a kiln exists. I did not destroy the womb of our birth to see our brother ignite another war against us. Until we can secure the Hellforge, nothing...not even the rescue of our brother, can stand in the way of this task. Are you clear in your purpose?"


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