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Southern Seduction

Page 19

by Alcorn, N. A.

  I glance over at my clock and realize I have another fifteen minutes before I have to leave. I can’t shake this nervous energy. I can’t stop thinking about Shelby and how she left so quickly after mentioning her brother. She was clearly upset. I wanted to chase after her, but Mama wouldn’t let me. She said she didn’t think it’d be a good idea.

  Ugh! I don’t even want to go and meet May tonight. I wish I could somehow cancel. Maybe, just maybe, she will be the distraction I need. I need to get Shelby off of my brain. I can’t believe what an idiot I made out of myself—several times today! What is it about this woman?!

  Good Lord, I think that’s it! She’s a woman.

  Well, shit. Ask and ye shall receive. Only, I don’t know if I will actually ever receive anything from her. I know she feels the same pull I do, but she’s definitely got a wall that she keeps throwing up to block it—and me. I need to be smart. I can’t act the same with her that I do around the Johnson girls. Nope. She’s a different breed, and that means I got a whole lot of figurin’ out to do. Hmm.

  “Kip! Kip!” May calls out in a whisper as she walks along the stream.

  “Right here, Angel.” I grab her waist from behind, causing her to jump and screech.

  “What have I told you about sneakin’ up on me?” She smacks my hands.

  “Sorry,” I mumble against her neck.

  “All right now, c’mon, I set us up a little picnic blanket so we can lay back and look up at the stars.” She pulls away and turns to me as she starts walking backward.

  “Oh, we jus’ gonna look at the stars, or you wanna see stars tonight?” I give her my playful smirk.

  “A little bit a both, honey.” She winks.

  We head over to the blanket right next to the stream and sit down. May reaches to the side and pulls over a tote bag. First, two beers come out, then a can of cashews. My favorite. I study her as she opens everything up. May is a sweet girl. She’s gonna make some guy very happy one day. She’s not drop-dead gorgeous and some might not think she’s even that cute, but I think she’s beautiful. There’s something very soft and genuine about her. She’s awful smart, too. It saddens me to think about how much her daddy holds her back. I try to convince her all the time to do the schooling she wants to. She won’t listen, though.

  “Why you lookin’ at me like that, Kip?” She passes me a beer.

  “You’re just so gosh-darn pretty, May.” I lean over and kiss her on the cheek.

  “That’s how you’re gonna greet me now? Like we’re teenagers on our first date?”

  I lean in again and softly capture her lips with mine in response to her sassin’ me. Suddenly a twig snaps, and I jerk back.

  “Did you hear that?” I whisper.

  “Yes.” She looks around.

  I stand up and start heading in the direction I think the sound came from. “Hello?” I call out. Nothing. “It must’ve been an animal, Angel.” I turn and head back to her.

  “You sure, honey?” She looks up at me, seemingly still nervous.

  “Yes. I’m certain.” I sit back down. “Now pass me those cashews, please.” I tap her leg. She hands me the can, then crawls between my legs and rests her head against my chest. We sit like this, quiet, for a while. There’s something so relaxing about sitting by the stream at night, listening to the water slowly flow downstream. A serenade of crickets and tree frogs dances through the air. Every few minutes, an owl or two chimes in. It’s absolute audible poetry. Yeah, I like poetry—so what? I wrap both arms around her waist and hug her to me. May leans forward and pulls her summer dress’s straps down. As usual, she has no bra on. She’s a tiny thing in the boobie department, but you know what? I like it. I know... I know. Most men prefer bigger boobies. But there’s just something so sexy about hers.

  “You want me to touch you, Angel?” I whisper in her ear.

  “Aw, Kip, I’ve been dyin’ all day to have your hands on me. Touch me, honey, please.” She crooks her neck and nuzzles her face in. Good Lord, this girl knows how to beg so sweetly. My hands slowly glide up her torso until I reach her breasts. She pushes forward against them. I begin a cycle of rolling, tugging, and pinching at her nipples, and she goes wild.

  Oh yeah, there’s something you should know about May. She’s a comer. The girl comes at the drop of a dime—and sometimes just as I enter her. It’s quite amazing, actually, though it can be a bit annoying because she’s so dang loud. I spend half the time covering her mouth and holding her flailing body down. It breaks a man’s concentration, if you know what I mean.

  “Kip, honey! Kip, honey!” She gyrates her body. Aw hell, Kip, honey!—that’s the other irritating thing. I hear it every time she comes, which is a lot! It turns me the heck off. “I want you to fuck my pussy hard, Kip. My ass, too,” she groans against my neck. But then there’s that, so it all balances out in the end. Ahem ... no pun intended.

  My right hand glides back down her body and onto her thigh. I hike her dress up and just as I’m about to slide my fingers into her panties, it hits me and I quickly pull my hand away. What is it, you ask? My fucking conscience. Yeah, what the hell is up with me having one of those?!


  “I can’t do this, May.” Did I just flippin’ say that?

  “You can’t do what?” She turns and kneels in front of me.

  “This. I can’t do this anymore, May! I don’t want this. I don’t want to have to sneak around like some thief in the night anymore! This sucks!” I run my hand through my hair. Shit, Kip, pull yourself together or she’s going to think you’re looking for more ... from her!

  “Kip, I can’t—”

  “You don’t have to, May. You don’t have to tell anybody about us. We’ll let this be our secret, but it’s over. It just doesn’t feel right anymore.” I get up and brush cashew crumbs off my jeans.

  “What’s changed in a week?” She gets up as well, pulling her dress straps back up and onto her shoulders. I can tell she’s trying to keep her composure. Typical May. She’s going to want us to step back and analyze everything. “Last week everythin’ felt fine when you were bangin’ the shit out of me on this very spot!” she bites. “What is differ—oh my God! There’s somebody else,” she almost whispers the last sentence.

  Well, shit. I guess there sorta is.

  “May, if I was seein’ anybody else, you would’ve heard about it around town.” I roll my eyes.

  “You have feelings for somebody else; don’t deny it! Your body language gave you away the moment I mentioned it!” Her chin begins to quiver and she slowly shakes her head. “This is all my fault,” she says, as if she’s come to a realization. She rubs her temples and looks up at me. “Kip, what can I do? Tell me, please. I will do anythin’ to fix this.”

  “May, I want you to think about somethin’.” I grab the blanket and begin folding it for her.

  “What, honey?” she asks, seemingly hopeful.

  “If I was the one for you, we wouldn’t be hidin’ our relationship. You wouldn’t care what your father said or what he would do. And—” I hold my hand up to stop her as she is about to speak. “And if you were the one for me, I wouldn’t have allowed any of this, either. Think about it. You know I’m right.” I grab her hand in mine and squeeze for emphasis.

  “No. You’re wrong. Kip, I love you.” She chokes on her tears. “I will tell everyone tomorrow—tonight, even—that you are my man and I plan to spend the rest of my life with you.” She stands straighter, looking determined.

  “May, I’m not the guy you should make that stand for. It’s not me, Angel. We both know it. You jus’ don’t want to see it right now because you’re upset. I’m sorry, May. I’m sorry for hurtin’ you. I never intended to.” I pull her in for a hug and kiss the top of her head. She lets me hold her for a few minutes, but then pushes me away.

  “Give me that!” she snaps and grabs the blanket from me. Seizing the tote from the ground, she stuffs the blanket in, turns on her heel, and walks away from me. />
  “May?” I call after her. She doesn’t answer me or even bother to glance back. I stand around like a jackass and wait for her to turn at some point. She doesn’t, and now she’s walked out of view.


  I head back to the ranch, taking my time so I can get things sorted in my head. I know why I did this tonight, I just don’t know if it was worth it. In hindsight, what I said to May was the God’s honest truth. Why drag this out any longer? As time passes, I’m realizing more and more that I’m ready to settle down. I want to find that special one. The one. Why carry on like I have been if it’s not really what I want anymore? It’s good that I’m finally breaking out of this pattern, even if, in the end, Shelby don’t want nothin’ to do with me. I’ve been feelin’ a change come over me lately. I want different things than I did a year ago. I want things a man my age starts wantin’. I lost interest in the Johnson girls about six months ago, if I’m real honest with myself. Damn—that’s a lot of time I’ve wasted. Time I could’ve spent finding the woman I want to settle down and raise a family with.

  Well ... shit!

  Christopher J. Taylor, Jr., I believe you have grown up! When in the hell did that happen?

  “You’re home early,” Mama says, bringing me out of my thoughts.

  “Oh, hey, Mama! I didn’t see you out here.” I head up the three steps and over to her on the porch swing.

  “Just enjoyin’ the fresh air.” She smiles and pats on the seat next to her. “What are you doin’ home so early, son?”

  “Making better decisions, I guess.” I sigh.

  “Hmm… which Johnson girl did you break it off with tonight?” She leans her head back, closing her eyes, but lets a small, knowing smile grace her face.

  “How’d you—aw hell, you know everythin’! I don’t know why I bother to ask you anymore how you know stuff! You’re a wise woman, Mama ... a wise woman.” I shake my head in admiration of her.

  “Well? You gonna answer me, or just keep on flatterin’ me?”

  “May,” I sigh and lean my head back as well.

  “Maggie tomorrow?” she asks.


  “You’re sweet on Shelby, aren’t you?”

  “I believe I am, Mama.”

  “Good.” She pats my thigh. “That’s good, son.”

  “Mama, I’m already off to a rough and confusing start with her, and I fear that if she gets wind of me and, well, you know ... it’s gonna go south faster than a one-legged man in a butt-kickin’ competition.”

  Mama laughs at her favorite expression. “Oh, Kip, you just need to be patient. Settle down and let her get to know you. Don’t go chasin’ her like a lovesick puppy. Just let nature take its course.” She gets up and leans over to plant a kiss on my head. “I’m goin’ to bed now, son. Don’t stay up too late. You’ve got a busy day tomorrow, and another heart to break.” She pats my face with her palm.

  “Don’t remind me,” I groan lightly.

  “Let’er Ride.” Yes, my friend, that is a legit name of a cologne, and guess who is the lucky owner? I never forget who gave me this one, because it’s her favorite position. Yes, Maggie loves to ride me into the sunset. You think you’re rolling your eyes? Imagine me every time she tells me that’s what she’s gonna do. But man oh man, that girl can squeeze the ever-lovin’ hell out of my dick when she’s doin’ it! Yep. Checks and balances, people. Gotta find the silver linin’ in things!

  All right. Enough procrastinating. I need to get this done and over with! The sooner I’m free and clear, the sooner I can put all my efforts into Shelby. The same Shelby that ignored me like I was the plague today. She didn’t say but three words to me—Here you go—when she handed me my shirt. Stayed away from me the rest of the day. I could’ve sworn, when I did catch her glancing at me, she had a disgusted look on her face. I think that’s my paranoia, though.

  I grab the keys to my truck. Maggie and I always meet at the old abandoned drive-in theater. If she murders me, it’ll be weeks before they find my body. I should probably tell Mama where I’m going, just in case. That’s the thing to know about Maggie—girl has got a temper and a half. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna have to come up with a story for my black eye tomorrow!

  I open my door and head down the hall. Shelby turns the corner and collides right into me.

  “Sorry,” she says quickly, backing to the side to let me pass.

  “It is quite all right.” I give her my famous smirk. She gives me her famous glare. Well ... it’s famous to me, anyway. “Somebody needs to lighten up,” I say under my breath.

  “Somebody needs to rethink his cologne choice.” She squints at me quickly, which, I believe, is her sign for fuck you! Well, what in the hell did I do to her? I stayed away from her all day, best as I could.

  “After you, Red.” I move over and wave my arm out for her to go.

  “Stop calling me that!” She huffs as she walks by.

  “Okay, beautiful,” I say, just to piss her off—and, well, because she is. She’s absolutely beautiful. She groans with what seems like irritation as she continues down the hallway.

  I’d stay concerned about her being so pissy with me if I weren’t about to piss off a whole different type of beast. I know that sounds rude, but you ain’t never seen Maggie mad. “Beast” is me being nice about it. I’m half scared, really. If I come home short a nut, well, hell, I’ll consider myself lucky!

  “Kip!” Maggie yelps and runs to me as I barely put my truck into park. I cut the engine and she whips open the door. “Oh, Kip, hold me please!” She throws herself onto me.

  “What’s the matter, Gorgeous?” I hug her.

  “Oh God, poor May.” She pulls her head back and looks me in the eye. My heart races.

  “What’s happened to May?” I ask with a sense of urgency. No, I don’t love May, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about her. I care about all the Johnson girls. We’ve grown up together. We were all friends first. See, I’m not such a heartless bastard. I actually have a very big heart, with a lot of lovin’ ... that I don’t mind spreadin’ around ... generously.

  “Oh, she’s just a mess! Her boyfriend broke it off with her, and she’s just gone crazy, I think!” She palms her own face, shaking her head. To see Maggie look this panicked is quite unnerving. Maggie never gets like this. It must be pretty bad.

  “Maggie, why do you think she’s gone crazy?”

  “She’s spent the entire day researchin’ how to go about applyin’ to med school. I don’t know what she’s thinkin’! She knows Big Daddy’s gonna disown her. She was even applyin’ for grants and scholarships. I couldn’t get her to change her mind!” Maggie’s eyes go wide.

  “Good for her!” I smile. Good for her!

  “What in the hell are you talkin’ about?! Have you not heard a single word I’ve just said? Big Daddy will disown her! She’ll have nothin’!” She steps away from me.

  “She’ll have her self-respect and the freedom to be who she wants to be. Who she is meant to be! I think it’s fantastic, Maggie, and you’d do well to learn from her example.” Oh ... fuck! Yep. Here it comes! You hear that whistlin’? That would be the steam comin’ out of Maggie’s ears.

  “Are. You. Out. Of. Your. Ever-lovin’. Mind?” Each of those words is accompanied by a very strong and painful poke to my chest.

  “No, I am not, Margaret,” I seethe. I hate when she does that.

  “Where will she live? How will she survive?” She throws her hands up in the air and turns to walk away. I manage to finally get out of my truck and close the door.

  “Maggie, May is a very smart girl. Out of the three of you sisters, she’s the last one I’d worry about.” Oh ... dear. That’s probably not going to go over well, either. Well, this is turning out to be a banner night for me so far!

  Maggie slowly turns around. She stares at me.

  “You don’t think I could survive out there?” she asks calmly.


  She start
s walking back to me. I have to admit, I’m nervous about how calm she seems.

  “I want to kiss you, Kip,” she says softly and palms my cheeks. She leans up and nudges my nose before lightly grazing her lips against mine. She works my mouth with her own, coaxing it open with her tongue. You should know this about Maggie: The girl can kiss your fuckin’ socks off. Just as I become completely lost in the play of our tongues, she pulls away. “It’s over, Kip.” She taps my cheek.

  “What?” Seriously, what?

  “I said it’s over.” She backs away from me.

  “I know what you said, Maggie, I’m just a bit confused as to how you came to this decision when not five minutes ago you were all over me.” I stare at her, awestruck.

  “I don’t want—or need—to be with somebody who thinks so little of me. I’ve watched my mama live like that my whole life. Now she’s just a shell of the woman, I believe, she once was. I don’t want that, Kip.” She pulls her keys out of her purse.

  “Maggie, I don’t think little of you.” I take a few steps toward her, but she holds her hand up to stop me.

  “How could you not? I don’t give you any reason to think otherwise. I’ve been sneakin’ off with you for several months now, never once comin’ up with a plan to ‘out’ us so that we could be a normal couple. I do exactly what my daddy says to do. I’m followin’ right in my mother’s footsteps, and I didn’t even realize it ‘til you said what you just said.” Her chin quivers. “You’re right, Kip. I could do well learnin’ from May’s example. I think I’ve just understood my first lesson.”

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “To put me first. I have a lot of figurin’ out to do. And I’m sorry, Kip, but I’m gonna have to figure it out alone,” she says, and with that, she turns and heads to her car. I stand there, feeling completely stupefied. How did I manage to get off so easily? That thought only makes me more nervous. I have a feeling this turn of events will come back and bite me in the ass some way or another.


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