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Southern Seduction

Page 58

by Alcorn, N. A.

  With one hand, Mason silently works me toward the edge. His eyes never leave mine except for the moments when he glances down to my lips. He never kisses me, but I have no doubt he wants to. And that is enough for me.

  I come on a whisper. Kisses rain over my face as I sleepily snuggle in close to his side.

  “Promise you won’t leave,” I say on a sigh.

  “This won’t work out, but I promise I won’t leave you, Lace. Ever.” His words lull me into a comfortable and secure sleep. Those are rare at best.

  As the weeks pass, Hunter, Mason, and I fall into a routine. We see each other about five nights a week, but always together. With the exception of spending time with Hunter while Mason rides and my nightly talks with Mason after Hunter falls asleep, it's always the three of us. When we are in public, Mason keeps his distance while Hunter claims me for the whole town to see. He's always touching and kissing me. As far as everyone else is concerned, Hunter and I are dating, but I know better, so it doesn't bother me. It's not a relationship, and the fact that Mason is involved every step of the way guarantees that. It's the perfect arrangement.

  "So here’s the deal. I don't want y'all fucking other women," I randomly announce one Friday night. I say randomly, but it’s really only random to them. I’ve given this a lot of thought. Thanks to a fantastic nightmare where I stood alone watching Hunter and Mason move on without me, I decided to broach the topic with them. Neither one of them has shown any interest in other women since we first hooked up, but I’d rather be safe than…alone.

  "Okay," Hunter immediately agrees while Mason curls his lip in disgust and firmly answers, "No."

  Hunter looks over at him. "What the hell do you mean, no?"

  "I mean, hell-fucking-no. She isn't going to dictate who I can and can't sleep with."

  "Are you planning to sleep with someone else? Before Lacey, you were in a hell of a dry spell. I'm sure she’ll still let you jerk off if that’s what you’re worried about." Hunter lets his true asshole fly for the first time since that first morning in the barn.

  "Fuck you. I'm not getting into some fucked-up ménage with you two. I date women and occasionally fuck them with you. That doesn't mean I want a boyfriend."

  "Whoa, I never said anything about being in a relationship—with each other or with me. I just mean that if we are going to do this on the regular, I think we should only do it with each other.”

  "Fine. If Mason isn't down with that, he can leave. It can just be the two of us, sugar."

  "For the love of God, stop calling me sugar, and no. It's both of you or nothing. Otherwise, it really is a relationship. I'm pretty sure we can all agree we are not interested in any sort of relationship. I'm greedy as hell, and I want both of you...for now.”

  "Okay, I'm in," Hunter answers quickly again.

  "What the hell is wrong with you?" Mason snaps in his direction again.

  "What the hell is wrong with you?" Hunter yells back at him. "She's sexy as hell, she isn't begging me for a commitment, and if the way she sucks my dick wasn't enough of a reason for me to stay, her tight ass would be. So yes, I'm absolutely in."

  "You have lost your fucking mind," Mason replies in disbelief.

  "Look, I'm not asking you to be with Hunter.” I walk up to Mason, resting my hands on his hard stomach. "Mason, look at me." He immediately drops his eyes to mine. I lean in close and whisper, "Can we talk about this tonight? In bed? You know, just me and you?" I've learned over the last few weeks that Mason is a whole different man when Hunter is asleep and it’s just me and him having one of our late-night talks. I can't do a relationship, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let Mason go. "Don't leave," I say even more quietly, dropping my forehead to his chest. It might be wrong to use it against him, but he knows what that one sentence means.

  He breathes out a loud sigh and wraps an arm around my waist. "I'll talk, but this is weird, Lacey. Fucking around is one thing, but this...this is totally different."

  "We'll figure it out." I squeeze him tightly. "Thank you."

  "I said I'd talk, Lace. Don't thank me yet."

  Just as I hear Hunter begin to fall asleep, I roll over into my usual position—crushed against Mason's side.

  "What do you think?"

  "About what?" Mason asks as he begins to stroke my back.

  "About not sleeping with other people."

  "I think it sounds like I'd be in a relationship with you...and my best friend."

  "It's not a relationship. How many times do I have to say that? It's just three people who have agreed not to sleep with anyone else. I'm not asking for flowers and commitments. I'm asking not to have to share you. That’s all."

  "Well, I have to share you," he bites out.

  "What the hell? I thought you liked to watch."

  "I do, I do," he says on an exasperated sigh. "I just don't think it's fair to ask me to commit to this ridiculousness."

  "I don't want you to commit to anything!" I shout, sitting up in bed. I know I'm probably about to wake up Hunter, effectively ending this conversation completely, but it is obvious he is not hearing what I'm saying.

  "Shhhhh!" Mason pulls me back down on top of him. I'm so close to his face, and for a split second, I think he is going to kiss me, finally touch me with those lips that I so long to touch with my own.

  I can't stop myself from asking the question I have been dying to know the answer to since the very first night. "Why don't you kiss me?"

  "I do kiss you, just not on the mouth."

  "Why?" I look up and find him staring down into my eyes.

  "How about this? I won't look to hook up with any other woman, but if I do, I’ll tell you immediately and this will be over. Would that work for you?" he asks, completely changing the subject.

  "Kiss me," I demand, ignoring his comment the same way he did mine.

  "Will that work for you, Lace? I won't see anyone else, but if I do, I swear I'll be honest and end this."

  "Kiss me," I say, continuing our parallel conversation.

  "Lacey, listen to me."

  "Fine, Mason. Fuck whoever you want. Just kiss me!"

  "I do fuck whoever I want. I was inside you just a little while ago."

  "Mason, stop being a dick and either kiss me or tell me why you don't kiss me."

  He rolls away, throwing an arm under his head. "You're not mine to kiss, Lacey."

  I stare at him for a few minutes, trying to understand his words. I can’t figure out if he’s insinuating that he wants me to be his or if maybe he just doesn't like the idea of kissing me after Hunter. He's had sex with me after Hunter, so I can't imagine why a kiss would bother him.

  "I only kiss what's mine," he says but doesn't offer any other explanation.

  If I'm being honest, it’s a known fact that I have a short temper. Especially when it’s caused by rejection. Mason’s cryptic non-explanation enrages me. He has touched every inch of my body, but somehow I'm not good enough to kiss. I'm not some weak little woman who is going to let this eat away at me or do the whole 'why am I not good enough' thing. Instead, I'm going to get pissed and make him feel just as rejected as he has made me feel. Juvenile? Absolutely! I never claimed to be mature.

  I have quickly learned Mason's buttons, and if he wants to play games, so will I. I do the one thing I know will piss him off. I roll over, giving him my back, and curl into a sleeping Hunter.

  "Goodnight, Mason," I say over my shoulder. He doesn't get up and leave, but he doesn't respond either. I fall asleep an hour later without another word spoken.

  At some point in the night, I feel strong arms drag me across the bed then Mason’s warm breath against my ear. “Stop using him against me.”

  “I’m not,” I say, half asleep, snuggling closer into his side.

  “Yes, you are. Every time we disagree about something, you punish me by running to him. Stop, or I can’t do this at all anymore.”

  “What?” I breathe as fear starts to course through my body. Sud
denly, I’m awake and frantically searching his face for answers.

  “Shhh.” He tucks my hair behind my ear. “I won’t leave you, Lace. Calm down, okay?” he soothes me. He rubs his thumb back and forth across my cheek until my breathing evens out. “You just have to stop punishing me like that, or…”

  “Or what? You say you won’t leave, so what is the or?”

  “Jesus, Lace. Just stop doing it and I won’t have to figure it out.”

  Suddenly, it hits me. I’ve never asked him the one question that brought us together. “What’s your biggest fear, Mason?”


  My head snaps up with his answer, realizing the weight of his words. “Me?”

  “Well, more like losing you to Hunter. But yeah. You.” He shrugs then leans down to kiss my forehead.

  “Mason…” I try to find words. Is he afraid Hunter and I will leave him? I can relate to that. But somehow I know it’s more.

  “Go back to sleep, Lace. Please just stop using him against me.”

  I scoot up the bed, resting my head on his pillow instead of my usual spot on his chest. I want to see him and be able to kiss his face. Even if it’s not his lips, it’s the closest he will give me. I pepper kisses across his cheek. He offers me a sad smile and rolls on his side to face me.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, staring at his mouth.

  “Go to sleep, Lace.”

  “I’m yours right now. In this second, I’m completely yours. You can kiss me, Mason.”

  He lets out a sigh, shaking his head. “Go to sleep, Lace,” he repeats, rejecting me like he always does. I begin to roll away, when his words flash into my mind.

  I freeze, willing myself to stay still before offering him an apologetic smile. “Sorry, habit.”

  “It’s okay,”

  “I’ll try harder.”

  He nods and drops his forehead to mine. “It just scares me. Every time you roll into his arms, I think it’s more than just a simple action. I worry that it’s a final choice.”

  I’m shocked by his admission. He’s exposing a lot of himself tonight. That’s not exactly something Mason does often.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I just thought it just made you mad. I was being a brat. That’s all.”

  “You really are a brat sometimes.” He lets out a small chuckle.

  I lean forward, gently kissing his face, careful to avoid his lips so not to cause any more problems. As much as I want to kiss him, I want him to want to kiss me too.

  “Mason, how do you see this whole thing ending?” I ask. I can’t help but think about the end. No matter how good this may be now, there is always an end. I’m in too deep with these guys, and this isn’t a lifestyle that can be maintained.

  “I told you I won’t leave you, Lacey. So when and how this ends will have to be your decision.”

  I know he means those words to be reassuring to me. He wants me to know that I’m safe with him, but they only make me panic. I won’t be able to leave Mason, but I can’t truly be with him either. I move to hide my face in his neck. I won’t cry, but I’m terrified of what I’ll say if stare into his eyes for even a minute longer.

  “I liked you better up here. I hate not being able to see you.” He slides down the bed, bringing us once again nose to nose. I close my eyes to hide from the emotions.

  A few minutes later, I fall asleep wrapped securely in his arms. If only I could have stayed awake a few minutes longer, I would have felt his lips brush mine for the very first time.

  “Hunter!” I scream as we walk into the restaurant on Friday night.

  “What?” He tries to pretend that he didn’t just shove his entire arm up my dress. I have got to start wearing pants more often.

  “Stop.” I bat his arm away.

  “You didn’t say stop this morning.” He laughs, throwing an arm around my shoulders.

  “No, but if you keep it up, I will tonight.”

  He laughs louder. Leaning down, he kisses my hair and whispers, “Liar.”

  We walk hand in hand into the restaurant. Mason got here ahead of us. He was over at the college helping some of the students prep for a big show next weekend. He’s already sitting in the booth when I slide in on the opposite side. Hunter slides in beside me.

  “Hey, Mase.” I smile, and he gives me a subtle lip twitch, which I’ve learn is the equivalent of a full-blown smile for Mason.

  In the two months since this whole arrangement started, Mason has always stuck to the ‘no touching in public’ rule. Everyone thinks I’m with Hunter, and I know that bothers him. Especially when someone flat-out calls me Hunter’s girlfriend. I used to correct them, but as time passed, it just got annoying. Thankfully, Hunter doesn’t push it. He never introduces me as his girlfriend. I’m always just Lacey. Except to Mason.

  “Hey, Lace.”

  “Do y’all realize your little nicknames rhyme? Did you two plan that without me?” Hunter jokes.

  “We sure did, asshole. That first night, we stayed up late trying to find the most nauseating rhyming pet names possible just to leave you out. It took you long enough to notice,” Mason says sarcastically and winks over at me. Not just any wink either. It’s a sexy-as-hell, playful wink from Mason ‘stone face’ Wynn. Midnight Mason just made a daytime appearance, and I can’t hide my excitement at seeing him.

  I lift my legs and stretch them across the booth, resting them in his lap. I fully expect him to push them away, but I guess the table blocking this little display of affection is enough for him, because he reaches down and gently strokes my bare legs. Something so simple, but it makes me giddy. I let out school girl giggle. Mason’s eyes flash to mine as a full-on grin sneaks across his lips. He tries to hide it by looking down and shaking his head, but I saw it. It’s now permanently etched into my memory. And that memory might just be my newest prized possession.

  “I need to go to the bathroom,” I say, still laughing. “Order me that salad thingy I got last week. Oh, and I’m feeling frisky. How about a double rum and Coke tonight?” Hunter stands to let me out of the booth. Just as I hit the bathroom doors, someone gently grabs my arm.


  I turn to see Sean ‘douchebag’ Lee. Of course! It seems I can’t go anywhere without running into stupid people these days.

  “What the fuck!” I say under my breath. “Hey, Sean.” I paint on a fake smile, hoping desperately to avoid drama tonight. Both guys are in a good mood, and Mason flirting is enough to keep me happy for weeks. I’m determined that this piece of shit is not going to ruin this for me.

  “Can we talk?”

  “I’m going to say no.” I turn to walk into the women’s room.

  “Lacey, please. I’m sorry. Just give me a minute. I miss Abby.” His shame-filled eyes flash to the ground. I don’t feel one bit of sympathy for him. Instead, it just pisses me off.

  “Well guess what, Sean? I miss her too. I haven’t spoken to Abby in three fucking years. Or my mom or my dad. And you want to know why? Because you are a lying bastard who not only fucked my sister over by coming on to me, but you fucked me over by spewing bullshit lies to every member of my family. Sure, they are fucking idiots to have believed you, but you did this to yourself. I hope you miss Abby. I hope it eats away at you nightly. Because it sure as shit does me.” I turn and walk away back toward the guys.

  Fucking shit. I’m going to cry. I haven’t cried in years, but on what started out as an amazing night, no matter how hard I try to fight it, tears spring to my eyes. I get close to the table, and hear the guys laughing together. Hunters back is toward me as I approach, but Mason’s eyes meet mine and immediately slide to concern. Hunter must read his expression, because he quickly turns around.

  “Are you okay?” Hunter jumps to his feet, pulling me into a hug.

  “Can we go?” Tears battle against my lids for release.

  “Lacey, I’m sorry.” I hear Sean approach from behind me. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

I turn my head into Hunter’s chest, away from Sean, I don’t want to give him the pleasure of seeing me cry. My eyes lock with Mason’s. He’s still sitting in the booth, but the look of confusion and concern lingers on his face.

  “Who the hell are you?” I hear Hunter say while gently stroking my back.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset her. My name is Sean Lee.” He must have extended a hand, because Hunter’s hand briefly leaves my back.

  “Sean?” Mason quietly asks me.

  I nod. “Can we go?” I repeat, but I’m reasonably sure Mason didn’t hear me. He suddenly dives out of the booth, launching a fist directly into Sean’s face.

  “You son of a bitch!” he yells as Sean falls over a table to the ground.

  The entire restaurant explodes around us. Hunter releases me, frantically trying to grab Mason before he has a chance to punch Sean again. Waiters and customers rush over to try to break up the fight.

  Hunter wraps his arms around Mason in a bear hug, shouting for him to calm down. Mason’s eyes are wild, and it takes several seconds for him to stop fighting against Hunter’s grasp.

  “You good?” Hunter asks, never releasing him.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Let me go.”

  “If I let you go, you’re not going to hit him again, right?”

  “Fucking let me go. I’m done!” he yells.

  Hunter releases him then glances around the room. A few onlookers have stepped up to help Sean, who is sitting on the floor with blood pouring from his nose.

  “Take Lacey and go home. I’ll meet you there in a few.” Hunter says, gently pushing me toward the door.

  Mason silently walks over to me. I’m frozen, stunned by what just when down. I hate fights, but decking Sean in the face is something I have wanted to do for years. A small laugh bubbles from my chest as Mason very publicly pulls me into his arms.

  “You okay?” He kisses the top of my head. My small laugh turns into a full fit of laughter as Mason drags me outside.

  “Oh my God, Mase. That was amazing.”

  He glances down at me for a second before he begins to chuckle as well. “I’m glad you approve.”


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