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Southern Seduction

Page 65

by Alcorn, N. A.

  Since this is Scarlett's show, we take her car. She doesn't tell us where we're going or what the plan for the day is, but knowing her, she's been planning it for days. It only takes us about 15 minutes to reach our first destination, a really funky little cafe close to downtown Nashville.

  Unlike me, Scarlett, Kat and Annabelle all grew up in this area, so when we pull up, Kat's excited. "Oh!," she says, "I love this place!"

  Walking in, the place is a blend of rustic and modern with cream-colored walls and columns made out of varying shades of wood squares. Each table is dark, almost black, as are the chairs. The place is busy, full of people eating, socializing and laughing, although we're able to find a table close the back of the room to sit.

  After we place our orders, Scarlett starts asking Kat questions about the sister we met last weekend. Kat tells her that Anna went to college in New York City, and works for an entertainment magazine here in town as a photographer.

  "So," Scarlett starts, looking way too eager about what she's about to ask, "What's the deal with you and Max?"

  Kat looks distressed, but I'm just happy Scarlett's not bugging me about Wyatt so I sit back and enjoy watching someone else getting the third degree. She bites her lip, looking everywhere but the three of us before finally sighing. "Max and I went to high school together. We've known each other since we were kids and I've had a crush on him since middle school. He's never seen me as anything but a friend." She's frowning, and I can't help but feel bad for her. She's been in the friend zone for years, and has no idea how to get out of it.

  Scarlett leans forward, glad she has something juicy to discuss. She loves relationship angst and is constantly reading romance novels. I swear, the girl spends more time with her Kindle than she does going on actual dates. "Really? You guys have never hooked up? Not even just a kiss?"

  Kat shakes her head, her misery obvious. "Nope. The only kisses he's ever given me are on the cheek, or the top of my head. He and Clay both played football in high school, and never had to work to get girls."

  She blushes as she starts telling us about all the times Max would drag her along as the third wheel on a date, or times he would set her up with his friends. He's completely oblivious to the pain he causes her. By the time she's done, I'm not sure if I want to hug her or go kick him in the balls. Locking eyes with Scarlett, I can see she feels the same way. Annabelle hasn't said much so far this morning, but she reaches across the table to grasp Kat's hand in support.

  Finally, Kat forces a grin, "Anyway, enough about my dismal dating life. What else are we doing today?"

  Scarlett lets her off the hook, and says, "Well, there's an beginner yoga class thing a couple blocks from here this morning that I thought we could try out, and then later tonight, there's a spring fashion show and concert downtown." Looking around the table at each of us, she asks, "Is that okay with everyone?"

  We all agree to her idea, after all, it's better than spending the day doing homework or bumming around the dorm. We hurry to finish eating so we can head over to this yoga class while Scarlett tells us all about the date she had last night.

  After a full day of yoga, fashion and loud country music, we get back to the dorms to find Max sitting on one of the benches outside. Kat frowns before hurrying over to him, leaving Scarlett, Annabelle and I to exchange confused glances.

  When we reach Kat and Max, they are having a heated argument. "Where have you been all day?" Max sounds pissed, but none of us know why.

  "I was hanging out with friends, Max," Kat says quietly, trying to placate him. Max doesn't look any happier though, if anything he looks more upset.

  Standing up, he towers over Kat, grasping her arms before spitting out, "I've been calling and texting you all day. I thought we could hang out today."

  Kat looks down, obviously embarrassed, and I'm torn between letting them have some privacy and defending her. She shouldn't feel guilty for hanging out with other people, and I can't help but wonder if he's jealous that she has friends other than him. She told us earlier that she had a hard time making friends with girls in school because she spent so much time with Max. Girls would start rumors about their relationship out of jealousy and she's pretty shy as a result. It makes me feel even worse about being such an ass to her at first.

  "I'm sorry," she whispers. "I forgot my phone this morning. We were in a hurry to leave and I didn't think about it." She looks close to tears, but Max hasn't relented at all.

  Unable to hold it in any longer, I step closer to them. Max cuts his eyes to me, looking extremely unfriendly. "What do you want?" he snarls, dropping Kat's arms to face me.

  Straightening my spine, I glare at him. "Stop making her feel like shit. You're her friend, not her keeper. If she wants to go out without her phone and spend time with friends other than you, that's her prerogative." Poking him in the chest, I step even closer. "Look at her!" I snap, gesturing to where Kat's standing, her head still down and looking like she's going to start crying any moment. "She's your best friend right? Yet, she's standing there feeling guilty because she wasn't here to jump when you said how high. That's bullshit Max!"

  Max turns to Kat and visibly pales. Reaching out, he pulls her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her. She's stiff and not hugging him back, so he bends to murmur apologies in her ear. Slowly, she relaxes and slides her arms around his middle, hugging him back. Max pulls away and tilts her chin up so she's looking at him. Moving his hands to her cheeks, he starts brushing away the tears that have begun to fall, looking close to tears himself.

  "Shit Kat, don't cry. I know I'm a fucking asshole, but please, please stop crying. I can't handle it." Kat continues to sniffle, but she's letting Max comfort her now. Shooting him a glare that says "mess with my roommate any more and I'll stab you with a spork" I leave to give them some privacy after letting Kat know we're going upstairs. She nods, her head buried back in Max's chest.

  Once we're back in my dorm, Scarlett rushes over to hug me, squeezing me tight. "Ohmigosh Pey! The way you stuck up for Kat was awesome! I'm so proud of you!" Patting her awkwardly on the back, I tell her thanks. I'm really not much for hugging, and the hero worship look she's giving me is making me extremely embarrassed. Thankfully, Scarlett and Annabelle don't stick around for very long before heading back down to their room, leaving me to work on my math homework while waiting for Kat to come up.

  I'm sitting at my desk going over the Math assignment we were given today, and I don't understand any of it. I've been searching for YouTube videos on how to do these problems but haven't had any luck.. I'm ready to throw the book, my scrap paper and my laptop at the wall and give up. That's when Kat walks in followed by Max, Clay and of course, Wyatt. I'm still pretty pissed at Max over the way he treated Kat on Saturday night. She may have forgiven him right away, but the way he talked to her reminded me of my ex and my mom.

  Kat, oblivious to the glare I'm giving her crush, tilts her head to the side to study me. "You okay Peyton?"

  "Yeah," I tell her while pulling my hair into a messy ponytail. "I'm just ready to pull my hair out over these stupid math problems. I don't understand them."

  Clay starts laughing, "Did you hear the one about the blonde and -"

  I cut him off with a glare, "No blonde jokes asshat."

  "I'm sorry! Really. It's just, you're blonde and having trouble with math. That's just too tempting to leave alone." Clay says holding up both hands in surrender, even while he and Max are both laughing. Well, laughing until Wyatt smacks each of them in the back of the head.

  With a huff, I turn back around to search for more videos. It's driving me crazy. Math is the only subject I really struggle with, and it's one I need to know. While I'm obsessing over math videos, Kat is discussing plans with Clay and Max. She said this morning that they were hanging out tonight, but she didn't mention that Wyatt would be with them. I don't know what made me think he'd tell me about his plans after our day at the go-kart track almost two weeks ago, it's not like he
owes me anything. We're just friends. Maybe if I repeat that to myself enough times, I'll start to believe it.

  It's not like we haven't spent any time together since the go-karts. I see him three times a week in class, plus our little group is always together. Struggling to concentrate on my most recent attempt at video tutoring, I'm chewing on the lid of my pen sub-consciously when it's suddenly pulled away from me. Startled, my head whips to the side where Wyatt is spinning my pen between his long fingers while he studies me.

  "What?" The way he's looking at me makes me nervous and self-conscious, unsure about what he's going to say.

  Wyatt leans forward, brushing the hair that's fallen into my eyes back behind my ear, "Still having trouble?" His voice is gentle, probably because the last time we talked about my math problems - no pun intended - I practically bit his head off. I like being able to do things myself, and I don't want to rely on him, or anyone else, for anything.

  With an exasperated laugh, I nod, "I just don't understand it! I've been searching out videos like you told me, but I still don't get it. Algebra is just too damn confusing. And, it's pointless! When am I ever going to have to solve for x in real life?"

  He laughs, "You're cute when you're frustrated. Did you know that?" I feel my face heat up at his words. He's not supposed to think I'm cute. I'm trying not to be attracted to him.

  Pulling away from him, I go back to my computer. Wyatt's irritated groan grabs my attention, and I drag my lower lip between my teeth, not sure what I should say, or if I should even say anything. Deciding to pretend his words didn't affect me, I reach for my ear buds, intent on putting them in and pretending I'm still alone. Wyatt grabs them from me, turns to the other three, and says, "Do you think you guys could hang out in Max's dorm or something? I'm going to help Peyton with her homework."

  Grinning, Kat nods before winking at me and grabbing Max by the arm. "Sure! C'mon Max, let's go to your room."

  Max and Clay both groan and Max says, "I don't want to hang out in my room. My roommate sucks and he probably has a girl in there."

  "Damn little bro, you're the only guy I know who'd complain about getting to watch live porn!" Clay looks at us and winks, but Max either doesn't notice or just plain ignores it and shoves him out the door while shouting expletives at him. Kat grins at me once more before closing the door behind them, leaving me alone in my room with Wyatt.

  After Wyatt spends 45 minutes explaining this week's lesson, I finally understand how to do the problems. Once I finish them all, he checks my work and shows me where I'm still making sign errors before we call it a night.

  "Thanks for helping me Wyatt. You didn't have to do that, and I really appreciate it." I want to be the snarky girl, but being rude to him would make me no better than my mom.

  Wyatt shrugs off my thanks, saying, "You don't have to thank me, I like spending time with you Pey." I can't think of anything to say in response to that, so I stay silent. Dragging his hand through his messy hair, Wyatt looks deep in thought before he says, "You know, if you need a tutor, I'd be glad to help you. It's easy for me, and we could maybe hang out afterwards sometimes."

  "Um," I start, trying to think of a way to say no without hurting his feelings. Him being my tutor would not end well, especially since I'm trying to keep my distance from him.

  Seeing that I'm about to turn him down, Wyatt holds out a hand to silence me. "Before you say no, I'm not offering to tutor you in exchange for dates. If it makes you feel better, you can even pay me to tutor you. Math is something I'm good at, and it's something you struggle with. We're friends right?" The way he's staring at me makes it impossible for me to disagree with him. He knows things that no one else knows about my family, and I guess that does make us kinda friends.

  "I offered to tutor you before and you turned me down, saying you'd eventually get it on your own, but you still don't get it, do you?" He doesn't wait for me to answer before continuing, "Just try it. Let me tutor you for a month or so, and give me the chance to prove that I can help you and that I'm not just trying to get in your pants. If you still don't want me to, I'll stop and we won't mention it again."

  Wyatt makes a lot of sense, but I'm still not sure I can handle being alone with him for long periods of time without jumping him. We've been in here alone for just over an hour now, and I'm having trouble thinking about anything other than the way his lips felt that night at Drench when he kissed me.

  Being alone seems to turn up the magnetic field between us; we get closer and closer the longer we're together. Every time his leg brushes mine or our hands accidentally touch an electric current passes through my body. I don't realize I'm chewing on my bottom lip until Wyatt uses his thumb to pull it out from between my teeth. My gaze flies up to meet his and he's looking at me tenderly. "You're going to hurt yourself. Stop thinking so hard, Peyton." He lowers his voice, leaning closer so that I can feel his breath against my ear, "I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to spend time with you. I want to get to know you, and let you get to know me."

  The combination of his words and the feel of his breath against my neck causes my own to quicken. Wyatt pulls back to look into my eyes and whatever he sees in mine causes his to darken and his own breath to speed up. We continue to sit, each studying the other until the tension in the room is so thick it almost hurts to breathe.

  Finally, he brings his hand up to stroke my cheek before sliding his hand down and around to the back of my neck. Wyatt pulls me forward until our mouths are almost touching before he stops, holding me there. I'm close enough that I can smell the Altoids he constantly has in his mouth. The minty scent mixes with his cologne to create a mixture that's uniquely him.

  He still doesn't kiss me, just keeps his hand firmly on the back of my neck to keep me in place while he searches my eyes. I don't know what he's looking for but I feel like he's seeing everything I try to keep hidden, including how attracted to him I am. After a beat, he leans forward, kissing the corner of my mouth before releasing me. My breath is still coming fast, and so is his, when he drops his hand from my neck.

  Our eyes are still locked when the door to my dorm opens and Kat, Max and Clay walk back in. Kat's laughing at something one of them said, but they all stop short to stare at us. The tension in the room must be obvious to them too because Kat suddenly looks uncomfortable, while Clay's grin widens as he looks between us. Wyatt clears his throat, shakes his head and stands up.

  He holds out a hand, "Can I see your phone?"

  Dumbly, I pull it out of my pocket and hand it to him. My brain is still mush so I don't notice him dialing until the phone in his pocket starts to ring. Confused, I frown up at him but he just grins and continues to press buttons on my phone before he hands it back.

  "There," he says. "Now you've got my number and I have yours so we can set up tutoring times." Placing a quick kiss on the top of my head, he walks over to his friends, tells Kat goodnight and all the guys leave. The click of the door shutting finally brings me out of my trance, and I look down at my phone to see the name he saved his number under - Prince Charming. I can't help but laugh, especially when I realize that the shirt I'm wearing says "Prince Charming is hard to find".

  "So what do you want to do tonight?" Scarlett asks as everyone files out of Music Theory.

  I shrug, "Nothing really. I'm supposed to meet up with Wyatt for tutoring this evening, but I'm free until then. Why?"

  "I was hoping we could go check out a club someone told me about the other day." She's pouting, but I really do need to study.

  "Sorry Scar, I have a big Algebra test tomorrow and if I fail, Wyatt's promised he'll come up with something really horrible for me to do as punishment. Since I don't like punishment, and I'm terrified of what he might come up with, I'm going to make sure I pass... even if I have to offer sexual favors to the teacher."

  Scarlett brightens at that thought, "Ooh, you know what? I read a book about that the other day --" I quickly cut her off. Those kinds of thoughts are the last
ones I need before going to meet Wyatt tonight.

  "Uh-uh, just stop right there!" I order. "You need new reading material!"

  Realizing what's going through my mind, Scarlett doubles over in laughter, "Oh. My. God! You should totally see your face right now! I didn't know you were such a dirty girl!"

  "Shut it," I snap. "We so don't need to have this conversation."

  Scarlett continues to snicker while we head back to the dorms to meet up with Annabelle and Kat for dinner.

  Dinner is basically just a "pick on Peyton about Wyatt" event, leaving me extremely agitated by the time Scarlett drops me off at the gym to meet Wyatt. His practice should have been over twenty minutes ago, but I don't see him or any of the other players hanging around outside either. Right now, I've only got two choices, either sit out here alone while it gets dark, or go inside and wait for Wyatt to be finished. Honestly, I'm not sure which is the more dangerous option. If I stay outside, I'm in the dark and by myself which means anything could happen. If I go inside to watch the rest of practice, I'm going to see Wyatt in a basketball uniform, or at least shorts and a t-shirt, sweaty. It also means I'll be seeing his muscles work which will just make him even harder to resist.

  It doesn't take long for me to realize that staying outside isn't a good option. It's still winter, and at 7pm, it's completely dark outside. The longer I sit on this bench, the colder and more freaked out I get. Soon, I am jumping at every little sound and telling myself that someone is watching me. Hurrying inside I realize I was only really outside for about five minutes. Yeah, I'm Peyton the badass alright. Taking a seat on a bleacher as far away from the guys practicing as I can, I decide to enjoy this little bit of sweaty-guy watching. I mean, they're basketball players, so they are all tall, toned, and sexy, even with the sweat rolling down their bodies and their hair matted to their heads.


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