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Southern Seduction

Page 82

by Alcorn, N. A.

  Even after all this time apart, it’s still uncanny the way he can read me. The way his eyes are penetrating my gaze is unnerving, and part of me wishes I could just admit it, scream yes, and throw my arms around him so he can take me right here on this table. The other part of me, the one I want to stab right now, remembers his words about company policy, and I know it’s not just limited to clients.

  I have to tear my eyes away from him before I can answer. “No, Sawyer. You haven’t been mine for a really long time.”

  He inhales sharply, and I miss his closeness the moment he moves away from me. Without another word, he packs up his briefcase and walks towards the door. I’m frozen, unable to move as I watch him go. The quick change from cocky playboy to pissed-off boss throws me off, and suddenly I’m not sure how much longer we can continue this cat and mouse game.

  I think he’s about to leave when he turns back towards me. His eyes have a sadness to them, and it kills me knowing that I’m the one who’s causing it. “No, Cheyenne, I guess I haven’t been. And whose fault is that?”

  Without another word, he opens the door and exits the room. I sink down into a chair, and for the first time in almost six years, I allow myself to remember the day I fell for him and try to forget the day I ripped us apart.

  July 2008


  After that day at the lake when I let my guard down and finally let Sawyer explore my body, I raced home and browsed the Internet and read every ‘How to Please Your Man’ and ‘Guide to Giving the Best Blowjob’ article I could find. After reading all about the different tongue techniques, hand placements, and the pros and cons of ass play, I began to feel overwhelmed. As it turned out, I didn’t need Internet articles telling me what to do. Sawyer ended up being the best teacher, and we spent the next few weeks exploring each other every chance we got. He was tentative at first, but I think I left him so hot and bothered that day on the lake that it didn’t take much to get him to give in.

  At first I thought it’d be weird, having him tell me exactly what he liked. Instead, it was thrilling. Listening to him give me commands was such a turn-on, and it wasn’t long before I felt like a blowjob-giving aficionado.

  He hasn’t mentioned my request to lose my virginity, and I haven’t brought it up again. I only have a couple of weeks left in Shiloh Grove, and while I’m excited to go away to school, I’m already dreading leaving him. I have no idea how he did it, but he got inside my heart, dug in deep, and I’m not sure how I’m going to let him go—or if I’m even going to be able to. At the beginning of this summer, I was counting down the days until I was out of this town. Now, I’m trying to resist falling asleep at night because that’s one less day I have with Sawyer. It figures that I’d meet someone who makes me feel more than I have in ten years, just to have to say goodbye after three months. That’s what I feel like I’m always doing with the ones I love—saying goodbye.

  The thought is too much to bear, and I decide that lying on the couch lost in my thoughts isn’t doing anything to help my mood. Getting up from the couch, I head to my room to get a head start on packing. I’m lost in the playlist on my iPod when all of a sudden, my door bursts open, and I jump.

  “Holy shit! You scared the hell outta me!” I yell when I see Mama standing in front of me. I haven’t heard from her in almost a month, and I have no idea where she’s been. To be honest, I stopped caring, and my heart sinks, knowing that my summer is about to change. No more late nights wrapped up with Sawyer on the couch. None of his sneaking in my window, even though he has a key. He thought it was romantic, climbing in, and I relished the nights I woke with him beside me. As disappointed as I was at the beginning of the summer when she decided to abandon me, I’m more disappointed that she’s shown back up.

  “Sweetpea, is that any way to talk to your mama after you haven’t seen her in two months?” she croons, making my skin crawl. She crosses the room and pulls me into a big hug, but I just stand there, arms at my side. Leaning back, she looks at me and frowns. “Cheyenne, sweetie, it looks like you’ve been spending too much time in the sun. You need to be careful,” she says, and I can’t help but roll my eyes.

  No, “I missed you Cheyenne. It’s good to see you, Cheyenne.” It’s negative. And for the first time this summer, I feel inadequate. I hate that she can waltz in and do this to me.

  Ignoring her comment, I pull out of her arms and go to sit on my bed. “My skin’s fine, Mama. What are you doin’ here? Where the hell have you been?”

  Her eyes widen with excitement and she flutters her left hand out in front of me. I see a big, gaudy, ridiculous-sized diamond on her finger. “I’m getting married! I just came home to get my birth certificate so we could go and get it done. Thomas and I don’t want to make it a big deal. Neither of us has much family, so we’re just going to make it something small, intimate, just the two of us.”

  Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. She doesn’t have much family. Her own daughter isn’t worthy of being at her own wedding. Awesome.

  “Great. Fantastic. So freakin’ happy for you,” I say, standing up, ready to walk out of the room.

  “What is your problem, Cheyenne? Thomas is a wonderful man. He’ll provide for me, for us. He’ll be your stepdaddy. You’ll love him,” she says, her words causing my blood to boil.

  “No, Mother,” I say for the first time, not calling her Mama. I’m done. She doesn’t deserve to be called that, and even Mother is a stretch. “I won’t love him. He will not be my stepfather. The only daddy I’ve ever had died ten years ago serving this country. And I’m glad he’s not here to see you like this. He’d be as ashamed as I am,” I spit out, causing her to reel backwards.

  Pushing past her, I rush into her room and find her jewelry box. I’ve spent more than enough time playing with her jewelry, and it almost killed me when she took off her rings to start dating again. For years I’ve been sneaking into her room and taking out Daddy’s ring to inspect. I’m pissed as hell that she even thinks that anyone could ever be my stepdad and that I’d ever love him, especially after this stupid whirlwind romance they’ve apparently been on. Knowing her, he might be my stepfather for two whole months before he decides she’s too much for him.

  Finally locating the rings, I take all three of them—her engagement and wedding rings and his wedding band. That woman doesn’t deserve any of them. Stuffing them into my pocket, I turn to leave when I see her leaning against the doorjamb.

  “What are you doing, Cheyenne?” she asks quietly, almost timid.

  “I’m taking what’s left of Daddy. Obviously you don’t give a shit, so it’s mine now,” I tell her, knowing that my words probably hurt, but right now, I really don’t care.

  I watch as her face drains, and part of me is telling me not to do it. That maybe, just maybe, some part deep down inside of her still loves him, but the angry, irrational Cheyenne wins out.

  “Cheyenne, please, calm down. This could be a fresh new start for us,” she says softly, almost hopeful.

  I shake my head, knowing that it’s way too far gone for any fresh start. “No, Mama, there’s not going to be any fresh start for us. You’re starting your new life, and in a couple of weeks, I’ll be starting mine.” She grimaces at my words, and for once, I wish she’d fight for me, for a relationship, but she’s always found it easier to just let go. “I sincerely hope you’re happy.”

  Without another word, I quickly move past her, grab my bag, and head out into the dark Georgia night, knowing exactly where I need to go.


  It’s a little after dark when I pull into Cheyenne’s driveway. The weather was shit today, and I didn’t get a chance to see her at the lake. Missing her, I flew out of the house as soon as Wyatt and I ate dinner, something that he’s insisted we do every night, and I have to admit that I’ve really enjoying getting to know my mother’s brother.

  The house is dark, and when I crawl through Cheyenne’s window, I try my hardest not to get mud on h
er wooden floors. My eyes adjust to the darkness and I see she’s not in her bed. Her room’s a mess, something that is quite unlike her. Searching the house, I realize she’s not here. I leave through the front door and skip down the steps, going to my truck, knowing exactly where she must be.

  It doesn’t take long for me to get to the lake, and my eyes scan the shore until I see her sitting on the edge of the dock, legs dangling over. Pulling my boots and socks off, I move to join her. She doesn’t look up at me as I sit down next to her, and I can immediately tell she’s been crying. Without saying a word, I wrap my arm around her and pull her into me. She turns, her head resting on my chest as her hand comes up to grip my t-shirt. The waterworks explode and she’s soon sobbing against me, dampening my shirt. My hand strokes her hair as she cries it out.

  “Shh, pretty girl. Everything’s gonna be okay,” I tell her, even though I have no idea why my girl’s crying in my arms, but it doesn’t matter. If my words can comfort her, then that’s enough for me.

  “It hasn’t been okay for a really long time, Sawyer,” she whispers, finally calming down just a little bit. She pulls back away from me, sniffing, wiping her eyes. She gives me a small smile, and my heart flip-flops just a little bit.

  Cheyenne’s beautiful, even with a runny nose, red-rimmed eyes, and messed-up hair. The way she’s smiling through her tears makes me want to lean in, kiss her, and finally tell her how I really feel about her. I know we started this whole thing as a fling, a friendship, but it’s turned into so much more.

  When I came to Shiloh Grove, I never imagined I’d find myself not wanting to leave, nor did I ever envision meeting someone who makes me feel more than I ever have. Someone who makes me want to work my ass off the next two years in school and possibly move to California. Yeah, I know it’s crazy. It’s been a whirlwind summer, and we haven’t even slept together, but I’d uproot my life and move to Berkeley if I could just so I could be near her.

  She sighs, and I’m pulled out of my thoughts. “I know, babe. And I hate that for you, but you’ve got a bright future ahead of you. Just think of all that sunshine you’re going to have when you head to California,” I tell her, even though the thought of it kills me. “You wanna talk about it?”

  Shaking her head, she stands up. “No, I really don’t. Let’s just say that Mama popped in with an announcement, and we had an argument. I don’t want to talk about it. Hell, I don’t even want to think about it right now.”

  I watch as she walks off the dock and waits near the shore. She gestures for me to join her. As I walk towards her, she begins to remove her clothes, first her t-shirt, and then her jeans, which she slowly slides down, causing my mouth to water. When I reach her, she pulls me in for a kiss, her tongue quickly tangling with mine, and I relish in the taste of her strawberry lip balm.

  “Let’s go for a swim, city boy,” she says, grinning up at me.

  No longer able to say no to this woman, I quickly remove my t-shirt and then my shorts. She cocks an eyebrow up at me and brings her hands up to the clasp on the front of her bra. She’s fingering it, giving me a seductive look.

  “This is a summer of firsts, right? Well, one thing I’ve never done is go skinny dippin’, and I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather do it with,” she says, unclasping her bra and slowly moving it away from her body to expose two beautiful breasts, her pink nipples hardening as a slight breeze passes through the air. I inhale sharply at the sight of them and have to my stop myself from crossing to her and taking one of them into my mouth. “Your turn,” she tells me, and I watch as her breasts rise and swell with each breath she takes.

  I’m transfixed, and it’s not until she clears her throat that I even registered what she said. Hooking my thumbs in the waistline of my boxer briefs, I take a page out of her book and slowly move them down, watching as her eyes take in every single inch of my now rock-hard cock. Bending down, I remove them completely. As I stand back up, stark naked in front of her, I love the way her eyes rake over my body and I know she’s enjoying the evidence of all the farm work I’ve done this summer. I’m reminded of the first day we met, how I somehow got up the courage to walk up to this girl naked. I can’t believe how far we’ve come in such a short time. I’m not sure how I’ve become an exhibitionist, but with Cheyenne, I find myself doing things I normally never would have done.

  “Lookin’ hot, city boy. Farm life’s been good to you,” she says, grinning at me, and once again, I can’t take my eyes off her breasts.

  Moving towards her, I place my hands on her hips, and I hear her breath catch as I pull her into me. “Why is it that I’m naked and you still have panties on?” I ask huskily, leaning down to whisper in her ear.

  She turns her head and looks into my eyes, and I see that all the tears have finally gone away and her eyes are no longer red. Instead, they’re filled with desire, and I realize that I’m not going to be able to hold out much longer on her whole deflowering request. Who in the hell ever decided that deflowering was even a good term? That sounds fuckin’ weird, and I shake the thought out of my mind, even though the thought of sinking into her sounds pretty damn amazing right now.

  I watch as she steps away from me and grabs her panties, slowly sliding them down until she can kick them off. Apparently we both like torture, because it’s killing me to watch the material run down her legs at a snail’s pace. Finally, she’s standing before me naked, and I silently thank God that there’s a full moon so I can see her, all of her, every single inch. Something about her tans lines are sexy as hell, the contrast of bronze, sun-kissed skin and pale, creamy white with a hint of pink around her nipples. As my eyes slide down her body, I can see that she’s completely bare between her legs, and I look up to meet her eyes, knowing I have a crazy-ass grin on my face.

  She shrugs her shoulders, looking away from me, and a part of me loves this shy, innocent side of her. “I may have gone into the city and gotten one of those waxes that all those magazines rave about,” she admits, finally looking back at me. “And you better take advantage of it, too, because that shit hurt like hell and you better believe I’m never lettin’ a crazy woman near my Southern belle with wax ever again.”

  Busting out in laugher, I lose it when I hear her name for the land down under, and she throws me a mock glare, which causes me to laugh even harder. I walk towards and pick her up, throwing her over my shoulder. She playfully scratches my back, and my dick aches as I imagine her doing the same thing after I sink myself into her, fucking her senseless.

  But I can’t do that with Cheyenne. I’ve been with a couple of girls, but none of them were virgins. The thought of being that guy, the first one, is daunting. All you hear are horror stories. When I lost my virginity, it was with an older girl who knew what the hell she was doing. I got off, and at the time, that’s all that mattered. But the thought of being the first for Cheyenne? Well, to be honest, it scares the fuck out of me. And even though I’ve been avoiding it, I know I’m not going to be able to let her leave for California without finally sealing the deal. As much as it freaks me out, it scares me even more not to be the one to do it for her. I want it to be good, and if she goes off and just finds some college guy to get it over and done with, I’d hate myself. I’d rather her have the memory of it with me, someone who cares about her and how she feels.

  Walking into the water, I’m instantly chilled, seeing as how the rain cooled the lake down. When I get waist deep, I let her slide down my body, and she wraps her legs around my waist while her arms link around my neck. I don’t miss the way my dick’s pressed up against her or the way she tries to rock her hips into me. Gripping her waist, I still her movements, causing her to whimper.

  “Sawyer, I’m ready. I don’t want to wait any longer,” she says, peppering kisses up and down my neck as she tries to move her hips again. I don’t let her, and I feel her nails dig into the skin on my back. “Please don’t make me wait. I want it to be you, and I want to be able to do it more than once befo
re I have to leave. I know one time will never be enough for me.”

  Her admission has my dick swelling, and I feel her legs loosen around my waist as her hand moves down between my legs, where she grabs ahold of my cock. She begins to slide me up and down her slit and my heart starts racing at the contact. My brain is screaming, Back the fuck up! But my dick is looking for entry.

  Reaching down, I grab her hand and twist it around her back. “Baby, we’re not doing this here. Your first time is not going to be in a fuckin’ lake. Maybe it’s something we can revisit in the future, but if you’re serious, if you really want this, I’m not taking you here.”

  Her legs tighten around my waist, and I groan when I feel her heat against me. “But, Sawyer, we’re in the water. Maybe it’ll be easier. More lubrication. Come on. Please don’t make me wait. You’ve made me wait for weeks and it’s been killing me,” she admits, leaning up to press a hot kiss against my lips.

  Chuckling, I shake my head and start walking out of the water. “I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work that way,” I tell her, and I notice the way she shivers when the cool air hits her skin after being in the water. Setting her down, I grab my shorts, finding the condom in my wallet. Okay, sure, that looks kind of skeezy, but I knew I’d eventually give in to her so I started carrying one around just in case.

  Quickly swooping up our clothes, I grab her hand and lead her around to the other side of the lake where Wyatt’s boathouse is. I’m lucky enough that he gave me the key, and I’m practically running, dragging her along, desperate to finally make love to her for the first time.

  When we enter the boathouse, I lead her towards the shower, turning on the hot water so we can both jump in and rinse off. We can barely keep our hands off each other, and the sight of Cheyenne wet, naked, and grinning at me does nothing to calm my raging libido. Shutting the water off, I lead her back towards the bedroom, taking my time to dry us both off with a towel.


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