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Southern Seduction

Page 97

by Alcorn, N. A.

  Slowly, I shuffled down the hall, checking on Dad along the way before making my way out the front door. June sat swinging, staring out into the darkness.

  “You’re so fuckin’ hot,” I slurred as I stepped out and mentally punched myself for the twang. When I drank, my accent sometimes slipped out, much to the entertainment of my friends.

  June jerked her head towards me. I couldn’t see her face in the dark, but I could sense that she was upset about something.

  “What’s wrong, June Bug?” I made my way over to her and sort of fell into the swinging, making it shake wildly underneath us.

  “Have you been drinking?” she asked. Her tone was clipped and somewhat shocked.

  “Just a little to take the edge off. I’ll tell you what I want to take off,” I growled into her neck as I, more roughly than I’d intended, grabbed her breast through her tank top. As I nipped her flesh with my teeth, she gasped.

  “It would seem you’ve had a little more than what you’re claimin’.” Annoyance laced her voice and I chose to ignore it. Things were becoming less lucid by the minute.

  I pulled down her shirt and bra, exposing her tit, and she exhaled loudly. Before she could protest, I sucked her nipple hard into my mouth. It must have been too hard because she grabbed my hair and yanked me back.

  “Bobby, whatever’s goin’ on, I don’t like it. Did you take somethin’? You’re acting so strange.”

  I ignored her and slid my hand up her leg. Her body was reacting to me even though she was trying to stop the effect I had on her. Pulling her shorts and panties to the side, I thrust two fingers inside her pussy. She was wet and ready for me, like always. Her mewls as I stroked her had my cock straining against my jeans. I leaned my head down again and sucked her tit again, but this time not as hard. She was moaning as I had my way with her on the swing. When her sex started clenching around my fingers, I knew she had come.

  “Fuck me on the swing, baby,” I commanded as I withdrew my fingers from her. Taking her hips in my hands, I pulled her into my lap and she straddled me. I lifted my hips so she could feel my hard-on and she whined in anticipation.

  After several unsuccessful attempts to unfasten my jeans, she finally took over and eventually freed my cock. I hooked my thumb around her panties and shorts, bringing them to the side once again so I could access her moist folds. She sank herself onto me and we both groaned in pleasure.

  Her lips met mine and she kissed me hard. Sucking my lip into her mouth, she bit down on it. I couldn’t even fucking feel it. All that I could feel was her delicious pussy as it gripped my shaft.

  She cried out my name and shuddered around me. The incredible sensation sent my dick into a frenzy as it released its hot contents. Neither of us had moved and were still conjoined when she started to cry. Fuck this.

  “I need a fucking cigarette,” I seethed into her hair. All of these groupies were exactly the same with their feelings and shit.

  She jerked her face up off my chest and her teary eyes met my glare. “What is wrong with you? Did you take something?”

  “Bitch, go the fuck home. Party’s over. Need me to call you a cab?”

  The things I was saying to her felt wrong somehow. She slid off of me and stomped into the house, slamming the door behind her. Fuck it. Groupies were so needy once you fucked them and told them to go. Stuffing my cock back into my pants, I leaned back on the swing and passed out.


  He never came to bed last night and I didn’t give a rat’s ass. I was pissed that he would talk to me the way he had last night. Clearly he had been messed up on something besides the alcohol I’d tasted on him. When had he even had time to do it?

  It was still really early in the morning and I could hear Mr. Acer’s loud snores in the next room. Crawling out of bed, I located my running clothes and tennis shoes so I could dress.

  Pulling my hair into a ponytail, I then went into the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face and brush my teeth. The house was still dark since the sun hadn’t risen yet. Quietly, I made it to the refrigerator and snagged a bottle of water for my run.

  Anxiety filled me right before I opened the front door, knowing that he would still be on the porch. Gaining some courage, I slipped out the front door and spied a glance at him. He was in the same position I had left him in. Of course he still looked sexy as hell with no shirt on and wild hair.

  He groaned and lifted his head, looking at me, confused. “June Bug?”

  I cringed at the nickname and went down the steps to the grass so I could stretch.

  “Fuck me,” he groaned as if remembering his actions from the night before. I ignored him and pulled my ankle behind me to stretch my hamstring. “June, I’m sorry. Whatever I said last night, I didn’t mean it.”

  I finally looked over at him. He stood at the top of the steps, running his fingers through his hair.

  Regarding him coolly, I responded, “Sure.” Taking off in a sprint, I left him to think about his actions from the night before. It wasn’t something that I would be a part of, no matter how badly he was hurting. Leaving one sick relationship for another made no sense in my book.

  After a long run, my still-sore ribs were burning. I decided to head back so that I could make Mr. Acer some breakfast. I wasn’t sure what his schedule was like, but I didn’t want him to have to wait for me to cook. The porch was empty when I arrived. I jogged up the steps and opened the door, surprised to smell bacon cooking.

  “Mornin’, June,” Mr. Acer chirped from the kitchen table. I smiled over at him when I realized he was working a crossword puzzle from the book I bought him.

  “A great day for a run, Sutton.” I could feel Bobby burning a hole through me with his gaze as he cooked breakfast. “Do you mind if I take a quick shower? Looks like Bobby has a handle on things in there.” I didn’t look in his direction.

  “Of course, sweetheart. See you in a bit.”

  A few minutes later, I was undressed and washing away the grime from my run. Bobby and I would have to talk about what happened last night, but I was too mad at the moment. I understood that he had clearly been messed up, but he needed to know that I didn’t like it a bit.

  After I emerged from the shower, I dressed in a simple sundress and flip-flops. I put on a little makeup to cover the bruises that still painted my face and put some mousse in my hair. Eventually, I made my way back to the kitchen.

  Mr. Acer had eaten and was still working on his book when I came in. Bobby was nowhere to be seen.

  “He put your plate in the microwave so it would stay warm.” I frowned at his thoughtfulness because it interfered with me being mad at him.

  “Thank you.”

  Breakfast was comfortably quiet. After I cleaned up the kitchen, Mr. Acer spoke.

  “June, you have to forgive him. I can tell he’s done somethin’ to upset you and that he feels terrible about it.” Tears filled my eyes as he continued. “That boy’s waited a long time for you. He’s trying to juggle his current life with the past life that we come from. Considering I’m dyin’ as well, I am sure that his emotions are a mess. All I’m askin’ is that you talk to him about it.”

  Guilt consumed me and I broke down sobbing, trying to hide my tears in the dishtowel. Heavy footsteps, too strong to be Mr. Acer’s, approached me from behind and enveloped me in a hug. He must have showered in his dad’s bathroom because now he smelled like soap and it was doing crazy things to my hormones.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered into my hair. I nodded as I let him turn me to him. My arms snaked around him and held him tightly. “Dad, excuse us. I need to apologize to my girl.”

  Bobby pulled away from me and linked his fingers through each of my hands, walking backwards as he led me toward the room. Mr. Acer smiled without looking up from his book.

  Once we made it back to the room, shutting the door behind us, he motioned for me to sit on the bed. I sat, expecting him to sit with me, but he knelt on the floor in front of me inst
ead. Gripping both thighs with his large hands, he kissed my kneecaps in an oddly intimate gesture.

  Looking up at me, he grimaced before he spoke. “June Bug, occasionally I dabble in things I probably shouldn’t. Last night, playing those songs for you and Dad had me feeling an emotion that I couldn’t deal with sober. I got wasted quickly on whiskey and then a Xanax. It was a mistake, June. And then I treated you like a fucking groupie. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me, baby.”

  His hands scooted my dress up and he kissed the tops of my thighs.

  “I’m sorry too, Bobby. You’re going through an incredibly difficult time. Because of my life with Markwayne, I just saw a path I didn’t want to take again.”

  “Oh, God. I don’t ever want you to see that bastard and me in the same light. Ever. I won’t get fucked up again. June, I’m going to make love to you now.”

  His words were a statement, not a question, and I wanted him to do exactly that. Quickly, he pulled my dress up over my head, tossing it to the floor. The dress had support so it hadn’t required a bra, much to his surprise.

  “Dammit, woman, you are fucking hot. I don’t even think I can wait for foreplay.” He slipped my panties off and shed his own clothes rather rapidly.

  “I’m always wet for you, and I can’t wait either, for the record.”

  He was between my legs and inside me in two seconds. I moaned into his mouth as he kissed me hungrily. We both needed this connection like we needed air. He worshipped my body with gentle caresses as he thrust into me. Our kisses became ragged breathing into each other’s mouths as we came within seconds of each other. After the aftershocks of our lovely union subsided, he relaxed on me and kissed my nose.

  “I lo—I love spending ever moment with you. There’s no way I’ll ever get enough of you,” he admitted. His face was so serious, and he regarded me with such tenderness. Bobby was the missing part of me and for once in my life, I was starting to feel whole again.


  I’d almost told her I loved her. Shit, I did love her but I didn’t know that she’s ready to hear that confession. She was still married for fuck’s sake. Her eyes told me that she loved me too, but it didn’t feel right to put the thoughts to words at the moment.

  “Your dad must think terrible things about me,” she sighed and frowned. I laughed as I climbed off the bed and headed toward the shower.

  “Nah, he adores you, June Bug. He wants us to be happy.”

  She followed me into the bathroom and crossed her arms as I started the water.

  “What’s going to happen to us?” Her question was one I’d been mulling around in my mind the moment we had reconnected. “You know, like when you have to go back to work.”

  While the water heated up, I stepped over to her and pulled her into my arms. “Babe, we’ll figure it out. I lost you for fifteen years. I’m not losing you again.”

  She nodded under my chin, and I kissed the top of her head.

  “Now, get in that shower so I can ravish your wet, soapy body.” Popping her on the ass, I turned and dragged a giggling June into the shower with me.

  “What’s up, man?” Chaz asked when he answered the phone. He sounded irritated. Neve got under his skin all of the time, but for some reason he stayed with her. I would never understand their relationship.

  “Just checking in. How is everyone? How’s Neve?”

  “She’s got her panties in a wad right now because some chick asked me to sign her tit earlier at the mall. I was all like, ‘Shit, woman. I can’t help it if these bitches can’t stay off my sac,’ and of course she got all bitchy. Currently, she’s giving me one of her ‘silent treatments,’ during which I’m happy to pretend to be sad while I play Call of Duty in peace.”

  “Chaz, you’re such a dick,” I teased, laughing at him.

  “Join the ‘Chaz is a dick club.’ Neve will get you your own card. She’s the head bitch.”

  “Damn, dude. Why do you guys even stay together?”

  He sighed, and I heard the game pause in the background. “Because I love her, man. Even when she’s being a mega-bitch, she’s my mega-bitch. In fact, I’m getting all horny talking about her bitchiness and I think I need to go show her just how sorry I am. Catch you later, dude.”

  I rolled my eyes when he hung up on me. Chaz was an ass, but I loved him all the same.

  June had gone down to her momma’s to look over some documents the lawyer had emailed. I’d told her I would go with her, but she’d seemed to want to do it in private. Considering I’d gotten nowhere with Chaz, I called Manny.

  “Hello?” he answered, his voice thick with sleep.

  “Damn, I’m striking out. I’ll call you back later, man, since you’re sleeping.” He grumbled out a reply and hung up. Finally, I called Donnie.

  “Hey, Bobby! How’s everything going in Redneck Country?” he chirped into the phone. That guy had more energy than several people combined. It must be a drummer thing.

  “It’s okay. Dad has good days and bad. I wrote a new song for him and I’m working on one for my girl. You guys are going to—” I informed but was interrupted.

  “Hold up. Your girl? Since when does Asshole Acey have a girl? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” He was laughing hysterically into the phone, annoying the shit out of me.

  “Fuck off, Donnie Dickhead. We wouldn’t be a band without the songs I wrote about her. She’s beautiful and perfect. Once she gets rid of her husband, I’ll make her mine.”

  Now he was roaring with laughter. Shit, he might even be crying because he was laughing so hysterically right now. Calmly, I waited for his inconsiderate ass to shut up.

  “Are you through?” I asked finally.

  “Hell no,” he chuckled. “You went out to Redneck Country and found some chick with a husband. Are you listening to yourself, man? Next thing you’re going to tell me is that you made love to her and that she’s really your cousin.” He burst into another fit, and I refrained from hanging up on him.

  “Well, now that you’ve made me feel like a big douchebag hick, let me finish my story. I’m here with my fucking muse and the song ideas won’t stop. I’ll work on some, and in a couple of months before we go on tour again, we’ll hit the studio to record this shit. Oh, I also hired her to help me with Dad. She’s staying with us and things are great with my girl-who’s-not-my-cousin who I made love to many, many times.”

  He’d finally calmed down and his tone grew serious.

  “Are you okay, Bobby? How are you holding up with your dad’s health? I know you texted us and told us he wasn’t doing chemo. Do they know how long he has?”

  His sudden solemnity made me nauseated. My mind instantly thought about the bottle of Xanax in my bag. But the thought of possibly disrespecting June again overshadowed my need.

  “I’m okay. Last night, playing that song for him… It really hit me. I got fucked up and said some terrible things to June. She forgave me, but I still feel like shit. It’s just that I know that he’s only got a couple of months at the very most. Since my mother deprived me of seeing him my entire teenage and adult life, I feel sickened that I’m going to lose him so soon after—” I choked out a sob, dropping the phone on the bed.

  Burying my face in my hands, I thought really hard this time about the pills. The door opened and someone approached, picking up my phone with one hand and putting an arm around my shoulder with the other.

  “Hi, I’m June. I’m sorry but Bobby can’t talk right now. Can I have him call you back?” She was silent a moment while Donnie said some things to her. “Donnie, you are a naughty man, ain’t ya? I bet Bobby might want to tan your hide for tryin’ to move in on his girl,” she teased in her adorable accent. I wiped my eyes with the palms of my hands and took the phone back from her.

  “Donnie, you’re such a fucking asshole. What did you say to her?”

  He was laughing so hard that I could barely contain my laughter and joined him. “I told her, Bobby, that a sweet Southern girl
like her could use a little bad boy education from yours truly because clearly you’ve lost your edge.”


  Mr. Sinclair, my attorney, informed me the divorce should be a quick and painless one since we didn’t own any property together or have any children. It was long overdue and I was more than ready for it to be over with. When I came back from Momma’s and walked in on Bobby’s conversation, I was heartbroken. It was devastating to see how hard he was taking his dad’s dying. After he hung up with Donnie, who was actually quite hilarious, his spirits had lifted.

  “Hey, June Bug.” He was smiling up at me, his eyes still red from crying.

  “Hey, Bobby.” I leaned over since I was still standing and kissed his lips. He took it as invitation and pulled me down into his lap.

  “What do you say we try to get Dad out of the house today? He’s been in good spirits today. I thought maybe he might like to go somewhere.”

  “Sounds great, Bobby. We can go to the diner for dinner. He loves that place. I know he’d probably like to see his friends.”

  Getting out of his lap, I walked into the hallway to go tell Mr. Acer our plans. When I heard retching, I hurried into his bathroom. He was on his knees emptying his stomach into the toilet.

  “Sutton, are you okay?” I stroked his back as he continued to vomit, shaking his head no. “I’m going to run and get you some ginger ale. I’ll be right back.” Hurrying from the bathroom, I slammed right into Bobby’s chest. I would have fallen on my ass had he not steadied me by grabbing my elbows.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked me, alarmed.

  “His stomach seems to be upset. Grab him a cold washcloth and put it on his neck while I get him something to settle his stomach.” He obeyed my order, hurrying to the cabinet below the sink.

  When I came back with the soda and a handful of saltines, I found him sitting on the tub, rubbing his dad’s back.

  “Sutton, please sip on this and try to get some crackers in you. You’ll feel better if you can do that.”


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