Book Read Free


Page 1

by Sandra R Neeley


  Cover Credit

  Title Page



  About This Book



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chpater 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34


  From The Author

  About The Author

  Cover Credit

  Christopher Coyle

  Thank you for adorning my words so beautifully.

  Your talent knows no bounds!

  And thank you for not running from me or blocking me no matter how many times I say, “But what if we just…”

  Sandra R Neeley

  P. O. Box 127

  Franklinton, LA 70438

  Independently Published

  By Sandra R Neeley

  97,814 words.

  Haven 3: Transcend

  by Sandra R Neeley

  Copyright © 2020 SANDRA R NEELEY

  All rights reserved.

  Thank you for purchasing and/or downloading this book. It is the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied and/or distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes without express written permission from the author.

  Your support and respect for the property of this author is appreciated. This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales, is purely coincidental. The characters are creations of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademarked ownership of all trademarks and word marks mentioned in this book.

  For me. Because I never, ever thought I could.

  About This Book

  Elite Force Commander Kol Ra’ Don Tol has been obsessed with Earth and its cultures for as long as he can remember. He’s thrilled when the gods smile on him, giving him an Ehlealah, a mate, that is human. But she’s suffered traumas and abuse that no being should have to endure. As a result, she’s not as receptive to his claim that she’s his as he hoped she’d be. He waits patiently for his female to realize what she is to him, what they are together. But instead of accepting him and falling into his arms, she runs from him — all the way back to Earth. Now he’s on a mission to find her and do whatever it takes to earn her love and bring her back to his home on Command Warship 1.

  Ada Jane has lost 135 years. That’s how long she existed as entertainment to others after being abducted from her home on Earth. She’s rescued along with several other women and given the opportunity to choose their own futures — stay here, or go home to Earth. Ada Jane chooses Earth despite the claims of a very large, very blue, alien warrior who insists that she is his, and he is hers. When he prevents her from joining the others on a one-way trip back to Earth, she decides to get there any way she can. She slips away without a word on the next transport leaving Command Warship 1. She needs to see her home and what’s left of the world she left behind before she can even consider beginning a new life anywhere else.

  Kol and Ada Jane want the same things out of life despite their very different opinions of exactly what that entails. They want home, love, and the security within which to enjoy it. Once on Earth, there are obstacles at every turn working against them. Will they be able to overcome all they face and find their way to each other?

  Warning: Intended for mature audiences. This book contains violence, abuse both real and inferred, and sexual situations that may be disturbing for some readers. If you are offended by these subjects, please do not buy this book.


  Name - Pronunciation, Nickname(s) - Pronunciation

  Rokai ahl — Roe kye all

  Gaishon — Guyshon

  Li’Orani — Lee Ore ahni

  Kron — Kron

  Zha Quin Tha Tel Mo’ Kok - Shah Keen Tha Tell Moe Coke, Zha Quin - Shah Keen, Quin - Keen

  Zha Tahl Tel Mo’ Kok - Shah Tall Tell Moe Coke, Zha Tahl — Shah Tall

  Eula — Youlah

  Ba Re’ Non Tol - Bah Ray Non Toll, Ba Re’ - Bah Ray

  Kol Ra’ Don Tol - Cole Rah Don Toll, Kol - Cole, aka Blue-Dude

  Jhan Re’ Non Tol - Shahn Ray Non Toll, Jhan - Shahn

  Xallen -Zallen

  Vor - Vor

  Kail - Kale

  Zahn - Zon

  Rel - Rel

  Asl - Acel

  General Lo’San - General Low Sahn

  Vilshhelkrj - Impossible to pronounce - Vennie

  Ehlealah - Eh lee lah

  shraler - shrayler

  Psi - Sigh

  Cruestaci - Crew stah see

  Cruestace - Crew Stahs

  Litah - Leeta

  Quarin — Kwarin

  Quari — Kwaree

  Quisles - Kwyles

  Diskastes - Disk aste s

  Zhuxi - Zooshi


  Kol sat in the pilot’s seat of the Cruestaci Battle Cruiser that was assigned to him in each battle they fought. He knew it intimately and was completely at ease in it.

  The com pinged, asking for his attention, but it was a frequency he was unfamiliar with, so he ignored it.

  It pinged again, and again, and again.

  Finally, unable to tolerate the irritating sound any longer, he accepted the call. “What?!” He shouted.

  “Ambassador Kol Ra’ Don Tol?” a shaky voice asked.

  “Excuse me?” Kol said, in forced, broken English.

  “I’m trying to reach Ambassador Kol Ra’ Don Tol. This is Special Liaison Elisher from Earth Base 28. We were advised that you’d been assigned here at the last moment, and we’re contacting you to offer our services once you land here on Earth. It seems you’ll be here for some time, and as neither you nor your species has visited before, we thought to make your transition easier.”

  Kol was not stupid and was slowly putting together the pieces. Apparently, Quin had managed to get him listed as an Ambassador so that he’d not be arrested should he be detected on Earth without permission. “Thank you, for your offer,” Kol responded. “But, how long exactly do your records show that I’m to be on Earth? I was not planning to be there any extended period of time,” he explained, still in broken English.

  There was the sound of some papers shuffling. “Excuse me, Ambassador Don Tol, while I read through the transmittal. We’ve just received your appointment and have not had time to enter it into our data base. I’m looking through your file… Oh! Here it is… three years. Your commission on Earth is for three years.”

  Kol was stunned. Three years? Quin had deserted him! And what about his Elite Team? How would they function without him? All he’d wanted to do was to find Ada Jane, show her her abandoned farmhouse, and bring her home.

  “Ambassador?” the whiny voice said.

  “Yes?” he answered in a less than confident tone.r />
  “May we offer you housing and transition assistance while you’re here?”

  “Yes, please do,” Kol answered. His mind whirling. How would he ever make it on Earth for three years?

  Surely this was some kind of mistake.

  Chapter 1

  Ada Jane stood at the exit door of Rokai ahl’s ship. Her hand rested on the metal wall beside the sensor that would open the door and allow her to finally set foot on her home planet.

  “This is it,” Rosie said. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Ada Jane paused before answering. Then she let out a quiet chuckle. “No. Not at all. But I have to. I can’t just forge ahead without making peace with whatever I find left of my life here.”

  “You heard Zha Quin. He said that Chairman Bartholomew made arrangements for you. They are expecting your arrival here. The band you wear on your wrist is loaded with fifty thousand credits. It is enough to keep you for at least a year. Do not forget the government owes you for failing to protect you adequately. Don’t hesitate to demand your reparation credits if you begin to run low. And remember, you are protected by Chairman Bartholomew and his demands for your treatment. Believe me, his word carries quite a lot of power. You will be safe,” Rokai ahl explained.

  Ada Jane nodded.

  “I also believe you will not be alone for long. Kol is already on his way to this planet,” Rokai added.

  “That’s both soothing and quite unnerving at the same time,” Ada Jane admitted.

  “You can always just buckle back in and fly away with us,” Rosie offered.

  “I wish it were that easy. But… no turning back now,” Ada answered.

  “Very well. They are waiting for you outside. If I may offer advice? Their first impression of you is how they will treat you and approach you from that moment forward. If you are the victim, they will attempt to make all decisions for you, shelter and guide you as they see fit. If you are the quiet, unassuming, traumatized female… the same thing. If you are strong, adamant about what you intend to achieve, self-confident, they will treat you as an intelligent being with your own ideas,” Rokai said.

  “Take a page out of Vivi’s book,” Rosie added.

  “Only tone it down — drastically. You should not attack,” Rokai said laughing.

  Ada nodded. “You’re right.” She took a deep breath and straightened her back. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  Rokai stepped in front of Ada Jane and pressed his hand to the sensor, causing the door to open. As it raised he stood there, straight, tall, confident, and obviously completely disdainful of the people assembled to greet Ada Jane.

  “Welcome,” a tall, attractive, human male dressed in a white coat greeted.

  Rokai inclined his head in recognition of the greeting. “I am Rokai ahl Tel Mo’ Kok.”

  “We’ve been expecting you, sir,” another male, fully decked out in military finery and decorated with medals said.

  “I have come to deliver Ada Jane Andersen to her home planet. My people freed her, along with several other females upon discovering them held as slaves. She is the last to choose to be repatriated.”

  “We are aware of the assistance of the Cruestaci people in returning a number of our people to our planet. We are most grateful,” the first man said. “We’ve spoken to the other women at great length and have been made aware of the exemplary treatment and respect they received while with your people. We thank you.”

  “There is no thanks necessary,” Rokai said. He stepped aside and lifted his arm to wave Ada forward. “Ada Jane,” he said softly, yet firmly.

  Ada stepped forward. She looked out at the group of people waiting for her.

  “Welcome home, Ada Jane,” the man in the white coat said sincerely, offering her a smile.

  “Thank you, Doctor,” she responded. It was clear from his manner of dress and the stethoscope around his neck that he was a doctor.

  Two military personnel in BDU’s pushed a small mobile rolling staircase up to Rokai’s ship.

  “Shall I escort you down?” Rokai asked.

  “No thank you, Rokai. I have it from here,” Ada Jane answered. Then she turned toward him and put her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. “Thank you for everything. Keep Rosie happy, huh?” she asked, leaning back to look at him with her arms still around his neck.

  “I will. You tell Bart to send for me if you need rescuing. I will come for you at once,” Rokai promised.

  “I’ll be fine. But, thank you.”

  Ada let her arms fall away from Rokai, then turned to Rosie, hugging her tightly. “I’ll miss you.”

  “Nah, you’ll be so busy down here trying to get your place back in order and yanking Kol into place, you won’t even have time to think about me,” Rosie said, grinning at Ada.

  “Yes, I will. I’ll think about you. I won’t forget. Not ever. Be happy, Rosie.”

  Rosie was moved almost to tears, and it really kind of chapped her ass. She sniffled and swiped the back of her hand across the tears that threatened. “I won’t forget either. And you be happy, too. And mark my words, Kol will find you whether you think he will or not.”

  “We shall see,” Ada answered, smiling sadly.

  The doctor had ascended the stairs and stood one step down from the top, awaiting Ada Jane.

  Ada Jane turned to him and stepped out onto the top step, accepting his hand to steady her descent.

  “I’m Dr. Cavanaugh. Welcome home, Ada Jane.”

  “Thank you,” she answered, holding her head high, and walking down the steps with him. “Now, who do I have to talk to about getting my land back?” she asked.

  Rokai stood in the doorway watching Ada descending the steps and heard her question. He smirked. She’d do just fine. She’d already let them know she had a plan and was ready to start on its path.

  He waited until Ada and the welcoming party moved away from his ship, then pressed the sensor telling the door to close. Rokai went to his seat, strapped in and began preflight procedures so they could be on their way.

  “Ready for an adventure, my Rosalita?” he asked.

  “Absolutely!” she answered.


  Five days later Elite Force Commander Kol Ra’ Don Tol maneuvered his Battle Cruiser in place above the landing pad he’d been instructed to proceed to. He hovered in place while the pad was prepared, forcefields at the ready to grasp and anchor his Battle Cruiser in place once he lowered it into its proper resting position.

  His com crackled letting him know a communication was incoming. “Ambassador, you may proceed. Landing protocols are in place.”

  Kol rolled his eyes. Whoever the hells had made him an ambassador, relegating him to this uncivilized, chaotic world, split into sectors and governed by multiple powers, for an unbelievable three year period would certainly feel his wrath.

  Kol clenched his jaw as he sat in the pilot’s seat of his personal battle cruiser and endured the feelings of jerking and restraining motions as the necessary forcefields were put in place. It irritated him that his battle cruiser was being locked down by governing agents of this world. A world he had no control over, and no status in.

  The com crackled again. “Landing is complete, Ambassador. You may disembark at will.”

  “Thank you,” he answered. Kol sat there for a few moments, getting himself together and looking around the cockpit. Then he spoke aloud, hoping the ship’s computer was still fully functioning.

  “Computer?” he asked.

  There was no answer.

  “Computer?” he asked again, raising his voice.

  There was still no answer, so he leaned forward swiping his fingertips across one of the sensors there. Several different lights began to light up across the control panel. He waited until they were a steady glow rather than a flickering light show. Then he began to type in commands. A few minutes later he tried again.


  “How may I be of service, Elite Commander Ko
l Ra’ Don Tol?”

  “I am preparing to disembark. Reinforce Cruestaci protocol for access to and operation of this battle cruiser. See to it that none other than myself has access.”

  “Yes, sir. Reinforced protocol in effect. You disabled communication with Command Warship 1, do you wish to reinstate communications?”

  “Yes. In addition, I’ll be taking my handheld with me. Please be sure that it is reconfigured at once.”

  “Yes, Elite Force Comm…”

  “Could you just call me Kol?” Kol asked irritatedly. He’d gotten used to the lack of formality when dealing with Missy and found it a huge waste of time to have to wait for the standard computer program to repeat every damned thing spoken to it and to address you and every operation you requested with full titles.

  “Your rank is Elite Force Commander, Elite Force Commander.”

  “I should have programmed Missy in my cruiser,” he mumbled.

  “Please repeat your request, Elite Force Commander Kol Ra’ Don Tol,” the computer requested.

  “Yes. I will definitely be installing Missy as soon as I’m back in range,” he said aloud. Then he glanced at his handheld unit. The flashing light sequence had stopped. “Is the handheld ready?” he asked.

  “Yes, Elite Force Commander Kol Ra’ Don Tol.”

  “Oh. My. Gods! Please be Missy when I get back!” he snapped. “In the meantime, no one enters this Battle Cruiser but me. No one accesses any technology or computer programs but me. If by some series of events the cruiser is breeched, self-destruct after sending a call to Command Warship 1 advising them I am still alive, the cruiser was breeched and initiated its own self-destruct protocols.”


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