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Page 18

by Sandra R Neeley

  “You will not mind?” he asked.

  “Kol… of course not. It’s your job. If you weren’t needed, they wouldn’t try to contact you.”

  Kol let himself drop onto the sofa as he grabbed his communicator from the table beside it. He ran his thumb across it and it began to beep relentlessly. Kol sat up and spoke into the communicator. “Missy, contact Elisher.”

  “I’ve been trying to contact you Ambassador Kol,” Missy answered.

  “Yes, I see that. Please contact Elisher,” Kol answered.

  “One moment, please,” Missy answered.

  Several moments passed before Missy spoke again. “Proceed Ambassador Kol.”

  “Elisher? Is all well?” he asked.

  “Um. Yes. I think so,” Elisher replied in a very feminine way.

  Kol stood up and looked down at the communicator in his hand. “Why do you not sound sure? Is there a problem? Am I needed?” Kol asked.

  “Well,” Elisher said, looking around the room at the two very large, very intimidating males that had joined her. “We have company. And they are anxious to see you.”

  “Have they forced their way into our quarters?” Kol asked, his anxiety growing. “Where is Buchanan?” Kol asked, already moving toward the bedroom to gather his things.

  “He’s gone to see to his regular duties. Patroon Zhuxi is here with me and our guests.” Elisher answered.

  “Where are Zhuxi’s security?” Kol asked.

  “They’re here, outside the door,” Elisher answered.

  “It sounds secure. If Zhuxi allowed them in, surely he knows them,” Kol answered as he walked into the kitchen and leaned over to kiss Ada Jane’s head.

  “It appears he is at least familiar with who they are,” Elisher answered mysteriously.

  “I will contact you,” Kol whispered to Ada Jane before rushing out of the cottage.

  Ada Jane followed him out onto the porch, knowing he had a job to do, but feeling slightly pushed aside since they’d just completed their bond the night before, and it was kind of a big deal for her to be able to find that level of trust inside herself. She heard the tail end of their conversation just before he hurried out of earshot on his way to his cruiser.

  “Kol, one of them won’t get away from me. He keeps staring at me, and he follows wherever I go. I had to lock the door to my room just to be able to go into the bathroom alone. And he’s angry! He keeps growling.”

  “I am coming, Elisher. I’ll be there shortly. Do not allow Zhuxi to leave you alone with them. Stay near Zhuxi.”

  “I will. Hurry.”

  Ada watched as moments later Kol’s cruiser lifted into the air and after only a split second to focus on it, it jetted off into the sky so quickly she couldn’t keep her eyes focused on it.

  Ada Jane went back inside her cottage and made herself a glass of tea, then went into her bedroom to get the tablet Kol had given her. She walked back into the living room and kicked her shoes off. She sat back on her sofa and put her feet up as she powered up her tablet. As soon as it was ready for her command, she spoke to it. “Hello, Missy.”

  “Hello, Ehlealah Ada Jane Ra’ Don Tol.”

  “Can you get me information on Special Liaison Elisher?”

  “I can. What type of information would you prefer? Birth information, personal information, professional information?”

  “All of it,” Ada Jane replied.

  “Please allow me time to gather the information and organize it in an appropriate time line for you,” Missy answered.

  “Thank you, Missy.”

  “You are quite welcome, Ehlealah Ada Jane Ra’ Don Tol.”

  Six minutes later Ada Jane’s tablet spoke to her. “Ehlealah Ada Jane Ra’ Don Tol? Your report is ready.”

  “Thank you, Missy. Please load it on my tablet.”

  “Uploading now.”

  Ada Jane spent the next several hours, reading the report Missy had provided for her, then searching for additional information on certain points she was particularly interested in. By the time she was done, she was completely convinced that Elisher was actually Elisha. The reason Ada Jane had mistaken him for a girl was because he was a girl. And he was living in Kol’s quarters under the guise of being a male. And Ada Jane was not happy at all about it.

  Ada Jane tried to com Kol using the communicator he’d left her. But it went unanswered. She tried again, and finally he picked it up. She was nervous about calling him, she’d never called a man before. “Kol?” she asked, waiting for him to appear on screen.

  She watched as the picture blurred for a moment then snapped into focus. “Ambassador Kol Ra’ Don Tol’s quarters. May I help you?”

  Ada Jane felt like snarling just the same way Kol did when he was irritated. Elisher was answering her mate’s communicator. She plastered on a fake smile and pulled her manners together. “No, thank you. I’m trying to reach my mate. Is Kol there?”

  “Yes, he is but he’s not in our quarters at the moment. He’s taken some new arrivals on a tour of the base. May I give him a message for you, or may I be of assistance?” Elisher asked.

  “No. If you could just let him know I tried to reach him, it would be appreciated,” Ada Jane answered.

  “I’ll let him know as soon as he gets back to our quarters.”

  “Thank you,” Ada Jane said, ending the vidcom.

  She ended the connection, then sat on her couch trying to control her temper. “Their quarters. There was a female sharing her mate’s quarters and calling them ‘their quarters’.

  Her mind reminded her that Kol didn’t know Elisher was a woman. He thought his assistant was just an effeminate male. Ada glanced at the communicator again, but knew if she tried to call again, Elisher would answer again and she’d be even more frustrated than she was now.

  Ada grabbed her weapon from the side table and standing slipped it into her pocket, then after thinking about it for a moment, decided to leave her communicator where it was. If she took it with her, she’d be too tempted to look at it all day, or try to contact Kol again, and no matter how irritated she was, she didn’t want to be that woman.

  She didn’t think for a moment he was doing anything wrong. She just knew that Elisher wasn’t who he pretended to be, and she couldn’t get in touch with Kol. Shaking her head to clear it, she walked out of her cottage, across the yard and into the side entrance of the church. She knew Pastor Douglas had a particular schedule for cleaning the church. Today was the day he polished all the wood with a lemon scented wax. She couldn’t think of a better way to keep busy and her mind off Kol. “Pastor Douglas?!” she called. “Could you use some help in here today?”


  Kol docked his cruiser and wasted no time rushing to his quarters. He unlocked his door and stepped inside only to come to a sudden halt. Then his face went from shock to one of delight.

  “Blue Dude!” Kron called out teasingly.

  “Kron! Ba Re’! Why are you here?” he said, greeting both in big bear hugs with lots of male patting each other on the back.

  “Bart said you needed a small team for backup. We volunteered,” Kron answered.

  “He did not mention that he would be sending some of my own people, nor did he give any indication he’d be sending my friends and family. I am very pleased to have you here,” Kol said.

  “I am overly thrilled to be here,” Ba Re’ answered on a rumble while staring at Elisher.

  “Kol!” Elisher said, moving quickly toward him. “Welcome back. Did you get everything finished that you needed to?”

  Ba Re’ snarled when Elisher got within a few steps of Kol.

  Kol looked questioningly at Ba Re’. “Are you feeling well, cousin?” Kol asked, concerned. Ba Re’ was never overly jovial, but he rarely snarled for no reason at all.

  Ba Re’s gaze moved from Elisher to Kol. “Of course, I am well. Where have you been?” he snapped.

  Kol’s whole demeanor changed. He took on the happy appearance
of someone who had no issues or disappointments in life at all. “I have been with my Ehlealah! We are one!” he announced, smiling proudly, his chest puffing out.

  “Congratulations!” Kron said, giving more ferocious pats on Kol’s back. “I wish you many, many revolutions of happiness and many, many children. He looked at the closed door behind Kol. “Where is she? Does she not join you here?” Kron asked.

  Kol shook his head. “No. She is still struggling to overcome the trauma she suffered. And I am doing my best to understand and give her the time she needs while also establishing my claim and our bond. She explained to me that she is not ready to enter a military atmosphere. And I believe that this many males in one place would frighten her greatly. We have found a small cottage not too far from here, and she lives there. I will move between the two places as I’m needed here and prefer to be there.”

  “It is a good plan, Kol. You are truly blessed. If she is still struggling yet accepted you, it shows that she realizes just how much you belong to one another. She realizes that you are her safety, her love, her male. You are much blessed,” Kron said again.

  “Yes, very blessed,” Ba Re’ said, once again glaring at Elisher.

  “Zhuxi! Thank you for your welcome to my friends. I am in your debt,” Kol said.

  “Nonsense! And congratulations on your mating. It is a blessed day,” Zhuxi said sincerely. “But, I must ask… Blue Dude?” he asked.

  “A shortened name that our Sirena gave me long before she learned my true name. It has stuck,” Kol said grinning. “And it is a blessed day, would be even more so if I were not here and my Ehlealah there, but, it is what it is, and we have both committed,” Kol said.

  “There will be time later to devote to strengthening your bond,” Zhuxi added.

  “There will,” Kol answered, eyeing Ba Re’ as he continued to glare at Elisher who was looking as though he’d like to run and hide.

  “I believe I will provide my friends with a tour as I update them on our findings so far,” Kol said, stepping back toward the door and opening it.

  Kron followed readily enough, but Ba Re’ stayed put.

  “Ba Re’, we are going on a tour,” Kron said.

  Ba Re’ glanced at Kol. “Go then,” he said.

  “You are coming, too,” Kol added.

  Ba Re’ pinned Kol with a pointed look. “I’ll stay here.”

  “No, you will come with us. You need to be familiar with the layout of the base, and I have additional information to provide. Come along, we are waiting.”

  “I will stay here with Elisher,” Zhuxi said, not sure what was going on, but aware that the big black and grey Cruestaci warrior was unusually focused on Elisher, and was making Elisher extremely uncomfortable.

  “Thank you, Zhuxi. As soon as we return I will relieve you, and you can return to your responsibilities,” Kol said.

  “There is no rush. Buchanan and I have arranged our schedules so that one of us can be here to assist you and Elisher at all times. The other is covering our general duties about the base. We’ve got our tablets for communications with anyone outside the base, so all is taken care of,” Zhuxi explained.

  “How can I thank you?” Kol said.

  “You already have. You’re investigating questions we’ve had for years that have gone unanswered,” Zhuxi said. “Now go, see to your friends, Blue Dude,” Zhuxi said, laughing in his gurgling kind of way.

  Kol, Ba Re’ and Kron left, closing and locking the door behind them, with Kol chuckling at Zhuxi calling him Blue Dude.

  Zhuxi turned to Elisher. “What is the problem? What is going on with Ba Re’?”

  “I have no idea. You saw him! When you first brought them in, he was polite and shaking hands with Buchanan. Then the moment he looked at me, he practically charged me. If Kron hadn’t called his name, I don’t know what would have happened!”

  Chapter 22

  Kron and Kol walked down the hallway with Ba Re’ grumbling behind them. “Why are you here?” Kol asked Kron.

  “We already told you. Bart asked for a small team to support you,” Kron answered.

  “I know that, what I’m asking is who is standing in as Elite Force Commander if I’m here and you’re here?” Kol asked.

  Kron stopped walking and grinned at Kol. “You haven’t heard…” he said chuckling.

  Kron’s response even earned a half-hearted grin from Ba Re’.

  “What is so funny?” Kol asked, looking back and forth between them.

  “Rokai ahl is acting as Elite Force Commander in our absence,” Kron said, waiting for Kol’s reaction.

  “He what?” Kol shouted. “Has Zha Quin lost his mind?”

  “He wouldn’t be the only one,” Ba Re’ grumbled, rubbing at the back of his neck.

  “Are you well?” Kol demanded, glaring at Ba Re’.

  “Of course, I am well,” Ba Re’ snapped.

  “Then why are you staring at my assistant like you wish to kill him? Stop intimidating him! He is not the male we are, and you are making him uncomfortable in his own quarters!”

  Ba Re’s face went from irritation and obstinence to surprise. “It was not my intention to unnerve him. I simply don’t understand. It can’t possibly be right,” Ba Re’ grumbled.

  “What can’t be right? He is my assistant. And he is a good assistant. I need him to concentrate on his work so that he can complete it and I won’t have to!” Kol said, his voice raised to indicate his frustration.

  “I will apologize to him. I did not mean to frighten him. I…” Ba Re’ stopped talking, searching for the words.

  “You what?” Kol asked.

  “Nothing. Proceed. Are you going to show us this facility or not?” Ba Re’ snapped.

  Kol started to press the issue, but knowing Ba Re’ as well as he did, he could tell the male was actually very upset, so he decided to let it lie for a while.

  He and Kron started walking again, and Ba Re’ reluctantly followed along. “I thought Rokai ahl was taking his Ehlealah to see all the wonders he could show her,” Kol said dramatically, trying his best to imitate Rokai ahl’s flamboyance.

  “He was. Which is why it was funny. Zha Quin demanded he come back to Command Warship 1 without further delay. Told him it was a matter of life and death and that only he could make the difference. Rokai ahl showed up to help his newly reclaimed family, and Zha Quin advised him that he is Elite Force Commander effective immediately and until you or I return to relieve him.”

  “He willfully accepted?” Kol asked.

  “Not exactly. It took some convincing, and Chairman Bartholomew had to promise to grant him a favor if needed in the future. We explained that he was the perfect fit because of his highly elevated skills, and because he had no interest in the job permanently. Then he accepted. He is now calling himself Rokai ahl Tel Mo’ Kok, Elite Force Commander, feared the multi-verse over,” Kron said.

  Kol shook his head. “Rokai ahl certainly has the skills to lead the force. I just don’t know if he’ll apply himself and succeed, or be more of a hindrance because he doesn't actually want to be there,” Kol said.

  “I spoke with Jhan this morning. He said Rokai has actually taken pride in the new position. He said he can clearly be seen enjoying himself, and is seen taking meals from time to time with the Elite Force. I think it will be good for him, and possibly for them. He surely has a trick or two up his sleeve that he can teach them to be wary of,” Ba Re’ said.

  “I’d have never dreamed of Rokai ahl leading Elite Forces. I do not believe there is anything that could surprise me more,” Kol said.

  “Don’t be too sure about that,” Ba Re’ grouched from behind them.


  “Father, it is simply unacceptable!” Diskastes shouted, before swiping all the papers off his desk in a fit of rage.

  “I do not care what you think is acceptable or not. What I am concerned about is why the Consortium believes it necessary to audit Base 28. I am concerned with
why the Consortium has sent Cruestaci Ambassadors and a warrior team to assist with these audits! What have you done now?” the ruling monarch of the Planet Quisles demanded.

  “I have done nothing but rule this Base as it should be ruled. I am offended that you would consider that I would have done otherwise,” Diskastes answered indignantly.

  His father looked at him with an unmeasured amount of disgust. “I will make inquiries. But know you this, if you have engaged in any behavior that brings strikes against our family or our people, I will not stand beside you. I have removed you from incident after incident, the last of which left you on the planet you’re on!” he shouted. “The only reason I even consider lifting a finger in your direction is your dear mother! It is time you were responsible for your own actions! Being born into a monarchy does not mean you are guaranteed a life of ease. You must earn it!” his father bellowed at him before ending the communication.

  Diskastes screamed his own frustration and kicked his desk. There was no other way. He absolutely had to be sure that this audit turned up nothing. He stalked from his office bellowing for his computer specialist. They’d have to corrupt all the computers on base in order to keep the Cruestaci from finding anything that would incriminate him. There was just no other way.


  Elisher sat at her computer tapping away at the keys, assembling spread sheets with the data she found as well as logging in the deliveries and expenses that had not yet been logged into the system. Each time she felt she’d made a little headway or found a discrepancy, she’d take a screen shot to record it, then dig even deeper.

  Kol, Kron and Ba Re’ had returned from their tour of the base and sat in the living room discussing options for containing Diskastes and his men should it come to that. And from the looks of the information she was finding, it would come to that. Elisher had no doubt that when the Consortium was made aware of all the evidence she was discovering, they’d come in and seize the base.


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