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Transcend Page 29

by Sandra R Neeley

  Chapter 34

  After what seemed like only a very short presentation by the prosecuting side, the defense took over. They presented their findings on the occurrence itself — that Kol reacted as any male would have had his mate been in immediate danger.

  But no matter how hard they argued the facts, Diskastes’s people insisted he overreacted and that he could have simply disarmed the male and taken him into custody. Particularly effective was Diskastes’s mother who sat in the front row on the left side of the courtroom sobbing continuously.

  Kol even gave his version of that day. Explaining that Diskastes was crazed, insisting that they’d all die. But even that was met with disregard.

  When it became apparent that there would be no easy ending to this trial, both sides holding fast to their points of view, Bart began presenting the evidence of Diskastes having been involved in the questionable activities at the base. He methodically laid out each and every charge: theft, embezzling, failure to provide for and protect those in his quadrant, maleficence in office, and then calmly faced the prosecution’s bench and waited for them to reply.

  There was much sputtering and denial of the charges by all three legal counsel hired by the Quisles people to try to convict Kol to win justice for their son as they saw it.

  Bart calmly rose and spoke to several males who were standing just to the side of the Judicial Panel’s bench where it sat facing the rest of the courtroom and raised a little higher as was the dais he and Kol sat upon. “Please provide the support documentation to the prosecution,” Bart said with all professional manner.

  After a short perusal the lead prosecutor rose to his feet and shouted at Bart and the rest of the courtroom. “All of the supposed offenses by Consul Diskastes were non-violent! They are non-threatening. And while we are still not fully convinced, these documents do seem to indicate they are valid. Nevertheless, he has always been a non-violent, loving child of the nobility of Quisles. The death he suffered is inexcusable!”

  Bart merely smiled. “In addition, we are charging him post-mortem with activities including, yet not limited to, the kidnapping and selling of young females and males of the sector of Earth Base 28, into the multi-verse slave trade.”

  The court room erupted and there was shouting from all sides. Eventually the judicial panel gave up trying to regain control of the courtroom which left Bart having to do it. He bellowed as best he could, slamming his own chair down on the floor to get everyone’s attention. “Though I am acting as legal defense on this particular case, do not for one moment forget who I am or my stature here! You will control yourselves, or I will have each and every one of you removed from these proceedings and this facility. Am I clear?!” he shouted.

  A hush fell over the courtroom after which the lead prosecutor respectfully rose to his feet. “Chairman Bartholomew, these allegations are outrageous, and against a deceased individual who has suffered a senseless death, no less a violently imparted one. You cannot expect his poor mother and father to sit here and witness his name to be sullied in such a way without absolute proof.”

  Bart again indicated that the support males should once again provide the information gathered. “As you will see,” he said as every word he said was displayed on the holovid at the front of the courtroom, “all evidence and inquiries support the facts that young females and males have routinely disappeared from the sector surrounding Base 28. Many of them after accepting employ at the base itself. The numbers far surmount those of surrounding territories. In fact, it’s known among the people of this sector to avoid the base at all costs lest your children disappear shortly thereafter.”

  The lead prosecutor rose to his feet again. “Though a tragic occurrence, this does not prove that Consul Diskastes was involved in any way. Without concrete, irrefutable proof, we must insist that Elite Commander Kol Ra’ Don Tol be found guilty and remanded to the custody of the military of Quisles to serve out his full life term in our penal system as punishment for taking the life of Consul Diskastes, Third Prince of Quisles!”

  “This is the proof. The proof that we have provided is an example of the character of the male, and supports very clearly why Elite Commander Kol Ra’ Don Tol was concerned for the life of his mate and reacted as he did. The tape clearly shows Consul Diskastes took two females into hostage and attempted to assume control of a civilian transport, which then had to flee in order to escape capture. It clearly shows one female being forced to fire on Diskastes in order to free herself. Elite Commander Kol Ra’ Don Tol has testified that he clearly stated they would all die and insisted the Elite Commander give himself in exchange for the female. You can see for yourselves the battle was over. It clearly shows that Elite Commander Kol Ra’ Don Tol was concerned for his mate and was checking her for injury. It clearly shows that Consul Diskastes, despite being injured, raised his weapon in preparation of firing on a female who was no longer a threat to him.”

  “All we see is that Consul Diskastes, Third Prince of Quisles, was afraid for his life and attempted to flee. We plan to press charges against the pilot of the transport as well for abandoning a royal noble in a time of need as soon as he is identified! Consul Diskastes, Third Prince of Quisles was not a danger to any! He was simply preparing to defend himself as he lay injured on the ground where he was subsequently attacked and literally torn to pieces!” the prosecutor shouted back. “Unless you have direct evidence that cannot be disputed, we demand Elite Commander Kol Ra’ Don Tol be remanded to our custody without further delay!”

  “The pilot you wish to bring charges against has been identified and accounted for. He is a doctor stationed at the repatriation base in Washington, D.C. He’d very kindly offered to take one of the females Diskastes took as hostage to visit with her mate. On seeing the armed security forces approached him with weapons drawn, he feared for his life and left the area. That in itself is additional proof that Diskastes was not simply protecting himself, he was the aggressor!” Bart answered.

  “Still, there is no proof of his involvement in these vile charges you bring today. I demand they be stricken from the record, and Elite Commander Kol Ra Don Tol be remanded to our custody at once due to the lack of proof of your attempt to lead these proceedings astray!”

  “I have proof,” a female voice said shakily in the courtroom.

  All eyes turned to Sirena Vivian Tel Mo’ Kok.

  Her mate, Sire Zha Quin Tha Tel Mo’ Kok, reached for her hand. “Vivi,” he rushed out, suspecting what she planned to do.

  Vivian squeezed his hand in hers, then proudly she met all the eyes watching her, then she repeated herself. “I have proof. And it’s irrefutable.”

  “Please introduce yourself for the accuracy of our records,” the governing Judicial Panel speaker requested.

  “My name is Sirena Vivian Tel Mo’ Kok. I am Ehlealah and Mate to Zha Quin Tha Tel Mo’ Kok, Sire to the Cruestaci people. I was abducted from Earth in the year 2041 and sold into sexual slavery. I was freed by my mate and his forces. While still being held captive, Diskastes is one of many who abused me horribly.”

  “You can’t possibly prove this! You are simply making an effort to save one of your people!” Diskastes’s mother shouted through her nearly hysterical tears.

  Vivian smiled sadly at the woman, knowing she was simply reacting to the recent loss of her son. “I am indeed making an effort to save one of my people. But, I can without a doubt prove his actions.” Vivian reached into the pocket of the cloak she wore and withdrew a golden shimmering disk. “Vor, if you would be so kind,” she said without looking away from the woman.

  Vor was immediately at her side, taking the disk from her and moving toward the Judicial Panel.

  “This is a copy of a recording that my people found aboard the ship they freed me from. My mate is concerned for my welfare — he watched me struggle to even become half the female I am now. He made a decision to keep this recording private, allowing no one to see it in an effort to protect me from the pai
n I suffered.

  I have been told that our technology is always running in the background of any visual communication we send, receive, or observe, as is the technology of most every world represented here today. It serves many purposes for each of us, but after this recording was located, another was added to our own programming. It’s searching faces. It’s been programmed to search for any face seen on this recording. On matching any face to those on the recording, our Sire, my mate, is notified. This is exactly what happened the day that Elite Commander Kol Ra’ Don Tol encountered an unstable Consul attempting to flee his impending incarceration.

  Diskastes was identified through facial recognition as one of those that brutally attacked me. Not just once, but several times. He had to have made the effort to return to assault me over and over again, which shows an understanding of the situation, and a conscious decision on his part to become involved. Further, the fact that he was acquainted with, and apparently extremely comfortable with those that held me and offered me for sale, indicates that he was involved in the slave trade of abducted individuals. Kol had been advised only shortly before they finally tracked him down, and he knew how dangerous this male was — how violent he was. He acted accordingly to protect his mate.”

  “This is ludicrous!” the prosecutor shouted.

  Vivian shrugged one dainty shoulder. “See for yourself.” Then she sat beside her mate again, and Quin immediately took her face in his large hands, forcing her to look at him.

  “Vivi, you do not have to do this. It is too much. There is another way,” he insisted, worry clear on his face.

  Vivian kissed his palm, then gently pulled his hands from her face. “There is no other way. I won’t allow them to take Kol. And I won’t allow them to glorify the life of the male that did this.”

  “And I won’t have you relive that horror,” Quin said, his voice growly. “It could…”

  “I will finally use that horror for good,” Vivian assured him, interrupting him. “I’ll be okay. In fact, I want the recording sent to all governments so that they can search their own data bases for facial recognition of their own people, then I want all of them to be outed. I want them all named publicly and shamed. I want them all to have to answer for what they did to me, for what they’re likely still doing to others not so lucky as I am.”

  Quin pressed his lips to her forehead.

  “It will be okay, Quin. Kol will come home, and we’ll get help finding all the others on the recording.”

  “How much did you watch?” Quin asked.

  “Only the part with Diskastes. It’s hours long. I didn’t have the heart for the rest. I lived it. I know what it shows,” she said. “It will not own me, it will no longer affect my life. It will help me to free my friend, my family.”

  The speaker representing the judicial panel raised his voice once more. “We have the recording ready for viewing. If you’ll direct your attention to the holovid located at the front of the courtroom…”

  The recording started with a nude Vivian leaning against the wall in that dark, dank room that Quin never wanted to witness again. A small group of males could be seen entering from the other side of that room. Vivian pushed off the wall and limped toward the middle of the room, gathering her chain in her hand as she went. She went to the middle of the room and waited with her chain in her hand. The males made a game of it, taunting her from each side as she fought them, catching one or two unsuspecting and leaving marks on them with her chain. They even allowed her to ‘escape’ from them before lifting the chain near where it was connected in the center of the room and pulling her back to them as she fought it, kicking and screaming.

  Then the real assault started. Quin turned his attention to those in the courtroom witnessing the video for the first time. The females who were in attendance cried out and covered their mouths and faces. Most of the males were shocked and appalled. Those of the Cruestaci warriors that had not seen it, who were not there the day she was rescued, began to rumble and growl. Quin had to order calm and control of his males to be sure their Psi’s didn’t emerge. And through it all Vivian sat staring straight ahead with a single silent tear tracking down her face.

  Kitty rose from his place on the floor and started nudging her with his huge head. Vivian patted him, but never once changed her position or her view. She stared straight ahead with Quin’s arms around her until finally the Judicial Panel ruled it enough.

  “It is our finding that Consul Diskastes is clearly identified on this recording. In light of the atrocities he subjected Vivian Tel Mo’ Kok, Sirena of Cruestace to, the actions of Elite Warrior Kol Ra’ Don Tol were more than warranted. What say you, prosecution?” The speaker of the Judicial Panel asked with vehemence in his voice.

  Diskastes’s mother sat almost catatonic watching the spot on the holovid where the tape had been played back. Diskastes’s father rose from his seat and approached the Cruestaci delegation. As one, Zha Quin and all the warriors rose to their feet in a show of intent to kill anything that approached their Sirena.

  He bowed to Vivian and was very humble when finally he spoke. “I offer my deepest apologies for the suffering you’ve endured at the hands of my son. There is no excuse for it. His name will be removed from all records and histories of the people of Quisles. No proof of his existence will ever exist. It will in no way make reparation for the pain you’ve suffered, but it will hopefully bring you some sense of closure that he will never be revered by our people.”

  Vivian didn’t speak, she simply watched the male struggling with his emotions. “I was aware that he was never the kind of male he was raised to be, but I had no idea of the depths of depravity he had sunk to. Had I known, I would have taken his life myself. I owe you a debt that I can never repay, Sirena Tel Mo’ Kok.” He bowed again and returned to his place in the courtroom, though he didn’t sit. He faced the Judicial Panel. “I formally withdraw all charges against this male. He acted with justified force and honor in the killing of Consul Diskastes. Please let the record show that Diskastes is no longer a prince of Quisles.”

  Vivian closed her eyes and smiled weakly.

  “Vivi? Ehlealah” Quin said, worriedly at her side.

  “I’m okay,” she answered, with her eyes still closed.

  “What can I do?” Quin asked.

  “You can find out how long before we can take Kol home,” she answered, finally opening her eyes to look at her mate.

  “I am so proud of you, my Vivi,” Quin said, caressing her face.

  Vivian covered his hand with her own. She took a deep breath. “Better than starting a war, yes?” she asked, smiling at him.

  “I am not so sure,” Quin answered.

  “A lot less fun,” Jhan added from Quin’s right.

  Most everyone had already vacated the courtroom, or was in the process of leaving the courtroom, when Bart finally allowed Kol to reunite with Quin, Vivi and the rest of the warriors.

  Kol strode toward them and caught Vivian up in his arms. “You didn’t have to do that,” he said, holding her tightly.

  “Of course I did. I couldn’t let the universe take anything else from me if I had the power to fight it. And, turns out, I had the power,” she said smiling. “I’m pretty badass,” she said, playing off the emotion that viewing the recording had brought forth in her.

  “That has never been a question,” Kol answered, finally releasing her. Quin pulled him in for a hug, as did all of the Cruestaci there. Even Kitty stood on his back legs to slap a huge front paw on either side of Kol’s head and licked his face. Kol laughed and scratched Kitty's head. “I even missed you,” he said.

  Then he looked at all those who came to support him. “You will never understand the relief I felt when I saw you all here. Then I panicked when I realized you meant to break me out if I did not win!” Kol said, chuckling.

  Bart shook his head. “I was thinking the same thing, right after I figured out what to get behind so I didn’t get caught in the crossfir

  “Ba Re’! What news have you of Elisha? Is she well?” Kol asked.

  “She is aboard Command Warship 1, training for a position among our diplomatic liaisons,” Ba Re’ said proudly.

  “Mated?” Kol asked.

  Ba Re’s expression turned sour. “Not yet,” he answered.

  Kol chuckled.

  Quin spoke to Bart while Kol visited with his warriors and his cousins. “When will he be released?” Quin asked.

  “It will take a little time to finalize the paperwork, but he will not be returned to a cell. He’ll be provided with a suite and access to communications and information from the outside world.

  “I shall send a cruiser for him when he is released,” Quin said.

  “I’m not sure that’s going to work,” Bart answered.

  “Why not? He has been exonerated,” Quin said.

  “Yes, he has. But I don’t think he wants to return to Command Warship 1. I think he wants to go back home,” Bart explained.

  “Kol?” Vivian said. “Are you coming back to us when you’re released?”

  Kol shook his head slowly. “No, Vivi. I’m going home to my Ehlealah. I’ll be there for a while. Maybe we’ll decide to return to Command Warship 1, or even to Cruestace one day, but for now, we will call Earth home.”

  “What will you do for a living?” Vivian asked.

  “I will continue to pay him,” Quin said firmly.

  “Won’t be necessary. I’m planning to have him reinstated as Ambassador, then submit his name for consideration as Consul of Earth Base 28. He helped uncover the illegal activities there, he helped rebuild it. I can think of none better suited to lead and oversee the base and the people in its sector,” Bart said.


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