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Transcend Page 30

by Sandra R Neeley

  Kol was smiling at Bart with a surprised look on his face.

  “If that’s acceptable to you, that is,” Bart added.

  “I would be very happy with that,” Kol answered.

  “You will still be representative of our people, Kol. You will receive a salary from us as well,” Quin promised. “Though it will not be the same without you.”

  “I will speak with you all often,” Kol promised. “If I get the commission,” he said, looking toward Bart.

  “I’ve already drawn up the submission of your name. I simply have to submit it,” Bart said.

  “You were very sure of yourself,” Kol teased.

  “I knew I’d never stop fighting for you. I just didn’t know we had Vivian coming to our rescue,” Bart said, hugging her to him.

  “I would have freed him regardless,” Quin insisted.

  “Yes, but we’d all be at war now,” Bart said.

  Quin grinned. “Whatever it takes.”

  “I need to com my Ehlealah. I need to give her the good news,” Kol said excitedly.

  “Prepare yourself, Kol. It’s been longer than it seems — almost six Earth months since you last saw her,” Bart said.

  “She will be waiting for me,” Kol said confidently.


  A luxury transport, clearly marked with the official seal of the Unified Consortium Defense, hovered in place just outside the docking bay of Earth Base 28. It was so large it would have to settle for a docking pad rather than the docking bay itself.

  Once anchored in place, the exit walk was lowered from the huge luxury liner to the ground below. Several males dressed in the uniforms of the Unified Consortium Defense Military Unit exited the ship and took up their positions as security outside the ship. Then a smaller group of four guards led the way, followed by Chairman Bartholomew, and Consul Kol Ra’ Don Tol, followed by four more guards.

  With their first step onto the aluminum walkway, having been alerted by the dock workers, personnel began to exit Base 28 and move toward them. As Kol stepped out of the transport and into the sunshine, he heard his name being called and looked up to find Kron, Buchanan, and Zhuxi all clapping and smiling, hurrying along with others assigned to the base to greet him and welcome him home.

  Bart chuckled when he saw the exuberance with which Kol was greeted. “Do not even attempt to keep his friends from welcoming him. It’ll be a lost cause,” Bart said to the guards around them, that were more pomp and circumstance than actually there to keep anyone away from them.

  A grinning Kol stepped into Kron’s embrace first. “Welcome home, Commander!” Kron said happily, hugging Kol then slapping him on the back.

  “Consul Kol Ra’ Don Tol… It’s quite an elegant sounding name, don’t you think?” Zhuxi asked, bowing deeply to Kol before mimicking Kron’s behavior and patting his shoulder.

  “Boy!” Buchanan shouted, striding right up to Kol, “You better give me a hug! None of that shy stuff!” he said. Buchanan embraced Kol. “Mighty happy to have you back, Kol. We’re honored to serve under your command and look forward to it.”

  “I’m happy to be back,” Kol said, full of smiles himself. He shook hands and hugged more than a few of the additional base personnel who were very happy to have him back.

  “Come inside,” Kron encouraged. “We have expanded the open offices and have quite a large meeting table in the center of the room that we will all be quite comfortable around. Bart, Kol, can we get you anything?” Kron asked as the acting Base 28 Consul.

  “No, thank you,” Kol answered.

  “Thank you, but I’m okay for now,” Bart answered.

  “As you probably know, we’ve finished the rebuild and have several of the programs in place that you suggested before you left,” Kron said, ready to make a final report to Kol.

  “I’m sure it’s all exemplary,” Kol responded, smiling at Kron.

  “You will be proud,” Kron confirmed.

  “We’re the envy of all the bases we deal with regularly. They’re starting to implement the same plans we have. Especially the food programs to all living in their sector. The preventative medical care as opposed to just when necessary. They’re even looking into starting up farming programs like we are.”

  “Are the people receptive to that one? I didn’t get a chance to see it at its inception,” Kol said.

  “Very. We supply the seeds and/or seedlings, they plant and harvest. They keep what they need to replant and to feed their own, then we host a farmers’ market twice each month where they can trade, or sell the harvest they don’t need. We supply animals when needed as well — cows, chickens, horses, pigs, any type of farm animal they may need. Every other farmers’ market is more of an artisan’s day. They sell butters and cheeses, and baked goods, cured meats, and eggs. We’ve even had a few of our citizens ask if they can sell hand made dishes and pots and pans and the like. It’s very, very successful,” Kron explained excitedly.

  “Sounds like Base 28 may just become the model for all the rest,” Bart said.

  “We’ve all shared the responsibilities equally, so it’s a group effort,” Kron answered.

  “Speaking of a group effort, I’m hoping to live at home, and commute each morning and evening. I was speaking with Bart and we decided that it would be best for me to have a counterpart to be here when I’m not. And, reciprocally, when I’m here, he wouldn’t have to be,” Kol said, a slight smile on his face while he looked at Kron as he spoke. “I know you came to assist me, and stayed on after when needed. I’m not sure how anxious you are to go home and would certainly understand if you’d prefer to return to Command Warship 1, but I would like to offer you the position as my second if you…”

  “Yes!” Kron said, grinning that goofy grin of his that allowed the tips of his fangs to show through.

  “You didn’t let me finish,” Kol said, chuckling.

  “You do not have to say more. I’ve grown attached to the people here. Made lifelong friends that I would miss if I were to leave. Like you, I don’t have to worry about the Elite Forces as Rokai ahl is covering that for us and from what I understand, adjusting very well. I’d like to stay here and be second to your position,” Kron said.

  “All in favor?” Kol asked.

  “Here, here!” Buchanan said happily.

  “I am very much in favor,” Zhuxi said.

  “Then it’s done,” Kol announced.

  “Tell me, Kol. Is it as we heard? Sirena Vivi attended your trial and is the reason all charges were dropped?” Kron asked.

  “It was exactly as you heard. She didn’t hesitate at all. Zha Quin, on the other hand, arrived with Ba Re’, Jhan, his own personal guard and half the Elite team. He planned to bring me home one way or the other,” Kol said laughing.

  Kron got a good laugh out of it, too. Then he became somber for a moment. “I am very happy that you’re here with us again.”

  “As am I,” Kol answered.

  “It is a good day for us all that you have returned,” Zhuxi said.

  “Damn good day,” Buchanan added.

  “So, what do you want to do first?” Buchanan asked. “Surely you need a few days to get yourself settled.”

  “I do, if our schedule allows it. I have not yet been home,” Kol said.

  “You haven’t seen Ada Jane yet?” Kron asked.

  “Not yet. I’ve spoken to her via vidcom a few times, but she’s located some distance from Missy’s base of communication for her, which is my cruiser. It’s still at the church. She is not always able to get a good reception.”

  “Well, go. Go see to your woman. You have a lot to catch up on. We’ll be here when you’re settled and ready to come back to work,” Buchanan said.

  The swinging doors to the office area opened, and a beautiful, young woman with light, strawberry-blonde hair entered.

  “Hi, Daddy!” she said and walked right past them all to go to her Daddy’s desk and pull out her laptop.

  “Hey, baby,�
� Buchanan answered before introducing them. “Kol, this is my daughter, Ginger. I didn’t allow her up here before for obvious reasons, but now, she comes by quite often.”

  Buchanan looked over at Ginger. “Ginger, this is Consul Kol Ra’ Don Tol. Just got back a little bit ago and he’ll be resuming overseeing our base.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you,” Ginger said, walking over and extending her hand.

  “I am pleased to meet you as well. I often wondered if any of you have families nearby,” Kol said.

  “Most of us do, just didn’t want to bring attention to them with the element we had inhabiting the base before,” Zhuxi said.

  “Is your family near as well?” Kol asked.

  “It is just myself and my female. We have not been blessed with children at this time. But, we are hopeful,” Zhuxi answered.

  “I will offer a prayer to our gods on your behalf,” Kol offered.

  “Kol, if you want me to drop you at your property, it’s not an inconvenience, but I’m leaving shortly,” Bart said. “I have to be in D.C. in three hours.”

  “Thank you, Bart. I will accept your offer of a ride. I am anxious to see my Ada Jane.”

  “We’ve been checking in on her regularly,” Buchanan said. “Helped get her all settled in your new place over there.”

  “Yes, we often visit with her, do we not?” Zhuxi said, shoving Kron’s shoulder with his own.

  Kron had been lost in staring at Buchanan’s daughter, and Buchanan’s daughter was well aware of it, as she crossed and uncrossed her legs and toyed with a strand of her hair while peeking at him through her lashes.

  Kol smiled. Now he fully understood why Kron had jumped at the chance to stay on Earth with him. Kron had his sights on this human female.

  “Hmm? What?” Kron asked, looking around the large conference table they all relaxed around.

  “Ada Jane,” Buchanan said.

  “Oh, yes, she’s well, you’ll find her much changed. Tells me to go away almost every time I visit,” Kron said, glancing at Ginger and getting lost in her dimpled smile and the crinkle of her nose and its sprinkling of freckles again.

  “Changed?” Kol said, immediately seizing on that one word.

  Zhuxi and Buchanan shared a look before Buchanan returned his attention to Kol. He shook his head slowly, more like the bobble of a bobble head toy. “Yes, well. You could say that. She’s definitely…”

  “Changed,” Zhuxi supplied.

  “Yeah, changed,” Buchanan finished.

  “Is she well?” Kol asked, now alarmed for the welfare of his Ehlealah.

  “Most days,” Buchanan answered.

  “Why wasn’t I informed that she is ill,” Kol demanded, getting to his feet.

  “I wouldn’t call it ill,” Buchanan said.

  “Ada Jane swore us to secrecy,” Zhuxi explained. “She did not want you worrying about her when you had so much on your shoulders already. But I have no doubt she’ll be fine now that you’re home.”

  “Can you take me to her now?” Kol asked Bart.

  “I can. But I think it’s best if you get your cruiser first, then take yourself to her. That way you can take yourself anywhere you need to be,” Bart answered.

  “Very well, but please, let us go now,” Kol begged.


  Ada Jane sat on the old, antique tractor Buchanan had helped her buy. When she’d first told him she wanted one to start her own planting with, it had only been a week before he’d found one for her. He’d even had it delivered to her after she’d bought it, so she hadn’t had to leave her property at all.

  She got to the end of the field she was preparing for planting and made the circle turn to come back up next to the row she’d just finished. She laughed at her new babies — two very large, very clumsy, but very protective black and white spotted Great Dane pups. Well, pups was probably pushing it, they were full grown, brothers, each two years old, adopted from a friend of Pastor Douglas’s who just didn’t have the room for such large animals to run as they needed. They were currently playing tug-a-war with an old length of rope she’d tied knots in both ends for them.

  Ada Jane looked out over the field she was plowing, and up the slight rise her home sat atop of. She sighed as she wiped the sweat from her face and the back of her neck. It was hot, and she was tired now. Exhausted all the time. Her heart began to tug a little at her when she thought of Kol, and she blinked back tears. Though it had been six months that he’d been gone, the separation never, ever got easier.

  At least now she knew that he’d been found innocent, and it would only be a matter of time before he was able to come home to her. Or her to him. She looked out at the land again and thought about it. She loved her land, and her roots here. But if Kol wasn’t allowed to come back to Earth, she’d go to him. One of her dogs yelped and took out after the other who’d won the tug-a-war and run off with the rope toy in his mouth.

  She smiled watching them. They’d have to come with her though. She was not going to leave her babies behind. Then she became wary. As she watched her dogs playing at the other end of the field now, she saw them both drop the rope and stand together, facing the rise the house stood on. She watched them both go on alert, and they started barking.

  Ada Jane reached into her pocket and wrapped her fingers around the weapon she still carried with her every single day. She let her foot off the brake of the tractor and shifted it into gear, driving it toward where her dogs stood together, barking a warning at whoever the male was that had just appeared, walking up and over the rise near her house. “Don’t make me have to kill you,” she muttered, more irritated than worried. She couldn’t quite make out his form with the sun in her eyes, but she could tell enough to know exactly where to aim her disintegrater.

  Kol landed his cruiser behind the house Ada Jane had placed on her newly acquired property. He knew from reports he’d received from Bart, and from speaking to Ada Jane in the last couple of weeks since being found innocent that she’d moved the cottage from the church and had it placed on her land. She’d told him that she’d also expanded it to add two more bedrooms and another bathing room as well. As he hurried up the ridge the house sat on, he admired the new shape of the cottage. His friends had done an excellent job in helping Ada Jane get settled on her land again.

  Kol had knocked on the back door he found at the rear of the house and opened the door, calling out her name, but she hadn’t answered. Then he’d noticed the loud sound of an engine coming from the other side of the house. He walked over the rise past the house and that’s where he stood now, watching an old green tractor make its way toward him across a field that had been halfway prepared for planting.

  Two very large, very loud dogs stood between him and tractor that was approaching, warning him away from whoever was driving the tractor. Kol whistled and knelt down on the ground, one knee actually on the ground, balancing him. “Come here, beasts,” he said in the same tone he used with Kitty. “I will not hurt you,” he promised.

  First one dog approached, but was followed very closely by the second. “Hello,” Kol said, holding his hand out for sniffing. The first dog sniffed his hand then immediately licked him and began wagging its tail as though it knew him. The second dog followed suit, licking his hand, then his face as they danced excited circles around him wagging their tails. Kol laughed, petted both dogs and got to his feet. “You are not very good protectors, beasts,” he told them as he focused on the tractor that was just coming to a stop down at the edge of the field below the house he was standing in front of.

  Then his stomach flipped, happy butterflies making him nervous with anticipation as the person driving the tractor removed her hat and all her long, blonde hair fell out.

  The sun was coming from above and behind the house, shining directly in Ada Jane’s eyes and making it difficult for her to make out more than a shape as the male stood near her home and watched her coming toward him. She wasn’t worried, though, s
he had her weapon in hand.

  Ada Jane squinted as she watched as whoever was standing close to her home kneel down and pet her dogs like they knew them. And didn’t that just make her mad? They should not let anyone pet them, and were usually very protective of her and their territory. Her breath caught. Unless… She’d taught them Kol’s scent. They slept with one of his shirts and she’d intentionally associated them with anything she had that had ever been his so that they’d not be threatened by him when they met him. Could it be Kol?

  Ada Jane drove the tractor all the way up to the edge of the field, not caring that she’d just messed up the rows she’d made — she’d just fix them later. She turned off the tractor, removed her large sun hat from her head, allowing her hair to flow free, and slid from the seat of the tractor at the same time the male on the rise started toward her. He was coming at a jog at first, then finally at a full out run as she started toward him as well.

  Kol was home. That was all that ran through her brain… Kol was home.

  As he approached, Kol called her name.

  “Kol!” she answered, sobbing and doing her best to get to him without falling. That was the worst thing about being as big as she was now, the clumsiness.

  “Ada Jane!” he shouted as he got closer and closer, then when he was about eight feet away, he stopped in his tracks and just looked at her, wide-eyed.

  “Kol!” she cried again, still moving toward him.

  Finally his brain kicked in and he was suddenly beside her, taking her in his arms, kissing her so passionately that had anyone else been around, they’d have been embarrassed to watch. After kissing her and crying and laughing and assuring one another that they were both actually together again, Kol finally pulled his face away from hers to look down at her. “I missed you so much, my Ada Jane!” he said emphatically.

  “I missed you, too! I’m so happy you’re here! So happy!” she said again, hugging him as he pulled her into his arms again.

  “But, Ehlealah,” he said, dropping to his knees, “why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, his face smiling, his eyes reflecting the joy and love he felt as he placed his hand on her huge, round belly.


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