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Into the Dark (The Conjurors)

Page 9

by Kristen Pham

  Valerie smiled and felt herself relax. Azra’s calm, warm presence made her feel like she was someone who could be trusted. For the first time since she landed, Valerie took in her surroundings. They were sitting in a small, grassy valley surrounded by a forest.

  “Now tell me what happened to you!” Cyrus demanded.

  Azra noticed Valerie’s wound for the first time, and her gentle eyes filled with concern. Allow me to call a healer right away.

  “I’m okay, I promise,” Valerie replied, and then turned to Cyrus. “I’ll tell you everything, but first, let Thai know I’m safe and find out what happened to Chisisi.”

  “But Val…oh, fine,” Cyrus said, unable to hide his impatience. “Don’t say anything interesting until I get back!”

  Valerie watched as Cyrus sat down and concentrated. The air around him shimmered, but he didn’t disappear. She knelt beside him and waited in silence so as not to break his concentration. Nervously, she stroked the grass, which felt like velvet under her fingers, and watched Azra’s iridescent mane ripple in the gentle breeze. After a few minutes, the shimmer around him disappeared and his eyes popped open.

  “Thai found Chisisi. He’s going to be okay,” Cyrus said. Valerie felt the tension in her body begin to dissolve. “Thai said if any more venom had gotten into his bloodstream, he might not have made it. But luckily Chisisi knew what he was doing and went straight to the hospital. He’ll make a full recovery within the week.”

  “I’m going to visit him as soon as you teach me how to do that mental projection thing. Now, what about Thai?”

  “He’s going to stay at the hospital until Chisisi’s fully recovered to make sure that Venu isn’t coming back. Then he’s heading back to Vietnam one last time before he goes to South America,” Cyrus said. “Anyway, enough about Thai. I want to hear what happened to you.”

  Valerie launched into her tale, recounting it as if it was an adventure she was telling the kids at the hospital, describing her encounter with Venu and Sanguina with zest. Azra and Cyrus listened raptly, their eyes lighting up at the exciting parts.

  When she finished, Valerie sat down beside Cyrus with a happy sigh. But one thing troubled her. “Did I do something wrong when I activated the launch chamber? It looked like I broke the room.”

  Azra responded thoughtfully. It was a very ancient portal, Valerie. It was never meant to last this long. I think that perhaps the magic held on this long because it was your fate to take this trip. If it weren’t for you, the launch chamber would have crumbled long ago.

  Valerie shook her head in disbelief. How could it possibly be that she, Valerie Diaz, was the reason that the powerful monument had survived for thousands of years? It had to be a coincidence that it crumbled after her trip. She wasn’t that important.

  She was recalled to reality when Cyrus asked, “Where did you get that sword, Val? Did you make a pit stop at the Milky Way for one last souvenir?”

  Valerie had forgotten all about the mysterious sword she found in the launch chamber. She picked it up and turned it over in her hands, examining it in the Globe’s bright sunlight. “I found this in the chamber right before I took off. It was stabbed into the stone floor, like the story of King Arthur. I had to take a closer look. Do you know where it came from? Was it supposed to be there?”

  Azra came closer, her mane brushing the blade as she examined it curiously. Then her eyes widened. That is a very famous sword – the Edge of Pathos. I have no idea how it came to be in the chamber. But I knew its last owner. She disappeared years and years ago. She was…a friend.

  Valerie saw the sad expression on Azra’s face, and held the sword out to her. “You should have it to remember her by.”

  Thank you, that is most kind, but I believe that Pathos was there for a reason. Besides, it somehow looks as if it belongs to you.

  Valerie lifted the sword – Pathos, she’d have to remember that – and took a few practice swings. The hilt fit her hand perfectly, as if it were molded to fit her grasp. “Thank you, Azra.”

  We’ll find you a sheath for it this week.

  Valerie took a deep breath, tasting the sweet air on the Globe. “I’m so glad I’m finally here!” she said, realizing for the first time that it was true. Coming here was the right decision.

  “Not as glad as I am! Can we take her to look around now? There’s so much I want to show you!”

  Yes, if you’re ready Valerie, we’ll give you the grand tour of our capital city, Silva.

  Valerie’s eyes shone. “I’m very ready.”

  Azra and Cyrus led Valerie through the forest. It was like no woods that Valerie had ever seen, except in storybooks. Leaves of every shade of green imaginable were on the trees, and on some of them, the bark glinted as if it had been brushed with gold paint.

  As they walked, Valerie occasionally caught a glimpse of something moving in the woods, but she couldn’t make out what it was. For a moment, she started to worry that they were being surrounded, but Azra’s words softly entered her mind, reassuring her. It’s the people of the woods. Humans used to call them elves. They don’t like to be bothered often, but they won’t hurt us. Valerie let out a breath that she didn’t know she’d been holding. “We’re nearly there,” Azra added.

  “Where exactly are we, anyway? On the planet, I mean.”

  The Globe is split into different countries, much like Earth. Right now we’re in the country of Arden. It’s mainly made up of forests, lakes, and waterfalls, but it is also home to Silva, which is the capital of the Globe.

  “That’s where you guys live?”

  Yes. And I think you’ll like it here very much. In Arden, there are many wonderful teachers who will help you to explore your powers. Here, there are no rules like those on Earth to suppress the magic inside you. You can be the person you really are, fulfill your true potential.

  “I hope I fit in.”

  “You will!” Cyrus exclaimed. “After all, you’re friends with me, so everyone will know you’re cool. But you can’t tell everyone that you’re from Earth. People would ask a lot of questions. Plus we don’t want that Sanguina lady finding out where you are.”

  “Did you ever figure out who she is and what she wants from me?”

  Azra’s eyes were clouded when she answered. I have a strong suspicion of who Sanguina is. I must make sure before I accuse her. Rest assured, when I know for certain I will tell you.

  Valerie nodded. “But won’t it be obvious that I’m not from the Globe? I mean, I’ve never been around magic before.”

  Cyrus smiled. “No problem. We’ll tell everyone that you’re from Messina. It’s an island in the middle of the ocean. The people there have forbidden the practice of any magic. And they almost never leave their island, so you’re not likely to run into anyone who will ask you hard questions. Also, Messina is where I’m from, so it will make sense that we know each other so well.”

  “You grew up without magic?” Valerie asked, surprised.

  Cyrus looked slightly uncomfortable. “It’s a long story. But yeah, I grew up without any magic, until my parents let me come to Silva for school when I was 10. I’ve lived here ever since.”

  “You must miss them so much,” Valerie said, trying to imagine why anyone would want to leave their family if they were lucky enough to have one.

  “I do, but I visit all the time. It’s just – I don’t fit in there. I love magic too much. It’s so hard to suppress my powers when I’m home for the holidays. But I’ll take you to meet my parents and my sister sometime.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Anyway, Messina is the perfect alibi for you,” Cyrus said, changing the subject. Valerie decided to drop it for now. She had enough to absorb. “Speaking of fitting in, that reminds me, I brought you a charm so you can speak and understand any language. Everyone uses it on the Globe so that we can all communicate with each other. It saves everyone a lot of frustration and confusion.”

  Valerie grinned widely. “No way! Ma
gic can do that? It’s such a brilliant idea.”

  Azra laughed and flicked her tail. Valerie’s breath caught at the beauty of the sound of Azra’s laugh in her mind, like remembering church bells. Sometimes I take magic for granted after all these years. It’s so refreshing to watch you experience it for the first time.

  Cyrus gave Valerie a candy wrapped in gold foil. “Go ahead and eat it – don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt at all.”

  Valerie popped the candy in her mouth. It was sweet, and it made her mouth and throat feel pleasantly warm and tingly. “Well? Is it working?” she asked.

  Azra nodded. Yes, you’re speaking in the universal language. It will seem to you like everyone you meet is speaking English. In fact, everyone speaks and hears in the universal language – but they don’t realize it.

  “So the original language fades away? I mean, if I have children, they’ll never hear English spoken?” Something about that seemed sad to Valerie, like one more thing from Earth that she couldn’t hold on to.

  The Language guild ensures that no language is ever forgotten. They pride themselves on speaking to everyone in their own original language. If you ever hear them speak English, you’ll be able to feel the difference.

  Valerie was about to ask what a guild was when they stepped out of the woods. Her heart almost stopped beating at the dazzling sight below her. Nestled in a deep, wide valley, Silva glittered.

  The city was wildly different from the towns she had seen on Earth. The biggest buildings were white, laid out roughly in the shape of a giant horseshoe. The path in front of the buildings was constructed of flagstones in many colors. Creatures of all shapes and sizes walked on the path, and the stones lit up when they were stepped on. Inside the horseshoe was a large grassy area where children played games. A tree-lined path went straight through the middle, leading to the biggest of the buildings at the top of the horseshoe.

  The rest of Silva was sprawled behind the main buildings that made up the horseshoe. This part of the city seemed completely unplanned and crammed full of buildings of every shape and size. Even the streets were unusual, twisting and turning in ways that seemed to make no sense at this distance. It was nothing like the grid of north-south and east-west of streets in downtown Oakland that she had grown up in. Logically, she thought this hodgepodge should look messy, but instead, the city had a unique charm, and all of the buildings seemed to somehow be in harmony with each other. She felt nervousness prickle in her stomach as she tried to imagine navigating the labyrinthine paths.

  It was awe inspiring, but she felt intimidated. In this huge city full of people who used magic every day, where would she fit in? Everyone already had their own friends and families. Did she leave her life on Earth behind only to be even more alone on the Globe? She could only hope that with time, it would feel like home, full of people who loved her.

  As they walked closer to the city, she was relieved to see that at least her appearance wouldn’t stand out. Conjurors came in all colors, shapes, and sizes, and everyone wore different styles of clothing, from long robes to dresses made of leaves. Valerie noticed that Cyrus wore a t-shirt and jeans, like guys on Earth. She was relieved that her own jeans and sweater wouldn’t look strange – other than being a little dirty from her trek through the tunnel beneath the pyramid. While many of the Conjurors could pass for human, she also noticed that animals, fairies, and a variety of other creatures all talked, walked, and played together. She would blend right in.

  The trio reached the multi-colored path, and Valerie stepped on it, smiling as a red stone glowed under her foot. She couldn’t help jumping from stone to stone, watching all of the colors light up.

  “I made this path light up, ya know. It used to be regular stones, but I charmed them to glow when they’re stepped on. I’m up for an award by the city building commission next month,” Cyrus said. He tried to sound casual, but she could tell it was a big deal.

  “That’s unbelievable! How did you do it?”

  “I’ll show you my power tomorrow. It’s pretty cool.”

  They reached the first of the buildings that made up the horseshoe. Up close, Valerie could see that each of the buildings was unique in design, but they were all white and had flags with different pictures and symbols on them.

  Valerie heard the soft clop of Azra’s hooves against the stones as she came to stand next to her. These white buildings with the flags that make up the horseshoe are the guilds here on the Globe, Azra explained. Noticing Valerie’s confused expression, she added, Guilds are much like different professions. We have the guilds for acting, writing, music, and language – to name a few.

  “I’m a craftsman at the Society of Imaginary Friends guild. After I moved to Silva for school, I became an apprentice here. That’s when I became your imaginary friend,” Cyrus added. “And when you have a chance to get settled, I’ll take you around to see all the guilds so that you can decide if you want to apprentice somewhere too.”

  “Is that how people earn money here?”

  In Arden, we trade services, but we don’t use money. Other countries on the Globe use money though, like Elsinore, the country to our North. But you won’t have to worry about basic necessities, like food and clothing, as you did on Earth, Valerie. Here magic provides those things very easily. So we have more time to do what we truly love. I hope you’ll find something you’re passionate about here, and that it will be so enjoyable that it won’t feel like work.

  Valerie smiled. She already had a few ideas. “What about school?”

  “Little kids go to school, but once you apprentice somewhere, you take all your classes at your guild,” Cyrus explained.

  The idea reminded Valerie of going to college – something she didn’t think she would have to deal with for years. She felt her anxiety return as she tried to imagine figuring everything out for herself, without having teachers and guidance counselors to tell her what to do.

  She was distracted from her worries as she noticed that the sun was starting to sink in the sky. Her eyes drooped – it had been a long day. Then they flew open wide. “Hey! What’s the sun doing here? We don’t even revolve around a sun on the Globe, right?”

  It’s an illusion. Really, the stars that are sucked into the black hole provide all of the light and energy we could ever need. But when the Globe was created, we decided to program the weather to be similar to Earth, with summer, fall, winter and spring. We also decided to include a sun that gives us a 24 hour day. It was hard enough to leave Earth, so we tried to make the Globe as much like home as we could. And I would like to help you feel at home here, too, Valerie.

  Valerie was glad that the Globe wouldn’t be too different from Earth. She couldn’t imagine never seeing another sunrise.

  I can see you’re tired. And who wouldn’t be, after such a trip! The dorm for the Society of Imaginary Friends guild, where you’ll be living, is around the corner. Dulcea, the dorm matron, will make sure that you have everything you need. She can be strict, but, as Cyrus will tell you, she has a soft heart and will make you feel at home. The two of you have much in common. You’re welcome to stay there as long as you like. If later you would like to move to the dorm of your guild, we can arrange a transfer.

  “Trust me, you won’t want to transfer. Everyone knows it’s the best dorm in Silva. Naturally, because it’s where I live,” Cyrus said with a grin. “I’ll be two floors up from you, so you’ll see me all the time.”

  I’ll leave you here in Cyrus’ capable hands. But never hesitate to call me if you need me. Think of me in your mind, and I will know how to find you. And please stop by to talk any time. I work in the building at the top of the horseshoe, Azra said, nodding toward the biggest of the white guild buildings. It had tall white pillars and a domed roof, and reminded Valerie a little of the White House. She couldn’t imagine going inside without everyone wondering what she was doing there. Go to the front desk and ask for me – everyone knows where I am.

  “Bye, Azra. And
thank you.”

  Remember, anything you ever need. Valerie felt safe and at peace looking into Azra’s dark, kind eyes. Then Azra touched Valerie’s shoulder softly with her nose before she left. She smelled like lilies, Valerie realized, as Azra disappeared down the path.

  Cyrus led Valerie further down the lighted path in front of the guilds, and then stopped near one of the buildings. “This is the Society of Imaginary Friends guild,” he announced proudly.

  Her jaw dropped. The building looked like every kid’s dream. Giant waterslides extended from some of the windows and splashed down into a moat. Valerie could hear screams of laughter peal from inside. “Those slides look like so much fun. I can’t believe you get to work in a real castle!”

  “You should see the inside. There are secret passages, trampolines, a room made of candy – almost anything you can imagine. I’ll have to give you a tour soon.”

  Valerie was so absorbed by looking back over her shoulder at the castle that she didn’t see the man in front of her carefully sweeping the path. As a result, she tripped over him, falling to the ground. The man grunted in pain.

  “Oh sir, I’m so –” Valerie began her apology, but she choked on her words when he turned to her and stared into her eyes. His stormy eyes were blue-gray with flecks of gold in them, somehow reminding her of the sea during a storm. His wild brown hair was streaked with gray, and he looked as if he hadn’t cut it in years.

  “Watch where you tread!” the man snarled. Power hummed from him so intensely that Valerie could feel it her in her blood, like she had at Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid.

  She couldn’t even open her mouth to finish her apology. He was still staring in her direction, but he didn’t quite meet her eyes. His gaze seemed unfocused. She suddenly understood – he couldn’t see her. He was blind.

  Cyrus quickly helped Valerie to her feet. He seemed nervous around the man too. “Sorry, Oberon. We’ll get out of your way,” Cyrus said as he hurried Valerie down the street.


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