Book Read Free

Devouring Raine

Page 18

by Zoey Derrick

  I am met with sexy smoky eyes, gorgeous cherry lips, my hair is swept in the front from left to right, just a little down my forehead and all my hair is curled into a gorgeously controlled chaos on the back of my head. It’s fucking beautiful. I nearly start to cry. I’ve never been made up like this before and it’s fucking stunning.

  I look over at Cotah who is facing me. Her hair is pulled up on one side and swept into curls over her right shoulder. A perfect look for the wide strapped, large floral print maxi dress she’s wearing tonight. Her makeup, though visible, is more subtle than mine is. “You look gorgeous,” I tell her with a big wide smile.

  She grins. “Not as pretty as you.”

  “Hardly,” I tell her.

  “Yeah yeah, you’re both fucking gorgeous,” Michael teases as he throws on a few finishing touches before releasing us.

  We head upstairs to finish getting ready. We have about half an hour before we will be collected for the party. When we return to the suite, there is a small spread of antipasto and petit fours. Giggling we both grab a plate before heading to our rooms. Once inside my room, I see three very large bouquets of flowers spread throughout the room in various flowers and colors. The room smells divine. There are no cards to accompany the flowers. Obviously they are from Dex.

  I take a few bites of the wonderful food that was left for us and then carefully slip into my dress and shoes. Having only to touch up my lipstick, which was given to me before leaving the salon, I’m ready to go.

  When I go into the living room, Dacotah is coming down the stairs. “Look at you,” I tell her and she smiles wide.

  “You look amazing,” she tells me as she comes over to hug me.

  Arnold, whose name I learned this morning, comes into the room. “The gentlemen have asked me to escort you downstairs to the limo. They will meet you at the party.”

  “Oh, okay.” I raise an eyebrow but shrug it off as Arnold escorts us downstairs and into the gorgeous white limo waiting to take us wherever we’re going.

  We chat, but before we really settle into anything, we’re stopped and the driver gets out, opening the door for us. I find it odd that no one else is dressed as we are and exiting cars for this said cocktail party, but I shrug it off and we head for the elevator. The door arrives and we step inside. “Shoot. I forgot my purse,” she says as she steps out of the elevator. “Go up, I’ll be right behind you,” she tells me as the doors start to close.

  Well, okay then. I ride up in the elevator by myself. I notice now, in the elevator, are pictures of the Eiffel Tower in Paris and I wonder if we’re in the Paris hotel. I didn’t pay any attention.

  The elevator stops and the doors open. The floor is empty and I wonder if I’m in the right place. Out ahead of me is a wall of glass overlooking the Strip below in the setting sun. It’s gorgeous and since the elevator isn’t closing its doors and there are no button options, I step off and walk toward the glass to wait for Dacotah to come up with her purse.

  “Hello Glowbug.” I hear Dex and I turn to face him. He’s dressed in a black tuxedo, looking stunning and elegant and fucking sexy as hell.

  “Hi you,” I breathe. “What’s going on? Where’s the party?”

  He smiles wide. “It’s one more floor up.”

  I look around. “So what are we doing here?”

  “Well, I wanted to tell you how fucking gorgeous you look right now.” He takes a few steps closer to me. His eyes are alight with excitement. “And I wanted to tell you that there is no cocktail party tonight.”

  “Then what…” I turn my head slightly, confused and unsure of what’s going on.

  “Tonight, I want to celebrate with you.”

  “What are we celebrating, Dex? I don’t understand what…”

  There are a series of things that click into place…

  The white dress...

  The tuxedo…

  The overly made up hair and make-up…

  “Tonight I want to make you my wife.”

  “Dex, this is crazy.”

  I laugh and close the gap between us. “I know, but there was only one other time in my life where I was absolutely sure of what I wanted.”

  “Which was?” She nervously picks something off my jacket.

  “When I decided to get sober.” She gasps. “And I am more sure about this than I was then. This I know I can do without the struggle I face on a daily basis. This, you, are more real to me than anything else I’ve ever felt in my entire life. I want you as my wife, my friend, my partner, my submissive,” I say with a smile. “My forever.”

  “What about our friends?” she counters.

  “I promise you, I will say vows to you again in front of all our friends when we’re ready, but I need to know that you’re mine.”

  “Dex, I am absolutely yours and no one else can stake a claim on me, no matter what…”

  “Good, then marry me, tonight.”


  I press my lips to hers and she melts into my touch, my embrace. I pull back and look her in the eyes. “Please?” I beg.

  She smiles. “Is this really what you want? Right here? Right now?”

  “More than my next breath.”

  “Then yes, Dex, I will marry you right now.”

  I start to laugh and hug her and hold her. I feel tears of happiness welling in my eyes and I can tell she too is on the verge of tears.

  I kiss her again, and again, and again before she’s finally laughing. “Come on, glowbug,” I say and take her hand in mine. I lead her around the observation tower to the elevator that will take us up.

  “This is utterly insane, you realize that, right?” I ask him as he presses the call button for the elevator.

  He laughs, “I know, but why not? Why not give in and just do it?”

  “Because we hardly know each other,” I tell him.

  He turns on me then, wrapping his arms around me. “I’ve told you everything about me. You know my demons, you know my past, you know my history, and yet here you stand, dressed in a gorgeous white dress. What more do you need to know?” I shrug. “I have been lost for so many years, wandering this earth with very little purpose until the day that I found you. Now I know who I am and where I belong. I will likely never feel worthy of a princess like you, but you make me desperate to try harder. You make me want to be a better man. Every moment I’m with you is a treasure to me and I will do anything to hold on to that forever.”

  By the time he’s finished his speech, my eyes are leaking. “You sure know how to knock a woman off her feet, Dex Harris.”

  He smirks and kisses me at the same time as the elevator arrives.

  We step inside and he holds on to my hand, giving me little squeezes to remind me that he’s there and each little squeeze reminds me that he will always be here.

  The elevator chimes and the doors open into a little sanctuary of sorts, or at least that’s the appearance of it. We are met with clapping and cheers of excitement and I want to cry when I see one person I never expected to see. She approaches me and Dex releases my hand. “How did you know?” I ask as she wraps her arms around me.

  She shrugs. “Derek has a big mouth,” she laughs. “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world,” Cami tells me as she releases me from my hug. “You’re like a sister to me, Raine. You’ve been there for me through everything. The least I could do was be here to see you marry the man of your dreams.”

  I am crying harder now.

  “Oh, don’t cry. I know that your friend pool is very limited and your family pool is nonexistent, but you will always have a friend and a sister in me. No matter what.” She smiles at me and takes my hands in hers as Tristan comes up behind her.

  “You look gorgeous,” he tells me with a smile.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” I tease him and he shoulder checks me. Something he has done practically from day one.

  “I’m gonna kill you all,” I say a little louder and everyone laughs. She kisses my chee
k and is replaced by Cotah and Derek. “And I’m going to start with you two,” I tell them as they both hug me. “Now I see why you only kept handing me white dresses yesterday, missy.” She laughs.

  “It was all my fault.” Derek actually blushes.

  “I don’t doubt that for a second, Sir,” I tack on and he smirks.

  “Alright alright…so I guess I’m getting married.” I laugh nervously as Dex comes over to take my hand and we walk toward the makeshift altar. “Where’s Elvis?” I tease and everyone laughs, including the justice of the peace.

  “He’s unavailable, so you’re stuck with me.”

  I laugh, “Sounds great to me.”

  Our ceremony was a no frills, cut to the quick kind of ceremony but it was awesome nonetheless. Dex had never given me back my engagement ring after taking it off last night and suddenly it all made sense when he slipped it, along with a wrap, back onto my finger when we exchanged our rings. His ring was a gorgeous black gold band, simple and nothing fancy, but completely Dex.

  After Dex and I were married, the whole lot of us, Derek, Dacotah, Cami, Tristan, Dex and myself went out for dinner to the MGM and Joël Robuchon’s restaurant and were promptly seated. Derek handled the ordering in perfect French, it made me envious. I sat next to Dacotah, who like me, seemed a little uncomfortable in this setting.

  “For a small town girl, this is…” she whispered to me at one point.

  I gently nodded my agreement with her. We had a lot more in common than I thought and this night proved exactly that. The food was exquisite, by far the richest food I’ve ever eaten in my life. The wine, to die for, and the conversation was phenomenal.

  After dinner had concluded, some three hours later, we all retired to Derek and Dacotah’s condo where we had more drinks, changed into more comfortable clothes, or lack thereof in swimsuits as we all hung out in the hot tub, chatting, telling stories, and having an all-around good time. I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time and I was constantly catching myself peaking at Dex. He was so fucking sexy when he was unguarded, when the world lies at his feet and he is ready to conquer it with a swipe of his hand and not give a damn about anything.

  It is during this night that I notice the dramatic change that has been happening with him since I met him in New York. Sure, the assholian he portrayed himself to be is nowhere to be found and I take great comfort in that and I realize that counting down the years, months, weeks, days, hours and minutes to his next breakdown is never going to get us anywhere.

  It’s also in this moment, with his head thrown back laughing, that I understand what his sobriety really means to him. What it means to be healthy and happy and in love. His subtle winks, kisses and touches always send a shot of excitement straight between my legs, each one raising me higher and higher, more wanton with each little pass.

  I have to say that tonight turned out pretty amazing, even if it started on a whirlwind of Dex and I getting married…I’m freakin’ married to Dex Harris…Holy shit!

  I stand up from the hot tub. “If you guys don’t mind, I have a husband to break in.” I giggle and everyone whoops and hollers. Dex smiles wide and takes my hand to help me from the hot tub.

  “Surprised you guys stuck around this long,” Tristan teases and I know I blush.

  Dex gives him a smirk that says it all for me. “We didn’t want to be rude.”

  They all start laughing as Dex and I disappear into the condo and toward our bedroom.

  When we get to the door, he stops me, then sweeps me off of my feet. “I know it’s not home, but…”

  I wrap my hands around the back of his head and pull him in for a kiss. “It’s home, as long as you’re with me,” I breathe against his lips as he steps over our bedroom threshold.

  “I promise, once the tour is over, we will have a proper honeymoon,” he says softly as he sits me down on the bed and kneels before me.

  I smile, “I look forward to it, Mr. Harris.”

  “So do I, Mrs. Harris.” The grin on his face is astounding. It steals my breath away with the utter happiness that is rolling off of him in waves as he grabs the string of my bikini top, setting it free and tossing it aside. Next comes the string of the bottom, causing it to fall away, exposing me to him with the flick of a few fingers. The air is cool, causing me to shiver, both with the chill and the glorious look of utter love and devotion in my husband’s eyes.

  While staring into my wife’s eyes, I lay her back on the bed and push her legs up, pulling her bikini away from her sex so that I can see all it’s beautiful pink glory. I lick my lips and lean in. Her sex tastes like heaven on my tongue and her hand fists into my hair, holding me there as her back arches. Our eyes never lose their contact as I lick and suck at her clit. She moans and grinds her pussy against my tongue, causing even me to moan.

  She shivers as the vibration overcomes her and she arches once again for me. I slide one finger inside gently. “Ahh, bubba,” she cries out and my cock twitches. Fuck, I need her, but I am determined to make a meal out of her as best as I can.

  She doesn’t let up, in fact, I know I’m pushing her to the brink when her hand fists and her legs tremble around me. I scrape my teeth gently against her clit and she explodes. Coming undone with a little help from my mouth. I tease her gently before removing my finger, then finally my tongue. I kneel up and remove my trunks, freeing my raging erection, barely before she tackles me, knocking me back onto my feet.

  Her sweet wet cunt slides along my shaft. I can feel the remains of her orgasm sliding down over my balls. “Fuck,” I growl and we lock eyes once again. She shifts her position, lining me up and sliding me home before I even register what she’s done. “Fuck, glowbug, go slow, baby, please.”

  She smiles and slowly moves her pussy up and down my cock.

  Our eyes stay on each other, the connection and depth I feel with her is unlike any high I’ve ever been on before. She doesn’t stop. Her arms are wrapped tightly around my neck, holding on, pulling me closer, like I can’t get close enough and my arms wrap around her equally as tight. “I love you,” I whisper. “More than life itself.”

  “Ahh,” she cries out at my declaration and I can feel her tighten around my cock. “I love you,” she says before closing her eyes and stealing a long deep passionate kiss. I hold her still. Holding her to me, desperate to prolong this moment as long as possible. She doesn’t fight me. She is simply content to sit here for the moment, with me buried inside of her.

  I somehow manage to find the strength and flexibility to lift her and myself up off of the floor before laying her out on the bed. My cock, miraculously still settled inside her.

  Once she’s laid out, she releases my lips and our eyes meet once again.

  I am determined to devour every inch of her before I come, and I do just that.

  Licking, kissing and sucking my way along her body, up and down, front and back before sliding back inside of her and bringing us both to the orgasm we so desperately need.

  The next morning we don’t get out of bed until nearly noon. When we do, Dacotah is lying out in the sun on the patio and Raine joins her while I order us all some lunch. I watch through the window as Dacotah and Raine talk and laugh, having a good time until Raine comes inside. “I’m going to put my suit on,” she tells me as she passes me with a chaste kiss. I smile at her and off she goes.

  I shoot Derek a text.

  Dex to Derek: The girls are up and it looks like a lazy pool day is in order. When will you be done?

  Derek to Dex: Maybe an hour.

  Dex to Derek: want lunch?

  Derek to Dex: no, I’m good. Plans for tonight?

  Dex to Derek: Not in the mood for crowds.

  Derek to Dex: Playroom?

  Dex to Derek: Sounds fabulous to me.

  Derek to Dex: Done.

  In the midst of texting with Derek, Raine went back outside and I watched her lather up with sunscreen and sit back with Cotah. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like
to be a fly on the wall when they talk.

  Derek to Dex: C, T & Jaden will be over shortly to hang out before they head back to PHX.

  Dex to Derek: Awesome, thanks.

  I slip into the bedroom and throw on my trunks and finally join the ladies outside. Though they’re lying in the bright Vegas sunshine, I take a seat at the table with an ear to the suite for both our lunch and Cami and Tristan. I watch with rapt attention as the girls giggle and talk. Though I can’t quite tell what they’re talking about, I notice that I haven’t ever seen Raine so happy and animated like she is right now. Then I realize that a good portion of that may have been my fault.

  God, I was such a dick when I first met her and look at me now. I subconsciously twirl my wedding band. Fuck, I never told the guys.

  When lunch arrives, Arnold, Derek’s concierge, butler, whatever the hell he’s called, sets up our lunch and pours drinks. The girls come out of the sun and sit with me at the table. “Cami, Tristan and Jaden will be here shortly.”

  “Oh yay,” Dacotah says with excitement. “I haven’t seen J-man in forever.” She smiles wide.

  “You really like kids?” Raine asks her.

  “Oh, I love kids, I can’t wait to have some,” she tells Raine with a smile.

  “Does Derek want kids?” I ask, trying to join in the conversation.

  She smiles. “You know, I don’t know. We’ve never talked about it. Maybe because I know I’m not quite to the point of wanting them.” She shrugs and takes a bite of her salad.

  Raine looks at me and smiles. “What about you?” she asks me and I raise an eyebrow at her. “Do you want kids?”

  “Kind of a funny question since you married my ass yesterday.” I laugh and so does she. “But eventually, yes, I’d love to have a little you running around.” As I tell her those words, I realize that my answer is honest and without hesitation.


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