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Devouring Raine

Page 25

by Zoey Derrick

  “No problem there.”

  Mills turns to me. “Come on, the paramedics are waiting for you.”

  “But I’m fine,” I protest and Dex glares at me. “Oh for the love…fine,” I grumble as Mills escorts me to the back of the ambulance.

  “Hi guys, this is Raine.” That’s all he has to say before the female paramedic comes to the end of the bus.

  “Will you come on up here?” she asks me.

  “I’m not leaving these grounds on this thing,” I state.

  “Let us decide that, but for now, we’re just going to examine you and ask you a few questions.”

  I look at Mills who nods his head toward the gurney lying in the back of the ambulance.

  “Do you guys take lessons is bossing women around?” I tease him, and he jerks his head again.

  As I go to climb up he leans in and whispers, “You have no idea.” There is a tone in his voice that instantly reminds me of Dex and Derek. I look at him and he smiles, jerking his head toward the bus again.

  “I’m going.” I climb up and sit down on the gurney.

  “What’s your relationship to Samantha Gill?” the cop asks me.

  “Who?” I say and the cop frowns. ”Oh Sam, uhm, yeah, there isn’t a relationship there.”

  “She’s under the impression that there is.”

  I snort. “You can add that to her list of delusions. She has several of them. That being the first, the second being that she’s my fiancé, the third being that she’s pregnant with my child.”

  “So you have a relationship with her?”

  “Fuck no.”

  “Calm down,” the cop says.

  My blood boils. “Look, she attacked my wife with a knife, vandalized twenty-five grand in equipment, set my wife up to be attacked, nearly raped, or killed. She’s also responsible for severe vandalism to my wife’s apartment back in Los Angeles, harassing phone calls, among other things and you want to accuse me of having an affair with her? Go to hell.”

  “Dex, don’t.” Addison comes up.

  “No, goddammit, these sons of bitches are out to fucking make Raine look like she deserved what she got and that Sam, Samantha, whatever the fuck her name is, is in the right.”

  Addison smiles and turns to the officers. “Let me tell you who Sam is. She’s a deranged woman who threw herself at Dex nearly three months ago. She was denied, rejected and she slipped her cork. I have a phone call history with more than a thousand calls on it because at one point, before all this bullshit happened, she was my friend. She thought that through me she could get to Dex. We also have picture proof of her outside of Raine’s apartment in LA, after it had been vandalized the first time. We have concrete proof that she’s been calling and harassing Raine for the last forty-eight hours and we have concrete proof of where everyone was and what they were doing tonight and every night of the attacks and destruction back in California. Now, do you have any more questions for Dex that are not going to accuse him of being responsible for what happened here tonight or is that all you’re here to do?”

  Holy shit…well, fuck I always knew this chick was feisty, but hot damn. I look over the cop’s shoulder to see Talon and Kyle grinning wildly from ear to ear over what their girl has just done and all I want to do is hug her.

  “What she said,” I say to the cop who is momentarily off his guard compliments of Addison’s rant.

  “Got it!” Rusty calls from behind us. We all turn to see Rusty running out of the back of the arena, with something in his hand.

  “Got what?” I ask as he approaches me and the cop.

  He smirks. “Oh, just a little video action going on.”

  “Is that…oh god.” I feel like puking, watching it once was enough, I pray to god I never have to watch it again.

  “It is. See, I knew he was stupid, it’s all right here.” He hands a disc to the officer. “Oh, and there is a feed from inside of the dressing room. There’s no sound, but I’m pretty sure you’ll get the idea.”

  “Well, we will review it and…”

  “And nothing. The only thing we want to hear from you is when and where we need to be for court for both of these assholes.” I tell the cop who looks positively railroaded by all of us.

  “Alright, I’ll be in touch.” He finally shoves off.

  I turn to Addison and wrap my arms around her. “Thank you and I’m sorry.”

  “You’re welcome, though you don’t owe me a thank you for anything. I just did my job and I haven’t a clue what the hell you’re apologizing for. Unless of course it’s for the fact that you married her and didn’t invite us.”

  I know I blush. “The thank you is for handling the cop, and for your help in trying to find her. The thank you is also for putting up with my bullshit and I’m apologizing because you’ve had to put up with my bullshit. I’ve been a dick for far too long.”

  “Dex?” she says.

  “Yes?” I hesitate.

  “Shut the fuck up or I might start to think you’re actually a human being.”

  I laugh. “Blame her.” I cock my head toward Raine who is approaching us from the back of the ambulance.

  “Blame me for what?” she says as she snuggles in under my arm.

  “For taming his ass.” Talon nods in my direction.

  She smiles. “He devoured me.”

  “Are you free to go?” Kyle asks.

  “For some reason the cops no longer wanted to talk to me and the paramedics gave me an all clear.”

  I look down at her, tucked under my arm. We’re surrounded by friends, family. Me and the love of my life, my wife and my best friend. I lean down, capturing her lips with mine and hold her tightly to my side. Vowing to never let her go, to never leave her side, to always care for her, take care of her, and devour her every chance I get.

  “I love you, glowbug,” I whisper against her lips.

  “I love you, bubba.”

  We wrapped up the tour later that week with a big shindig in Los Angeles. The shows were incredible and the parties even more fun.

  Dex and Addison finally seemed to get along. Whenever I asked him about it, he’d shrug it off, telling me that he was repenting for being an asshole. I’d just smile and let it go.

  Derek, Dacotah, Cami, Tristan, and Erica all came to the show. I made good on my promise to Erica, bringing her as a thank you for all she did for me while I was away on tour with the band. Dex was excited to meet her and he looked forward to seeing her again soon. I vowed to keep her in my life, no matter what and Dex agreed. He told me that I was required to go out with her at least once a month when we were in town.

  Following the tour, Dex and I followed Talon, Addison and Kyle to Nashville while Addison recorded her duet with Bryan Hayes.

  Dex surprised me with a membership to The Box. I was so excited, I could barely contain myself when Derek and Cotah showed up at our hotel, dressed appropriately for The Box, and we took off for dinner and of course a night of playing and more training. I was in submissive heaven.

  Derek was impressed with the leaps and bounds Dex and I had made in our D/s relationship and even Cotah praised me, after gaining permission of course, for my improvements as a sub to Dex.

  We’d passed on Cami’s offer to go to Tarah, which bummed me out when Cotah got back and called me, telling me her Orion had finally proposed to her. I teased her that it was only because Dex and I’d gotten married first. She laughed. “True,” she said. “But he collared me first.”

  After that conversation, I asked Dex about it, asked him if he wanted to collar me. He said absolutely, but that there were a few more steps in our relationship we needed to hurdle first. That was until I told him that collaring me meant that I would relinquish my safeword. Giving up my safeword is a way for me to show him how much I trust him and our relationship. It means that I trust him completely to not push me beyond the limits of what I can handle. He got eager after that, but leading up until tonight, he’d always teased me with it.
/>   Tonight, Derek and Cotah have come to our condo in Los Angeles. Addison’s old condo to be exact. We’re christening our brand new playroom with a ceremony. Dex is collaring me and I am over the fucking moon.

  I stand, bouncing upstairs in our room with Cotah.

  “You’re already married to him, so why is this so important?”

  I smile wide. “He’s claimed me as his wife, now I want to be claimed as his submissive.”

  “Excellent answer,” Derek says as he crests the steps into our loft bedroom.

  I smile at him, but bow my head submissively.

  “Nah, not tonight sweet girl, please look at me.”

  I raise my head, looking at him and he hands me something, a box. It’s the size of a ring box. “Our gift to you,” Derek says. “For finding your submission.”

  Tears start to well in my eyes as I pinch open the lid. Inside is actually a bracelet, it’s a starter bracelet actually. There are two white beads, surrounded on both sides by silver and hanging from the bracelet is a triskelion symbol, the three yin-yang halves making a circle, the symbol for BDSM. “It’s gorgeous,” I say and look up at him. “Thank you, Sir.”

  ‘My pleasure.”

  “Permission to talk to Cotah, Sir.” He leans in, kissing me on the forehead.


  “Thank you, Sir.” I look up at Cotah. “Thank you Cotahbear.”

  She giggles at my nickname for her and smiles wide. “You’re welcome.”

  “Cotahbear huh?” Derek says with an amused smirk.

  “Yup, that’s the name I’ve given her.” I smile and he wraps his arm around her.

  “I like it.” He grins and kisses her forehead before looking at me. “It’s time.”

  “Can I wear this?” I ask him.

  “Hmm, yeah, then you can show him, and he can remove it before he does anything.” I shiver at the prospect of whatever Dex might be conjuring up tonight.

  Cotah helps me put the bracelet on and Derek descends the stairs ahead of us.

  Cotah leads the way down and she joins Derek in the playroom ahead of me. Outside the door, I hang up my robe and my new bracelet catches the light and I smile.

  This is everything I’ve wanted and so much more.

  When I walk into the room, I lower my head, and walk toward my husband, my partner, the man I love and will love forever.

  He’s claimed me as his girlfriend, his fiancé, his wife and now, as I lower myself at his feet, he will claim me as his submissive.

  He’s claimed me, he craves me, he’s redeemed me from the roller coaster that is my past.

  I’ve tamed him and he’s devoured me.

  Michael - though not his real name, but we’ll keep it there for these purposes - was charged with one count of rape, one count of attempted rape when it came to me. He was also charged with more than fifty other counts of rape and six counts of attempted murder. Michael was a wanted man in more than thirty different states, but somehow he always managed to elude the authorities. It took me, Dex and a team of rock star bodyguards to finally bring him down. Fortunately, he pled guilty to avoid the death penalty and I never had to testify in court.

  Sam was found guilty of attempted murder, criminal vandalism, stalking, harassment and a multitude of other crimes I can’t quite think of at the moment. She was sentenced to a facility for the criminally insane, a place where she will likely be for the rest of her life. Regardless, she’s gone from our lives.

  When Dex claimed me as his submissive, he presented me with two collars. The first was my playroom collar. It’s a thin, almost dainty leather collar with a hoop attached to it, something he frequently uses at the club. We both like it when he leads me around by a leash. The second was an everyday collar. It was a gorgeous platinum necklace that came together just below my neck. Holding the two parts of the necklace together is a locket that literally needs a key to unlock it. Him unlocking my everyday collar means that I am to go to the playroom.

  He started off the ceremony with sweet whispers and murmurs as I sat at his feet, then told me that he did not want my safeword. He cherished my eager willingness to surrender it to him, but said that it might be a good idea to keep it, for now.

  Addison’s twins were born this last November and we’re over there all the time. Whether the band is writing music or we’re all just hanging out and having a good time.

  After that night in Seattle, Dex never left my side for a very long time. He was petrified that something was going to happen to me. I kept reassuring him that all our external threats had been dealt with. He finally convinced me to seek therapy for what happened with Michael, both times, and I have to say, it’s helped a lot.

  But I’m not sure what helps me more, talking about my past, or the advancement in our Dom/sub relationship. We’ve made great strides and Dex, after letting Derek go at me with the single tail, has been diligently taking classes. He was disappointed that Derek was responsible for the first two times I’ve fully reached subspace. But he’s managed to get me there nearly every time we step into our own playroom. Which is where I hope we end up tonight.

  He’s been in the studio with the guys all day, and he’s been there for the last few weeks. Though they’re recording a lot of Addison’s music and not 69 Bottles stuff, Dex is happy because he gets to do the things he loves. Drumming and me.

  I hear him come into the condo. “Glowbug?” he calls out.

  “In the kitchen, I’ll be right out. Have a seat on the couch,” I tell him. I have a surprise for him tonight.

  Now I don’t do this very often, ironically, it’s usually when I want something from him. In this case, it’s a discussion.

  I grab him a beer and walk toward the living room.

  He scowls at me. “Servitude, on a week night?” He raises an eyebrow as he takes in my nakedness with my playroom collar on my finger and a beer in the other hand.

  I just bow my head and hand him his beer before folding myself on a floor cushion I’d found online. His hand comes into my hair and I nuzzle into his leg. Truth be told, I actually love doing this, but I think of it as a gift and it needs to be earned, so I don’t do it often.

  “What do you want, pet?”

  I try not to laugh. “Can’t I just serve my Master?”

  He wraps his hand in my ponytail, pulling my head back, forcing me to look at him. “Always, but this is your own little way of topping from the bottom.” He gives me a chaste kiss.

  “We actually need to talk,” I tell him softly.

  He cocks his head before releasing his grip on my hair. I put my head back where it was and I start fingering his shoe lace.

  “What do we need to talk about, glowbug?”

  “We have a decision to make.”


  I take a deep breath and I get onto my knees and turn around, putting palms on my thighs. “May I look at you, Master?”

  “Please do,” he says softly.

  “I have an appointment coming up next month. It is my annual exam and with this exam, I have to have my IUD removed and replaced.” He raises an eyebrow. “I don’t want to have it replaced.”

  I watch as his face lights up and he leans forward. “Are you sure?” he asks me softly.

  “The only other thing I’ve ever been more sure of in my life was the day I married you, the first time.”

  “So all of this was to tell me that you’re ready to start a family?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “When’s your appointment?”

  “Four weeks from now.”

  He smiles wide. “That’s too far away. Reschedule it, tomorrow would be perfect.”

  I can’t even begin to describe the excitement that is coursing through my veins. Throwing protocol out the window, I throw my arms around his neck, pushing him back against the couch, crashing my lips to his. “Thank you.” I kiss him again. “Thank you, Master.”

  He kisses me back and laughs before wrapping his arms around me a
nd engulfing me into the warmest, sweetest hug I’ve ever felt from my husband.

  After a few heartbeats, my husband disappears and my Master appears.

  “Playroom. Now!” he snaps and I jump off of him and head straight for our little room of happiness.

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  Thank you for purchasing and reading Devouring Raine. I truly hope you enjoyed reading their story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  The 69 Bottles saga continues in Defining Calvin, releasing October 2015.

  Find Zoey on Social Media or sign up for her newsletter for all the latest news. (Turn the page for all those details)

  Zoey’s Bio:

  Zoey Derrick is a Best Selling Author of Contemporary, Erotic, Erotic Romance and Paranormal Romance from Glendale Arizona. She was once a mortgage underwriter and she now writes full time.

  She writes stories as hot as the desert sun itself. It is this passion that drips off of her work, bringing excitement to anyone who enjoys a good and sensual love story.

  Not only does she aim to take her readers on an erotic dance that lasts the night, it allows her to empty her mind of stories we all wish were true.

  Her stories are hopeful yet true to life, skillfully avoiding melodrama and the unrealistic, bringing her gripping Erotica only closer to the heart of those that dare dipping into it.

  The intimacy of her fantasies that she shares with her readers is thrilling and encouraging, climactic yet full of suspense. She is a loving mistress, up for anything, of which any reader is doomed to return to again and again.

  Stalk Zoey on Social Media:


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