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Shattered Souls (The Toren Series, Book 1)

Page 23

by Lola StVil

  Somehow, between us, we get me out of the water and onto the ice raft with her.

  I lie on my back, and Summit sits beside me, her face screwed up in pain. She presses one hand to the gaping wound on her leg and with the other, she clutches mine.

  I force myself into a sitting position. The team is still fighting the Hydra. Two of its heads are gone and the third hangs at an odd angle, but it’s not giving up the fight. It continues to fire jets of hot black oil at the team.

  I notice we’ve floated quite a distance away.

  “We have to get closer. We have to help them,” I say to Summit.

  I see the steely resolve in her eyes as she lets go of my hand and her wound. She pulls herself onto her knees and places the piece of pendant firmly between them. She leans forward so that her hands are in the water. She begins paddling us forward.

  I pull myself up beside her and copy her motion. We move at a reasonable pace towards the others.

  As we reach them, Summit gets to her feet and fires a blast of light from her hands. It strikes the Hydra’s remaining head. The Hydra’s roar of pain is cut short as it dies. It falls down into the water with a giant splash that rocks our rafts and sends us all plunging back into the water.

  This time, all I can think is we’ve done it.

  The team gathers together, and we begin to link hands.

  I reach back for Summit’s hand, but I feel only water. I look back and she’s back on our raft, searching frantically.

  “It’s gone,” she shouts.

  The pendant piece. It fell.

  She doesn’t wait for an answer. She dives down into the water.

  We break hands and swim towards where she went under.

  A lone Sapphire Lynx who has somehow survived the battle and the water rushes towards us on its platform of ice. It bares its teeth in an angry snarl.

  I don’t know what to do. The Lynx is bearing down on Nix, and Summit is still underneath the water.

  It’s all happening too fast. Who do I save?

  It’s always been Summit, but Nix is my brother.

  My indecision could end up getting them both killed.

  Summit’s head breaks the surface just as the Lynx crouches back on its haunches, ready to strike.

  She shows us the pendant piece and reaches for my hand. I take it, and grab Dylann’s on my other side. We link hands and Parker takes a hold of the locket. I feel the dizzying sensation again just as the Lynx leaps for Nix.

  I feel myself land hard.

  I jump to my feet. I’m surrounded by the team. Everywhere I look there’s blood.

  I wonder briefly how attached Emmy was to this particular carpet.

  I can’t spot Nix.

  I feel a rush of anger. We don’t leave anyone behind!

  I hear a noise behind me and I turn to see Nix pulling himself into a sitting position, and I belt out a sigh of relief.

  “Well, that was close,” he says as he gets to his feet.

  I laugh and pull him into an embrace, clapping him on the back.

  We turn back to the group as the others get to their feet. We’re battered and bloody and in a lot of pain, but we’re all here. All alive.

  Summit catches my eye and holds up the piece of the pendant.

  “We did it,” she says, her voice breaking with laughter. “We actually did it.” The Face will be pleased we don’t affect her exam, I can’t help but think. The door opens and Emmy bursts into happy tears when she sees us. She throws herself on us. We move as one, holding each other in a tight circle, laughing.

  We did it! Holy crap, we actually did it!


  I can’t believe eight months have passed since we completed our mission. We all got patched up pretty quickly, and then it was back to business as usual. It felt strange going back to school after what we’d been through, but it was also nice to get back to normal. The Face, true to form, made no exceptions for us and she even gave out extra homework to make up for the days we missed.

  We’ve all grown so much closer since the mission. I think it really showed us that we don’t just talk the talk. When someone’s life was in danger, we walked the walk as well. It probably helps that the majority of the team live together now in Roslyn, a glass house that my father gave to the team. The adults were wary at first, but they agreed that the bond between us played a big part in our mission being a success, so they relented.

  Nix and I still live in the castle officially, but it’s only a stone’s throw from Roslyn and we’re always over there. Milo makes a great addition to our group, and I’ve actually grown to like him as a person, not just as someone who was there for Summit.

  Even RJ and Ryder have made up. It’s not the same between them as it used to be, but I hope that it will be again in the future. Sabrina comes over and hangs out with us sometimes, and RJ has been okay with it. Well, not “okay,” but he’s not throwing chairs, so it’s an improvement. Sabrina tries to be subtle, but I still sometimes see the pained expression on RJ’s face when she skips off to Ryder’s room.

  It’s nice to watch Summit and Dylann getting close. They both have a huge obsession with hiking and the two of them often disappear together all day going who knows where. I even overheard Dylann confiding in Summit, telling her she has feelings for someone. I moved away quickly at that point, to give them some privacy, so I didn’t hear who.

  The most interesting development, in my mind at least, is the bond that is only growing stronger between Summit and me.

  The day after the mission was complete, Summit and I went for a walk. She slipped her arm through mine as we walked and it didn’t hurt. In that moment, I knew what I had to do to get rid of my Drin. It was still there because I’d never really let Nikki go.

  The next day, I went to the park opposite where she used to live. I went straight to her favorite spot. A spot where we had our first kiss. It was beside a flower bed and a pretty little river that trickled by. I sat down there and I said my goodbyes to Nikki.

  “Nikki. I thought I was running from the grief of losing you, but I think it’s more than that.

  “I think I’ve been running away from myself. From having to admit that I failed you. I didn’t want to say goodbye.

  “But you deserve closure. And I think I do too.

  “Nikki, I’m sorry that I didn’t get to you in time. I’m sorry there was nothing left of you to even say goodbye to.”

  My voice faltered a little, but I went on. I had to finish it. I owed it to us both.

  “I want you to find peace. I want that for you. You deserve it.

  “Nikki, I met a girl. You know her, or at least you know of her. She’s kind and strong. I guess she’s a little like you.

  “She’s also pushy and demanding. You’d like her.”

  I paused for a moment, then said what I’d really come to say.

  “Anyway, thank you for making me laugh and for everything. You were my first love, and I will never forget you.”

  I stood up and picked one of her favorite flowers and dropped it into the river. I watched it float away.

  “Goodbye, Nicole.”

  And that was it. My Drin was gone. It sounds like it was easy in the end, but saying goodbye to Nikki, really letting her go, was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It was far harder than going to the Hun’s Market and entering the Whitehalls’ vault.

  After that, Summit and I spent a lot of time together, really getting to know each other.

  I think we were both scared to take it any further in case my Drin came back. When it got to the point where even my mother was telling me to just date her already, I dived in and asked Summit to go on a date with me. She agreed. I was nervous when I went to pick her up, but I was sure she would enjoy the evening I had planned.

  When she opened the door, she looked more than nervous. She looked terrified. I asked her what was wrong, and she told me this would be her second date and we both knew how the first
one ended. She also admitted her fear of ruining it. I thought of the evening I had planned, and pushed it away. I took her hand in mine and told her I knew just what to do.

  I took her to a small part of the Green Mountains. We sat on the edge of a cliff.

  “Lucas, what are we doing here?”

  I smiled at her.

  “This place has a lot of family history. Yours, not mine.”

  She relaxed; I wrapped my arm around her and started to talk. She lit up when I recounted some of the historical battles fought by her family near here. She had so many questions; I explained the significance of the Green Mountains and how it was a gift her father gave to her grandmother. We spent the evening laughing and joking, really getting to know each other.

  She snuggled into me and watched in awe as the sun started to go down and disappear just beyond the horizon. Everything in the moment felt perfect, and that’s how I knew it was the moment. I leaned close and spoke softly into her ear.

  “Do you remember when we talked about how our first date would go?” I asked her.

  She turned around, her beautiful eyes meeting mine, smiled, suddenly shy, and nodded.

  “Well I think it’s about time we did this,” I said.

  I didn’t want to force what seemed to have taken two lifetimes, but I couldn’t handle not kissing her for one more second. As our lips met, her shyness melted away and she pressed herself closer to me.

  There was a taste that is her, an immediate sweetness. Everything about her made me think of all of my favorite things rolled into one. It couldn’t be named or resisted. I was swept away with that taste and the feeling of being so near her. We’ve been dating for a couple of months now, and I’ve never been happier. The team are glad we finally got together.

  I knock on the door of Roslyn, ready to collect Summit. There’s a movie she wants to see tonight. The whole world stops when she opens the door and smiles at me. I’m amazed at how little she has to do to keep my attention. She’s wearing a cute white sundress. It isn’t fussy with straps or low cut, but it has lace. Lace over all the right places for my imagination. And her hair falls around her face, creating a mystery around her eyes.

  “I think we should stay in tonight,” she says. “Everyone else has gone out so we can be alone.” This is such a rare gift that I nod and step inside. I can’t find my voice for a minute. I think of all the reasons that kept us apart and just cherish this chance.

  “Do you want to watch something here?” I ask.

  “No, I actually was thinking we could…if you want to—” she starts to say.

  “Yes,” I answer, unable to contain myself.

  I move her hair away from her eyes, which now seem full of mischief. My mouth is on autopilot. I could swear I hear her thoughts. She laughs softly. She’s wrestling with the right words. She squeezes my hand and issues a warning, “You know that I’m not good with this stuff,” she says softly.

  “Shh. It’s just you and me. No pressure or distractions,” I assure her. “I’m overjoyed to be here with you, no matter what.” Her eyes question me. I know this is her first time, and I don’t want to screw it up for her.

  “I’m not sure—I’ve never…with a human, let alone an angel,” she admits with growing panic.

  “What if we just do what feels right in the moment?” I ask.

  She answers by leading me towards the stairs. We’re not even on the bottom stair when my cell phone jumps to life in my pocket.

  “Answer it,” Summit says with a smile. “It might be important. We’ve got all night.”

  Reluctantly, I pull my cell phone out of my pocket.

  “Yeah,” I snap as I answer it.

  “It’s me.”

  “Fish, what is it?” I say, already regretting taking the call.

  “We need to talk about The Jackal,” she says.

  “Not now, Fish. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “But The Jackal…”

  I know she wouldn’t call if it wasn’t important, but there’s nothing I can do about anything The Jackal has dragged Fish into right now.

  “Tomorrow,” I say, cutting her off and turning off my cell phone.

  “Now, where were we?” I grin at Summit. She smiles back without a word, then leads me to her room.



  Summit gently closes the door behind us. I would carve out my own soul to feel her bare skin against mine. I’d take on a hundred Winter Queens if it meant I’d get to lie beside her. But I force myself to stop thinking about what I want and make this about her.

  Shit. This may be a bad idea. She’s been through so much. She found her parents and then lost them to the void for Omnis knows how long. Her whole life has been turned upside down, and there’s also the little matter of her being forced to lead a team of angels. Angels she didn’t even know existed before now.

  ARGH! I want her so much but the only thing I want more than this is for her to be happy. I want her to know that this isn’t a deal breaker and that I will love her whether or not we do this tonight.

  “Summit, are you sure that you’re ready?” I ask.

  “I’m nervous, but yeah, I think I am ready.”

  “I don’t want you to feel like I’m pushing you.”

  “I know that you’d wait for me. Besides, I’m more powerful than you—you try anything I don’t like and I’ll drop your royal ass on the ground,” she teases. We share a laugh.

  When the laughter dies down, we find ourselves locked in an intense gaze. The very thought of kissing her makes it hard to focus.

  My dad warned me about moments like this. He said to do what is best for her. And Silver gathered up all the guys in the team when we were all starting to date and he gave us the same advice his father, Rage, gave him about girls: Don’t be a dick.

  Damn it.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks.

  “I’m trying, I really am. I’m trying to do whatever it is that good guys do in times like this.”

  “I think a good guy would ask her want she wants. So, ask me,” she offers.

  “Summit…what do you want?”

  “Lucas, when you hold me, it’s right. Everything is right. That’s all I know. So the answer is you; I want you.”

  I don’t need to hear anything else. I reach into the nightstand, pull out a small vial, and drink the Tam. I smile at her. She asks what I’m holding.

  “It’s called Tam. Angel birth control. You can thank Parker later.”

  She blushes at the thought as I take in the sight in front of me. Damn, she’s beautiful. She steps into my chest and fits like a custom-made glove. Our nervous energy turns into a longing that can’t wait. It’s impossible to get close enough. I motion towards the bed and breathe her in.

  I gently part her lips with mine. She tastes like summer. Damn. How does that even happen? I part her lips further with my tongue. The more of her I sample, the more I want—no. Need. The more I need her. A soft moan escapes her lips as I nibble on her earlobe. We start stripping away articles of clothing, pausing to kiss and taste any newly exposed flesh.

  We get onto her bed and lie on our sides, trying to touch every part of each other with fingertips and tongue. The sheets are beginning to pull from the corners and wad between us. Nothing should be between us. We have to be closer. She pulls back from me a little. “I want you,” she says. Her eyes are focused and spinning with magic. I realize we are both crazed. Then I pull her back against me.

  Nothing should be between us.

  She traces her name on my heart with each kiss. A space fills there. I must do the same. We wordlessly agree. I part my lips to say what I can’t formulate. How do I show that I am so happy that she is mine? What more can I do? I’d give her my all. I just want her to be sure. She moans and pulls me closer with her legs. Every part of me is expanding for her.

  The only pieces of fabric l
eft on her are her bra and panties; they’re offending me. It’s not the color or the lace. I am jealous of anything that holds her up or in. Let it be me. Nothing should be between us. I feel her wiggle out of the straps as I undo the clasp and straps. The bra falls away, and I am satisfied. I am satisfied until I see the panties covering what is left of her love. With every swirl of my tongue on her nipples, she jerks upwards. Her mouth makes a surprised sound. I know that I’m experiencing a first. She is lying here bare and trusting me. I can’t disappoint her.

  The swelling, the pleasure in seeing her eyes roll back with my touch, makes me move my fingers lower. She moves me to her middle and I find her well. This startles her and I feel the tension rise in her stomach. Pulling her finger into my mouth, I get her ready. Into her ear I say, “You have to trust me so you don’t get hurt. This is new for your body, and we have to be careful.”


  “You trust me?” I ask.


  “Good; now hold on!”

  In a frenzy of passion and need, I flick her puckered nipples with my tongue and she groans with pleasure. I knead the soft mounds of her breasts until she’s arched and aching. She grabs a handful of my hair between her fingers and holds on tightly. I place my hands on either side of her narrow ribcage and glide my tongue down her body. By the time I reach between her legs and glide her panties off, she’s quavering.

  She’s not the only one losing control. My wings are flapping so quickly, damn near everything that’s not nailed down in her room is flying above us. I am so ready to be inside her, if I get any more ready, I’ll implode. But before I dive in, I need to check on her to make sure she still wants to do this. I look into her gorgeous eyes and she nods that she’s ready. However eager I may be, I don’t taste her center or bury myself inside her. Instead, I place my fingers between her wet, slippery folds and rub on the tip of her center until she’s aching.

  “Lucaspleasepleaseplease,” she mumbles as desire grips her. She can’t stand it any longer. And neither can I. The need to be inside her is so overwhelming, my head is spinning. I climb on top of her as the wind from my wings causes random items to fly around the room. I kiss her fervently as I bury myself deep inside her. I curse as I make contact with the deepest part of her. Desire holds us both captive.


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