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One Day His (The Someday Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Shawn, Melanie

  “Okay, then. Lead the way.”

  We made our way down to Santa Monica Boulevard and it was a straight shot down to Raw. Unlike the majority of LA, parking was not even an issue since the restaurant was part of a shopping center, so we found it and ducked inside to grab a table with no hassle whatsoever.

  Jace, God love him, was trying to be a good sport. I gave him loads of credit, but that didn’t change the fact that he was still clearly skeptical as he perused the menu.

  “Trust me. Like I said, don’t even bother with the menu. Just get the Cheesy Kelp. It’s fan-freaking-tastic,” I urged him.

  He shuddered. “I just can’t get past the word ‘kelp.’ I mean, I’ve seen that stuff wash up on the beach before. I didn’t look at it—or smell it—and think, ‘Mmmm…dinner.”

  “It’s not kelp like that. Not in that form. It’s just kelp noodles. Believe me. It just tastes like pasta. Would I steer you wrong? More to the point, would someone who loves food as much as I do love this place so much if it wasn’t freaking delicious?”

  This seemed to be the first argument that was swaying Jace at all. He paused, and I could practically hear the gears churning in his head as he pondered my last statement. Finally, he said, “True. It’s not like you’re much of a health freak or anything.”

  “No, and I’m not even a vegan. I swear to you, I love this place based on taste and taste alone. I wouldn’t lie to you. You don’t lie about women and sex. I don’t lie about food,” I teased, reminding him of what he said the first time we had lunch together.

  Jace grinned and, when the waitress came over to take our orders, followed my advice and ordered the—gasp—kelp. It gave me a little flicker of pride that, even if it had taken some nudging, he trusted my judgment enough to follow me into food territory that, for him, was completely uncharted up until now.

  As we sipped our lemonades, Jace took my hand and ran his thumb over my knuckles. “I’m so glad you had fun at the show.”

  I nodded enthusiastically. “Oh, I really did. I loved being in a room where everyone there loves words as much as I do. Writing is so special to me, you know? I mean, I would never call myself a ‘writer’ or anything… I’m not that pretentious…”

  Jace’s eyebrows drew together. “You’re a writer. What are you talking about?”

  “No, I mean…I’ve never sold a piece. I’ve never been paid for my writing or anything.”

  Shrugging Jace’s eyes sparked. “No one pays me to be sexy, but I sure as hell am.”

  Laughter bubbled up inside of me. “True. So yeah, I guess, following that logic, even if I’m not a professional writer, I’m still a writer. So I guess I loved that about tonight—being with other people who get that.”

  “Yeah, it’s the same reason why I’m so comfortable with Elijah. Sometimes, you just need to be with people who get it.”

  The waitress brought our food and we were quiet as we dug in. Even though we weren’t actively conversing, I just enjoyed being near Jace. We kept brushing our knees together, smiling at each other, or touching hands. Without words, we were still connecting.

  I felt so lucky in that moment. Jace and I were nothing alike. He was a bad boy. I was adorkable. He was practical. I was artsy. But I loved that we appreciated each other for exactly who we were. Even though I was sure that the last thing in the world Jace wanted to do was go watch writers talk about their craft and then eat vegan food, he was doing it. For me. All of that, for me.

  When I thought about it like that, lucky didn’t even begin to describe what I was.

  Chapter 16


  Jace and I walked into my room at three in the morning, kissing and giggling. Well, I was giggling, anyway. Jace isn’t much of a giggler. I thought that this might be the most exhilarated I had ever been when walking into this room. It was no secret why—it was the only time I had ever walked back in here after a night on the town with Jace. And, bonus points, he was still here with me. Best. Night. Ever.

  “I can’t believe how much fun that was!”

  “I can’t believe that raw food actually tastes good,” Jace said flatly.

  I giggled even harder. “Both of our minds are being expanded tonight.”

  Jace suggestively waggled his eyebrows at me. “That’s not the only thing of mine that’s being expanded.”

  With that, I moved from giggles to flat-out laughter. Jace took advantage of my head being thrown back in abandon to start trailing hot, insistent kisses down my neck. That brought the laughter to an abrupt halt as my heart started racing and every cell of my body sprang to life, aching for Jace’s touch.

  It was so amazing to me how he could do that. He was able to do it every single time—take me from full-blown laughter or any other emotional state to instant arousal with just a few touches, a kiss, or some whispered words.

  Honestly, it shouldn’t have been a surprise anymore. He had done it many times—but every time it happened, the shock overcame me again. It was just so unexpected, the whiplash sensation of being drawn so immediately and so forcefully from one emotion to the next. To have that little control over my own body and my own soul—and, even more than that, the realization that I didn’t even want to be in control. Jace was pulling the strings. He touched me and I responded. He led the way and my body followed. I liked it that way. My body certainly liked it that way.

  The longer his mouth and tongue worked their way down the sensitive skin of my neck, the harder it was to breathe, and the more my whole body craved his touch. It wasn’t only the sexual parts of my body that I longed to feel his hands and mouth on, either. Although it was insanely awesome when he cupped the cheeks of my rear with his strong hands, gently flicked my nipples with his hot tongue, or stroked me between my legs with his thick and powerful fingers—there was so much more.

  I wanted to feel his hot breath just behind my ear. I wanted to feel his fingertips brush up the outside of my thighs. I wanted to feel his thumbs dig into the small of my back as his hands encircled my waist. I wanted to feel his feather light kisses make their way up my quivering inner thighs.

  And even going beyond touch, there was so much I wanted from every single one of my senses. I wanted to see his face as my clothes were peeled off, the way that awe overtook his features every time he saw my naked body as if it were the first time. I wanted to smell the musky scent of his sweat building as he buried himself inside of me. I wanted to taste the salty sweetness of his arousal as I pleasured him with my mouth. I wanted to hear his moans and his grunts as he made love to me and the way he rasped out my name when he came.

  All of these desires exploded in my brain and body in the space of one instant, every single time Jace touched me, kissed me, or said something sexy to me. Even when he gave me a suggestive look.

  Sometimes, it was hard to be his girlfriend, I’m not gonna lie, just because of the sheer amount of time I spent in abject sexual frustration. I mean, considering that I was aching and wet pretty much any time he was within fifty feet of me and shaking with desire pretty much any time we touched—that was a lot of time I spent turned on and not in a position to do anything about it. But, honestly, I wouldn’t have traded it for the world.

  Jace groaned. I felt the vibrations against my neck, and it pulled an involuntary answering moan out of me. He started removing my shirt and bra, his energy gathering the sexual intensity it always did when things got heated between us, especially as my clothes started coming off.

  Although I’d never been ashamed of my body, I’d never been particularly proud of it either. I’d never given it much thought one way or the other, really. But Jace’s reaction, made me feel like he thought I really did have something special going on beneath my standard uniform of T-shirt and jeans. It was as if he saw something magical when he looked at or touched my naked body.

  He tossed my shirt and bra aside and gazed in wonder at my breasts, truly as if he had never seen them before. It was a powerful aphrodisiac. His shook his h
ead as he reverently whispered, “God, Cat, you’re so beautiful. Everything about you is perfect. Every time I see your tits, I realize that I never actually remember how fucking amazing they are. Like, I know they’re amazing, but then I see them again and I’m like, ‘Fuck, my memory did not do them justice.’”

  I felt my nipples hardening under the weight of his gaze and the power of his words. My chest was rapidly rising and falling.

  As Jace scooted away from me, his blue eyes, dark with lust, shot to mine. “Touch them,” he gruffly commanded as he sat on the other side of the bed.

  My heart was beating so hard that it sounded and felt like wild horses were running through my chest. The center of my palms dampened in anticipation and I felt a tingly sensation run from my wrist to the tips of my fingers.

  I knew what Jace wanted to see. I knew that I wanted to do what he wanted to see, but I did feel a small amount of shyness bubble up inside of me. I stared down at my naked torso, my long hair had fallen over my shoulders and covered my full breasts and hardened nipples.

  I didn’t move. I didn’t breath. I was paralyzed for a moment in indecision.

  “It’s okay.” Jace’s deep voice vibrated off the walls. I felt the bed move and knew that in the blink of an eye Jace would be next to me, touching me, taking over if I didn’t act now.

  “Wait,” I said softly. This was Jace. If I couldn’t explore this side of myself with Jace, then who else could I do it with?

  Even with a racing heart and moist palms, I lifted my arms and slowly uncovered my breasts by pulling my hair away from them, revealing them little by little. Raising my head, I looked up to see Jace watching my movements with hunger in his eyes. I loved the way his gaze made me feel.

  Beads of sweat were forming along Jace’s hairline, and I was determined to break through every inhibition I had and take this exhibition to the furthest extent I could. His eyes darkened with lust, making me feel powerful. His hands flexed at his sides. I could tell it was a struggle to keep them there, as his hungry gaze devoured me. I ran my hands up the sides of my body and over my rib cage, stopping right below my breasts. As I cupped their weight in my hands, Jace’s breath caught in his throat.

  Okay, I was definitely on the right track.

  Moving my hands up over myself, I felt the hard nub of my nipple rubbing my palm, and it sent a shot of electricity down to my core. I closed my eyes and just let myself feel all of the sensations that my touch combined with the heat Jace’s gaze was giving me.

  I could hear his breathing getting heavier as I circled my fingers around my nipples and squeezed them between forefinger and thumb. Arousal spiraled through me as I grew more and more turned on at the touch of my own hand.

  “I want to see you naked.” Jace’s voice was low and strained. “Stand up and take off your jeans.”

  I opened my eyes and saw that Jace’s eyes were not on my body but on my face. Had he been watching my face the entire time? I wasn’t sure why that felt more intimate than if he’d been watching my hands over my body, but it did. And I liked it.

  Standing up, I moved my hands down and unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. Then, hooking my fingers into the waistline, I pushed both my pants and underwear down at the same time. Leaning down, I pulled my legs through the garments and tossed them to the side. I stood back, totally naked, bare before him. My legs were trembling, but not in fear. They were shaking in erotic anticipation of where this would go next. I loved that Jace took control. I trusted him implicitly with my body. Every time he told me what to do, what he wanted, arousal shot through me like I imagined heroin shot through a junkie. His words were a drug and I was definitely an addict. I wanted more.

  Jace’s eyes roamed my entire body, and I stood, motionless, desire rocketing through me, increasing in intensity the longer he took in my naked form. I wasn’t sure why I was responding like this to his sensual inspection, but I decided not to overanalyze it and just go with it. Let myself enjoy the experience without questioning it.

  He stood and mirrored what I had just done, taking off his jeans. His large, thick erection sprang from his boxers and my mouth watered at the sight.

  Without waiting for further instruction, I dropped to my knees in front of him and took him as deep into my mouth as I could manage. He let out a primal groan that shook his entire body. I gripped the back of his upper thighs as I pumped my head up and down. Jace’s fingers threaded through my hair, and I marveled at how sweetly and softly Jace was able to stroke my hair as I did this despite the fact that every cell in his body was telling me how ready he was to grab me as hard as possible and plunge into me with all his might.

  When he told me he was getting close to the edge, I backed off on the pace and intensity a little in an effort to draw it out longer. Being on my knees in front of Jace, bringing him this kind of pleasure, was honestly one of the biggest turn-ons I’d ever felt. I could do this for hours and not get tired of it. I loved the feeling of Jace’s length sliding on my tongue. I wanted all of him, so I sucked him in deeper and a sharp hiss escaped from his mouth.

  The next thing I heard was the crackling of a foil wrapper in my ear. It didn’t look like I would get quite as much time on my knees as I wanted, but the alternative was so good that I didn’t protest.

  After slowly drawing back, I rested on my heels and watched as he slid the condom on his throbbing and stiff erection. Once it was in place, he lifted me up then he lowered us to my bed and pushed back into a sitting position against my headboard. I was straddling him and holding on to his shoulders for balance. Taking himself in his hand he rubbed the head of his penis along my opening and it sent a shock of bliss exploding from my core.

  Closing my eyes as my head fell back, I slowly sank down onto him, enjoying the feeling of being impaled inch by inch. I reveled in the sensation of being stretched out and filled up by his thick length, and I heard myself groan in pure pleasure as I dug my fingernails into his shoulders and arched my back.

  His hot mouth engulfed my nipples one by one, sucking on them eagerly as I settled onto his lap and rocked my hips back and forth, his body buried in mine. The sparks of electricity his tongue was sending from my breasts down through my belly and to my core only intensified the feeling of his throbbing hardness inside me.

  I lifted up and then slid back down. The movement caused shockwaves of pleasure to crest through me. Repeating the motion, I increased my pace, my hips bouncing, my rear slapping against his thighs, my nipples almost unbearably painful in their hardness.

  Jace slid his hand down in between us and began rubbing my clit with his thumb as I moved up and down, and that was all it took. Two, maybe three, strokes of his thumb against my swollen and sensitive nub as I rode him made me explode into an orgasm so powerful and raw that I felt myself soaring to heights of ecstasy I hadn’t even known existed.

  Even though my natural instinct was to clamp up all of my muscles and grab on to Jace for dear life as the orgasm rushed through me, I resisted that impulse and kept moving my hips. I was hopeful that, by continuing the movement and the friction, I could draw out this mind-blowing climax for as long as humanly possible. Jace did his part by continuing to massage my pleasure nub in a steady rhythm as I ground against him.

  The technique worked. Even after the physical sensations had crashed through my body for so long that I felt beat up, I couldn’t bring myself to hold still and allow them to come to their natural conclusion. Finally, I gripped Jace’s neck and pressed my face into it, whimpering as he spoke naughty encouragements into ear.

  He told me how sexy I was. How good I felt around his cock. How tight and wet my pussy was. His provocative words had the desired effect, and they prolonged my out-of-this-world release. When my body was finally drained of every ounce of pleasure imaginable, I fell limp against his body.

  Jace then firmly placed his hands on my hips and slowly began maneuvering them up and down. He continued whispering endearments in my ear the entire time, slowly and g
ently bringing me down back to life after the most powerful and intense orgasm I had ever known. Actually, for all I knew, it was the most powerful and intense orgasm anyone had ever known—it wouldn’t have surprised me.

  After several moments, Jace’s hands tightened on my hips and he pushed powerfully up into me, his face contorting with pleasure. I smiled against his neck, knowing that he was coming now. He had set aside his own desires and pleasure long enough to guide me through my own.

  I ran my hands over his back as he came, loving the feeling of his muscles spasming under my touch.

  When I had imagined what all of the best parts of sex would be, I had always thought about the “pleasure” aspects of it—what it would feel like to be kissed and licked and touched. I had never, for one second, anticipated that the far greater pleasure would actually be found in the pleasure I gave to the other person. At least, that’s how it was with Jace. As much as I loved it when he touched me, I loved touching him more. As much as I loved it when he made me come, I loved making him come more.

  His movements stilled and he lay back on the bed. My body was spent, drained from all of our activity. Not having the strength to hold myself up, I lowered down next to him and nestled my head against his neck. His arm wrapped around my back and his hand rested on my naked hip as he kissed the top of my head and said with a reverent tone, “Damn. Every single time, it’s better with you. I don’t know how that’s possible. I guess we’ll just have to do it a few thousand more times to find out. Or maybe, a few hundred thousand.”

  Best. Plan. Ever.

  Chapter 17


  “Jace, honey, do you need any more coffee?” Rachel asked me as she patted my hand.

  I smiled up at her but didn’t need to answer because she had already started filling my mug before the words were even entirely out of her mouth.


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