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Fairy Unbroken

Page 3

by Anna Keraleigh

  “You may open your eyes now.” The man with the deep voice said.

  Trillian held her breath. After a moment of silence, she cursed silently but opened one eye. When she saw the crazy freak before her, she opened both eyes and sat up quickly. “You...”

  “Have wings. Yes, I’m a fairy.”

  “Right.” She nodded her head. Could be a concussion, or maybe she had died and gone to some screwed up heaven, or maybe Cameron’s sickness had spread to her. Either way, she wasn’t waiting here to find out. Trillian grabbed the lamp and tossed it at the blue-winged man. He wasn’t expecting that and it hit him square in the face. She quickly jumped over the couch, busted out the doors, and took off at a dead run. Her feet slapped against the pristine floor and she shoved through a set of large doors.

  What greeted Trillian made her falter and she fell back on her ass. She was in a city, one of unbelievable proportion and beauty. There was a waterfall in the distance. Gigantic trees… no, was that a fucking sunflower looming over the buildings? “I’m not in Kansas anymore,” she muttered and fumbled to her feet. Where the hell had they taken her?

  “Funny, that’s what I thought when I first saw this place.” A female voice interrupted. “And you are?”

  “Out of here.” Trillian charged in the opposite direction, and she heard commotion behind her. The freak she hit with the lamp must have come to. She turned the corner at a dead run and slammed right into an immovable object. One that growled at her violently and pulled a sharp sword stained black. “Well, fuck me,” she blurted.

  The man was half covered in shadow. She could only see his sword, tufts of blue hair, and eyes that made her skin crawl. He didn’t speak, just stared at her menacingly. She stepped back, turning to flee, but the woman appeared. Trillian didn’t waste a second. She grabbed the knife at the woman’s waist and spun her around so it was now at her throat. The moment the blade was at the stranger’s skin, a deep, angry roar echoed. From the sky charged a tall man with golden wings. He looked like the Sun God but far more sinister. “Release my mate!” he ordered as he slowed then hovered before them. “Now.”

  “Let me free and you can have her.”

  The one that scared the bejesus out of her shifted. In the blink of an eye, he grabbed her wrist and pulled the blade away from the woman’s neck. Her prisoner fell forward and was caught by the sun-god guy. The bastard that held her wrist twisted until she cried out but Trillian refused to let go of the knife. It was her only weapon. She shoved the heel of her palm into his nose but the move only seemed to piss him off more. He flashed his pointed teeth. His fingers dug into her hand until she dropped the knife. Balance lost, Trillian fell backwards and would have landed ungracefully on her ass if not for the hard object that caught her. It was the winged man that saved her from those creatures. He shoved her behind him and let out another growl. What was with the fucking growling?

  “Enough!” An authoritative voice shouted and every freak around her went silent.

  Great, their leader was here. “Planning to beam me up to the mother ship now?” she blurted. All the men turned to stare at her as if she was the strange one. The woman with them busted out into laughter.

  “That was good,” she stated. “Well, what do you expect?” The woman glanced at the barely clothed men around her. “She’s scared and this place isn’t exactly Kansas.”

  “We’re in Ireland,” the man that hugged her said without mirth.

  “I’m Breena.”

  Trillian nodded. “Fabulous, now get me the fuck out of here.” She was in no mood to play nice. The one before her turned and she took a step back. Wingman was much taller, probably over six feet with a scar running down his face from eye to lips. She had this strange urge to reach out and trace it with her fingertips.

  “It is not safe out there.” He spoke then took a single step from her.

  “Well, it isn’t exactly nice and cozy here. Who are you? What are you?”

  The leader gave the one in front of her a hard glare.

  Breena stepped up, despite protests from her big golden man. “I’ll explain it. Just don’t panic.”

  Yeah, right.

  “Let’s go for a walk, shall we. One-on-one, girl-to-girl,” she said then glanced back at the men.

  Trillian nodded, anything to get away from these half-clothed freaks. Wings coming out of their backs! Had she hit her head that hard?

  “You’re not crazy...” Brenna began.

  They walked around tall, colorful buildings while Breena spoke. Apparently, the ancient Irish legend of fairies was true. There were men and woman running around, flying around, that regular people couldn’t see. Breena explained there were only a few left in existence and that the fact that Trillian could see them made her very special. However, why and how, Brenna didn’t explain.

  “What were those things that attacked me?”

  Breena shivered. “Trolls.”

  “Trolls? As in live under a bridge and scare little children?”

  “Sadly, no bridge. They want the fairy kingdom and started a war that we hope to win,” she stated.

  Trillian shook her head. Great. She was stuck in the middle of a war with mythical creatures. They walked around a large building. It led to a small pond and an eight-foot-tall roaring waterfall. It was gorgeous, romantic, and she could clearly see herself off to the side with easel and paints. Trillian smiled. This was just a lovely spot. “Let’s say I might believe you.” After all, she saw those wings with her own eyes. “What do those things want with me?”

  Breena hesitated.

  Trillian took a step onto the grass. “Well?”

  “You can see them like I could. We’re different from regular humans,” she answered in a rush.

  Yeah, that sounded like bullshit to Trillian. “How about we try the truth this time?” She turned to stare at Breena. It was then, when her eyes were trained on Breena, that she saw it. A flash of color, the glint of a blade, and Trillian’s eyes widened. “We’re not alone.”

  Chapter Six

  The moment Breena took Trillian for a “walk” Keyn took off. He flew high and wide only to circle around. There was this pull, a strange grip that tugged at his soul, and Keyn found himself diving lower. His wings beat frantically until he caught sight of the dirty-blonde-haired beauty. They were stopped at the waterfall, and a small, barely-there smile crept onto her lips. Keyn shuddered and his cock began to press at the loincloth covering it. He hovered over the ground and darted behind a tree when Trillian turned to face him. Did she notice him? She did have an uncanny ability to sense his presence. Perhaps he was being paranoid or was his guard slipping around her? Damn it, he didn’t want or need this distraction in the middle of a war!

  “Keyn?” Breena turned around and called out, unsure.

  He cursed, slipping from his hidden spot into the woman’s view. “I’m your backup,” he stated flatly.

  “Good, someone with wings. Fly me back home.” Trillian held her annoyed tone, taking a single step toward Keyn.

  Even if he could stand to touch her, he couldn’t just leave her home by herself. King Carrick was right. She would be defenseless. “That is unwise.”

  “I don’t care. I have to be home in a few days for a...visitor.” She paused at the last word. “You brought me here. You take me back,” Trillian said and placed her hands on her hips.

  Goddess. Keyn shuddered. His cock stirred anew at the sight and his heart hammered in his chest but he couldn’t fight the shiver of fear. Sweat beaded on his forehead as his mate neared. She was still human, a disgusting creature. Keyn fought the panic and his raging desire. They battered each other until he could only sigh and take to the sky. “It is safer here,” he said before taking off.

  “You coward!” Trillian yelled from the ground. “You sneaky bastard, take me home this instant!”

  Her threats continued until her words were whispers on the wind. He couldn’t do it. Keyn couldn’t face her. He landed roughly, wa
lking straight past Wick who gave a lopsided grin and into the palace. There was determination in his stride as he traveled the corridors. Keyn searched room after room and finally found the king in the library. The room was magnificent. It was filled with fairy history and ancient tales of their kingdom. Long golden curtains flowed from the ceiling to the floor while floral gold-and-white-printed chairs were scattered among the tall towers that held books. “King Carrick,” he said as he entered.

  Carrick’s blue wings fluttered and he shifted from kissing the queen to staring at the intruder.

  “I apologize but I must speak with you.”

  Carrick lifted a brow but nodded.

  Keyn glanced at the queen but Brook remained exactly where she was with red, swollen lips and the tiniest of bumps at her abdomen. “I must take my leave of the kingdom.”

  Queen Brook gasped, her eyes widening, and Carrick simply frowned.

  “I will be at your beck and call at a moment’s notice but I can no longer reside in this kingdom.” It had to be done. He took a deep breath.

  “Are you fucking stupid?” she said. The queen used her human euphemisms and was quite harsh when she had to be. The perfect woman to rule their land. “Your mate is here.” She stood to her full, short height. Keyn still towered over her but she had a presence unmatched and leadership.

  “She is not my mate. Trillian is a woman, a human woman that can see us. Nothing more.” Keyn wanted to believe the words but each time they slipped from his lips, they became less truth and more honey-covered lies.

  “Bullshit,” Brook said and stalked up to Keyn.

  He swallowed hard, goose bumps forming on his skin and sweat trickling down his back. Keyn flinched when Brook came too close, his abs jerked, and his cock finally deflated to lie against his thigh. “I must leave,” he said but his voice had gone shaky and timid. “I no longer belong here.”

  “You are a mighty fairy warrior,” Brook said softly. “This is your home.”

  “No, my queen, it’s not.” He stepped back. “I will take a home in the hills just past the willow tree. I can be lookout and backup.” Keyn formed a plan in his head. A lonely existence as guard but at least there would be no humans there.

  “No.” Finally the king spoke.

  “Sir?” Keyn tilted his head.

  “I said no. Brook is right. You will not run away from this.”

  “Sir...” Keyn tried again.

  “You will stay on the outskirts of the kingdom as you have and you will be Trillian’s guard while she is in our midst. It is now your job to change her mind about staying in our kingdom under our safely.”

  Keyn couldn’t speak for a moment. He was too stunned. Keyn lived his entire life under Carrick’s command and never once had he disobeyed an order. Now, that thought trickled through his mind. “I-I cannot.” He stepped back.

  Carrick moved forward to place a hand on Keyn’s bare shoulder. “You must believe the Goddess made her your mate for a reason. Accept your path.”

  After the conversation with king and queen, Keyn found himself at his home in the fairy kingdom, but he did not stay long. He wandered around, but as he always did when upset, he went to find her. There was no doubt she soothed his soul but the human part of her still upset all his senses. Keyn came upon Trillian entering the palace. He followed.


  Now that she believed this was a real place and she wasn’t near death, Trillian made a decision. She didn’t care if fairies really existed. There was only one course of action for her. She had to go home to Cameron. In a few days, after all the tests were performed, he’d be at her house, and she planned to be there with open arms. Trillian made her way to the room she had been in previously. After a long chat with Breena, she needed to speak with their king. She couldn’t even believe she was going to talk to the king of the fucking fairies.

  What a day it had been.

  She saw the gorgeous sunset as she entered the room. The nature friendly landscape with giant sunflowers added to the pink and purple of the fading sun. It took a moment but she glanced from the view to the fairy that fluttered his blue wings. “I don’t know if I’m supposed to bow or curtsy or whatever.” She was done with pleasantries.

  Carrick lifted a brow, a small grin on his handsome face.

  That was another thing— why was everyone so damn good-looking here? They’d scream in horror if they ever saw her when she rolled out of bed in the morning. “I want to thank you for saving me from those things.”


  “Yes, I appreciate it, but this is not my home. I have a life already and I want to go back to it.” Otherwise, she was a prisoner and that put a completely new complicated spin on things.

  “That is unwise but I will abide by your choice. There’s a storm coming. Once that passes, one of my men will return you to your home, but he will remain as your guardian.”

  Fucking wonderful. “Why would they possibly come after me again? It’s not like I serve a purpose just because I can see you.”

  Carrick looked perplexed for a moment. “See us...Oh.” He frowned. “What exactly did Breena tell you?”

  “I knew she was lying.” Trillian huffed and sat on the nearest couch. She was exhausted, hungry, and just wanted to go home.

  “I think the best person to speak to you would be my mate. She has been in your position.” His wings fluttered out. “Remain here and I will fetch her. You will learn the truth this night.”

  Great, everything on the table when all she wanted to do was fall asleep on that table. “Fine,” she said. Trillian waited on the couch, leaning back to stare at the glass ceiling. The colors were beautiful. They streaked across the sky in blending hues that gave the clouds an ethereal feeling. How was she going to explain this to Cameron? He’d think she’d lost all her marbles and he had enough on his plate already. What was she going to tell her boss? He had to have noticed her absence for the day and if she wasn’t there tomorrow...

  Trillian groaned, her gaze wandered the sky. It wasn’t long before her eyelids became heavy. They weighed so much and the couch was so comfortable. She yawned, tucking her hands under her thighs and stretching her legs out to cross them at the ankle. Just a few seconds of shut-eye, that’s all she needed. A few precious moments of sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  Keyn heard the steady rise and fall of her breathing. He was waiting by the doorframe, shudders racking his body as he gathered the courage to go inside and speak with her. Just a few words would be a good start. He could tell her that he had no interest in her as a mate but that he’d keep her under his protection. That sounded decent and controlled. Keyn took a few steps into the room, his hands fisted and brow lowered in concentration. She was on the couch. He could see her dirty blonde hair over the back of it. It didn’t occur to him to clear his throat. He just walked past the couch and opened his mouth to start his speech.

  Keyn hissed out a breath. She was asleep, her eyes closed, lips softened in slumber. Trillian looked angelic with her hair falling in slivers around her face. Keyn couldn’t stop himself from leaning closer. His flaccid cock began to awaken. He reached out, unsure of how to proceed. She was human, for Goddess’ sake, and he longed to brush his fingers across her skin. He did just that. For the first time in hundreds of years, he willingly touched a human. This wasn’t a touch to save a life or to harm. This was simply flesh against flesh. Trillian’s skin was soft, supple like a flower petal. He dragged his fingers gently down her cheek to her chin and his eyes were so focused on her slightly parted lips, he missed the shadow at the door.

  Queen Brook smiled then cleared her throat gently.

  Keyn jumped up as if he was struck by a harsh blow. He stood to his full height, his black and red wings fluttering nervously, and he glanced at the queen.


  Trillian awoke with a jerk. She jumped to her feet, dizzy and disoriented. She locked eyes with the fairy that had black wings and that scar on his face. “What’
s going on?”

  She had to admit, this guy was as good looking as the others. Even with the scar marring his face, he was still sexy. That gave him more of an edge, a badass look that made her shiver with desire. Damn it. She should be thinking about getting home, not spreading her legs. She placed her hands on her hips. “Well?”

  “The queen is here to speak with you.” He rushed out.

  Trillian finally noticed the other woman. The queen of the fairies—what a title on a resume. She nodded. “Hello.”

  “Welcome to the fairy kingdom, Trillian. We have a lot to discuss.” She had an air of authority. The queen shook her head toward the fleeing fairy and then back to Trillian. She sat on the couch, but rather than some elegant royalty, she plopped down in her long sundress and smiled. “I was new to this too, not long ago. Carrick found me, which is a long story, but the point is we had a happy ending. We’re mates.” She smiled and rubbed her rounded tummy. “The trolls tried to take me too.”

  “Wait.” Trillian held up her finger. “You’re telling me the troll creatures are trying to kidnap mates, I’m assuming because of this territory business.”

  The queen nodded.

  “So they were after me because...”

  “You’re mated to a fairy.”

  Trillian shot to her feet. “What the fuck are you talking about? People aren’t mated. That’s animals, not humans.” She paced the room and stopped abruptly. Breena’s words echoing in her ears. “Oh my God, you want me to get knocked up!” She turned around quickly and eyed the queen.

  “Well, that would be helpful, that is, if you want kids.”


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