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Seven Moons Back to the Highlands

Page 14

by Deborah R Stigall

  Upon seeing Caelan’s face and seeing Rachel’s still sobbing form inside the truck, he quickly surmised the situation and picked up as much speed as his arthritic body would allow.

  “What did ye say to the lass? Ye should be proud! Three sons! The woman is going to bear three sons at the same time for ye and ye’ve reduced the lass to sobbing! Ye should be treating her like a queen and ye’re standing there treating her like ye’re a deaf mute!”

  Emrys pushed the stuttering Caelan out of the way and gently urged Rachel from the truck. “There, there now lass. All will be well. Come inside and lie down for a rest. I promise ye all will be well.”

  Hurrying Rachel toward the house, Emrys glanced back toward Caelan and mouthed the words for him to stay put that he wanted to talk to him. Re-emerging a few minutes later, he returned to find Caelan still standing beside the truck, staring off into space, his lips pressed into a grim line.

  “Would ye care to explain to me what the hell has gotten into ye? Ye have me search over every plain of existence known to man through all the passages of time to find the woman of your soul. Then we travel here, ye woo her and win her over, ye wed her in the old way and she opens her womb to ye and now ye stand there as if ye’ve had yer entire world taken away from ye. What the hell is wrong with ye!” Emrys grabbed Caelan by the shoulders and tried to shake him but the man was too huge.

  Caelan finally looked down at Emrys as though suddenly realizing the old man was standing in front of him. Frowning as he glanced in the direction of the house, he inhaled deeply as he held out his hand. “I’ll need all the paperwork back from the lawyer’s office. All of it will have to be redone.”

  Shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head, Emrys raised both hands in bewilderment. “Why?”

  “Because, we will be returning to Scotland without Rachel. The financial details must be worked out so that Rachel and the children will have the land and the money they’ll need to survive.” Growing paler, Caelan’s voice grew strained as Emrys finally placed the paperwork back in his outstretched hand.

  “But ye said ye couldn’t live without the lass that ye needed her to complete ye ” Emrys’ voice slowly trailed off as he saw the pain in Caelan’s eyes.

  “So ye think I want to bring her back to our time to watch her die trying to bring triplets into the world? How many women of our time die just trying to bring forth a single bairn? If she’d just been carrying one wee son then I’d have been over-joyed but triplets you know as well as I do what are her chances, Emrys?”

  Clenching his fist on the hood of the truck, Caelan wanted to throw back his head and keen his pain into the wind. Now that he’d finally found his one true love he was going to have to leave her to keep her safe.

  “Ye’re not even going to tell her not even going to give her the choice to have the babies here or to at least try to have them in Scotland with you?”

  Emrys stared at the ground, his heart heavy with sorrow knowing Caelan’s decision was probably right.

  “She must think she’s going with us up until the last possible minute. I don’t want her to suffer anymore unhappiness she’ll hate me and suffer enough once we’re gone. I’m counting on you, Emrys you’ve got to help me make her think she’s coming with us. Can you do that?” Caelan stared into the wizard’s eyes, silently begging for his oath.

  “Aye. It will be done.”

  Emrys nodded and as he turned to go, he paused before he walked deeper into the woods. “And when we’ve returned, I’ll be sure the Mirrors of Time are constantly watching her and the little ones so that ye can see them as they grow.”

  Nodding his thanks, not trusting his voice, Caelan turned and walked to the house. Stepping up on the porch, he quietly let himself in the door and eased into the bedroom. Shaking his head, he smiled sadly as he looked down at Rachel, curled up in a ball with the pillow clutched to her chest. Climbing into the bed behind her, he scooped her up into his arms and buried his face in her hair.


  Waking up in Caelan’s arms, Rachel sighed deeply as she attempted to ease out of the bed. Swallowing hard, she just didn’t think she could face him not after his reaction to her unexpected news.

  “Where do ye think you’re going?” Caelan’s husky voice whispered into her hair as his arms pulled her back to his side.

  “I was going for a walk I think I need some air and some time to think. I have to figure out what I’m going to do.” Gently pulling herself away, Rachel wouldn’t look into his face. She couldn’t bear to see the disappointment that must be reflected in his eyes.

  Tightening his grip, Caelan was immediately awake by the note of despair in her voice. “What do ye mean ye have to figure out what you’re going to do? Rachel, look at me!”

  “Look! I’m sorry I wasn’t more careful I swear I didn’t mean for this to happen and I can tell that you’re not happy about the news I hit you with yesterday. But I can’t get rid of these babies I just can’t do it. So, I’ve got to figure out a way to raise them on my own.” Rachel still avoided Caelan’s eyes as she finally pulled herself free of his embrace.

  Springing from the bed, Caelan grabbed her by the shoulders before she could run from the room. Turning her in his arms, he placed a finger beneath her chin and forced her to meet his gaze.

  “How could ye think I wouldna want babies that you and I had made? I know I reacted badly yesterday but ‘twas only because I love ye and I’m worried about the danger that bearing three bairns at once brings.”

  Her eyes filling with tears of relief, Rachel’s lip quivered as she searched his face to ensure he was telling her the truth. “I’m afraid too but it’s too late to worry about that now. Caelan I’m so sorry.”

  Crushing her against his chest, Caelan buried his face in her hair. “Stop telling me you’re sorry. Ye’ve done no wrong. Everything will be all right I promise ye.” He could feel a sense of dread rising in his chest as he remembered his words to Emrys. Somehow, he was going to have to put her at ease at least until it was time for them to part.


  “I want the truth. What does he really think? I know he doesn’t keep anything from you.” Rachel stood behind Emrys, her arms crossed over her chest as she awaited the old man’s answer.

  Eyes looking to the sky for a way to answer her question without giving away their plans, Emrys turned slowly to face Rachel.

  “Ye know he loves ye and he already loves each of his sons. Ye have no idea of the bond between a Highlander and his family. I promise ye, Rachel. He is not disappointed that ye’ve opened your womb to him. He’s but worried about your health and that of the babes.”

  There that was the truth and yet it didn’t divulge the fact that in his concern for his family’s welfare, Caelan had decided he must leave them to the advances of Twenty-First century medicine.

  Tilting her head slightly to one side; Rachel’s eyes narrowed as she studied Emrys’ face. There was something there that he wasn’t saying. She could feel it but what could it be?

  “I’m worried too. Do you think I haven’t thought about how many women and their babies died during childbirth back in your day? But what am I supposed to do?”

  Inhaling deeply, this only cemented the idea that she had to find her grandmother’s spellbook. There had to be a way to keep Caelan and Emrys in this century. There had to be a way to bind them to this time and prevent them from being pulled back into the past.

  Emrys raised his chin as he studied Rachel carefully. The lass was up to something. The hairs were standing on the back of his neck and that only occurred when the cosmic energies were about to be disturbed.

  “Trust him. Caelan will see that you’re safe and ye must keep in mind how much the lad loves ye.”

  Rachel sighed as she realized she wasn’t going to get a straight answer from Emrys. Her instincts were nudging her deep in her bones. Whatever was going on whatever was the truth this man wasn’t about to tell her.

  “I love him, Emr
ys and I just hope he’ll always keep that in mind as well.”

  Emrys frowned at the unspoken message behind her words as he watched her turn and walk from the room.


  Lifting her hair off the back of her neck, he tenderly began nibbling and licking his way down her spine. Smiling as she inhaled, he nuzzled even more enticingly at her lower back as he caressed her fine round backside with both hands. Flipping her over, he smiled at the deep seductive purple of her eyes and the high red coloring her cheekbones. He ran his strong hands down her silky thighs, kneading his thumbs in tiny circles that were driving her wild. The more he gyrated his hands up and down her legs, the more Rachel swivel her hips and reached for Caelan’s body. Shaking his head, he lifted her hips with his hands to better spread her legs before him.

  Rachel gasped and moaned as Caelan gently blew on the curls at the vee of her thighs, then teased at her folds with the tip of his tongue. Just when she thought she could stand it no more, he licked her deeply with his tongue until she cried out with spasms of ecstasy. Lowering her gasping body to the bed, he nibbled his way up her tiny rounding stomach to her heaving breasts. Circling her throbbing nipple with his tongue, he groaned as he cupped her swollen breast with one hand.

  “Hmm. My sons are going to have such wonderful breasts to feast upon I’m jealous that these are all for them.”

  “They’re yours for now!” She gasped as she grabbed handfuls of Caelan’s hair and pulled his face to her breast. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she wriggled and slid onto his shaft.

  “Lore woman you’re ready for me now ” Diving deeply, Caelan buried himself all the way into her depths, grinding his hips as he claimed her mouth at the same time. Stroke after long and glorious stroke, they pulsed like the beat of a single heart. Finally they exploded, crying out in unison as their bodies melted one into the other.

  Cradling her to his chest as he rolled to his side, Caelan stayed inside Rachel and held her tightly in his arms. In this position, they both drifted back off to sleep where their worries couldn’t find them.


  “Mmm Tell me what the castle is like. Are they as drafty and cold as they look in the pictures?” Rachel lazily ran one finger idly through the thick curls on his chest as she listened to the sheets of rain pelting against the windows.

  One hand propped beneath his head, the other comfortably cupping Rachel’s naked bum, Caelan nuzzled his cheek against the top of her head as he committed the moment to memory.

  “Aye they can be wicked cold and drafty at times but we keep the fires roaring and the tapestries hung over the windows when the north winds are blowing. Castle MacKay is one of the best in the Highlands when it comes to keeping the bitter cold at bay.”

  Swallowing hard, Caelan closed his eyes tightly as he prayed for strength to keep the farce going but a few more days. So far, he and Emrys both had been able to act as though they were helping Rachel prepare to come with them to the Scotland of 1379.

  “There won’t be a Thanksgiving but I guess there will be Yuletide? You’re going to have to guide me when it comes to the customs of your time. By the way how exactly are you and Emrys going to explain my appearance neither of you have told me that or what I’m supposed to say?”

  Suddenly rolling off of the bed, Rachel bolted for the bathroom door. Closing it behind her, Caelan could still hear the sounds of her retching. Her hormones caused her proverbial morning sickness to hit her at the oddest times and sometimes so quickly, she barely had enough warning to make it to a private place to retch.

  “I thought by now I’d stop this foolishness the way I figure it I’m well into the second trimester.” Weakly crawling back into the bed, Rachel curled up on her side. “Oh!”

  “What?” Caelan rose to her side, his hand brushing her hair from her face.

  “Feel one of your son’s feet or hands I don’t know which ” She placed his hand upon her side just in time for him to feel a distinctly sharp thump within his palm.

  His eyes growing wide, he stared at her face with awe as her stomach seemed to suddenly shift. “The lads are swimming!”

  Laughing, Rachel propped herself up on her elbow to watch her small rounding stomach put on a show as the babies became visibly active for the first time.

  “I was beginning to get a little worried but I guess it’s a little cramped in there and it’s taken them a little while to learn to work together.”

  A tear suddenly broke free from Caelan’s eye and quickly ran down his cheek. He managed to quickly whisk it away before Rachel glanced up and saw it. He’d never see these braw lads born. He’d only be able to watch them grow through the Mirrors of Time. Inhaling deeply, he sternly reminded himself that at least that way both the boys and their mother were assured a safe and healthy beginning in this world.

  Leaning over, he planted a kiss on Rachel’s forehead.

  “I’m going to fix ye a bit of tea and toast. Lie here and rest if the lads will settle down and let ye catch your breath for a bit.”

  Rising from the bed, he paused at the doorway and glanced back at the bed, smiling as he watched Rachel wriggling to try to find a comfortable position to catch a bit more sleep.


  Leaning against the kitchen counter with both hands, Caelan stood with bowed head both eyes closed. How in the world was he going to walk away from her especially now when he’d felt his sons move within her womb? How could he leave the woman of his heart behind and return empty-handed to his home?

  Inhaling deeply, Caelan opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling; reminding himself it was for Rachel’s own safety that he was leaving her behind. How many of the men of his clan were already on their second and third wives due to the dangers of bringing forth bairns into the world?

  Wasn’t that the very reason Fergus his battle-worn head of the castle guard kept Yvonna at arm’s length? Because he couldn’t bear the thought of losing her lest she bear him a child?

  Smiling sardonically, Caelan snorted to himself as he set the kettle on the stove to boil. Why did it have to be three? He couldn’t remember a single woman in all the surrounding clans that had survived a multiple birth. He’d attended too many funeral processions laying the mother and their children to rest.

  Watching the kettle start steaming on the stove, Caelan wiped a weary hand across his face. He knew he was doing the right thing he just didn’t know how he was going to survive it.


  Up in the attic, her shoulders wedged between two of the main trusses, Rachel tried one more time to reposition the crowbar to loosen the oblong floorboard haphazardly nailed to the beam.


  Once again the crowbar slipped loose, nearly dinging her right between the eyes as it popped free of the crack.

  “If ye’re havin’ so much trouble removing the board as a full grown woman then how in the world do ye think ye couldha managed to hide yer granny’s journal up there as a mere lass of seven years old?”

  Emrys’ voice from slightly behind her held a distinct note of sarcasm as well as a slight tone of irritation at her latest choice of excavation points.

  Rachel had been methodically searching the house for her grandmother’s grimoire ever since the night in the woods when her granny’s benevolent spirit had visited her. She knew in her heart, if she could just find that book she could figure out a way to keep Caelan and Emrys in this time. They could all remain here in the year 2007. They could live out their lives safely with modern conveniences and medicines. Raise their babies without the threat of them dying from illnesses that had already been researched and resolved and not have to worry about them being torn from her arms needlessly at a tender age.

  She could protect Caelan from Scotland’s bloody history to come and her sons as well she stopped and rubbed her stomach her storming hormones bringing tears to her eyes at the thought of her sons and the future they would have if they were to travel to Scotland and grow up in the past
she had so carefully researched.

  “Ye canna be thinkin’ anything good with a look like that upon yer bonny face.”

  Emrys’ gruff voice interrupted her thoughts as he bent to gently pull the crowbar from her stilled hand. It had fallen to her side as her mind had filled with the troubled thoughts of the dangers awaiting her sons.

  “I just want to find Granny’s book to take back to Scotland with me.”

  Rachel swiped the back of her hand across her eyes as she turned her back to Emrys and moved to another corner of the attic. “You said I couldn’t take anything through the portal but myself and the dogs, but surely the Fates would spare me clutching my grandmother’s book to my chest as we passed through.”

  “Perhaps.” Emrys’ eyes narrowed as he scratched his beard with one hand. He was positive there was more to Rachel’s obsession with her granny’s spell book than she was letting on but he just couldn’t put his finger on it.

  Every time the lass spoke of it, her aura glowed a bright violet a sure sign her emotions were in a highly charged and plotting state. He didn’t know what she was up to but he was certain that he didn’t like it.

  Emrys felt sure that Rachel was quite powerful with the energies but whether or not Rachel knew how powerful she was or how much control she had over those energies he couldn’t tell.

  “What about that wee box over there underneath the eave?” Emrys pointed to the corner of a barely visible wooden container shoved so far back beside the chimney that it looked to be part of a supporting beam.

  Immediately dropping to her knees, Rachel worked at the tightly wedged box until she was finally able to wiggle it loose from the corner of the room. Years of dirt, debris and good old Kentucky humidity had caused the lid to permanently seal itself together better than any glue could’ve ever hoped to have done.


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