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Seven Moons Back to the Highlands

Page 16

by Deborah R Stigall

  “What ye dinna understand is that ye’ve accidently opened the portal rather than closed it and ye’ve angered the Fates because in this prophecy ye were deemed to be allowed to pass thru by your free will only once and only at Samhain. This is not Samhain and ye do not wish to pass thru the portal at all. Do ye understand what I’m sayin’?”

  Emrys stood between Caelan and Rachel, his head bowed as he shouted to be heard.

  “I will not die and you know it old man.”

  Rachel nearly spat the words, her tear-stained face dropping to her chest. She slowly leaned back against the boulder and slid to the ground, covering her face with her hands.

  “Is she right? What’s she saying?” Caelan grabbed Emrys by the shoulders shaking him as the old man’s eyes narrowed and stared off into space.

  “She’s right.” Glancing down at Rachel’s bowed head, Emrys scrubbed his face with one hand and cocked his head to the side. Perhaps he should treat the lass with more respect when it came to the arts. “She carries the life forces of three innocents inside her. Brid willna allow the bairns to be punished for the mistakes of the mother.”

  Her voice muffled from her curled up position at the base of the rock; Rachel didn’t even bother to lift her head. “I will receive punishment enough by being banished to an uncivilized time where I’ll be forced to watch everyone I love suffer and die from things I could’ve saved them from if I could’ve only kept them here.”

  No sooner had the words left her mouth, then the winds completely ceased as though they’d never been blowing at all.

  “Tis done.”

  Emrys looked up into the moonlight and listened carefully. Gone were the tree frogs that had been merrily chirp chirping by the pond in Kentucky. Gone were the crickets and the distant sounds of the bass boats running up and down the lake as the tourists enjoyed the warm moonlit night on Kentucky Lake.

  The only sound was the distant gurgling of a nearby burn as it splashed and ran over the rocks. The sky was velvety darkness except for the white hot moon and the stars spattered across the sky. The air still had a nip to it and the ground was damp and chilly. Summer nights were still a bit cool in Scotland.


  “Tis but a bit further, Rachel. Can you make it or shall I carry ye?”

  Caelan glanced at Rachel’s downcast face, wishing she’d say something anything. The only time Rachel had spoken since they’d passed thru the portal was when either he or Emrys asked her a question. Other than that, she simply stared at the ground and plodded along.

  “I’m fine.”

  Rachel’s lips returned to the thin line they’d been pressed into as she clenched her teeth to keep from screaming. She’d just received her life sentence with no hope for parole what the hell did he expect her to do? She was going to spend the rest of her life watching the people she loved suffer with things she could’ve prevented and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.

  It didn’t even matter anymore that she might not even survive the birth of her own children. What bothered her most was the possibility of having to watch them suffer needlessly with something that could’ve been avoided.

  And what about Scotland’s bloody history? How long could she even hope for Caelan to survive before he’d leave her widowed? Biting the inside of her cheek, she swallowed hard to keep from crying.

  What had she done to anger the Fates to make them want to punish her so? Or was she just a play thing for them to toy with when they didn’t have any other way to amuse themselves? It wasn’t fair but either way there wasn’t anything she could do about it unless she just decided to take a flying leap off the top of a cliff somewhere and she couldn’t do that until after the babies were born.

  Sam suddenly appeared at her side, nipping at her pants leg. Dear sweet Sam always seemed to know what she was thinking and never allowed her to delve too deeply into the darker side of her emotions.

  Bending to pick up the loyal scamp, Rachel cradled him to her chest as he adoringly washed her face as though assuring her that everything was going to be okay.

  “I’ll carry you a bit, Sam. I know you must be getting tired.” Rachel settled him comfortably in the crook of her arm and he rested his head on her shoulder.

  “Ye’ll soon learn to love the land and the time. Scotland is beautiful especially now in the summer months.” Caelan watched Rachel’s face, her dark eyes impossible to read in the moonlight.

  “I’m sure it will be beautiful.” Rachel nuzzled her face into Sam’s furry neck, avoiding Caelan’s eyes. Her voice was distant as she remained detached and lost in her thoughts.

  She made up her mind. She sadly decided to put her hastily thought up Plan B into action immediately.

  The only way she’d be able to survive this place and time, would be to totally wall herself off from everyone. If she became a solitary a loner then she just might be able to survive when everyone eventually died on her and left her alone. She’d looked up all the statistics on her laptop that night she’d taken off and holed herself up in Pamela’s diner.

  She’d seen all of the odds. If she did survive giving birth to her sons, chances were slim that they’d reach adulthood and then odds were that she’d definitely outlive Caelan and be stuck getting handed over to some other warlord chosen by the clan or worse yet tossed out on the scrap heap. Yep Plan B it was.

  Caelan walked silently beside Rachel, his eyes narrowed as he studied her downcast face. He understood her fear of the past and realized that her time had conquered many of the dangers that stalked his people and took many of his clan. Hadn’t he himself planned on returning to Scotland without her to protect her and the bairns from just such a danger?

  But he had to make her understand that there were no guarantees in life no matter what era in which you lived. Caelan himself understood that now and was grateful that Rachel was with him here at his side in his homeland where he was born and where some day, he would also die.

  He had finally figured that out the instant the winds had died down and he had realized that they were once again on Alba’s blessed soil. He had reached out and touched Rachel’s hand and immediately felt not only the beating of her heart but the beating of his three sons’ tiny strong hearts as well and they were all in synchronicity with his own. Caelan knew then that Rachel’s spell hadn’t gone awry but in fact, had gone perfectly right. It was just up to him now to convince her of that small matter.

  “Rachel let me carry the wee pup ye must be getting tired and we’ve got at least another mile or so before we reach the Keep.” Caelan reached for Sam, only to drop his hands in surprise when Sam flattened his ears and bared his teeth.

  “I need to hold him right now, Caelan and he knows it.”

  Rachel stared at the ground and kept walking, lightly stroking the head of the tiny protector in her arms.

  “Ye’re going to have to start all over again with the lass.” Emrys caught up with Caelan, shaking his head as he fell in step beside him.

  “I think it’s going be more difficult this time. She’s terrified and she’s decided that all of us are going to die and leave her here all alone.”

  Caelan watched Rachel as she mindlessly walked ahead of them, not looking at the beautiful rugged hills, not looking at the thick lush woods to the left not even noticing the ancient burial cairns off to the side of the pathway something she’d said she always wanted to see if she’d ever traveled to Scotland.

  “Can ye guarantee her that ye’ll never leave her alone? I saw her researching Scotland’s history on that computer gadget of hers one e’en and some o’ the things she read aloud to me tended to chill my old bones.” Emrys leaned against his staff, inhaling the crisp clean air of his homeland with relish.

  “Why would anyone want to live forever, Old One?” Caelan cast Emrys a sideways glance, his jaw locked defensively.

  “Spoken like a true warrior but ye must think about what the wife of that warrior is thinking or the mother of that warrior�
�s sons. Also Rachel wasna raised to be a warrior’s wife or to raise warrior’s sons. She takes no pride in sending her sons to war. She was raised in a different time and place. She was raised in a place of peace. She wants them safe she wants them to live.” Emrys spoke as though he was trying to educate a child knowing that Caelan would have trouble understanding the concept he was trying to explain.

  Caelan walked along silently; staring at the woman he loved trying to understand what was going thru her mind as Emrys had just explained. Inhaling deeply, his eyes narrowed as he finally came to a decision, he’d made it this far in securing a life with his heart-mate he’d be damned if he’d give up now.


  Just as dawn was breaking over the horizon, they topped the last hill shielding Castle MacKay from view. Rachel rubbed Sam’s ears as she stared across the field at the large foreboding Keep and wondered how she was ever going to adapt to this time.

  Built on the edge of a cliff facing the sea, it was obvious the fortress had been planned out carefully to protect its clan against any intruder. The front entrance was only accessible by a long bridge crossing a deep ravine.

  From where they stood, Rachel could just barely make out the tiny figures of men walking along the top of the outermost wall. Torches flickered in the duskiness of the early hour as the inhabitants of Castle MacKay greeted the coming day.

  Drawing up beside her, Caelan could barely contain his excitement at finally arriving back at his beloved home. “Look there at the main gate stands Fergus. He watches to ensure that the castle is well guarded and only those who can be trusted enter into the Keep.”

  Swallowing hard, Rachel nodded noticing the note of pride in Caelan’s voice. She clutched wee Sam even tighter against her chest as she slowly started down the hill.

  They were only a few yards out of the forest’s edge, when Rachel heard a shout go up from the wall. Obviously, the watchmen had spotted them and quickly sounded the alarm.

  Mounted horses were soon pounding out of the gate and across the bridge. Caelan pulled Rachel behind him as he stood waiting for his men to get close enough to recognize their laird.

  “Caelan! Is it you, man?” A huge red-haired man astride a snorting black horse shouted as he neared their small group.

  “Fergus! Aye! We’ve returned home and I’m pleased to see how well ye’ve guarded the Keep.” Caelan stepped forward, still keeping Rachel slightly behind him as Fergus drew near.

  Dismounting as the rest of the men reigned in their horses, Fergus gripped Caelan’s arm in greeting and slapped him on the back. Glancing around his laird, his eyebrows rose to his hairline as his gaze fell upon Rachel standing in her jeans and sandals her rounding belly stretching her tee shirt tightly across her front.

  Nodding his head politely, Fergus glanced at Caelan as he spoke. “And this would be the lady of your dreams?”

  Smiling broadly, Caelan drew Rachel to his side, his arm protectively around her waist. “Fergus I’d like to introduce ye to my wife Rachel and her wee friend Sam.”

  Bowing slightly, Fergus smiled warmly at Rachel as he spread his hands in welcome.

  “Tis a pleasure to meet the woman who has finally come to tame this man. Welcome to Castle MacKay.”

  “It’s good to meet you.”

  Rachel spoke softly as she leaned shyly against Caelan. The red haired Scot standing in front of her was huge and his thick Scot’s burr was even more pronounced than Caelan’s making him difficult for her to understand.

  She shifted uncomfortably as she glanced about at the other men who were obviously quite taken aback at her choice of dress. Inhaling deeply, she nodded at each of them hoping to win them over with a smile.

  “We didna bring your horse for we couldna be sure that it was you emerging from the wood. There has been more trouble but we’ll discuss it later once ye get your fine new wife settled in the Keep.”

  Fergus bowed politely to Rachel then turned to the other men still sitting upon their steeds. “Alec. Ian. Dismount and give your horses to the Laird and his wife.”

  Two men immediately jumped down and led their horses by the reigns to stand in front of Caelan and Rachel.

  “And I’m to walk? I shall set a curse upon ye, Fergus. Ye always did vex me!” Emrys stamped his staff upon the ground, fuming at the amusement in Fergus’ eyes.

  “Walk? Why I figured ye would cast a spell auld man so that ye could ride upon the winds.” Fergus grinned as he walked to gather the reigns of his own horse into his hand and lead the stallion to stand in front of Emrys.

  “Hmmmpf Rude insolent cur.”

  Emrys shook his walking stick at Fergus as he mounted the horse with amazing ease.

  Glancing at the horse and then back at Caelan, Rachel slowly shook her head. “I’ve never ridden a horse. I don’t know anything about steering them.”

  Ducking his head to hide his smile, Caelan lifted Rachel up onto the horse’s back and then quickly took his place behind her.

  “Ian ye can either ride or give Fergus your horse Rachel and I shall ride as one.”

  The tall quiet youth nodded with a grin as he glanced in Fergus’ direction. “Aye I’ll walk or I’ll never hear the end of it from the old man he cries worse than a wee bairn after it’s ma if he has to go anywhere afoot.”

  Cuffing Ian on the back of his head, Fergus settled comfortably into Ian’s saddle. “When ye’ve fought as many battles as I have boy then ye can talk to me about traveling afoot. I’ve earned the right to ride wherever I go and I don’t intend to let anyone forget it.”

  “Ah ’tis good to be home.” Caelan breathed into Rachel’s ear as he pulled her back against his chest.

  Holding Sam tightly as the little dog rumbled and growled, Rachel pressed her lips to his tiny head.

  “I know Sam I don’t like it either but I’m afraid we’ve got no choice.”

  Glancing over at Emrys, Rachel was relieved to see Maizy trotting along happily beside his horse as though she’d been following him all her life. “At least one of us is adapting,” she thought to herself as she shifted uncomfortably in the saddle.

  “Rest easy Rachel we’ll be inside the Keep soon and after ye have the bairns, ye can learn to ride. I know just the mare for ye. She’s as gentle as a wee kitten and will be perfect for ye to get to know.” Caelan kissed the back of her neck as they started across the bridge spanning the deep ravine.

  Rachel snapped her eyes shut after one quick glance over the side of the bridge and sunk back even tighter against Caelan’s chest. If crossing this span was the only way out of the Keep she’d never be able to go anywhere.

  Opening her eyes when she heard the horse’s hooves once again hitting dirt, Rachel glanced around to see curious upturned faces surrounding them on either side of the path. Apparently, word had traveled fast that their time-traveling laird had finally returned with his wife.

  They reigned up their horses in the outer bailey as even more clansmen and their wives seemed to emerge from every doorway and alley around.

  Dismounting, Caelan held up his arms for Rachel as she still sat forlornly atop the horse. Everywhere she looked, they were all staring at her as though she were some sort of magical creature that Caelan had captured during his travels.

  “I don’t belong here.”

  Rachel looked down into Caelan’s eyes as she cringed away from his reach.

  Stepping closer to gently pull her into his arms, Caelan’s heart lurched as he saw the fear in her eyes.

  “Ye belong with me and I belong here. Try to give it a chance.”

  Nervously glancing from face to face, Rachel smiled tremulously as she tried to hold back her tears.

  One lone woman finally broke away from the group and approached Rachel with a smile. “Welcome we have been waiting for ye ever since the Laird told us he’d found ye and was going to bring ye home.”

  Easing closer to Rachel, the kind woman nodded as she shot Caelan a disapproving glance.

am Yvonna and I’ll be your maid and tend to all your needs. Ye need not fear me in any way.”

  Noticing that Sam had immediately stopped growling and was actually wagging his tiny tail, Rachel smiled as she slightly ducked her head and nodded in return.

  “I’m Rachel.”

  Smiling, Yvonna nudged Caelan out of the way as she wrapped her arm around Rachel’s shoulders.

  “Let’s get you up to your chambers I’m sure ye must be tired. I’ll find ye some clothes while ye take a wee nap and rest from your travels. Walking for miles while ye’re growing with child ye must be exhausted.”

  Looking back at Caelan as she walked away, Rachel shot him a questioning glance.

  Smiling at her as Sam jumped from her arms and ran to stand at his feet, Caelan nodded in approval.

  “Yvonna will take good care of ye. Rest and I’ll join ye soon.”


  “Where is she?” Caelan looked up from the main table in the great hall as more members of his clan continued pouring into the already crowded room. His eyes scanning over all the familiar faces, he still didn’t find the one violet eyed, raven haired female he was searching for he still didn’t see Rachel.

  “She’s still up in her room, m’laird.” A quiet voice to the right side of his chair, whispered in his ear. “She won’t come down.”

  Glancing to his side, Caelan was relieved to find Yvonna, patiently waiting for him to tell her exactly how he’d like for her to handle the situation. Completely trustworthy, Yvonna was one of the few castle women who Caelan felt was kind enough and good-hearted enough to help Rachel’s transition into her new life.

  “Why won’t she come down?” Caelan leaned closer to Yvonna to prevent the milling clansmen from picking up on any of their conversation.

  Leaning in even closer, Yvonna made a slight face as she tried to remember exactly how Rachel had phrased it.

  “She says she’s not going anywhere looking like an over-stuffed, velvety pin pin what was the word she used ?” Yvonna tapped her chin and stared at the ceiling as she tried to remember. “Piñata! That’s it! M’lady says she won’t go anywhere looking like an over-stuffed, velvety piñata!”


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