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Seducing the Defendant

Page 17

by Chantal Fernando

  My own heroine.

  In a story I finally like.

  I tell myself this is a one-off thing, and I should forget it. I won’t run into this man again, and who cares if Darren’s friends are sour. I won; they lost. Not only did I win, justice won. If they can’t see that then . . .

  They don’t deserve that badge they wield around.

  I push what happened out of my mind and lift my chin.

  I’m not going to let anyone ruin my day.

  When I walk into Jaxon’s house using the key he gave me last night after we had dinner, I come to a standstill as I take in the scene before me.



  Red roses on the center of the table.

  And a handsome Jaxon standing there with a single rose in his hand.

  “Wow,” I say, smiling wide. “What’s the occasion?”

  He grins and closes the space between us, handing me the rose and kissing my lips softly.

  “I love you,” he tells me. “I wanted to find the right moment to tell you. So I decided to create the right moment instead.”

  I take the rose, shaking my head in disbelief, pure happiness spreading throughout my body. I jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around him.

  He loves me.

  I’ve known that I’m in love with him for some time now, but I didn’t say the words. I didn’t want to jinx what we have, or scare him off, but deep inside I knew.

  And he loves me back.

  “I love you too, Jaxon,” I say, kissing him deeply, then looking into his eyes. “You have no idea how much.”

  His hands, holding me up by the curve of my ass, tighten on me. “I think I do know how much,” he says, nuzzling my neck. “I can tell by the way you take care of me. I will never take that, or you, for granted, Scarlett.”

  Another kiss, one I smile through, in fact I don’t think I’ll stop smiling for the remainder of the night. He lowers me to the floor, and I slide down his body, give him another tight hug then move to the table to see what he’s cooked tonight.

  “Steak, mashed potatoes, asparagus, and garlic bread,” I say, my mouth watering. “You did well, Jaxon. Maybe I should let you into the kitchen a little more, especially when you do all this.”

  I lift the rose that’s still in my hand to my nose, breathing in the sweet scent. Jaxon pulls a chair out for me and gestures for me to sit. I take my seat and lay the rose down next to my plate. I was going to tell Jaxon about the cop, but I’m not going to ruin this moment. I’ll tell him about it another time. Tomorrow, maybe, or the day after.

  Right now though, I don’t want this moment to end.

  Jaxon Bentley is in love with me.


  The same woman who once stayed with an abusive man because she didn’t feel she was strong enough to leave. Didn’t feel like she was worthy. A victim. A woman who never smiled, and one who didn’t think she was beautiful enough to ever attract the attention of another man. It feels like a lifetime ago, and a whole different person.

  I lift up my glass of red wine, and make a toast. “To love.”

  “To my love,” Jaxon clarifies, raising his glass, then bringing it to his lips.

  His love.

  I’ll never tire of hearing those words.

  I’ll never stop loving this man.

  IN NOTHING BUT A silk white nightdress, I open the fridge and scan the contents inside of it. Grabbing the milk carton, I close the door with my hip then scream, the milk dropping to the floor. Jaxon runs into the kitchen, switching the light on, looking like he’s ready to kill someone, his body tense and braced for some kind of altercation.

  “What the fuck?” he grits out, looking at the third person in the room.

  “What are you doing here?” I yell. “You scared the crap out of me! Did you have to come and stand so close to me in the dark? What the hell is wrong with you? And . . .” I pause, and study him. “Are you bleeding?”

  “Yeah,” he replies, looking down at his arm, which he’s got covered with a ball of what looks like a flannel top, to stop the bleeding. “I got into a fight. And got stabbed.”

  Worry fills me. “I’ll grab the first-aid kit.”

  I rush into the bathroom and grab it. When I walk back into the room, I see Jaxon examining Demon’s wound. Why is Jaxon not angry that there’s a Wind Dragon who apparently broke into his house? And how did Demon even know where we live?

  “What’s going on here?” I ask, and Jaxon immediately straightens and steps back from Demon. I’m missing something here, I know it. Do these two know each other? And if so, how? This makes absolutely no sense.

  “Just seeing how deep the cut is,” Jaxon says, holding his hand out for me to pass him the kit. “I think he’s going to need stitches. We might need to go to the hospital.”

  “If I could go to the hospital I wouldn’t have come here,” Demon points out, shaking his head. “I can’t go there. The cops are up the MC’s ass right now and I don’t need them asking questions as to how this injury came about.”

  “And how did it come about?” Jaxon asks, cleaning the wound, and not being too gentle about it.

  “I’m a biker. We get into the occasional fight,” Demon replies, not bothering to elaborate or give an actual reason. “I know I shouldn’t have come here, but your house was close by, and like I said, I can’t go to the hospital, okay?”

  “Jaxon, why are you not surprised that Demon is in your house?” I ask, needing answers.

  Demon glances at me, then at Jaxon. “I didn’t know she’d be here. Her car wasn’t out front.”

  “It’s in the garage,” I say, pursing my lips together. “Explain. Now.”

  “I’m about to pass out from blood loss, Scar, give a man a break,” Demon says, wincing as Jaxon pokes around his wound. I step closer, trying to see what he’s doing to the poor man. The cut looks nasty, quite deep and painful-looking. I don’t know how he’s standing there acting like everything is fine. I decide to grab a glass and pour him some Scotch. When I hand it to him, he flashes me a grateful look. “You’re a keeper, Scar.”

  He downs it, so I pour him another.

  He downs that too.

  “I’m going to have to stitch it myself,” Jaxon says, sighing. “Let’s just fucking hope it doesn’t get infected, Demon. Or else you will have to go to the hospital or lose your fucking arm.”

  Demon sends me a pleading look, so I quickly pour him another drink. Jaxon heads into his room and comes back with a needle.

  I pour myself a drink this time.

  Jaxon stitches, and Demon doesn’t make a noise, not even a whimper. Once Jaxon’s done, he examines his work and mutters, “A doctor needs to look at this. I can drive you out of town so no one knows who you are. This isn’t something to fuck around with.”

  “Fine,” Demon mutters, but he can’t hide the relief in his tone.

  I wait until they’re finished before I start the interrogation, because they have some damn explaining to do.

  chapter 31


  I CAN’T BELIEVE HE CAME here when Scarlett was here.


  How are we going to explain this one? She’s friends with the MC, and I don’t know how she’s going to handle this tidbit of information. Demon and I exchange a glance, having a silent conversation that only people who have known each other for years can have.

  “Don’t even think about lying to get out of this,” Scarlett says, her cute face turning all mean. “I know you two know each other. What I want to know is why you pretend that you don’t.”

  I don’t lie to Scarlett. Ever. But the fact that Demon is undercover is a life-and-death situation, and it’s not my secret to tell. He stays quiet, so I know he’s trusting me, leaving it up to me to explain, but I kind of wish he’d step
in with some bullshit lie and save me from having to come up with something.

  “We do know each other,” I say slowly, trying to explain this the best way I can. “We knew each other as kids. Now he’s a dickhead biker, and I’m a criminal lawyer, end of story.”

  Not exactly a lie, right?

  “He obviously trusted you enough to break into your house in the middle of the night for help,” she points out, not looking impressed with my answer. She can know anything, except that Demon is actually an undercover cop. That’s the bit I need to steer her away from. It’s not that I don’t trust her with the information, but it’s something that can put her into danger. I also don’t need her getting drunk with the Wind Dragon women and accidentally letting something slip. I won’t gamble with Demon’s life, no matter how much I trust and love Scarlett. She doesn’t need to know this. I don’t want her to feel guilty about having known this. And if it ever comes out, her friends won’t like the fact that she knew. They’ll see it as a betrayal. I also don’t mention that he didn’t break in, the bastard has an emergency key.

  “He’s one of my closest friends,” I admit to her, throwing him a dirty look. “But as you can see, we lead very different lives. I don’t get to see him much anymore. But that doesn’t mean that when he needs me, I’m not there for him, and he knows that. I’ll always have his back, and vice versa.”

  She contemplates that for a few moments, and then says, “So that’s why Demon was at Riley’s? You told him to keep an eye on me!”

  Demon tries to stifle his laugh, fails, then winces because it must hurt his arm. “Ahh, fuck. Don’t make me laugh, Scar.”

  “I asked him to keep an eye on you, not watch you get piss-poor drunk,” I grumble, but nod. “But yeah, he said he’d make sure you were safe. Oh come on, don’t look at me like that! Any man would have done the same. And it’s not because I don’t trust you, it’s because I don’t trust men I don’t even like the thought of them looking at you, so I thought I handled it pretty well.”

  She sighs deeply and eyes the two of us. “The two of you, I swear. So the Wind Dragons don’t know about this little friendship you have going on here?”

  “I’m a private person,” Demon speaks up, and I’m grateful for it. “I keep my life before the MC to myself, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

  “Secret is safe with me,” Scarlett promises, looking to Demon. “Can I get you anything? Water? Something to eat? A blanket?”

  “I’m fine, thanks, Scar,” he says, smiling at my woman. “Are you going to come for a drive to the hospital out of town? It might be an adventure.”

  A smile spreads on her beautiful face. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’ll pack some snacks.”

  She stands and walks out of the room, and our eyes both follow her until she disappears.

  “I’m sorry, brother,” he says, puffing out a breath. “I didn’t see her car. I should have been more careful, I don’t want to get you into any shit with your woman.”

  “Don’t worry about all that,” I say, scowling at him. “I’m just worried about you. This can’t be good for your case. Fuck, Demon. If anyone finds out the truth . . .”

  “They won’t,” he says, sounding sure. “It’s not a crime to be childhood friends with a lawyer, all right? It’s fucking fine.”

  “The same lawyer who put one of your fellow MC members in prison? It doesn’t look good, Demon. They might think you gave me information for the case, or even worse, that it was you who tapped the lines for me! Then what?” I ask, standing and starting to pace.


  This is not good.

  And he didn’t even help me do anything, he was loyal to the MC. I had to do everything on my own. I don’t want him getting into shit, and messing up his undercover work because of this. I don’t even know who Demon is loyal to anymore, if I’m being honest—the police force or the MC—but either way I’m going to be by his side.

  “She won’t say anything,” Demon tells me. “Have you seen how she looks at you? She isn’t going to tell anyone anything about this. She’s loyal to you.”

  “I know she is,” I tell him, glancing to make sure she’s not there. “It’s not that, Demon.”

  It’s just safer when no one knew about this.

  Scarlett walks back into the room with a picnic basket filled with God knows what and a smile on her face. “Should we get going? If Demon’s wound gets infected we’re going to be in for a rough time.”


  She’s in this with us, no matter what.

  Fuck, I’m so lucky to have this woman by my side.

  She has a body to die for, the most intense fuck-me eyes, an amazing smile that can be mischievous when she’s up to no good, and she’s a good, loyal woman.

  Gold mine.

  “Yeah, we should,” I tell her. “Are you sure you want to come? You can go back to bed and get some rest if you like, Scarlett.”

  I look down at her and realize she’s been wearing nothing but a nightdress for this entire time, and I can see the outline of her nipples. “And maybe put on some clothes.”

  She looks down, and like me, only just remembering what she’s wearing. “Yeah, I should probably do that.” She puts the basket down on the couch and disappears again.

  I turn to Demon, who is now wearing a smirk. “I liked what she was wearing.”

  “Keep going if you want your other arm broken,” I tell him, jaw going tight. “Are you ready to go?”

  Demon nods, then glances down at his arm. “Yeah. And, Jaxon?”


  “Thank you. I mean it,” he says, blue eyes showing me his gratitude. “Can always count on you, brother.”

  I offer him my hand to help him up, and he takes it. “What are friends for, right? If not to take them to the hospital in the middle of the night after a knife fight. How does the other guy look?”

  “You don’t want to know,” he murmurs, wincing. “In fact, the less you know the better.”


  I thought the Wind Dragons had gone boring, but apparently I was wrong. Who the hell would he be getting into a knife fight with? At least it wasn’t with guns, but still. I don’t know what shit Demon is getting into, and I don’t like that I don’t know because I can’t help him. I may wear a suit every day, but that doesn’t mean I can’t fight and take care of shit that needs to be taken of. It’s not who I am, but a fighter is buried inside of me. If anyone hurts the people I care about, there is nothing I wouldn’t do to protect them.

  “Noted,” I say, sighing. “What have you got yourself into, Demon?”

  “Just a little bar brawl, Jaxon. Don’t you worry your pretty head about it,” he defends, brushing off my worry.

  Scarlett returns in jeans and a black top, white sneakers, and her hair tied up. “Okay, let’s go.”

  We all get into my car.

  Scarlett moves to sit in the back, but Demon opens the passenger seat door and tells her to sit in the front.

  He gets in the back.

  It looks like Scarlett has won the respect of one of the biggest badasses in town.

  I’m not surprised one bit.

  chapter 32


  AND HOW DID THIS wound happen?” The nurse asks Demon. “I need to file a report, sir. I can’t just turn a blind eye to the fact that you have what looks like a hand-stitched knife wound in your arm.”

  Demon simply turns to Jaxon. “As my lawyer, Mr. Bentley, what do you recommend I do here?”

  Jaxon looks to the nurse and says something to her that I can’t quite hear. She shifts on her feet, then starts to tend to Demon’s wound. I don’t know what Jaxon said, but I’m not surprised he got her to do her work without any further questions. The man can talk his way out of anything. After Demon is all mended, and given antibioti
cs, we head back home.

  The trip took a few hours altogether, and I’m pretty exhausted now. I’m glad Demon is okay, and even though I don’t know what to make of their friendship, their secret is safe with me. I’m surprised that they are friends, to be honest. Demon is a biker, and Jaxon seems to have an issue with them. But I trust Jaxon no matter what, and I’m not going to pry. I like Demon too—I did from the first moment I met him, even though he was only being so friendly to me because of Jaxon. I still can’t believe Jaxon did that. I don’t know whether to be grumpy over it or smile at his sneaky protection.

  “Do you want to crash here?” Jaxon asks Demon as we walk inside. “Get some rest before you head back to the clubhouse?”

  “Yeah, I might do that,” he replies. “If you don’t mind.”

  “Make yourself at home, like you always do,” Jaxon says in a dry tone, but I can see how much he enjoys being around his friend. Demon heads to the guest room like he’s been here a million times before, and I slide back into Jaxon’s bed.

  “Well, that was an eventful night,” I tell Jaxon, yawning. “And you have to get to work, don’t you?”

  Lucky for me, I have the day off.

  “Yeah, I’m going to jump in the shower and head there now,” he says, but sits down on the bed and kisses me instead. “Although you’re making the bed look like the best place to be right now.”

  “It is the best place to be.” I grin.

  “Can you keep an eye on Demon?” he asks, kissing my forehead and standing up. “He should be fine, but just in case.”

  “Of course,” I tell him. “I’ll make him some breakfast when he wakes up, too.”

  “Thanks,” he says, amusement lacing his tone. “He’ll love that. In fact he’ll probably randomly drop by even more after that.”

  “And you’d love that, wouldn’t you?” I ask, already knowing the answer. Jaxon is just a big softy when it comes to his friend. I’m glad he has someone, even if it’s some weird, secret friendship, because his parents don’t live here and he doesn’t seem to have anyone else outside of his work colleagues.


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