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Club Nadir

Page 6

by Brett Williams

  Just as she was finishing, the door opened behind her. In walked Janice Sterns. She went straight to the mirror. Audrey saw her studying her in the mirror.

  “Hello,” Audrey said out of habit.

  Janice adjusted her breasts, somehow making them fuller, less affected by gravity. She looked down her nose at Audrey. “Are you fucking Mark yet?”

  Audrey was taken aback. “What?”

  “You heard me, bitch. If I were you, I’d find someone else. There are plenty of guys around here. He’ll piss all over you.”

  Audrey opened her mouth. Without thinking, she said, “It’s none of your damn business.”

  “Well, maybe you’re into golden showers, stupid cunt.” With that, Janice turned and walked out of the room, leaving Audrey gaping in the mirror.

  After a stunned moment, Audrey left the restroom for the bar. She drank half a club soda before leaving the club.

  When she got to the parking lot the rusty Toyota was gone. A long key-scratch, down to bare metal across the VW Beetle’s driver’s side door, greeted her.

  Chapter Eight

  * * *

  “I’ve got to go.” Mark Wilder stood up off the bed in full naked glory. His abs rippled when he reached down to pick up his clothes from the floor.

  “So soon?” Audrey asked. He always left right after sex. Fuck then leave. Just once he should stay a while.

  He shrugged, and then stepped into his jeans.

  Leaning out of bed, Audrey grabbed his limp cock. “Stay and fuck me again.” She leaned closer, planning to take it into her mouth.

  “Wish I could, babe. You know how it goes.”

  Yes, she knew. She knew perfectly well.

  “I’ll see you again soon.”

  “Sure, sure …” Audrey sat up in bed. She took his bottle of Heineken off the nightstand, took a drink.

  Mark zipped up his jeans, pulled on his shirt. “I’ve got something planned for Saturday.”

  “Yeah? What?”

  “Nothing big. Just an intimate party.”


  Mark grinned. “No, not Jefferson.”

  “What kind of party? Who will be there?”

  “It’s a surprise. Now I’ve got to go.”

  Mark headed out of the bedroom, shoes in hand.

  “Wait. Don’t leave me hanging.”

  “It’s a surprise.” He laughed.

  “You dick.” Audrey crawled out of bed, nakedly stumbling after him. He was slipping into his shoes at the front door. She stopped in the hallway, staring him down. Her bottom lip started to tremble. “Stay and fuck me again.”


  “I don’t like surprises.”

  Mark chuckled.

  “You bastard.” Tears trickled from her eyes.

  “You are a sweet fuck, babe, but I’ve got to go. Later.” He left her crying in the hallway.

  Tilting the bottle up, she finished it off.

  “You are a big dick in my uptight pathetic hole of a life,” she murmured. “I need another beer.”

  Audrey stumbled into the kitchen, tossed the empty bottle into the trash, took another bottle out of the refrigerator. She hadn’t had a lot to drink, but she had had one, just to unwind, before he arrived, then another with him when he got to her apartment. The intense session with him in the bedroom had left her thirsty. So she had finished off his. Now she needed a nice cold one.

  It didn’t take much alcohol to get her tipsy, though. Weighing right at a hundred pounds didn’t help. She could hardly believe she was stumbling around after only a couple beers. As she stood there taking another drink, she felt Mark’s seed seeping out of her, running down her thigh.

  “Fucked me ‘til I can hardly walk.” Sobs turned to giggles. She wiped away tears. In the distance she heard the hum of the air conditioner kicking on. A crisp breeze cut through the air. Beneath a light sheen of perspiration her skin prickled. “Think I’ll soak for a while.”

  Audrey went to the bathroom, lit candles. She started running water in the tub. She laid out a fresh towel to use afterward, added bath beads and bubbles to the water. Steam started to rise. First she tested the water with a toe, being careful not to stumble and fall in her tipsy state. Then she stepped in. She sank down into caressing warmth, blanketing herself from the world. Within the soothing depth of the tub, Audrey no longer remained vulnerable.

  When the water covered all but her head and neck she turned off the faucet. She took another drink of beer then set the bottle by the candles on the narrow shelf mounted on the wall beside the tub. Light flickered across the walls and in the distance she heard Leo meow.

  “I’m a whore.” Her voice seemed loud, pathetic.

  The past few weeks cycled through her head. Mark had been stopping by her apartment on a regular basis for sex. Simple sex. Nothing more, nothing less. Audrey enjoyed his company. More so than that, Audrey had met him at the club as many times. Sure, there he wined and dined her. After all, membership had its privileges. But a couple times it hadn’t been just her and Mark. No. There had been Jefferson. Only she had done more than just suck him off. She had fucked him. Fucked them both. Simultaneously.

  Membership had its privileges.

  It also had its dues.

  Audrey paid them well. Sucking. Fucking. Doing them both. In a private lounge. There was only one small problem.

  “I like it,” Audrey said.

  Never before had she experienced such attention, such gratification. Just like most girls, Audrey had grown up dreaming of white picket fences, a handsome husband, children, maybe a dog. But now she held no such allusions.

  “I’ll be thirty-two, soon. Probably become some kind of cat lady.” Her body shook with sobs. She hated having to masturbate. If anything, her “relationship” with Mark, although sexual, remained barely a step up from having a series of one-night stands. Not that she had ever done that. At least this way she had sex with the same guy each time. Well, the same two guys.

  Audrey ran hands over her body, making the water slosh. It would wash away perspiration, guilt. Why couldn’t she have someone who loved her? Someone like Mark would never love her. But she had held out long enough for someone like that. Where had that gotten her? Alone watching soaps, reading romances, petting a cat. Perhaps she was just as shallow as everyone else; she enjoyed fucking Mark Wilder. Buff, sexy Mark Wilder. Never before had anyone of his caliber gone out of his way to visit her. Either he put forth the effort to please her sexually, or he was, quite simply, a total stud. Maybe sex appeal had something to do with it.

  She slid a hand down between her legs, opened herself up. She ran a hand over her inner thigh, caressing, washing, rinsing away his residue. Wash away all signs of her new, promiscuous lifestyle.

  Audrey even enjoyed pleasing Jefferson. To have a man of such wealth and obvious power moan at her touch … To have another thrusting into her, caring so little for her that he would share her with another man … But to have two men wanting her, in some way, when no other man had wanted her for such a very long time gave her purpose, filled her with temporary happiness.

  Only to leave her so bare afterward.

  Audrey took another swig of beer. She bent her legs, allowing herself to slide deeper into the deep, claw-foot tub until her head submerged. A baptism of need.

  Her body longed to float. Sound distorted. Hair tickled her face as it rode the waves. She enjoyed the insulating warmth with the darkness of tightly shut eyes until her lungs burned. Audrey let bubbles burst past her lips. Finally, craving oxygen, she kicked out with both legs, pushing herself up out of the water. Water sloshed over the side of the tub. Hair plastered her face. She gulped air.

  Audrey found it amazing what magic a soak in the tub could do. She took another swallow of beer. She felt better already. She missed Mark. Whatever he had planned for Saturday would be okay. But for now she would soak longer, relax, finish her beer. Later she would watch a little television.

bsp; She slid down into the tub until just her face broke the surface. She thought back to what Mark had said earlier. You look so young, probably because you are so petite. I think that’s what I like best about you.

  Yeah, great. She looked young. Like a flat-chested teenager, most likely. However, that’s what Mark liked.

  Audrey finished the beer and decided to shave. Maybe Mark would enjoy her having a bald pubic area. Like a young girl.

  In the dancing candlelight, Audrey reached for the razor.

  Chapter Nine

  * * *

  Saturday evening Audrey entered the bar at Club Nadir to find Janice Sterns having a drink with Mark. Although she hadn’t thought much about Mark’s comment regarding “an intimate party,” Audrey suddenly had a very good idea what Mark had in mind. A threesome with Janice.

  The key scratch along her car sprang to mind. She suspected Janice the culprit. Who else could it be? The woman obviously hated her. At the very least Janice cast jealous eyes on Audrey’s relationship with Mark.

  Jealousy sparked within Audrey as well. She knew prettier women than her existed. Women apparently Mark Wilder had tired of. She believed her own facial features superior to those of Janice with her ugly horse face, as she liked to refer to it. However, Audrey hated her own body. It resembled that of a thirteen-year old boy, whereas Janice possessed the body of a porn star. Plus Janice had beautiful blonde hair. Audrey’s frizz job always seemed to take forever to get under control.

  Life just wasn’t fair. At least the Capri shorts and pink top Audrey wore looked cuter than the tight black jeans and black baby-doll tee Janice wore. The outfit made her look like a heavy metal slut. A slut Mark would expect Audrey to go down on. Just thinking about it made her feel nasty. She had never thought of any woman in such a way. A quick shiver shot through her. To think Mark would want her to do such a thing … While he watched. While he participated. While he got off …

  A grin slowly formed across Audrey’s face. The pair, preoccupied, hadn’t noticed her appearance. She called out, “Good evening, you two.” To the bartender Audrey said, “A Long Island Iced Tea, please. Extra long, if you can.” She punctuated the order with a wink.

  “Hey, Audrey,” Mark said.

  “Hi,” Janice said, lacking his enthusiasm.

  “Have a seat.”

  “I’d love to,” Audrey said, suddenly determined to be into it—whether or not Janice was. Assuming, of course, she wasn’t mistaken regarding Mark’s intentions. She hopped onto the vacant stool beside him.

  “I was telling Janice about the Seymour account.”

  “Really? How did the presentation go?” Mark had mentioned it earlier in the week in his post-coital rambling.

  “I kicked ass, naturally.”

  “Naturally,” Janice agreed. She leaned closer to Mark. Their shoulders nearly touched.

  “That will be an awesome sale, if you land it,” Audrey injected.

  “If? Hell, when!”

  “Don’t doubt Mark’s prowess when it comes to sales,” Janice scolded, already putting Audrey as the odd person out. The bartender served her Long Island Iced Tea. Audrey sank down on her stool and took a deep drink.

  “You know me,” Mark said. “I give it hard and long, until they just can’t say no.”

  “I was talking about your sales technique.”

  “So was I!”

  The pair laughed. Audrey forced a half-hearted chuckle of her own. Everyone drank. When Janice reached over to squeeze Mark’s knee, Audrey felt her heart begin to crack. She hadn’t realized until just this moment how much Mark meant to her. But Janice solidified how much of a farce it had been when she leaned closer yet, to plant a seductive kiss on his mouth.

  Perhaps Janice was nothing more than a man stealer. Maybe Mark had drunk a few too many. However, Audrey withdrew into her Long Island Iced Tea as Janice began to paw the only man Audrey held feelings for. Occasionally Audrey glimpsed them petting heavily on her left. Or spied other pairings (and groupings) behaving similarly at tables throughout the bar. Wealthy-looking men. Average-looking young women. One particularly young looking lady with a Rubenesque build and beautiful face stood out. She appeared to be wallowing in the attention of two tall black men wearing plenty of gold. Audrey had nearly drained her glass, no slow feat, when Mark asked, “Should we order dinner now, or later?”

  “Who needs dinner? I say we skip straight to the party.” Janice’s voice carried low, husky.

  “I like the way you think.”

  Mark, finally turning his attention to Audrey, said, “Want another drink before we get a room?”

  “No. I’m okay.”

  Mark flashed a smile that melted her heart. Janice stood up. Audrey watched her latch onto Mark’s arm, urging him to hurry out of the dining area. She left Audrey no choice but tag along behind them. She followed them out into the hall, feeling out of place. A numbness, not entirely from the beverage she had consumed, lightened her step. Audrey hovered across the floor. She watched the pair stumbling, laughing, touching and feeling their way deeper into the confines of the club. They passed one particular room where loud music blasted past its closed door. Gangsta rap. A rhythmic voice praised slapping his bitches and fucking his hoes. An odd choice of music for members of an exclusive club of elite businessmen, Audrey thought. Joyous squeals punctuated the funky beat. Raucous laughter rose up to nearly blanket the music. Mark merely laughed harder as they passed by. Janice called out, “Pound that bitch. Go team!” Janice laughed harder.

  Finally, two closed-doors down, Mark led them into their own room. This room, similar to others Audrey had been in, consisted of a sofa, love seat, and small bar. A flat-screen television adorned one wall. Mark used a remote control to select easy-listening music.

  Janice wasted no time before wrapping her arms tight around Mark. Her lips locked with his. They kissed deeply while Audrey stood there dumbstruck. His hands grabbed her ass, squeezed, began to roam. Janice writhed at his touch, kissing him deeper. Her nails scratched across his broad, muscular back, threatening to shred the polo shirt he wore. His hands slid along her body until they stopped to caress the twin mounds bulging the thin cotton of her tee.

  For a split second Audrey seriously considered slinking out of the room and going home. She didn’t need to see this. Mark, having shared Audrey with Jefferson, obviously thought nothing of sharing himself with Janice. Let the two have at it, she thought. She still had bubble baths, romance novels, daytime soap operas. Maybe she could invest in a toy or two.

  Before her feet could come unglued from the floor, Mark ended the kiss. He looked to Audrey, gestured for her to come closer. Dutifully, she obeyed.

  Mark’s lips met Audrey’s. His warm hands touched her body. The sensation electrified her, energized her with passion. He may want Janice, but Mark still wanted Audrey too. When his tongue slipped past her lips, her tongue happily danced along.

  Janice didn’t appear to mind. She began nibbling Mark’s neck. Her hands wandered his body, stopping only to linger at the bulge in his faded denim jeans. Audrey too began caressing Mark’s body. Her hands slipped under his shirt to feel the masculine heat radiating from it.

  Soon, Audrey vied with Janice for Mark’s attention. His lips jumped from one woman to the next, and back again. He moaned. Janice nibbled. Audrey squeezed.

  Janice began tugging off Mark’s shirt. Breaking free from Audrey, he allowed the garment to be pulled off. Janice tossed it to the floor while Audrey moved in close to lick one of his nipples.

  “Don’t forget about each other,” Mark hinted.

  Audrey, intimidated, allowed Janice to take the cue. The woman immediately embraced her, lips tasting, hands touching. Either the woman loved going both ways, or simply didn’t care. She seemed totally into it, as far as Audrey could tell. Audrey, on the other hand, felt pushed beyond her comfort zone. Although they stood groping in the center of the room, it seemed as if she had been backed into a corner. A corner where eve
ryone wanted her. Where she wasn’t invisible. Wasn’t a nobody. Mark could get off without Audrey; however, he longed for her to be here. He truly wanted her to be a willing participant.

  So Audrey reached out to touch Janice. Her curious hand went to the woman’s bosom. Beneath tight cotton, equally tight skin awaited. Her breasts defied gravity. They felt so solid, Audrey imagined a pair of volleyballs had been implanted inside. Jealousy flared. Mark typically spent a perfunctory time flitting his tongue across her nipples, whereas she had seen him fondling Janice’s twin melons mere moments ago …

  Lust melded with jealousy, melded with taboo to form a nasty surge of eroticism within her. Audrey’s knees literally grew weak, inner thighs tingled. A squishy warmth sprung from deep inside her as Janice moved in to kiss her mouth.

  A whimper broke free. She squirmed. Janice began to wrestle her out of her top. Audrey hadn’t worn anything under it; she didn’t need to with her flat chest. When her top came off, the cool air prickled her skin. Her nipples tightened into small buds.

  Janice hurriedly wriggled out of her own top to display a frilly black lace bra. Mark quickly helped her to remove it. Humongous breasts popped free. Unlike Audrey’s pasty, freckled body, Janice’s breasts were tanned to the nipple. The woman apparently spent a significant time in a tanning booth. Audrey secretly wondered what attracted Mark to both Janice and herself. They were as different as night and day. She decided he must enjoy variety.

  And variety is what he would have. He assisted Janice in shimmying out of her clothing, while she removed Audrey’s. Audrey, mostly allowing the situation to unfold around her, reached out to unfasten Mark’s jeans after both women had been stripped completely.

  Mark’s erection, much like Janice’s breasts, popped free. It stood tall. Mark stepped out of his clothing and sat down on the couch, legs wide.

  Janice swooped down to kneel before his glistening pole. Audrey watched her blood-red nails seductively claw his thighs. Her tongue flitted out to tease his scrotum.


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